Saksi video...
Seorang pengawal keselamatan di sebuah pasaraya di Tumpat dipercayai terbabit dalam rakaman video tular menumbuk muka seorang lelaki ditahan reman selama empat hari hingga 23 Mac ini.
Ketua Polis Daerah Tumpat, Superintendan Ab Rashid Mat Daud berkata, suspek berusia 26 tahun telah ditahan reman sejak semalam lagi selepas tangkapan dibuat.
Menurutnya, mangsa seorang orang kurang upaya (OKU) berusia 42 tahun adalah pekerja di pasaraya yang sama dengan suspek.
"Siasatan awal mendapati punca berlaku kes tumbuk itu disebabkan mereka berdua ada selisih faham.

"Rakaman kamera litar tertutup ( CCTV) kes tumbuk itu tular di media sosial hari ini tetapi kes ini berlaku hari Isnin lagi.
"Pihak polis sudah mengambil tindakan dan siasatan lanjut sedang dijalankan," katanya.
Menurutnya, kejadian itu berlaku kira-kira jam 6.24 petang pada Isnin lalu apabila pengawal keselamatan terbabit telah menumbuk muka mangsa.

"Mangsa ditumbuk dan dipijak oleh pengawal keselamatan terbabit menyebabkan lelaki itu tidak sedarkan diri.
"Mangsa kini dirawat di Hospital Tumpat, terdapat kesan tumbukan dan darah di bahagian muka manakala dibahagian belakang kepala alami bengkak akibat hentakkan ke lantai semasa jatuh," katanya.
Menurutnya, kes disiasat di bawah seksyen 323/506 Kanun Keseksaan kerana sengaja mendatangkan kecederaan. - f/bk

"Jika ada kedai kopi yang menjadi sarang memfitnah kerajaan, gempur kedai kopi tersebut, ganyang dia, terbalikkan meja dia, kena tangkap dengan Polis saya jamin, jangan bagi muka dengan pembangkang, hentam pembangkang". - MB N9
Yang bakal mencetuskan kekecohan
sebenarnya samseng UMNO...
sebenarnya samseng UMNO...
Pemuda Harapan Malaysia hari ini menolak sekeras-kerasnya budaya samseng seperti yang ditonjolkan oleh Menteri Besar Negeri Sembilan Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan dalam satu rakaman video yang tular di media sosial baru-baru ini.
Kesal dengan ucapan itu, Ketua Setiausaha Pemuda Harapan Malaysia Howard Lee berkata kenyataan yang dikeluarkan Ahli Majlis Tertinggi UMNO itu merupakan hasutan yang mengundang perlakuan ganas.
“Kami juga membidas sekeras-kerasnya sebarang hasutan yang mengundang tindakan keganasan, apatah lagi sebagai kaedah melawan musuh politik,” katanya dalam kenyataan hari ini.
Mohamad didakwa telah menggunakan nada dan perkataan yang menghasut peserta program untuk berkempen secara samseng dan tidak bertamadun dengan menyeru pemuda partinya menimbulkan kekecohan.
Kenyataan berbaur hasutan itu jelas dirakam apabila pemimpin tertinggi UMNO itu menyebut: “Jika ada kedai kopi yang menjadi sarang memfitnah kerajaan, gempur kedai kopi tersebut, ganyang dia, terbalikkan meja dia, kena tangkap dengan Polis saya jamin, jangan bagi muka dengan pembangkang, hentam pembangkang”

Menurut Zahid, individu dan organisasi yang berpotensi mencetuskan kekecohan pada PRU14 tersebut telah pun dikenalpasti oleh pihak polis.
Pendedahan Zahid tersebut kata Howard turut menimbulkan beberapa kemusykilan.
“Adakah ajakan Mohamad Hasan inilah yang disebutkan oleh TPM sebagai ‘serangan mengejut di saat terakhir’?
“Apakah tindakan yang akan diambil oleh pihak polis keatas kata-kata hasutan menteri besar samseng tersebut?
“ Apakah pendirian rasmi Khairy jamaluddin terhadap hujah hasutan Mohamad Hasan ini, dan adakah beliau sanggup mendapat kemenangan di Rembau melalui kaedah berkempen sebegitu samseng?
“Benarkah samseng yang mengganyang penyokong parti bukan BN, serta menterbalikkan meja orang lain di kedai kopi boleh dilepaskan begitu sahaja, sekiranya MB (dari) UMNO akan memberi jaminan?” soalnya. –

