Akhirnya, Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi mengakui bahawa penceramah bebas, Zakir Naik telah diberikan status penduduk tetap (Permanent Residence) sejak lima tahun lepas. Kenyataan beliau ini cukup mengejutkan kerana kerajaan dilihat begitu mudah membenarkan sesiapa sahaja untuk mendapat taraf penduduk tetap (PR) di Malaysia.
Tambahan pula, individu yang diberikan taraf penduduk tetap ini adalah orang yang cukup dikehendaki di negara asalnya, India kerana terlibat dalam beberapa siasatan jenayah.
Saya cukup bimbang dengan perkembangan ini kerana tindakan kurang bijak kerajaan memberikan status PR kepada Zakir Naik sedangkan beribu-ribu anak yang lahir di Malaysia masih tidak memiliki kad pengenalan atau dikenali sebagai stateless children.
Lebih membingungkan, Zahid Hamidi sendiri mengakui bahawa lebih 300,000 kanak-kanak tidak memiliki kerakyatan di negara ini. Perkara ini cukup menyedihkan kerana mereka berdepan dengan kesukaran mendapatkan akses pendidikan, kesihatan dan keselamatan yang sewajarnya. Mereka hidup dalam keadaan kesempitan akibat kegagalan kerajaan untuk mengiktiraf kewujudan mereka.
Namun, tanpa menyelesaikan masalah ini, Putrajaya dilihat mudah meluluskan status PR kepada Zakir Naik yang tidakpun menetap di Malaysia. Ini yang kita tahu, yang tidak kita tahu entah siapa-siapa lagi turut diberikan PR. Malah, berdasarkan rekod, beliau tidak pun berkahwin atau mempunyai keluarga di Malaysia ini yang mewajarkan status penduduk tetap diberikan kepadanya.
Ironinya, bagi kanak-kanak yang tiada status kerakyatan, ada yang terpaksa membawa kes ke mahkamah untuk semakan kehakiman. Namun, Mahkamah Rayuan pada 16 Mac 2017 telah menolak permohonan seorang kanak-kanak berusia 6 tahun untuk mendapatkan status kerakyatan kerana kegagalan untuk mengemukakan bukti bahawa mereka tidak dilahirkan di negara lain. Tahap pembuktian yang tinggi ini sememangnya menyukarkan permohonan beribu-ribu lagi anak yang tidak mempunyai kad pengenalan di Malaysia ini.
Perkara ini tidak berlaku kepada Zakir Naik kerana dengan begitu mudah beliau dianugerahkan status penduduk tetap. Ibarat kata pepatah Melayu, “kera di hutan disusukan, anak di rumah mati kelaparan” yang diamalkan oleh kerajaan ini perlu dikecam kerana mengutamakan individu luar yang mempunyai pelbagai siasatan jenayah dan cuba melarikan diri ke Malaysia.
Saya menegaskan bahawa Putrajaya perlu berlaku adil kepada rakyat Malaysia dan tidak terlalu mengagungkan warga luar hanya semata-mata beliau petah berbicara. Begitu banyak ulama dan cendekiawan di Malaysia ini yang memerlukan pembelaan yang sewajarnya berbanding Zakir Naik yang pada masa yang sama menyentuh sensitiviti warga Hindu di Malaysia ini. Hormatilah keamanan dan perpaduan di antara agama dan kaum di Malaysia dan janganlah kerana nila setitik, rosak satu negara. – Roketkini.com

The PR status fugitives...
Now comes the problem of PR status granted to criminal fugitives...Abu Bakar Bashir,and Hambali.
Berita Harian reported Home Ministry to cancel PR for two Indons leaders of Jemaah Islamiah and Kumpulan Militan Malaysia (KMM).
Hambali @ Riduan Isamuddin(pix,below) and Abu Bakar Bashir(pix,above) were given PR status by Home Ministry about 10 years ago (1985?). Abu Bakar, Hambali described by IGP as “directing figures” of KMM.
Abu Bakar leader of Majlis Mujahidin Indonesia, Hambali his deputy. BH said all 3 are leaders of terror group Jemaah Islamiah in Singapore.
