04 January 2019

Antara King Edward VIII dan King Muhammad V...

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1. King Edward VIII menjadi Raja hanya selama 326 hari sahaja.

2. Beliau yang diangkat sebagai Raja pada 20hb Januari 1936 dan turun takhta pada 11 hb Disember pada tahun yang sama.

3. Dalam tulisan saya 'FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE' bertarikh 23hb November 2018, saya telah membayangkan betapa mulianya cinta seorang Raja England terhadap kekasihnya, Wallis Simpson, seorang janda dari Amerika Syarikat.

4. Walaupun bukan beragama Islam dan tidak pun terlibat dalam apa-apa skandal seperti dalam adegan lucah ‘Reality Show’ namun bagi memelihara nama baik Negara dan bagi mengekalkan Institusi Raja Berpelembagaan itu sendiri maka King Edward memilih untuk turun takhta.

5. Itulah pengorbanan tinggi seorang insan ( Raja ) yang mempunyai prinsip hidup yang harus menjadi contoh kepada seluruh Raja-Raja yang ada.

6. Dengan melepaskan jawatan oleh Raja Nazrin, Sultan Perak sebagai Pemangku Agong , ini bermakna Sultan Muhamaad V sudah pun kembali ke tanahair bagi menyambung tugas beliau sebagai Yang Di Pertuan Agong.

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7. Sama ada percutian selama 2 bulan atas alasan perubatan itu benar atau sebaliknya, tidaklah dapat dipastikan.

8. Begitu juga gambar-gambar majlis perkahwinan beliau bersama wanita Russia itu di Moscow masih kekal sehingga kini sebagai satu misteri.

9. Biasanya perkahwinan bagi kali kedua atau lebih dari satu, ia dirahsiakan kerana tidak mahu mengundang masalah daripada isteri pertamanya.

10. Biasanya yang membawa isteri pulang ke rumah setelah berkahwin senyap-senyap ialah Mat Rempit atau Mat Pit iaitu Penagih Dadah saja.

11. Ini jauh berbeza dengan perkahwinan 'Raja Sehari' di mana kaum keluarga dan sahabat andai dijemput bagi meraikannya bersama.

12. Kalau benarlah Agong telah bernikah dan telah mengadakan majlis perkahwinannya di Moscow TANPA memberitahu rakyat apatah lagi Perdana Menteri, ia adalah satu perbuatan yang tidak salah untuk dikutuk.

King Edward VIII

13. Seperti yang saya tulis sebelum ini, yang berkahwin itu ialah Tengku Faris Ibni Tengku Ismail Petra, Sultan Kelantan ke 29 yang telah dipilih sebagai Yang Di Pertuan Agong ke 15 BUKAN Faris bin Ismail dari Kampung Wakaf Chek Mek, Kelantan.

14. Jika beliau tidak tahu membezakan kedudukannya sebagai Sultan dan Agong, sepatutnya Majlis Penasihat Di Raja atau sekurang-kurangnya Pegawai Kanan atau Pegawai Protokol boleh menasihatkan beliau dalam perkara sebigini, melainkan mereka juga tidak tahu menahu mengenai perkahwinan itu.

15. Sehingga kini rakyat masih bermain teka teki sama ada gambar-gambar perkahwinan Agong itu benar atau tidak; begitu juga gambar-gambar lucah dan adegan video seks rambang dalam kolam renang dan atas katil seorang wanita dengan lelaki yang tidak dikenali itu adalah wanita yang kini menjadi isteri Sultan Serambi Mekah dan juga Yang Di Pertuan Agong.

16. Rakyat yang menanggung elaun dan lain-lain kaedah kehidupan Agong BERHAK diberitahu perkara sebenarnya BUKAN dirahsiakan dari mereka, melainkan beliau menganggap rakyat negara ini tidak penting.

17. Jika benarlah Agong memang telah berkahwin dengan wanita tersebut maka beliau harus mengikut jejak langkah King Edward iaitu TURUN TAKHTA serta merta secara sukarela.

18. Jika sekiranya beliau enggan berbuat demikian, maka Majlis Raja-Raja perlu menasihatkannya dan jika berdegil juga maka beliau perlu DIPECAT sebagai Yang Di Pertuan Agong.

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19. Di peringkat Negeri pula terserah pada Majlis Penasihat Di Raja mengambil tindakan.

20. Sama ada ini merupakan balasan ALLAH SWT terhadap beliau yang 'merampas kuasa' daripada ayahnya, Sultan Kelantan ketika itu yang masih hidup sehingga kini, hanya ALLAH 
sahaja yang mengetahuinya.

21. Tak semestinya dengan kopiah, serban, jubah dan capal yang dipakai itu menandakan keimanan seseorang.


23. Terserahlah kepada Majlis Raja-Raja sama ada mahu bertindak bagi menyelamatkan Institusi Raja Berperlembagaan atau sebaliknya; pisau berada di tangan anda.


