Pengerusi Lembaga Kemajuan Wilayah Pulau Pinang (PERDA), Datuk Shabudin Yahaya dinasihatkan supaya tidak berdolak dalih dalam kes kerugian penjualan tanah Taman Keramat Permai, Seberang Perai Selatan di bawah harga pasaran.
Tanah dengan keluasan 8.5 ekar itu dijual dengan harga yang rendah iaitu RM1.4 juta berbanding RM16.6 juta mengikut taksiran Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri (LHDN) kepada syarikat swasta, SYT Prestige Sdn Bhd (SYT) pada 31 Mac tahun lepas.
Dengan kerugian RM15.2 juta itu, PERDA menetapkan syarat supaya syarikat berkenaan membina rumah mampu milik di Pulau Pinang.
Namun, kata Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang, Lim Guan Eng, sehingga kini tidak ada kertas cadangan daripada syarikat tersebut untuk membina rumah seperti yang dimaksudkan, sebaliknya hanya cadangan untuk membina rumah kedai.
“Dakwaan Shabudin bahawa pembeli disyaratkan membina rumah murah amat diragui bila arkitek SYT membentangkan permohonan untuk membina 27 rumah kedai kepada Majlis Perbandaran Seberang Perai (MPSP) pada 28 Mac lepas.
“Jangankan rumah murah, sebuah rumah pun tidak dicadangkan,” kata Ahli Parlimen Bagan itu dalam kenyataan, hari ini.
Malah beliau yang juga Setiausaha Agung DAP menyifatkan dakwaan PERDA bahawa rumah murah hanya akan dibina selepas rumah kedai siap dibina sebagai mengelirukan dan tidak bertanggungjawab.
“Ini kerana garis panduan perumahan yang dipakai di seluruh negara mewajibkan rumah murah, seperti rumah kos rendah dan rumah kos sederhana rendah, dibina dahulu atau serentak dengan rumah kedai atau yang mewah.
“Macam mana rumah murah boleh dibina serentak dengan rumah kedai bila tidak ada permohonan dibentangkan untuk bina sebuah rumah pun, jangan pun sebut rumah murah?” soalnya yang juga Adun Air Puteh
Shabudin yang juga Ahli Parlimen Tasek Gelugor baru-baru ini menjadi tajuk utama berita apabila mencadangkan bahawa kanak-kanak perempuan berusia 9 tahun sudah boleh berkahwin, selain mencadangkan supaya mangsa rogol menikahi perogolnya sebagai satu jalan penyelesaian.
Ekoran ucapan kontroversi di Parlimen itu, Dewan Undangan Negeri Pulau Pinang akan membentangkan usul mengutuk ucapan terbabit yang disifatkan Guan Eng sebagai kenyataan yang kolot dan menghina wanita.
“Usul Dewan Undangan Negeri terhadap Shabudin pada bulan depan, adalah kerana pendirian Shabudin menyokong perkahwinan kanak-kanak.
“Usul ini bukanlah bermotif politik untuk membalas dendam kerana sekiranya benar, satu usul boleh dikemukakan untuk skendal tanah RM15.2 juta terhadap Shabudin tetapi tidak dilaksanakan. Lebih baik Shabudin bertaubat dengan letak jawatan sebagai Ahli Parlimen,” kata Guan Eng. – Roketkini.com
Tolak kerjasama pembangkang
bukti PAS sokong Najib...
Kedegilan PAS menolak kerjasama dengan parti-parti pembangkang bermakna PAS menyokong UMNO dan Najib dengan memecah undi pembangkang,demikian menurut bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad dalam rencana terbaru di blognya.
Malah, Pengerusi Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) itu berkata, pengumuman PAS untuk meletakkan calon di 80 kerusi Parlimen akan menyebabkan berlakunya pertandingan tiga penjuru dalam Pilihan Raya Umum (PRU) ke-14 dan akan memecahbelahkan parti pembangkang yang merupakan musuh UMNO-Barisan Nasional (BN).
“PAS akan kalah dan mengheret turun parti pembangkang lain. UMNO akan menang, kerana penyokong parti lawan berpecah.
“Secara langsung PAS berusaha, membelanja wang yang tidak sedikit untuk memberi kemenangan kepada BN dan Datuk Seri Najib.
“Jika dikatakan PAS dibawah pimpinan Hj Hadi menyokong kepimpinan Najib, ia bukanlah keterlaluan. Ia memang benar,” katanya dalam kemaskini blog beliau semalam.