Abu Bakar obtained PR 2 years after arrival in Malaysia.Home Ministry should explain how it granted PR to fugitives
BH quoted DG Immigration saying they rejected Abu Bakar,Hambali PR application approved on appeal to Home Ministry,shocking, grave lapse in entire security nexus of Home Ministry these fugitives were granted PR status to carry out activities in Malaysia.
How and who are responsible for overruling Immigration Department and the number of other fugitives that were able to find refuge in Malaysia and later on granted PR status or even Malaysian citizenship is puzzling. Well, that was 15 years ago...
Today 15 years later, we are having the same argument.
There is another controversial fugitive, this time from India, who has been given PR status in Malaysia. This fellow is not only a fugitive, with an arrest warrant issued for him but he is banned in many countries including our neighbors Singapore, Bangladesh, the UK, Canada and his own country has shut down his activities.
Even Saudi Arabia and Qatar (his previous benefactors) have quietly asked him to leave. And here we are giving PR, cash money awards and even offering islands to this fugitive and trouble causer.
This must also be the work of the donkeys in P.Jaya. To conclude here is something amusing. I have long ago been informed that the security people constantly read ALL my writings - very, very closely since the 1990s.
The morons feel they should "keep an eye on me". In the meantime they gave PR to Abu Bakar Bashir, Hambali and now the Indian fugitive.
Lately they are wondering where I get my information about the Middle East - because my sources are very, very up to date. This simply means they do not read enough. Jangan dok mel_nc_p saja Dato. It is all available on the Net. Boleh baca omputih ke?
If you all had listened to me from 25 years ago (a quarter century ago) the country will not be in this mess right now. You didnt listen to me. The country is now in a mess.
So who is the threat to the security of the nation? Its you isnt it? And while you are reading this, the Malays are getting poorer. And poorer. And you are the cause. - ostb
BH quoted DG Immigration saying they rejected Abu Bakar,Hambali PR application approved on appeal to Home Ministry,shocking, grave lapse in entire security nexus of Home Ministry these fugitives were granted PR status to carry out activities in Malaysia.
How and who are responsible for overruling Immigration Department and the number of other fugitives that were able to find refuge in Malaysia and later on granted PR status or even Malaysian citizenship is puzzling. Well, that was 15 years ago...
Today 15 years later, we are having the same argument.
There is another controversial fugitive, this time from India, who has been given PR status in Malaysia. This fellow is not only a fugitive, with an arrest warrant issued for him but he is banned in many countries including our neighbors Singapore, Bangladesh, the UK, Canada and his own country has shut down his activities.
Even Saudi Arabia and Qatar (his previous benefactors) have quietly asked him to leave. And here we are giving PR, cash money awards and even offering islands to this fugitive and trouble causer.
This must also be the work of the donkeys in P.Jaya. To conclude here is something amusing. I have long ago been informed that the security people constantly read ALL my writings - very, very closely since the 1990s.
The morons feel they should "keep an eye on me". In the meantime they gave PR to Abu Bakar Bashir, Hambali and now the Indian fugitive.
Lately they are wondering where I get my information about the Middle East - because my sources are very, very up to date. This simply means they do not read enough. Jangan dok mel_nc_p saja Dato. It is all available on the Net. Boleh baca omputih ke?
If you all had listened to me from 25 years ago (a quarter century ago) the country will not be in this mess right now. You didnt listen to me. The country is now in a mess.
So who is the threat to the security of the nation? Its you isnt it? And while you are reading this, the Malays are getting poorer. And poorer. And you are the cause. - ostb
How to Win Elections Najib's way...
In Subang 345 voters (mostly Chinese) were objected to by UMNO...
I was at the Selangor Election Commission's office this morning to check out the voter objection hearing process. I was shocked to find out a total of 354 voters from the Subang Parliamentary constituency (of which Kota Damansara, Paya Jaras and Bukit Lanjan are part of) were objected.
About half made it to today's hearing and had their voting right reinstated. Of those present, some took emergency leave, some took unpaid leave, some postponed work and meeting arrangements and some came at the eleventh hour after receiving the EC's PosLaju letter only yesterday.
The atmosphere in the room was tense and some felt confused as to why they were objected randomly. Nevertheless, every single one present were determined to make sure their right to vote will be reinstated in time for GE14.
After checking with some of them, I realised they were not randomly selected.