25. Semoga Agong, Raja-Raja dan rakyat dapat memikirkan pandangan dan teguran saya ini dengan rasional.- Tamrin Tun Ghafar 

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Ada yang buat tuduhan kononnya Dr. Mahathir berusaha menggagalkan Sultan Johor dilantik sebagai YDP Agung.. Cerita-cerita seperti itu sengaja dicipta dan dibuat oleh puak2 dari Johor, UMNO dan PAS..

Bagi menguatkan pendapat mereka yang kerajaan PH pimpinan Dr. Mahathir kononnya berusaha memansuhkan sistem beraja di negara ini.. hanya cerita bullshit. Sedangkan semua tahu bahawa YDP Agung tidak mempunyai banyak kuasa dalam pentadbiran..

Baginda hanya simbul Perlembagaan bagi kerajaan Persekutuan dan lebih kepada Ketua bagi Agama dan adat istiadat.. Malah mengikut perlembagaan.. kebanyakan tugas YDP Agung juga adalah mengikut nasihat Perdana Menteri dan bukan sebaliknya..

Dan pentadbiran kerajaan Dr. Mahathir juga tidak akan terganggu tanpa pengesahan Agung pun.. Kerana pengesahan itu akan berjalan seperti biasa mengikut tempoh yang ditetapkan samada Agung bersetuju atau tidak..- f/bk

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Wan Azizah letak jawatan TPM?...

Khabar angin yang mengatakan Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail telah meletakkan jawatan Timbalan Perdana Menteri adalah tidak benar sama sekali.

Perkara tersebut disahkan sumber yang rapat dengan pembantu beliau ketika dihubungi.

Walhal Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail tiba di padang Kelab Golf Sultan Ahmad Shah, Tanah Rata, Cameron Highlands, Pahang jam 10.40 pagi tadi bagi memulakan lawatan kerja di daerah itu selama sehari.

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Dalam masa sama, akaun Facebook Dr Wan Azizah menunjukkan status terkini kira-kira sejam lepas, beliau malakukan tugas rasmi dengan meninjau situasi terkini penerokaan tanah di Cameron Highlands, Pahang dalam rangka kerja sehari ke daerah itu.

Selain jawatan kedua tertinggi di Malaysia itu, beliau juga menjawat jawatan Menteri Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat sehingga kini. - MSO

Minta tolong sangat-sangat, juallah Audi Q seben atau puluhan replika helikopter dan kereta kebal atau helmet Jerman tiga inci dua hun dalam tempoh seminggu dua lagi.

Tak pun sauk sikit pencen embi sepenggal tu atau saki baki duit RM45 juta Kohilal takkan lesap semua ye tak.

Cuma mintak tolong sangat-sangat, jangan guna sesen pun duit royalti sebab itu duit rakyat yang mesti dikembalikan kepada mereka dengan jujur dan amanah.

Dulu sebelum PRU14 gah sangat walaun canang seluruh negara kata Pas dah menang saman Sarawak Report kat London? Apa pasai merayu-rayu bantuan pula ni?

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Mane pegi depe yg dikatakan ahli² walaun ni kaya raya dan suka bersedekah sehingga pas dapat banyak duit. Bole bertanding 160 kerusi parlimen. 

Baru nak bayar peguam, doh kalu esok kalah perbicaraan mahkamah nak ambik pitih mana pulak nak bayar kat Sarawak Report... 

Nampak? Orang Pas sendiri pun tak kebuloq nak huloq bantuan. Kikiki.. 

Buat ceramah banyak sikit.. senang nak gerakkan tin milo. 

Jadi banner terpampang besar tulis dah menang tu maknanya basah lagi kan ?? ðŸ¤£ðŸ¤£ðŸ¤£ðŸ¤£

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Kalu ketagih juga hisap puting...

2 wives and luxury cars,but Hadi says no money to pay legal fees for case against Sarawak Report... 

PAS is asking for donations to pay the legal fees for party president Abdul Hadi Awang’s defamation suit against Sarawak Report in the UK, said Idris Ahmad.

The vice-president said the party has to raise RM400,000 in two weeks.

“Please help. Need aid to pay our lawyer in the case against Sarawak Report. Need RM400,000. Must raise the money in two weeks to pay the lawyer in UK, “ said Idris in a Facebook post today.

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Did'nt Hadi told reporters months before GE14 that they had already won the case?

He said PAS has RM69,000 and needed RM331,000.

“There are many more bills to be paid as the case progresses,” he said.

Idris said that to date the Islamist party has spent RM2.5 million in legal expenses pursuing the case in the UK. RM2.1 million was donated by supporters.

Hadi in April 2017 sued Sarawak Report editor Clare Rewcastle-Brown for defamation over a report in which she alleged that the PAS president had personally received a large sum of cash from then Prime Minister Najib Razak in exchange for the Islamist party’s cooperation ahead of the 14th general election. - f/bk

Only the Malays can help themselves. 
No-one else...