Selain bersekongkol dengan Najib dan UMNO, Dr Mahathir dalam masa yang sama menyifatkan PAS bukan sahaja memecahbelahkan orang Melayu tetapi juga memecahbelahkan orang Islam.
“Demikianlah dalam usaha PAS untuk mendapat sokongan mereka sanggup mengkafir orang Melayu yang tidak menyertai parti PAS.
“Dengan ini gejala sosial menimpa keluarga Melayu kerana ada ahli PAS yang mengkafir ibubapa mereka dan menganggap perkahwinan mereka tidak sah. Sehingga ke hari ini pun ada tempat di mana orang Melayu tidak sembahyang bersama,” kata beliau. –Roketkini.com
With the latest report coming from K Hell, things seems to be clearer as to why Najib/UMNO has allowed Zakir Naik to base himself in Putrajaya, lease condos and bring in money from God knows where, to fund his dakwah activities here...the operational word here is not dakwah but "activities".
Zakir Naik "activities" now includes giving "nasihat cara pilih parti politik". Of course Zakir is not asking anyone to vote UMNO...that would crass of him....the emphasis is "berlandasan as-Quran dan as-Sunnah".
Now can someone tell me what the opposition has done in terms of building mosques, appointing muftis and funding Jakim? How many people have the opposition sent to Mecca to do their pilgrimage...hell even KJ and 1MDB has sent more people to do their pilgrimage that all of the opposition parties put together! Has not Malaysia become the leading global Halal Food Hub under this UMNO led BN government?
Do not talk about the DAP spending RM20 million in Penang to take over land belonging to non-Muslim for use as a Muslim cemetery. UMNO has done more....much more for Islam. Jakim's demand for RM1 billion in annual allocation is indicative of what this UMNO led BN government is doing for Islam because even the annual allocation of RM724.6 million set aside for Jakim in 2016 was insufficient to do ALLAH's work in Bolehland...so says Jakim!
Hell even I can make a case for every Muslim in Malaysia to vote for this UMNO led BN government because everything that Najib does "berlandasan al-Quran dan as-Sunnah". For sure Zakir Naik can also do that and more!
So who do you think Zakir Naik will be asking Muslims to vote for?
So now we know why Najib and UMNO has given Zakir Naik refuge from the authorities in India where his NGO : Islamic Research Foundation (IRF) : has been banned as an "unlawful organisation" for five years.
In India an ‘unlawful’ association is different from a ‘terrorist’ organisation. The law defines ‘unlawful association’ as any organisation “which has for its object any activity that is punishable under Section 153A or 153B of IPC” — provisions dealing with threat to social and communal harmony. Declaration of IRF as ‘unlawful’ under Section 3 of the UAPA will force closure of its offices and interests across the country.
So not only is Zakir Naik, an Indian born in Mumbai, wanted in his own country but he can also no longer have offices and interests in India. The only country that will take Zakir Naik in is of course Bolehland.
And when you not only have Najib/UMNO prepared to take you in...but also allows you to bring in funds without asking questions as from where the funds were sourced from...and even encourage you to set up a base in Putrajaya and bring in your own foreign workforce into Malaysia...I am sure that now Zakir must be thinking what he could do to return the favor to UMNO and Najib?
Your guess is as good as mine...but this report from India about Zakir Naik is self explanatory and will tell you why this Zakir Naik's balls is now being squeezed by Najib (and when your balls are being squeezed...your heart and mind will quickly follow)
New Delhi, Aug. 11 (ANI): With the Mumbai Police probe revealing that a total of Rs. 60 crore was deposited in Zakir Naik's bank account in the last three years from three different countries, Union Minority Affairs Minister Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi today said the controversial Islamic preacher's suspicious activities will be revealed soon.
"There have been several revelations one after another about Zakir Naik.His activities are against the interest of the country. Agencies are working on this. I am sure his activities will be revealed soon," Naqvi told ANI.
As per reports, the money was transferred to five accounts belonging to Naik's family members.
The police are looking into the financial transactions of Naik and his NGO Islamic Research Foundation (IRF).
Earlier this week, the Mumbai Police submitted a report on Naik to the Maharashtra Government after finding him to be allegedly involved in unlawful activities with possible terror links.
Naik had come under the scanner of the Indian Government after reports emerged that two of the six terrorists, who killed 22 people at a posh Dhaka cafe in July, were allegedly inspired by his speeches. (ANI)
And guess who Zakir is consorting with now? The "Katak Man"
As I have said in the past "“If it looks like shit, smells like shit, and feels like shit, you don't have to actually taste it to know it's shit".......don't the two of them look like a pair of shit heads?