1. Majority of the objected voters had registered for change of voting address at the Post Office.
2. Almost all were Chinese.
3. They had applied to move to two seats in Subang Parliament ie. DUN Kota Damansara and DUN Paya Jaras - seats which UMNO has high stakes in retaining or wresting.
4. Majority of the Objectors (Pembantah) came from one address: No 10, Jalan Pekaka 8/3, Seksyen 8, Kota Damansara 47810 Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. (This is the address of UMNO Bahagian Subang)
The process was thankfully fast. Upon being called into a separate room, they were asked a few questions: How far is the community hall from your house, how far is a certain petrol station from your house etc.
The more time consuming process was the queue due to the numbers that turned up. Some waited for up to four hours for their turn.
On the Objector's side (pembantah) side, only a handful, maybe 4 or 5 at most turned up. According to the EC's rules and regulations on objecting voters, each pembantah is allowed to object up to 20 names. A total of 354 objected voters would mean at least 18 pembantahs should have been present to face the persons they objected. Where were they?
Also seen was a man and a lady with a child in charge of distributing RM100 bills 'compensation' to the objected voters present. Someone must have upfront RM35,400 cash to this person to pay on the spot!
Kudos to those present and who were determined not to leave until their rights to be a voter were reinstated.
Please inform those who may have received a letter from the EC either by registered post or PosLaju. There is nothing to be worried if they are called to the hearing. If you are unsure of your voting status, log onto http://daftarj.spr.gov.my/DAFTARJ and key in your IC number.
We know there is only one party who fears new voters more than anything. Don't let them take away your fundamental rights! - Elizabeth Wong
How money win Elections : How I
got my RM100...
Sharing my ex colleague 's experience ... "How I received RM100 for being eligible to Vote"
Now I know why Money wins elections in Malaysia
"Changing my voting station is a challenge."
I decided to update my polling centre to my residential address 10 months ago (to Dusun Tua, PAS incumbent). About 4 weeks ago I received a notice that my application has received a Bantahan which required me to attend a public investigation. If I wish to continue to be eligible to vote, I would need to show up at SPR office, at a specific time, for a hearing.
Kegagalan Tuan/Puan untuk hadir semasa Siasatan Awam ini, akan menyebabkan nama Tuan/Puan dikeluarkan dari RDPT bekenaan.
At the hearing.
Place - Dusun Tua.
Big Boss - Umno, Branch Secretary Noridah binti Mohd Amir.
Supervisor - Rohani Kassim.
Pembantah - Abd Halim bin Mohd Yunus.
Pembayar - Hairul Shahrizal Hamdan.
I was one of the first to arrived and soon the waiting room was filled with people. My name was in one of several lists of Dibantah. A quick glance around the room and at the lists showed that at least 80% were ethnic Chinese.
At my turn, my Pembantah and myself were shown to another room and took our oath before a judge. The Pembantah was a middle aged man that I have never met before. His name was Abd Halim bin Md Yunus.
His excuse for challenging my application was "He didn't see anyone at home, and my neighbors did not know me". This was of course a lie because I live in a gated and guarded residence, so he wouldn't have been able to enter my Taman without my permission. And I've been living here for 9 years. Thankfully the judge has ruled his challenge as "failed".
"My compensation"
Because I have won this challenge, the Pembantah has to pay me compensation for my hardship. The judge has decided compenation of RM100. So I approached my Pembantah and asked for it.
"The best part - how I got my RM100"
Abd Halim told me he has no money. He said his boss will pay me later. I objected and threatened to sue him. He panicked and repeated that his boss didn't give him money.
So I pressed on and asked for the boss's name. And he told me. It's UMNO!!! According to Abd Halim, his big boss is UMNO branch secretary Noridah binti Mohd Amir. He showed me his SPR filing documentation to confirm it. But he doesn't have her contact number, so he gave me his supervisor's mobile number instead. Her name is Rohani Kassim. I called and spoke to her and she simply said she'll pay up.
At this stage, many others in the SPR Office took notice and made similar appeal.
Suddenly I notice a Malay man in dark sunglasses standing outside the SPR office signaling to all the Pembantahs and they all left at once. Thereafter all the hearings were "walkover wins" (no Pembantah).
