PKR vice-president Rafizi Ramli today named former PAS leader Nasharudin Mat Isa as the person who received funds from SRC International Sdn Bhd, a former 1MDB subsidiary.
The Pandan lawmaker, who made the accusation at a press conference in Kuala Lumpur, has also made a statutory declaration on this matter.
Nasharudin is the former PAS deputy president who is known to have championed the unity government agenda between the Islamist party and Umno.
“This matter has elements of abuse of power that can be investigated under various laws if the payment is gratification for silencing PAS (as a major opposition party) in scandals such as 1MDB and transfers to Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s account,” he said in the declaration read out to the press today.
Nasarudin is currently heading the Global Movement of Moderates (GMM), which is the brainchild of Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, as well as a member of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) Consultation and Corruption Prevention Panel.
Rafizi said that in light of his revelation, Nasarudin should step down from the MACC panel immediately.
He added that he would lodge a report on his allegations to the MACC at 11am tomorrow in Putrajaya.

On April 6, Rafizi claimed that someone close to the PAS leadership had obtained the funds, which the PKR leader alleged were channelled from Najib's personal bank account.
Since then, speculation has been rife that Rafizi was referring to Nasharudin. Blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin had also named him.
Malaysiakini has repeatedly tried contacting Nasharudin, via emails, fax, phone calls and text messages, for comment on this allegation, but did not receive any response.
Malaysiakini is also attempting to contact him again following Rafizi's disclosure.
Najib has repeatedly denied abusing public funds for personal gain, and has been cleared of any wrongdoing by attorney-general Mohamed Apandi Ali.
However, Rafizi claimed that a former top MACC official had told him that the SRC money trail had led to Najib’s personal bank account, and then to a ‘certain lawyer’, before being channelled to several individuals including Nasharudin.
He declined to disclose the sum involved or when the transactions took place, saying that he knows the details but would not disclose it out of respect for the former MACC official.
“His request is that I don’t share the details. The interest is this: The one that should be making this disclosure and going after the people involved is not me or you.
“It should be the MACC and the attorney-general, and they have all this information. The understanding is, it is enough that I put my neck on the line by way of a statutory declaration,” he said.
He claimed that MACC had questioned the lawyer involved and even have a copy of the cheque used in the transaction, but details on these are protected under the Official Secrets Act 1972.
At the press conference, Rafizi also challenged those unhappy with his actions to lodge a police report, which would open criminal proceedings against him for supposedly making a false statutory declaration.
Section 3 of the Statutory Declarations Act 1960 provides for false statutory declarations to be treated as perjury under various provisions of the Penal Code, such as Section 193 (Punishment for false evidence) and Section 195 (Giving or fabricating false evidence with intent to procure conviction of an offence punishable with imprisonment).
