Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja (KWSP) mencatatkan kerugian sebanyak RM203.18 juta apabila menjual saham-saham miliknya dalam Felda Global Ventures Holdings Berhad (FGV) pada bulan Ogos yang lalu.
Kementerian Kewangan, menerusi jawapan bertulis Parlimen Isnin lalu bagaimanapun berkata, KWSP mendapat pendapatan dividen sebanyak RM105.77 juta daripada saham-saham FGV itu.
"KWSP akan mengurang atau menjual sepenuhnya saham-saham syarikat-syarikat yang menunjukkan prestasi kewangan yang menurun secara berterusan serta pengurusan lemah selepas menjalankan analisis," kata kementerian itu dalam menjelaskan mengenai strategi pelaburan agensi itu.
KWSP, di peringkat permulaan memegang 4.5 peratus kepentingan dalam FGV sebelum meningkatkan pemilikan sahamnya kepada 8.49 peratus pada September 2013.
Jawapan bertulis Kementerian Kewangan itu adalah respons kepada pertanyaan dari Ko Chung Sen (DAP-Kampar) mengenai kerugian yang dialami KWSP akibat kejatuhan harga saham FGV.
Sementara itu,Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz perlu membuktikan bahawa Malaysia bukan negara polis seperti yang ditegaskan beliau sebelum ini dengan meneruskan sahaja sesi debat 1MDB walaupun mendapat tentangan pihak berkuasa.
Ahli Parlimen Petaling Jaya Utara, Tony Pua berkata, kegagalan Nazri untuk berbuat demikian membuktikan bahawa Malaysia sememangnya negara polis dan menunjukkan Menteri Pelancongan dan Kebudayaan itu bukanlah orang yang berpegang kepada kata-katanya.
“Malah, apa yang lebih penting, bukanlah bidang kuasa polis untuk enggan memberikan kebenaran sesuatu acara itu berlangsung. Berdasarkan Akta Perhimpunan Aman (2012), pihak penganjur perlu memberikan ‘notis’ 10 hari.
“Akta itu tidak memperuntukkan polis untuk berkata ya atau tidak terhadap satu-satu perhimpunan, lebih-lebih lagi acara yang diadakan dalam premis persendirian. Permit polis sebenarnya tidak perlu,” katanya dalam satu kenyataan hari ini.
Beliau berkata demikian mengulas keputusan polis membatalkan permit kebenaran acara debat mengenai 1MDB yang menampilkan Nazri dan Presiden Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM), Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad.

Sementara itu,Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz perlu membuktikan bahawa Malaysia bukan negara polis seperti yang ditegaskan beliau sebelum ini dengan meneruskan sahaja sesi debat 1MDB walaupun mendapat tentangan pihak berkuasa.
Ahli Parlimen Petaling Jaya Utara, Tony Pua berkata, kegagalan Nazri untuk berbuat demikian membuktikan bahawa Malaysia sememangnya negara polis dan menunjukkan Menteri Pelancongan dan Kebudayaan itu bukanlah orang yang berpegang kepada kata-katanya.
“Malah, apa yang lebih penting, bukanlah bidang kuasa polis untuk enggan memberikan kebenaran sesuatu acara itu berlangsung. Berdasarkan Akta Perhimpunan Aman (2012), pihak penganjur perlu memberikan ‘notis’ 10 hari.
“Akta itu tidak memperuntukkan polis untuk berkata ya atau tidak terhadap satu-satu perhimpunan, lebih-lebih lagi acara yang diadakan dalam premis persendirian. Permit polis sebenarnya tidak perlu,” katanya dalam satu kenyataan hari ini.
Beliau berkata demikian mengulas keputusan polis membatalkan permit kebenaran acara debat mengenai 1MDB yang menampilkan Nazri dan Presiden Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM), Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad.
The Employees Provident Fund (EPF) recorded a realised loss of RM203.18 million when it sold off its shares in Felda Global Ventures (FGV) last August.
The Finance Ministry, through a written parliamentary reply last Monday, however, said the EPF had made dividend income of RM105.77 million from its FGV shares.
"EPF will reduce or completely sell off its shares in companies that show continued decline in financial performance as well as weak management, after an analysis is conducted," the ministry said in explaining the fund's investment strategy.
EPF had initially held a 4.5 percent stake in FGV, before increasing its shares to 8.49 percent in Sept 2013.
FGV was listed on the KLSE in 2012, raising RM10 billion in what was touted as one of the biggest IPO in the world for that year, second only to Facebook Inc.
The company made its debut at RM4.55 a share, but prices have been on a steady downtrend since.
FGV's share price hit a record low of RM1.19 in August 2015.
As of time of writing, FGV shares were trading at RM2.09.
The Finance Ministry's written reply was in response to a query from Ko Chung Sen (DAP-Kampar) on EPF's losses due to the fall in FGV share prices.- mk