Shortly, a young man (Hairul Shahrizal Hamdan) showed up in the SPR Office and just started paying all of us, on the Pembantahs' behalf, without any fuss. I asked him why he was paying for all the Pembantah? But he just kept quiet.
Anyway, that is how I got my RM100.- Hussein A.Hamid@steadyaku47

The graduate unemployment rate is also very high, maybe close to 200,000 now. I can assure you the vast majority of the 200,000 youths, the majority of unemployed graduates and the majority of the 500,000 total unemployed are mostly Malays.
(This is Malaysia. If you want to fix this country, you must focus by race, race, race.)
Now here is where these figures are a threat to the security of the nation. Despite so many Malays being unemployed, there is still growth in the economy. This year may see higher economic growth than last year, say 4.5% - 4.7%.
The economy can grow despite so many Malays being unemployed, going bankrupt etc. This means the Malays are much, much less relevant in both the consumption and production function in the economy. The supply side and the demand side can still grow.
The Malays are less relevant now ! And then the SEVEN MILLION Banglas, Indons, Myanmars and Nepalis are fully employed. Some say ELEVEN MILLION.
The Indons are now being moved quietly into executive level jobs. No more cuci pinggan mangkuk saja. Experienced Indons are easily paid RM90 per day. They take home about RM2000 - RM2500 per month. This is the level of the Indon's productivity.
And you Civil Servant morons please note this : The Indon wages and Indon employment rates have increased AFTER you imposed Minimum Wages. Why? Because the Indons can work. They are worth the money you pay them.
Our local youths DO NOT want to work. They are lazy, they have bad attitudes, they want "cuti", suddenly they all want prayer breaks and then you have to pay them Minimum Wages. Punyalah haprak !
So the economy automatically adjusts towards higher productivity workers at higher pay levels. Its Adam Smith's "invisible hand" lah, there is no conspiracy ok. So the Indons are paid RM2000 - RM2500 per month. The Melayu become unemployed.
The Banglas have gone way beyond that. The Banglas who are school educated and are more intelligent are now "managers". We went to a CHINESE hardware shop and there were no Chinese in sight. Karim the Bangla was the manager. He had about three other Banglas helping him.
Then Kalam the Bangla is his own boss in Malaysia with his own factory that does iron works. Kalam employs about 5 Banglas !! Kalam can give you a project costing for iron works within 15 minutes ! ! Then he says, 'Boss saya janji TIGA MINGGU siap. Tapi Boss jangan takut, DUA MINGGU pun saya boleh siap kerja.' I felt like hugging and kissing Kalam.
My book printer is a Bangla who employs SIXTY OTHER BANGLAS ! ! He runs a factory that is about an acre in size. His monthly wage bill alone is over RM100,000 !!
My Malay (Minang from Negeri - a uniquely successful racial group) sub-contractor employs ALL Banglas only. So does the flooring contractor. It is Banglas, Banglas everywhere.
The economy is growing at 4% or 4.7% because of these people.
Where are the Malays and their kids? Pasar pagi ?
Impoverishing the ordinary citizens and making them poor must surely count as a threat against the security of the nation. And this is happening already in Malaysia.
Do not worry too much about the Americans bombing us, the North Koreans declaring war on us or the Abu Sayyaf attacking Sabah. All that seems inconsequential. We have worse enemies from within.
I hold the people who are entrusted with safeguarding the security of the nation as responsible for this. It is your fault. You have failed your jobs miserably. 'You' means the political leaders.
But lets not leave out the upper-crust among the Civil Servants. Actually you are just a bunch of village idiots. It is you morons who are a serious threat to the security of the nation. If the Malays are becoming poorer it is a serious threat to the security of the nation.
There are "laws" of economics, business and finance which you CANNOT ignore.
Malaysia is NOT EXEMPT from simple and basic rules of economics like supply, demand, labour productivity, relevance to the market etc. You simply cannot make your own laws of economics. Tak boleh lah kawan.
Instead of focusing on real solutions you are now embroiled in nonsensical policies that not only have not worked BUT CANNOT AND WILL NOT WORK.
ANY ECONOMIC POLICY based on RELIGION OR RACE WILL NOT WORK. This is what we are finding out now. By the way, the speed of the disaster is accelerating. - ostb

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