“So if you are not satisfied, go lodge a police report. Making noise on Facebook would not help anything and adds to your sins […]
“Arrest me, and I will see you in court. Then I can drag MACC officers to the witness stand and answer whether I am telling the truth or not,” he said
This would also present him an opportunity to bring the 1MDB issue through the judicial process, he added.- mk
RUU335 - Menjawab hujah PAS...
Beliau berkata demikian mengulas polemik yang mencetuskan perdebatan hangat dikalangan masyarakat berhubung usul persendirian Ahli Parlimen Marang Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang bagi meminda akta Mahkamah Syariah (Akta 355).
Menurut Ariff, berdasarkan fakta dari Transparency International 2017, sejumlah 31 peratus mereka yang bekerja dalam institusi agama didapati melakukan rasuah.
“Walaupun kita punya keberagamaan, ia bukanlah memberi monopoli (kepada) kebenaran, (kerana) orang yang alim, ulama, ahli agama juga tak terkecuali menerima duit, dia tak terkecuali melakukan kesalahan, tak terkecuali melakukan kesilapan,” katanya dalam Sidang Parlimen Rakyat anjuran Invoke malam tadi.
Beliau turut menjawab beberapa persoalan kritikal yang sering diulang-ulang pemimpin PAS dan UMNO mengapa masyarakat dan Ahli-ahli Parlimen bukan Islam menyuarakan kekhuatiran dan tidak bersetuju dengan usul yang dibawa Hadi itu.
“MP Kota Bharu (Datuk Takiyuddin) ucapannya mengeluarkan hansard tahun 1965, 1984 kebetulan saya ada Salinan hansard tersebut dan dia mengungkap bahawa ketika itu tidak ada seorang pun Ahli Parlimen yang bukan beragama Islam yang berbangsa bukan Melayu menolak atau menentang RUU (Mahkamah Syariah) ketika itu.
“Saya hanya nak jawab berdasarkn fakta, pada masa itu tidak ada kes seperti yang berlaku kepada Puan Indra Gandhi, tak ada kes berebut jenazah nak kebumi di mana, tidak ada perebutan hak jaga anak-anak, tidak ada pemaksaan tukar agama.
“Kalau ada perkara-perkara ini dalam tahun 1965 dan 1984, saya yakin ahli-ahli parlimen yang bukan beragama Islam dan bukan berbangsa Melayu akan menegur,” jelasnya Ariff.
Dalam perkara berkaitan, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim dalam kenyataan baru-baru ini juga bersetuju bahawa pemerkasaan Mahkamah Syariah wajar dipersetujui secara prinsip.
Namun, apa yang dikesalkan ialah tindakan Speaker Dewan Rakyat, Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia yang menafikan ruang membahaskan mengenai pindaan rang undang-undang tersebut.
Ariff yang juga Ahli Jawatankuasa DAP Pahang itu berkata, ‘kejayaan’ PAS membentangkan usul tanpa dibahas itu dilihat sebagai perangkap politik yang dicipta UMNO yang membuka ruang memainkan sentimen kaum dan umat Islam di Malaysia.
“Kenapa tak ada keikhlasan dari kerajaan untuk melaksanakan peraturan mesyuarat 48. Mudah saja. Saya rasa ini adalah mainan politik Yang Amat Berhormat dari Pekan (Datuk Seri Najib Razak),” katanya.
Dengan menangguhkan perbahasan tersebut kata Ariff, ia boleh secara tidak langsung boleh meraih sokongan penyokong PAS.
“Dia tahu sokongan kepadanya hari-hari makin merosot dan dia memerlukan pendekatan agama untuk menarik sokongan orang Melayu.
“Saya nak tanya bagaimana usul persendirian mahu ke bacaan pertama dan seterusnya bacaan kedua kemudian diundi sebagai bill jika kerajaan tidak mengangkat usul ini, jadi itu membuat saya simpulkan bahawa isu RUU persendirian untuk meminda Akta 355 ini adalah mainan politik semata-mata,” katanya lagi. -Roketkini.com