Peeved that police have once again pulled the plug on his debate with Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Tourism and Culture Minister Nazri Abdul Aziz suggested that the event be held at the police auditorium in Cheras, or better still, in Antarctica.
As for the latter, he said this is because "penguins do not understand Bahasa Malaysia or English, and therefore, there would be no riot."
"I was told that the (police) auditorium is big, maybe we can ask the police to organise this dialogue," he told a press conference at the Parliament media room this afternoon.
The minister also said he was willing to hold the debate overseas, be it in London, Greenland or even Antarctica.
"If we can't hold it in Malaysia then maybe can do it in Antarctica, because there are a lot of penguins there," he added.
"People are not going to have a punch out after a debate.
"Maybe that's how the police are, every time there is a rally they want to punch people." - mk
UMNO takut isu 1MDB terlondeh...
Pembatalan kali kedua permit polis bagi penganjuran debat mengenai 1MDB yang menampilkan Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad dan Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz membuktikan ketakutan UMNO-Barisan Nasional (BN) terhadap rakyat.
Ketua Parlimen DAP, Lim Kit Siang berkata, UMNO-BN di bawah kepimpinan Datuk Seri Najib Razak takut untuk berdepan dengan tuntutan rakyat yang mahukan kebertanggungjawaban dan kebenaran dalam skandal 1MDB.
“Najib tidak ada jawapan terhadap tuntutan rakyat (berhubung 1MDB) dan tidak mampu untuk membersihkan Malaysia daripada sumpahan, keaiban, dan rasa malu akibat digelar seluruh dunia sebagai kleptokrasi global,” katanya dalam kenyataan hari ini.
Justeru, Kit Siang yang juga Ahli Parlimen Gelang Patah menyeru rakyat yang mahu skandal 1MDB disiasat secara menyeluruh agar mengundi Pakatan Harapan dalam Pilihan Raya Umum ke-14 (PRU14) akan datang.
Debat antara bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Mahathir dan Menteri Pelancongan dan Kebudayaan, Nazri Aziz sepatutnya diadakan di Padang Rengas, Perak, pada 25 Mac lalu.
Akhbar Kumpulan Media Karangkraf, Sinar Harian, kemudiannya menawarkan diri sebagai penganjur. Polis memberi kebenaran untuk mengadakan majlis “dialog” itu pada 27 Mac secara bersyarat dan dijadualkan berlangsung pada 7 April ini.
Syarat itu menetapkan hanya 300 penonton dibolehkan menghadiri majlis tersebut di mana 100 jemputan adalah daripada pihak Tun Mahathir, 100 daripada pihak Nazri Aziz dan selebihnya daripada pihak penganjur.
Bagaimanapun, Pengarah Urusan Kumpulan Media Karangkraf, Datuk Hussamuddin Yaacob dalam akaun Twitter semalam memaklumkan mengenai pembatalan permit.
“Pelik, dialog Tun M vs Ds Nazri, semalam kami terima surat lulus permit. Petang ni terima surat batal permit. Payah!!” katanya. – Roketkini.com

Lokasi debat hanya ada kilang,batal kerana takut
Sekali lagi polis batalkan debat,pasai apa?
How is debating in private premises a security threat?

