Sebuah keluarga seramai empat orang terkejut apabila mengetahui alamat mengundi mereka dipindahkan dari Lembah Pantai di Kuala Lumpur ke Sekinchan di Selangor, walaupun mereka tidak pernah memohon pemindahan tersebut.
Mereka hanya sedar perubahan itu apabila diberitahu oleh kakitangan Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Lembah Pantai bulan lalu.
Keluarga terbabit yang meminta kerahsiaan nama bagi melindungi identiti mereka menjelaskan mereka tidak pernah memohon untuk mengubah alamat meskipun hal yang sebaliknya ditunjukkan semakan di laman web Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR).
"Kami tidak tahu apa yang terjadi.
"Tiada sesiapapun daripada SPR menghubungi kami mengenai perkara ini," kata salah seorang daripada keluarga terbabit dalam sidang akhbar yang diatur Ketua Pemuda PKR Lembah Pantai Fahmi Fadzil hari ini.
Dari Lembah Pantai ke Sekinchan
Berdasarkan laman web SPR, permohonan keempat pengundi tersebut untuk mengubah alamat mereka dari Lembah Pantai ke Sekinchan, Sungai Besar 'sedang diproses' kerana bantahan yang difailkan terhadap permohonan itu.
Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Sekinchan Ng Suee Lim sebelum ini membantah tambahan 1,600 orang 'pengundi hantu' ke kawasan beliau, khususnya ke sebuah perkampungan Melayu yang terletak di Sungai Leman.
Para pemberita pernah ditunjukkan daftar pemilih untuk Sungai Leman yang bertarikh 25 April tahun lalu. Daftar pemilih itu mengandungi nama empat orang sekeluarga tersebut.
Fahmi berkata keluarga terbabit telah menjadi 'pengundi hantu' yang pernah disebut Ng.
Fahmi telah membuat laporan polis bagi pihak keluarga terbabit di balai polis Pantai. Malaysiakini telah meneliti laporan polis itu.
Malaysiakini juga telah menghubungi Pengerusi SPR Tan Sri Mohd Hashim Abdullah bagi mendapatkan maklum balas. - mk

Orang lain yang bengkak mata,dia yang pakai spek
PAS nak jadi penasihat kerajaang...
Beliau berkata PAS - seperti semua parti yang terlibat dalam sistem pilihan raya - ingin menjadi kerajaan namun jika gagal mencapainya, ia mahu menjadi penasihat kepada kerajaan yang memerintah.
"Bukan kita tamak kuasa, bahkan kita terbuka sekiranya kerajaan menerima pandangan kita," katanya dalam artikel yang disiarkan Harakahdaily hari ini.
Terdahulu, Abdul Hadi berkata PAS mungkin bertanding sekurang-kurangnya 130 kerusi pada PRU ke-14 dengan sasaran membentuk kerajaan dengan majoriti mudah.

Jika ia tidak kesampaian, katanya, PAS mahu menyertai pembentukan kerajaan dan bukan lagi sekadar pembangkang seperti sebelum ini.
Di peringkat negeri pula, parti Melayu kedua terbesar itu mahu menang di lima negeri iaitu Kelantan, Terengganu, Perlis, Selangor dan Kedah.
"Kalau kita jadi kerajaan, kita boleh praktikkan. Jika tidak, kita menjadi penasihat kepada kerajaan," katanya yang menjadi menteri besar Terengganu ketika parti itu mentadbir negeri itu pada 1999-2004.
Berhubung peranan sebagai penasihat, Abdul Hadi berkata ia bagi membetulkan kesilapan yang dilakukan pemimpin yang kini bersama-sama Pakatan Harapan (HARAPAN).
Walaupun tidak menyebut sebarang nama, ia jelas merujuk kepada Pengerusi HARAPAN Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad yang mentadbir negara selama 22 tahun. Baca seterusnya...
Pok lebai cakap berbelit2 - Zaidi Toherin
Lebai yang berhati sempit dan fikiran sempit ingin nak jadi penasihat pemerintah ? Bagi percuma pun kita buang dalam tong sampah atau flush saja dalam mangkuk tandas biar dia bersama MO1 najis. - Edmund Goh Teck Woon
Pas patut istihar masuk UMNO usah jadi pengacau daun, pemecah belah masyarakat, pengadu domba Pas mustahil menang dlm PRU akan datang ini. Hadi kata jika kalah dia nak jadi penasihat...,org bodoh mana nak ambil org kalah sebagai penasihat...? utk faedah apa..,org kalah pasti org itu tiada kebolehan, tiada kepandaian,tiada kemampuan...buang masa ambil org kalah sebagai penasihat...dah pasti jahanam. - Adi Masta
Minta Haji Hadi menjadi penasihat kerajaan PAS Kelantan dahulu sebelum bermimpi untuk menjadi penasihat kerajaan persekutuan. Sepeninggalan TGNA pemimpin PAS Kelantan semakin bercelaru. Masing-masing berlumba-lumba merebut harta karun balak dan kawasan emas. Tanyalah sama MB Kelantan samada pernah ke tak dia memohon kawasan emas di Jeli 500 ekar dengan menggunakan nama proksi orang kuat UMNO yang tinggal di Kok Lanas...jika ada siapakah penasihatnya. - Khaldun Khaldun
PAS kalau gagal menjadi kerajaan selepas PRU ke-14 ini nanti, wajarlah dibubarkan saja. Sudah lebih daripada 60 tahun PAS ditubuhkan, PAS masih terkial-kial merangkak. Sampai bila rakyat yang mengingini sebuah kerajaan Islam syumul di Malaysia harus menunggu?
Kalau tulang belakang PAS sudah patah, PAS wajib dibubarkan saja. Berilah peluang kepada parti Islam baru pula untuk berjuang bagi menjadikan Malaysia sebuah kerajaan Islam yang kukuh dalam masa satu dekad, mungkin.
Tak payahlah PAS bersusah-susah nak menjadi penasihat kepada kerajaan yang memerintah. Tiada siapa yang hingin nak dengar nasihat PAS. Kita tidak pernah menjadi kerajaan, tiba-tiba kita nak nasihat orang bagaimana nak perintah negara! - Mat Yet
Dulu saya selalu undi PAS... Untuk kali ni saya terpaksa BERCUTI utk undi PAS, sehingga PAS kembali ke landasan yang betul. - Fitrah Kita