MO1 wants to sideline Zahid...
- Hishammuddin Hussein Minister With Special Functions at PM's Dept effective today
- Najib announced appointment in a statement today
- He said Hishammuddin remained Minister of Defence
- will allow Hishammuddin to execute duty apart from defence minister" he said
- "Pelantikan ini akan membolehkan YB Hishammuddin menjalankan tugas selain daripada tanggungjawab beliau sebagai Menteri Pertahanan," katanya. - Bernama

Media folks, please go and check out how Hadi is doing?
Hadi may be admitted to IJN.
That Zahid is finished. . .
MOI will be less and less able to travel overseas. He is welcome in Tamil Nadu. Merkel possibly regrets inviting him over. Plus Berlin is not the shopping capital of Europe.
All the other normal haunts in Europe and the US are out of bounds or becoming increasingly out of bounds. But the country has to be represented by someone at conferences and meetings.
They will not send Zahid out anywhere - he cannot even string a proper sentence in English. Less of showing the fist but not quite out of the village yet.
Hisham is of course more polished and handles himself better in front of the cameras.
What are these Special Functions? Very intriguing.
Only three times previously have there been Ministers with Special Functions ie Ghazali Shafie, Asri Muda and Tengku Ahmad Rithaudeen.
There seems to be a certain consensus that Zahid Hamidi will not be the replacement for Najib.
It is possible that a laluan tikus is being prepared.- ostb
There's speculation MO1 will give up post after winning GE14 with a smaller majority, hence Hisham O is next in line. But... forget it Rosmah wont allow...
What happens when a Muslim woman
has an affair with a non-Muslim man...
Najib used PAS to break-up Pakatan. All he wanted was the complete destruction of Pakatan – the Opposition.
He tricked Hadi and PAS, by implying that together they would unite the Malays and defend Islam.
Protect and unite the Malays? Defend Islam? From what? He never said.
If you think about it, why would anyone in Umno-Baru or BN want hudud law? Once you start hudud in Kelantan, it will not be long, before a domino effect starts and hudud law is implemented throughout Malaysia.
Limbless people in Putraya
Did you think Najib would want a lot of limbless people wandering around the corridors of Putrajaya?
In Malaysia, people tend to do things, not because they are right, but because others tell them.
Remember how the tudung was implemented in University Malaya in the late 70s and took hold of Malay women? Nowadays, the tudung-less Malay woman is a rarity.
If hudud law were implemented in Malaysia, we’d see a mass migration of élite Muslims, to foreign lands. On your television screens, and in your newspapers, you see and read about Muslim migrants, from North Africa, Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq crossing the Mediterranean, walking overland or hiding in container lorries of goods, trying to flee to the west.
We’d have a mass migration of Muslim and non-Muslim élites from Malaysia who have feathered their nests in England, principally London, Australia and America, with their ill-gotten gains. Perhaps, with money that was stolen from the taxpayer.
These places in the west are where the élite have their boltholes. They will arrive in their private planes or fly in MAS’ First Class, probably funded by us, the taxpayer.
Tok Guru's warning
“Tok Guru”, the former spiritual adviser of PAS, Nik Aziz Nik Mat, once warned PAS not to trust Umno and Umno-Baru.
In May 2013, he said, “If they (Umno) come, I will spit at them. They have misinterpreted Islam.”
Poor Hadi. He refused to listen but he was intoxicated by Najib’s sweet talk. Now he looks a fool and is mistrusted by his supporters.
Here is a puzzle for you
The Star, dated 27 March, reported that a Muslim woman had an affair with a non-Muslim man.
The couple were caught naked, by the khalwat squad, when her husband lodged a report with the moral police.
She had fallen in love with the man, who had helped in the expansion of her business .
If Hadi’s hudud law was in force, what’s the punishment for this couple?
The woman will be whipped or stoned.
As Hadi’s hudud law will not affect non-Muslims, then technically, the man is let off scot-free.
Was this a crime, because the adulterous act was not witnessed by four people? Or do the moral police qualify as witnesses?
A country cannot have several sets of laws. Sadly in Malaysia, we do not just have two sets of laws.
There will be four sets of laws. Civil law. Syariah law. A set of laws for the ordinary folk. Another set of laws for the élite (Most of them will get away with most crimes). Under syariah law, women are at the bottom of the heap, so, perhaps, we have altogether five sets of laws for Malaysians.
Be warned
You have not seen the last of Hadi’s hudud bill.
When the nation goes through another crisis, like trying to hide another 1MDB episode, or if the Opposition gathers strength again, Najib will give Hadi’s hudud bill another airing and lead us through another drama. He’s done it time and again.
Do not let Najib, Umno-Baru and PAS, sidetrack you from their corruption, injustice and wrongdoing. Be on your guard. - mariam mokhtar

There you go...
Kerajaan Perpaduang PAS-UMNO.

Undang2 Malaysia gila betoi..

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