Anggota Parlimen Pakatan Harapan (HARAPAN) hari ini membangkitkan sikap Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak yang membisu berkenaan laporan 1MDB yang disiarkan pelbagai media antarabangsa baru-baru ini.
Antaranya majalah isu semasa terkenal Indonesia, Tempo yang menjadikannya sebagai tajuk muka depan edisi terbarunya.
Membawa salinan majalah itu, Teo Nie Ching (DAP-Kulai) berkata sikap Najib itu bertentangan dengan langkahnya sebelum ini yang mengambil tindakan undang-undang terhadap anggota parlimen dan media tempatan, termasuk Malaysiakini.
"Takkan Najib tak mahu bersihkan namanya? Adakah beliau tak sampai hati nak ambil tindakan undang-undang terhadap media antarabangsa?
"Bukan. Beliau (sebelum ini) menyaman Petaling Jaya Utara (Tony Pua), Pandan, (Rafizi Ramli), Malaysiakini dan Harakah. Bekas Presiden MCA Tun Ling Liong Sik juga kena saman," katanya di Dewan Rakyat hari ini.
Beliau berkata laporan Tempo itu hanyalah satu daripada beberapa laporan media antarabangsa yang perlu diberi perhatian oleh Najib jika benar kandungannya mempunyai unsur fitnah terhadapnya.
"Jadi saya nak tanya kenapa saman Petaling Jaya Utara, Pandan, Malaysiakini dan yang lain tetapi tak berani ambil tindakan sama terhadap Wall Street Journal, Tempo, The Economist?"soalnya.
Dua hari lalu Nga Kor Ming (DAP-Taiping) membangkitkan laporan The Economist yang mendakwa Najib akan "mencuri" kemenangan pada pilihan raya akan datang dan mengoyak salinan laporan tersebut.

Sementara itu Sim Tze Tzin (PKR-Bayan Baru) dalam sidang media di Parlimen mendesak Najib menyatakan respons terhadap pelbagai tuduhan daripada media antarabangsa sebelum Parlimen dibubarkan.
"Saya sudah jalankan kajian...ada 20 media luar yang menyiarkan laporan tentang 1MDB baru-baru ini," katanya sambil membentangkan kertas bersaiz A4 yang tertera nama media yang dimaksudkannya.
"Ini bukan saja media Barat, tetapi juga Thailad, Timur Tengah, China, Singapura, Filipina dan negara lain," katanya lagi.
Pada Ahad lalu, Kementerian Komunikasi dan Multimedia berkata ia telah mengenalpasti beberapa media dan portal atas talian yang didakwa menyebarkan berita palsu tentang skandal 1MDB untuk memburukkan imej Najib.
Najib berulang kali menafikan salah laku dalam skandal itu dan Peguam Negara Tan Sri Mohamed Apandi Ali juga telah membersihkannya daripada sebarang kesalahan. - mk
Pandikar perlu jawab soalan dulu
BN failed Indians,things might
be different under Harapan...
Whatever was accorded to the community was simply hijacked by individuals and groups that had close links with the MIC. The Telekom shares accorded to Maika Holdings being an example of this illegal diversion. The current MIC leadership cannot turn around and say that Mahathir failed the community without also putting blame on their former leader S Samy Vellu for not bravely and honestly addressing the woes of the community.
In fact, the entire BN government during this period must be held responsible for the neglect of the Indians. At the end of the day, it was not Mahathir alone, but former MIC leaders, including its former president and the current special envoy to South Asia who must shoulder the blame. Continue reading...
Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed was received with loud cheering and genuine appreciation by a crowd of over 500 Indian NGOs and their representatives organized by Hindraaf last nite. Yours truly was also there to see the action. The invitation was for about 200 people but the turnout was overwhelming.
P Waythamoorthy and the Hindraaf are doing a fantastic job mobilising the Indian voters in the rural and out of sight areas. Last nite Indian supporters came from Kedah, Johor, Pahang and elsewhere. I hung out near the people before and after the session with Dr Mahathir. The Indians can not forget their plight all these years. However last nite they appeared to have faith and trust in Tun Dr Mahathir.
After the dialogue the people rushed forward to have their selfies taken with Dr Mahathir. In the tens and hundreds. The Indians see new hope. Thats all we need now folks. HOPE. Hope for change. hope for better things.
Dr Mahathir listened to the questions and the grouses. Dr Mahathir explained clearly and concisely about the future. The position for Indians. Even the allocation of seats and places in Government for the Indian minority groups.
Someone asked that 25 Tamil schools were closed during Dr Mahathir's tenure as PM. Dr Mahathir replied (most factually) that some Tamil schools had very poor enrolments, one Tamil school had only ONE student enrolled. So the Government had to close such schools and consolidate the students in other schools. Dr Mahathir also said that many Indian students also attend national schools where they have done very well. Meaning education has never been denied to any community.
Another person stood up and said that Dr Mahathir was the father of the failed MAIKA Holdings - a huge sore point for many, many Indians who were taken for a ride. Dr Mahathir replied that he did not create MAIKA. It was set up by the MIC.
The questioner had demanded why Dr Mahathir did not monitor the MIC leader (s) - obviously referring to Samy Velu. Again Dr Mahathir replied calmly that the MIC members and supporters were responsible for choosing their leaders. His coalition government had to deal with whoever was elected as leader of the component parties. (Meaning he could not interfere in the component parties).
My take is the Indians should just forget about the MIC and move on. This is what Dr Mahathir said too - "lets look forward". Lets not repeat the mistakes of the past. Also lets not allow the past drag us down too much.
The biggest recognition was granted to Hindraaf and P Waythamoorthy where Dr Mahathir said that Hindraaf is now a Strategic Partner for the Pakatan Harapan. The cheers and loud applause from the crowd was evidence enough that the Indians see a better future with the Pakatan Harapan.
Dr Mahathir told the audience that ours is a democracy. He advised everyone to put forward their grouses and complaints. He also told them that representation in Government is important to make sure that the peoples' demands are heard. In short, vote for the Pakatan and get involved in the process.
Dr Mahathir was sincere. I think that part of the event got across very well last nite. - ostb

Bas amphicoach panduan MB Terengganu terkandas...

Kat Singapore pkai hok gini jer, takdok bunyi isu plok.Lbih 10 tahun dah.Harga beli pon SGD325 ribu jer,bersamaan RM1Juta+++.Siap free maintainance selama 3 tahun. Gagoh pon gagoh,lasok pon lasok napok...

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