10k S'gor voters seek stay
on redelineation motion...
Each applicant represented more than 100 voters who objected the EC's second notice on its redelineation exercise for Selangor. The applicants included former Bersih chairperson Maria Chin Abdullah, Selangor state speaker Hannah Yeoh, Petaling Jaya Utara MP Tony Pua and several Selangor state assemblypersons.
At a press conference today, Bersih acting chairperson Shahrul Aman Mohd Saari said the 107 individuals represented more than 10,000 Selangor voters from 17 state assembly constituencies and 11 parliamentary constituencies.
"We are filing the case to apply for a stay order over any tabling, discussion, debate or voting in Parliament on the final report of the redelineation exercise," Shahrul Aman said.
Apart from the EC, the application, which was filed yesterday, also named Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak and Dewan Rakyat speaker Pandikar Amin Mulia. Shahrul Aman said the application was filed because the EC failed to conduct a local inquiry for the groups that filed the case despite them having submitted their objections.
"The EC did not inform us regarding the status of our representation or on its local inquiry sessions, even though we have sent two official letters to the EC on Feb 28 and March 12," he added.
On March 9, the EC said it had completed its redelineation exercise and that the final report has been submitted to the prime minister. However, Shahrul Aman said it would not be valid for the prime minister to table the report in Parliament as the EC had yet to truly complete its second local inquiry in Selangor.
Apart from the stay order, a case was also filed by activist Ivy Josiah and three other individuals against the EC on March 8, a day before the EC's report was submitted to the prime minister.
Yeoh said at the press conference that the Selangor state government will do "anything it can" to continue to challenge the EC in court.
"Simply because this election is crucial for the people of Selangor. The state government has saved enough cash reserve, it's a clean government, there is a lot of money there.
"We don't want this election to be stolen before our eyes," she said.
Maria, on the other hand, expressed disappointment with the courts, which she said have not stopped the EC from continuing with its "lies". The redelineation exercise was delayed over a year after 15 cases were filed by various parties and challenged in court.
However, the applications to prevent the EC from implementing the redelineation were rejected by the courts. - mk
10,000 pengundi S'gor mohon perintah halang usul sempadan
They have always held that the Ukrainian rebels shot down MH17 using an older BUK missile that was no more in service with the Russian armed forces.
After MH17 went down killing 298 people, I followed the statements from the Russians and the Ukrainians. The Russians were very forthcoming, held an open Press Conference where they divulged raw data from their radars. The Russians also pointed out the exact flight path of Capt Vladyslav Voloshyn's jet fighter.
They asked for the Ukrainian side to release their raw data too which the Ukraine never did.
The Russians have long ago identified not only the flight path of Captain Vladyslav's fighter jet but they had also identified Vladyslav as the Ukrainian pilot who shot down down MH17. This suicide by the same pilot now lends too much credence to the Russian findings.
Since the murderous pilot has now committed suicide the question for our Malaysian Government now is to investigate AND satisfy ourselves HOW and WHY the Russians were able to identify Captain Vladyslav Voloshyn as the fighter pilot who shot down Mh17 ? How did they know so accurately and so quickly?
I recall talking to a Minister over this affair. They had decided very early on to follow the American and Western lead on this massacre from Day 1 - blame the Russians.
The Government owes the Malaysian public some explanation about this latest development related to this MH17 shooting down. 298 people lost their lives.
Captain Vladyslav Voloshin's suicide was not planned yesterday. He has been suffering mental torture since 14th July 2014. - ostb

Takkan sebagai PM tak tahu jumlah rakyat sendiri.
Kalau ye pun,takkan semua 32 juta rakyat pi UTC juga kot?

Cadangan membina 300 unit rumah teres 1 tingkat untuk perumahan ..(tak nampak sebab dah tumbuh pokok) diatas tanah kerajaan, tanah rancangan bukit sagu..(tak nampak sebab dah tumbuh pokok),

Sabah/Sarawak - Undi BN lagi untuk bertambah miskin

Politik matang...
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