“Alcoholics Anonymous” (AA) will only work with those who approach the organisation, of their own volition. AA will not help those who are referred  by family members or friends.

The same is probably true of other addictions. If the person who is affected wants to seek treatment, he can only do so, if he wants to cure his problem. Others cannot do it for him, and it will be a waste of time to encourage him to seek a cure. That person must do it himself.

A parent who spoils his children will find that they will never become independent. When they do not get what they want, they will blame others. This has happened to many Malays.

Whilst it is true that the affirmative action policies have created an enormous Malay middle class, it is a pity that many of the middle-class Malays are also silent about the many injustices and abuses of power.

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Malays betray Malays  

A Malay lady, who runs a successful business overseas said, “The people who are betraying the Malays, are the Malays themselves.”

Hers has been the most frank admission I have heard from another Malay. Just think about it. Who robbed the taxpayers of their hard earned cash? FELDA? Tabung Haji? Who took the money which should have paid for the milk meant for poor pupils in schools?

On the other hand, in the previous week , three successful, professional Malays, living in Malaysia, told me that the non-Malays should not demand too much, if they wanted to live in Malaysia.

It appears that Pakatan Harapan has a lot of rehabilitation to do, especially among the Malays.

Image result for the three Mansors…

Poor Image 

Prime minister, Dr Mahathir Mohamad, has been vocal about his criticism of the Malays. He has called them lazy and accused them of seeking the easy way out. Is he right?

In November 2018, the Terengganu police chief boasted that the state has no gangsterism problem, because the state is overwhelmingly Malay. Aidi Ismail claimed that the community showed respect towards figures of authority, like village elders, village chiefs and imams because the state population comprised 97-per-cent Malays.

Why is Aidi so shallow? What did the Malays say about large scale corruption, the high rates of pornographic internet viewing on the east coast, the drug taking, the rates of incest and the high percentage of people infected with sexually transmitted dieseases (STDs) and HIV/AIDS in the area? The 1MDB has its origins in the Terengganu Investment Authority (TIA). The former disgraced prime minister, Najib Abdul Razak brought Malaysia to its knees. 

The Malay  social fabric is at risk of disentangling. Religion has not managed to reduce the drug taking, incestuous relationships, teenage pregnancies or big-scale corruption and theft of public money. The majority of Malay women are afraid to speak out against child marriages or polygamy. Unlike in other Asian countries, few Malays stage public demonstrations demanding the authorities immediate action, when a girl is gang raped. 

Did the Malays bother to protest when they heard that their pilgrimage fund (Tabung Haji) had been looted? No! Many Malays scream about Malay rights, but keep silent about the great heist of the Pilgrimage Fund (Tabung Haji), the theft of tax payers’ money by their Umno-Baru leaders. The high wages paid by the former, disgraced PM, Najib Abdul Razak to his cronies which he hand picked to lead various GLCs and public institution.

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Feudal Streak 

When Dr Mahathir, or any member of royalty, chides the Malays for being lazy or for wishing to be more Arab, and forsake their cultural heritage, most Malays would nod in agreement.

When ordinary Malays admonish other Malays, in more or less the same manner as the titled or  privileged, many Malays get worked up and words like “traitor”, “forgotten his roots” or “heathen” are hurled at them.

Why is this? Why won’t the Malay community accept criticism from a fellow Malaysian, but will nod, bow, scrape and agree, with those who are often described as “somebody in society”? Is the feudal streak in the Malay, so deeply entrenched?

When a non-Malay comments about a vile practice, which has no place in modern Malaysia, such as child marriage, the Malays are quick to threaten the non-Malays with execration, or violence.

Perhaps, Dr. Mahathir should have added that there are many Malays who are intelligent, hard-working and amiable, but the ones who get in the news are those who shout the loudest about maintaining the affirmative action policies and their special rights.

Has Dr. Mahathir finally realised that decades of affirmative action policies have caused many of the problems which affect our society, especially among the Malay community? Why won’t he end these policies?

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Malays are easily influenced 

Ever since the 1970s, the Malay mind has been a fertile ground for Umno-Baru to sow the seeds of self-doubt. The Malays have been brainwashed into believing that they are weak, that their religion is ineffective, and that the Umno-Baru brand of Islam is better. These tactics keep the Malay ignorant and feeling inferior.

The Malay is inundated, daily, with the emotional baggage of race, religion and royalty. Is it any wonder that his confidence is eroded.

The only way that the Malay can challenge those who call him lazy, indolent and prone to blame, is to prove, by his actions, that these criticisms do not apply to him. For proof, he can look to his fellow Malays who left for pastures overseas, and thrived without the crutches of the NEP and other affirmative action policies. - Mariam Mokhtar

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Singapore punya smoking zone 
dalam bentuk cam keranda... 


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