1MDB Owed RM95billion,Incurs RM13.7 million interest/day or RM570,000/hour...
Donny has gone through the audited accounts of 1MDB and assembled this table(above) that shows (audited figures) that 1MDB owed RM95 BILLION. Please look at the Table yourself.
1. 1MDB'S accounts for the years ended 31st March 2015 and 2016 have yet to be prepared and audited.
The MoF has not commented on having the 2013 and 2014 accounts re-audited.
No action has been taken by CCM (Companies Commission of Malaysia) to fine 1MDB or its top officers for the pathetic failure to comply with the law!
2. Of the funds raised in the US, RM15 billion disappeared into Najib, Jho Low and their cronies pockets! More is missing too from funds raised in Malaysia! CLICK HERE.
Based on 1MDB's 31st March 2014 Detoilette audited accounts, it had a total of RM46 billion in borrowings and creditors. (Detoilette because auditors Deloitte announced in 2016 that their 2013 AND 2014 audited accounts could not be relied upon, and then resigned!)
The details are as follows:
Bank Loans, Bonds, Sukuk, overdraft etc. - RM42billion
Derivative Debt, Trade and Other Creditors - RM4 billion.
Yesterday, Najib "cleverly" announced that about RM10 billion of 1MDB's short tem debts had been repaid.
He deliberately failed to say how much more was outstanding. Or, how these were going to be repaid, given it had sold its IPPs and Bandar Malaysia land. He also did not produce an unaudited 1MDB balance sheet to show us its current financial position.
Also, part of the RM10 billion was used to pay debts incurred by 1MDB AFTER 2014 e.g. RM950 million MoF standby credit!
Since 2014, 1MDB has had to service interest on its $42 billion borrowings at an average of say, about 5% per year.
It had also defaulted on some loan interest as well as capital repayments. Tycoon Ananada Krishnan was instrumental in re-financing some RM4 billion of 1MDB's loans in 2015!
More than that, the US$ has ballooned to about 4.40 against the ringgit, adding some RM10 billion to 1MDB's debts, due to exchange rate losses.
Another headache is the US$6.5 billion that IPIC of Abu Dhabi has sued 1MDB for interest and loan repayment guarantees.
This is the subject of an arbitration case being heard in London.
Based on the above table, 1MDB had about RM95 billion in debts, which after yesterdays announcement, is reduced to RM85 billion.
So, over to Najib:
1. How is this RM85 billion going to be repaid?
2. Which are the projects Najib is going to inflate to illegally cover-up 1MDB's losses? ECRL? Pan Borneo Expressway? KL-Singapore HSL? Rapid JB?
3. Who should go to jail for it all? Surely, Najib first?
4. Why has the IGP/AG failed after 1 year to charge ex-1MDB CEO Sharol Halimi for fraud, theft etc., despite a PAC report demanding it?
What about Ismee, Chairman Lodin Wok, Arul Kanda, Mof Chief Secretary Dr. Irwan Serigar Abdullah and Chief Secretary to the Government Dr.Ali Hamsa?
Bamboo River Resort is soon going to be very, very over-crowded! - Donplaypuks
Ostb : Thank you Donplaypuks, who I believe is an accountant.
What about that RM4 BILLION owed by SRC to KWAP? SRC has defaulted on that RM4 BILLION.
KWAP has not told the public how they handled that debt. Has the debt been covered by the gomen (assuming it was gomen guaranteed.) Or has the KWAP subscribers' money been burnt?
I believe the amount owed by 1MDB is even more than RM95 Billion, because if they suffered 5% interest per annum they have been incurring about RM5 Billion interest PER ANNUM since 2012 ?? 2013 ?? Thats already another RM20 - RM25 billion.
So Moron's RM10 Billion hardly covers TWO YEARS interest.
Most of this interest is owed to "local" funders under the control of Super Moron.
As you are reading this, the interest is still piling up at about RM5 Billion per annum.
That is about RM13.7 MILLION per day or RM570,000 per hour.
Folks, they WILL NEVER EVER BE ABLE to pay this amount of interest. EVER.
They will never be able to settle the debt or RM95 BILLION. EVER.- ostb

Jangan biaq anak anda
muntah di restoran Pelita...

Dah kena kencing,masih lagi dok angkat teloq depa...

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