Btw, my sources tells me that he is now in Cybersquare Block 1D. He is looking/negotiating with real estate companies to rent various units there and offering to pay rent one year in advance - most probably to house his people from parts unknown.
People who will probably assist him in his evangelical / Dawkah work in Malaysia and in other parts within our regions......Dr Zakir Naik is no politician....so I am wondering what umno has in mind in allowing this man to set up his base in Putrajaya?
How UMNO will handle the the possible ramifications (good and bad) that would follow any dakwah activities of the magnitude that Dr Zakir Naik will be involved in. How will UMNO use Zakir Naik to its advantage,lets wait and see? Enough said! - husseinhamid@steadyaky47
Not too long ago the KDN (Ministry of Home Affairs) denied that Zakir Naik was even granted PR status. According to KDN, he applied for a permanent resident status but no approval has been given yet
This was just FOUR months ago. The KDN said no approvals had been given for Zakir Naik's PR status.
But in today's news Zahid Hamidi the Minister of Home Affairs says that a PR was granted to Zakir Naik FIVE YEARS AGO!!!

Zakir Naik sah ada PR Malaysia
Ostb : If he had been granted PR status FIVE YEARS ago, then why did the KDN say in November 2016 (just FOUR months ago) that Zakir Naik's PR application had not been approved yet ??
Here is that news report again :
applied for a permanent resident status but no approval has been given yet
applied for a permanent resident status only and it has not been approved yet
Now Zahid says that Zakir was given PR FIVE YEARS ago.
After FIVE years of PR status surely he is also eligible for citizenship.
Why do we give PR to all these sampah sarap from all these crappy Third World countries? They do not bring any good things to our country except controversy and more trouble.
Now the Indian govt has issued a warrant of arrest for Zakir Naik, relating to his controversial activities.
Are we going to ignore India's arrest warrant just because India is a Hindu majority country and Zakir Naik is a muslim ??
Ya Allah, pasai apa lah depa ni bodoh piang macam ini?
Ya Allah ! ! Kenapalah mereka ini ditimpa bala bodoh sebegini teruk?
In his a latest video of Zakir Naik he is clearly inciting hatred against Malaysian citizens.
He is asking, "Is there only one Muslim in Malaysia?"
At the very end he asks "Are the Muslims of Malaysia sleeping?"
He wants Malaysian Muslims to go and make police reports against the Hindraf and against Waythamoorthy, the Hindraf chairman.
He says a police report should be made against Waythamoorthy, among other things because Waythamoorthy met and shook hands with Indian Prime Minister Modi.!!!
Punyalah bodoh. Our Super Moron has also met and shook hands with Modi.
This is clearly instigating Malaysians against each other because we are a multi racial, multi religious, multi cultural nation. We do not need this type of hatreds.
Zakir Naik may have an issue with Hindus in India and with PM Modi in India. He should not be allowed to bring his hatreds from India into Malaysia. India is a screwed up country with their own screwed up problems involving Hindus, Christians, Muslims and whoever. That is not our problem. We are Malaysians.
India has issued a warrant of arrest for Zakir for the crime of money laundering which he has committed in India.
If you commit a crime in Japan, the Japanese will issue a warrant of arrest for you in Japan. They cannot issue a warrant of arrest for you in Malaysia.
If you are innocent or GUILTY you must go back to Japan and clear your case in the Courts. You cannot run away to Malaysia and accuse the Japanese of being bad or evil just because they issued a warrant of arrest against you.
This moron should be sent back to India. Not only to rid ourselves of these trouble causers and hate mongers but also for him to face the Court in India.
I hope Malaysian Malays (Muslims) will also make a Police Report against Zakir Naik's statements in the video above where he clearly says :
"Is there only one Muslim in Malaysia?"
"Are the Muslims of Malaysia sleeping?
He is instigating hatred between Malaysians on account of their religion. Someone in this country must have some sense. - ostb
Nak heran Zakir Naik dapat PR. Ada MB siap nak bagi pulau kat dia. Macai2 UMNO ternganga-nganga habuk apa pun tak dapat...tup...tup nu yang mai dari Mumbai dapat PR dan pulau...ha...ha...ha44X

Tanda2 PRU14 semakin dekat...

Realiti masa kini...

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