gambar hiasan...
Kahwin mangsa tak akan
selamatkan perogol, kata polis...
Polis berkata lelaki yang didakwa merogol seorang gadis berusia 13 tahun tidak akan terlepas meskipun jika dia mengahwini mangsa itu.
Ketika dihubungi Malaysiakini, Ketua Polis Daerah Kuching Abang Ahmad Abang Julai bagaimanapun tidak dapat mengesahkan jika suspek berusia 20 tahun itu menyatakan hasratnya untuk berkahwin dengan gadis itu atau jika kedua-dua mereka sedang bercinta.
"Tidak kira, jika pun dia mahu berkahwin dengan gadis itu, bukan bermakna dia boleh terlepas daripada hukuman. Gadis itu bawah umur jadi ini masih dianggap kes rogol," katanya.
Menurut laporan New Sarawak Tribune, lelaki itu ditangkap di Kuching semalam.

Semasa disoal siasat, lelaki itu dilaporkan memberitahu polis bahawa dia akan berkahwin dengan mangsa.
Artikel berita itu berkata, sebelum penahanan tersebut, satu laporan polis dibuat selepas ibu mangsa membawa gadis itu ke klinik selepas dia mengadu sakit perut.
Pemeriksaan perubatan yang dijalankan kemudiannya mendapati bahawa gadis itu hamil.
Laporan itu tidak menyebut sama ada kedua-dua mereka sedang bercinta mahupun hubungan seks dilakukan dengan kerelaan.
Mengikut undang-undang, hubungan seks dengan gadis bawah umur yang dibenarkan - iaitu 16 tahun di Malaysia - diklasifikasikan sebagai rogol.- mk
Seorang demi seorang pemimpin PAS yang kesemuanya kelihatan menggelabah mengeluarkan kenyataan menafikan kaitan Nasharuddin Mat Isa dengan PAS dan enggan untuk mengakui PAS pernah menerima sumbangan dari wang yang di perolehi oleh Nasharuddin.
Nasharuddin, setelah namanya terlondeh, terus cabut dan lesap entah ke mana, enggan menjawab sebarang soalan wartawan.
Rafizi sudah membuat cabaran terbukanya supaya PAS dan cengkadaknya membuat laporan polis jika yang didedahkan itu tidak benar, usah bising-bising di media sosial semata-mata.

Kalu tak betoi, saman Rafizi.Jangan serban lilit seribu kali
membelit pun seribu alasan...
Beranikah PAS membuat laporan polis terhadap pendedahannya itu? Beranikah PAS memanggil Nasharuddin yang masih lagi ahli PAS itu untuk membuat kenyataan dan siasatan terhadap wang 1MDB yang diperolehinya?
Berupayakah PAS memecat Nasharuddin jika Nasharuddin mengakui menerima wang tersebut? Jika jawapan terhadap salah satu di atas ialah TIDAK, ternyata PAS yang PONDAN, bukan Rafizi.
Malah pemimpin pemuda PAS, Nik Abduh namanya telah cuba untuk menghalang pendedahan Rafizi dengan mebuat laporan polis kononnya di atas faktor keselamatan supaya pendedahan Rafizi itu dapat digagalkan.

Pimpinan tertinggi PAS pula enggan untuk berjuang bersama-sama rakyat bagi mempastikan mereka yang terlibat di dalam skandal 1MDB itu dibawa ke muka pengadilan dengan pelbagai excuses.