He's a monster'for 'destroying the country'

Don't take Zahid's pledge to
recapture Penang lightly...
Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng urged Pakatan Harapan to take seriously the statement by Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi that BN would recapture the state in the next general election (GE14), as the ruling party had the means to "play dirty" to achieve its aims.
Lim said the deputy prime minister was surely serious when he said BN had the confidence to wrest power in Penang in the coming 14th general election. He noted how Zahid had been able to beat the traffic jam on the first Penang bridge yesterday, by summoning a helicopter to transport him to his programmes in Seberang Perai.
"We have to make sure we fight back so that Penang remains in the rakyat's hands and not BN's," Lim said at a press conference today.
"Don't view lightly what the deputy prime minister said, as we must fight as much as possible to seize Putrajaya," he added.
"But we will do it in a manner that is as clean as possible, unlike BN, which plays dirty, for example, attacking the Penang undersea tunnel project that is good for the people," he stressed.
"However, until now, BN leaders are unable to state who is involved in corruption in the tunnel project, and they are either afraid or cowards to say so.
"Unlike us, we are able to say exactly who are the people involved in the 1MDB scandal," Lim quipped.
Zahid's prediction
Lim was responding to Zahid, who said yesterday that as there are 40 state seats in Penang, all BN needs is to win 21 state seats to form a government based on a simple majority. He claimed that Umno is confident of winning 15 seats, whereas Gerakan is expected win three, MCA two and MIC one.
This would result in a total of 21 seats, thus enabling BN to capture the Penang state government. Currently, Umno has only 10 seats, while Gerakan, MCA and MIC were wiped out at the 2013 election.
In Kepala Batas, Zahid also named Penang BN chief Teng Chang Yeow as the "main player" in GE14, urging him to move forward to restore BN to power in the state. Zahid was in Seberang Jaya, Kepala Batas and Kulim on a one-day "turun padang" (go to the ground) tour to meet voters amid rife speculation that Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak will get Parliament dissolved at the end of this month to pave the way for GE14.
Regret over BN 'sabotage'
Meanwhile, Lim expressed regret that BN leaders had tried to "sabotage" the tunnel project, which was planned to overcome traffic congestion by providing Penangites with a third link from the mainland to the island.
Lim cited the case of a car accident on the first Penang bridge which caused massive traffic jam yesterday to illustrate his point why the tunnel, which includes three highway project, was necessary in Penang. He said ordinary folks in Penang were unlike the DPM, who could summon a helicopter to transport him to his events in Seberang Perai.
Lim added that even Penang government leaders were like ordinary folks, as they could only sit in their cars and wait out the hours-long traffic congestion.
"It is the same for the goods and services tax, BN leaders like MCA president Liow Tiong Lai do not feel it as he has the money but ordinary folks are suffering the burden of the GST every day.
"It is also similar to a prime minister who can afford to eat quinoa but ordinary folks like us can only afford to eat rice every day," he added.
"So who would you rather vote? A leader who waits two hours in a traffic jam with you or one like the deputy prime minister who takes the helicopter to his destination?" the DAP secretary-general asked. - mk
The Money Laundering Yacht...
The seizure of the luxury yacht Equanimity at Benoa Harbor, Bali, is a slap in the face for the government of Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak. Thought to have been bought from the proceeds of embezzlement from the government investment institution 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB), the yacht was seized by Indonesian police acting on a request from the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
The 1MDB saga began with the establishment of the Terengganu Investment Authority, a financial institution of Malaysia’s Terengganu State, in January 2009. Less than a year later, Prime Minister Najib Razak took control of the institution and positioned it under the central government with Najib as chair of the advisory board. At the time, 1MDB was involved in many major investments, including infrastructure construction and the energy sector.
1MDB, which funded these projects from selling bonds, began to come under the spotlight in the last few years, especially after it was reported to have defaulted on payments of interest to banks and holders of bonds. There were indications of 1MDB funds passing to cronies of Najib through shell companies overseas. This corruption eventually spread beyond Malaysia to become a global issue.
The US Department of Justice uncovered suspected embezzlement to the tune of US$3.5 billion, or around Rp48 trillion, from 1MDB. In addition to Najib and his associates, the scandal dragged in big names, such as Australian model Miranda Kerr and actor Leonardo DiCaprio. Apart from the US, at least nine nations also began investigating the 1MDB case.
The Equanimity is thought to have been bought to launder money from the scandal. According to a US court, the vessel, which is registered in the Cayman Islands, was bought by Malaysian tycoon Jho Low. Other assets Low is alleged to have purchased with 1MDB funds include private jets, hotels, real estate in New York and shares in EMI music. Low is said to be Prime Minister Najib’s business adviser and to have close links with several Malaysian ministers. Continue reading here

Apa nak heran? Jika PM ada berbillion billion, inikan pula org bawahan. Ketua Jab Jenayah siap ada hampir RM1 juta di Australia TAPI apa nak buat, AG+IGP+MACC buat2 tak nampak, nanti depa kata, "tak de kes atau unsur rasuah", kan?

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