The rakyat,opposition parties,Bar Council and NGOs demanded the gomen formed an independent body to probe the authenticity of the VK Lingam video clip. However the gomen was so reluctant to give in but formed a panel of three prominent public figures headed by a retired judge Haidar Mohd Noor. This panel was toothless and had done nothing,"The three-member inquiry panel set up to probe the authenticity of controversial ‘Lingam tape’ will not submit a joint report to the government when it wraps up its task tomorrow.“We’ve made our decision and prepared our individual reports to be submitted to the secretariat at 3.30pm tomorrow,” chairperson Haidar Mohd Noor (left) said at an impromptu press conference after chairing the panel’s final meeting at a hotel in Kuala Lumpur today" - Malaysiakini 5th Nov.2007
but,only to accept the ACA findings to help them prepare a report to be summited to Najib.
Somehow,the panel members came out with a bright idea. Since the rakyat,opposition parties Bar Council and NGOs wants an independent body,they decided to submit independent reports to the government.
Oh!man what a smart move. By doing so there will be no concensus within the panel and of course without a single conclusion.
Soon, the DPM,Najib Tun Razak will announce "...oleh kerana tak ada sapa yang mai jumpa panel ini dan berdasarkan kepada makluman yang diperolehi oleh ahli-ahli panel secara bebas dan secara sendirian,maka gomen berpendapat bahawa klip video VK Lingam itu adalah satu drama yang dilakonkan oleh seorang yang rupanya macam VK Lingam sedang berbual-bual dengan hantu, telah dirakam oleh pihak pembangkang dan adalah tidak sahih kerana ada banyak keraguan yang telah di kesan oleh BPR dan ahli-ahli panel sebulat suara bersetuju dengan dapatan ini."
Kalau in bukan sandiwara...... tell me what it is.....
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