Ini kerana, katanya, kenyataan yang dikeluarkan menteri UMNO-BN untuk mempertahankan syarikat pelaburan bermasalah milik negara berkenaan membangkitkan semula persoalan asas yang sehingga kini masih tidak terjawab.
Beliau memberi contoh antara lain kenyataan Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdul Rahman Dahlan bahawa kononnya penyelesaian antara 1MDB dan International Petroleum Investment Company (IPIC) membuktikan perdana menteri tidak bersalah.
Menurut Kit Siang, Rahman Dahlan juga mendakwa bahawa kononnya dana 1MDB wujud dalam bentuk ‘unit’ di Singapura dan boleh ditukarkan ke dalam bentuk matawang untuk dibayar kepada syarikat Abu Dhabi berkenaan.
“Terima kasih Abdul Rahman, kerana beliaulah soalan-soalan ini telah dibawa semula kepada perhatian masyarakat umum, bersekali dengan pertanyaan yang dibangkitkan Tony Pua dan pemimpin yang lain,” katanya dalam kenyataan hari ini.
Tony yang juga Ahli Parlimen Petaling Jaya Utara dalam kenyataan beliau sebelum ini membangkitkan persoalan mengapa rakyat Malaysia perlu menanggung pembayaran sebanyak dua kali ganda 1MDB kepada IPIC.
Hasil penyelesaian timbangtara antarabangsa di London memutuskan bahawa IPIC akan menerima bayaran berjumlah AS$1.205 bilion.
1MDB dan Kementerian Kewangan juga diarahkan bertanggungjawab ke atas faedah bon bernilai US$3.5 bilion yang dijamin IPIC.
Dalam pada itu, Kit Siang yang juga Ahli Parlimen Gelang Patah turut mengulangi desakan agar Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak mengadakan sesi Parlimen khas bagi membincangkan skandal 1MDB secara menyeluruh.
Kerajaan UMNO-BN juga, kata Kit Siang, perlu menyelesaikan masalah berkait saman sivil yang dikeluarkan Jabatan Kehakiman Amerika Syarikat (DOJ) secara perundangan bagi membersihkan nama Malaysia yang kini terpalit dengan gelaran kleptokrasi. –

High income nation has no money
for RM30 touch n go top-up...
Highway concessionaires have been ordered to postpone imposing the minimum RM30 top up rate for the Touch n' Go cards at the toll plazas so as not to burden motorists.for RM30 touch n go top-up...
Deputy Transport Minister Datuk Rosnah Abdul Rashid Shirlin said the move to impose the minimum top up rate for the Touch n' Go cards was proposed by the Malaysian Association of Highway Concession Companies (PSKLM) to overcome congestion at top up lanes at toll plazas during peak hours.
"The ministry has instructed the concession companies to postpone the proposed initiative and find other ways to overcome congestion at the toll plazas.
"The government is concerned with the burden shouldered by consumers, including those in the B40 category, and is always looking for ways to resolve problems amicably for all quarters," she said.
She was responding to an oral question from Senator Datuk Shahanim Mohamad about the issue in the Senate today. - BERNAMA
Ostb : You can see this almost everyday at the Toll Plazas, especially in KL and the Klang Valley. The Peroduas, Protons and small cars all line up at the Tambah Nilai and Bayaran Tunai lanes at the toll gates. These are the folks who live almost hand to mouth. The urban poor.
Want to guess their agama and bangsa?
They actually prefer the Bayar Tunai lanes because they can then carry just enough toll money for the journey.
Then you have the Mercedes, Audis, BMWs, Camrys, Accords etc that just sail through the Smart Tag lanes. You can see their balance remaining RM100, RM200 etc. These are the people who have cash to meet their daily living expenses.
Want to guess their agama and bangsa?
The minimum for Touch N Go is RM10. Now they want to increase the minimum to RM30. Even the RM10 is a burden. That is why the gomen has turned down the proposal to increase the minimum Touch N Go to RM30.
The Toll Operators find it not feasible (it is a loss to them) to dedicate one toll lane just to collect RM10 top ups for Touch N Go. It does not cover their costs. They are providing a social service.
They prefer RM30 minimum. To cover costs and maybe make some profit.
But the people aint got no money for a minimum top up of RM30. This is 'High Income Nation' ok.
Where "Chief the Thief" is so damned proud that he has put seven million people on the poor peoples' list to receive duit sedekah BR1M.
Pretty soon, the people will not have money to pay for the toll hiways. They will take alternative routes or not travel at all. Then the Toll Operators will face cash flow problems as well.
The dynamics of the market has changed.
Poor are many.
Poor is BR1M.
BR1M is votes.
So poor is good.
Just reimpose the Bayar Tunai lanes. Then the Protons and Kancils with just enough cash to pay RM1.80 between Sg Besi and Kajang will still take the toll hiway. Otherwise they will take the old road.
By the way does PLUS know that AFTER 4 PM the Touch N Go lanes DO NOT ACCEPT anymore top ups?
This is what the Toll Booth girl told me at the Toll Booth at Exit 213, KL - Seremban Hiway. Yet the girl is sitting there at the Tambah Nilai Lane (AFTER 4PM) just to tell the cars that drive up - Lepas 4 Petang tak boleh top up.
I keep saying, 'depa tak tahu niaga'.
Nak bagi duit pun depa tak mahu terima.
Sial punya bodoh.
Meanwhile,I hear that the Khazanah/MAB have made big losses at their airport operations in Turkey. They are managing Turkey's main airport. The investment is making big losses.
US1.4 BILLION + US300 Million = US1.7 Billion or RM7.5 Billion.
So how much of that has been lost already?
This is the "Islamic brotherhood" crap again.
Turkey is Muslim. Malaysia is Muslim.
Muslim is good.
It must be good to invest in Muslim countries.
Err... how many hundred millions have you morons lost so far in Turkey?
How many jobs did you dunggus create for Malaysians with that RM7.5 Billion invested in Turkey? Five jobs? 50 jobs ? 500 jobs ? For RM7.5 BILLION ?
So how much did you lose in your airport operations in Turkey? - ostb

PAS saman Sarawak Report,
bila pula Najib nak saman WSJ?...

North Korea: The Death of Kim Jong Nam” premieres on Al Jazeera English - morning at 6.30am on 101 East, with a repeat screening at 5.30pm. There will be further repeats on Saturday (April 30, 11.30am) and Monday (May 1, 12.30am and 1.30pm).

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