Selain itu, sikap PAS yang begitu mengelirukan seperti bersekongkol dengan UMNO di dalam banyak keadaan serta enggan bersama dengan parti-parti pembangkang lain di dalam parlimen dan luar parlimen di dalam meruntuhkan klleptokrasi membuka mata rakyat seluas-luasnya bahawa PAS sudah tidak istiqamah di dalam perjuangan menegakkan kebenaran dan menghapuskan kemungkaran.
Lebih-lebih lagi kehidupan para pemimpin PAS yang kemewahannya amat luarbiasa, malah ada diantaranya lebih hebat dari pemimpin UMNO, menjelaskan kepada rakyat bahawa perjuangan PAS tidak seperti dulu. Itu sebab mengapa tidak ada pemimpin PAS yang berani mahu mengisytiharkan hartanya seperti yang dilakukan oleh pemimpin pembangkang.
Hukum kebenaran dan keadilan pasti berjalan. PAS akan pasti terhukum akibat pengkhianatan dan penipuannya kepada rakyat. Sepertimana tuduhan pondan kepada Rafizi, kini hukum kebenaran dan keadilan membuktikan tuduhan itu kembali kepada PAS sendiri! - kelab greenboc
Dakwaan Rafizi terhadap Nasharuddin boleh disahkan oleh SPRM?
What Does KWAP Have To Say?
Our Money Has Been Stolen From KWAP...
Do you notice how all these KWAPS, EPFs, TABUNGs etc are keeping quiet over all the billions of public funds under their trust and care that have been lost in all these scandalous deals like 1MDB, SRC, FGV etc. Lost meaning they have made investments, bought shares, bought bonds etc that were issued by these companies (and others as well) where the billions they invested have been siphoned away by 1MDB, SRC, FGV etc to other purposes.
Lets take KWAP. These people handle the Civil Servants Pension Funds. They pinjam RM4 Billion to SRC International which has since gone missing.
From Rafizi Ramli's Statutory Declaration yesterday and other reports we hear that the money that was used to pay off folks like Nasauddin Mat Isa the former Deputy President of PAS was also part of the funds siphoned out from SRC.
(By the way someone asked me yesterday how much money was paid by Najib to Nasaruddin? I dont know but I do recall that some years ago - around the relevant time period - Nasaruddin Mat Isa bought a semi D house somewhere in Selangor for about RM750,000 or thereabouts. I recall the bloggers talking about this at that time. Unless Nasa took out a housing loan, he should explain how he financed the purchase of that home.)
Back to the story, Bank Negara has indeed requested that 1MDB bring back some billions of Ringgit they took out of the country because the billions were NOT used for their earlier stated purposes. The billions of Ringgit went elsewhere.
This was also why the earlier Chairman of 1MDB (Mohd Bakke Salleh) quit as Chairman of the Board of 1MDB.
I have met Bakke a couple of times. Obviously he has a moral compass. Not only does he have a sense of fiduciary responsibility but he also has good ethical values. And a sense of responsibility.
What about the KWAP fellows. RM4 Billion of KWAP funds have disappeared. What is their reaction? Have they reacted responsibly, irresponsibly, not reacted at all? What?
First of all here is their Board of Directors:
See the guy at the top left? If he were to act in a horror movie, he is already in costume.
What do you think folks? Do you think the public can trust these people on the Board of KWAP? They have lost RM4 billion of public funds. (Yes I know it was guaranteed by the gomen, do read on.)
And here is something called their Investment Panel. I think they are big into rubber - which is a very flexible product. Do you trust these fellows here to handle your money?
Now here is the real scary part - their Organisation Chart. The Bugis pirate sits right atop their Organisation Chart. The fellow who has been designated as "MO1" by the US Dept of Justice's Anti-Kleptocracy people is at the very top of this food chain. Sikit pun tak malu ke?
The KWAP people are rejoicing that the RM4 Billion they "loaned" to SRC was gomen guaranteed.
So what? That is no excuse. The RM4 billion has been lost, because of your stupidity and incompetence.
Gomen guaranteed means now the taxpayer has to fork out RM4 Billion (plus interest?) to pay you back the RM4 Billion.
The 2.1 million taxpayers in this country (out of a 14 million workforce, not including the 7 million or 11 million foreign workers in the country.)
If the taxpayer is going to cover your investment risks then why the hell do you need a highly paid Board of Directors, an Investment Panel or a Risk Management Committee?
Conclusion : I think the KWAP people should ALL resign. Just resign and be gone. Malulah.
The fellow sitting on top of your head (in your foodchain) is a kleptocrat. Ko orang tak ada malu ke?
I dont know how you go to work in the morning? Or how you sleep at nite?
Pi umrah 10 kali pun tak akan puas cuci dosa. The dirt will still be there, sticking all over you.
You need a complete makeover. Just change your corporate logo or insignia or whatever.
You need to be more current. - ostb

Akan saman selasa ini,ingat hari selasa,hari selasa...

Semalam ku bermimpi...
Dah Tuaaaaa...

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