Sedangkan, Ahli Parlimen Petaling Jaya Utara, Tony Pua berkata, jumlah hutang 1MDB yang ditanggung Kerajaan Persekutuan secara langsung dan tidak langsung masing-masing kini mencecah RM5 bilion dan US$7.73 bilion dengan jumlah keseluruhan melebihi RM39 bilion.
Ini, katanya, termasuk:
Najib yang menjawab persoalan Ahli Parlimen Bakri, Er Teck Hwa yang meminta angka kemaskini berhubung kakitangan 1MDB, aliran tunai, hutang dan aset 1MDB, berkata syarikat itu tidak mempunyai hutang bank dan jangka masa pendek setakat Januari 2016.
“Pada masa ini, 1MDB tidak mempunyai apa-apa hutang bank dan jangka pendek,” kata Najib dalam jawapan bertulis di Parlimen semalam. –

Cam mana 1MDB nak bayar baki hutang RM40b?
RUU355: PAS makan umpan politik UMNO, wujudkan pertembungan 3 penjuru...
Usul yang lebih dikenali sebagai RUU355 itu kata Naib Presiden PKR Rafizi Ramli terus kekal menjadi mainan politik UMNO apabila Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak ‘tidak jadi’ membentangkannya di Parlimen.
“Keputusan Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak untuk tidak membentangkan sendiri cadangan pindaan kepada Akta 355 bagi menaikkan had hukuman Mahkamah Syariah adalah pukulan maut (“total knock-out/TKO”) kepada sebarang usaha untuk menghidupkan usul itu.
“RUU355 kekal permainan politik UMNO untuk memastikan berlaku pertembungan 3 penjuru dalam PRU14,” katanya dalam satu kenyataan hari ini.

Dedak gred apa yang depa dapat ?
Ini kerana kuasa sebenar untuk memperkasakan Mahkamah Syariah terletak di tangan Najib Razak sendiri selaku Perdana Menteri.
Jelasnya dalam Peraturan Dewan 49, ia jelas menyebut bahawa sebarang rang undang-undang persendirian walaupun pun dibenarkan dibaca, dibahas dan menang undian di Dewan Rakyat, ia tidak akan pergi ke peringkat yang lebih jauh.
“Kecuali Kerajaan sendiri bersetuju untuk menerima cadangan RUU itu dan diambil alih untuk dibentangkan semula di Dewan Rakyat bagi bacaan kali kedua,” ujar beliau.
Katanya jika Najib benar-benar ikhlas untuk membentangkan usul Hadi tersebut, beliau sudah tentu akan meneruskan janjinya yang dibuat di Perhimpunan Agung UMNO yang lalu bahawa pihak Umno (dan Kerajaan Persekutuan) sendiri yang akan membentangkan perkara ini dan melalui proses Dewan Rakyat mengikut Peraturan Mesyuarat.

“Sama ada RUU355 dibenarkan dibentang atau tidak, saya telah buat pendirian kerana telah cukup maklumat dengan menilai keikhlasan Datuk Seri Najib dalam hal ini.
“Bentanglah secepat mungkin supaya kita boleh kembali kepada isu-isu rakyat yang lebih tinggi keutamaannya untuk diselesaikan berbanding permainan politik UMNO ini,” katanya lagi.
Sentimen kaum dan agama, senjata politik UMNO
Menyifatkannya sebagai senjata politik UMNO, Ahli Parlimen Taiping Nga Kor Ming pula berkata kontroversi melibatkan usul Presiden PAS itu telah digunakan untuk mengalih perhatian masyarakat daripada isu sebenar yang sedang melanda negara.
“Ketika negara dilanda krisis kewangan, kejatuhan ringgit dan rakyat terhimpit dengan pelbagai kenaikan kos sara hidup, kerajaan BN perlu mengalih perhatian dan fokus rakyat, malangnya RUU355 telah dijadikan senjata politik walaupun rang undang-undang itu bercanggah dengan Perlembagaan Persekutuan.
Menurut Pengerusi DAP Perak itu, UMNO sedar bahawa sentimen perkauman dan agama merupakan jalan mudah untuk memesongkan pandangan rakyat.
“Jangan lagi ada yang masuk perangkap oleh pihak yang bertopengkan agama tapi hanya untuk kepentingan peribadi mereka,” katanya lagi. –

Taufik Ismail mahu sekat usul RUU355 Hadi
Ex Chairman Board of Governors PFS
Arrested For Graft,Cheating Toll Collectors...
- (MACC) detained 'Datuk', trustee of bumi foundation for graft
70-year-old detained in George Town, Penang
- millions of ringgit (losses) to subsidiary of foundation
- sold land belonging to subsidiary without processes, procedures
- made decisions to sell land without knowledge of subsidiary
- sold land to company in which he had interest
- land sold much lower than market without knowledge of board
- suspect received bribes from companies that bought land
- would receive at least 1% of value of land sold
- MACC Azam Baki contacted by Bernama confirmed arrest - Bernama
Datuk is Syed A_did, who is an ex-Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Penang Free School.
They used the 1MDB model. The guy was influential with that Yayasan bumiputra and its subsidiary which owned land around Penang.
He also sat on the board of the subsidiary. He got the subsidiary to sell land very cheap (RM2 psf ??) to another company where again he had an interest (Hun_a).
Then Hun_a sold the land at market price (RM50 psf??) to another company (Berch_m). Thats how they made a killing. Just like 1MDB buying land for RM60 psf and selling it for RM2000 psf or something.
But strangely his cut was about 1% of the proceeds. So little? Alamak bodohnya ! You went through all that trouble for 1% ! !
Even the standard commission for property agents is 2% - 3%. What he could have done is get a property agent involved (properly and legally) and insist that the property agent split the 2% or 3% comission with him.
Still illegal but almost no document trail.
This is like Al Maunah stealing all those weapons from the military camp, then driving back to their kampong and hiding on a hilltop behind their house.
The Police found them within half an hour. (I say what about that Pastor Koh, Hilmy and Che Mat abduction? Still no leads Tan Sri IGP? The silence is deafening.)
Here below is case No. 2. My school friends say that some of the Toll Booth workers (who top up your Touch and Go) are cheating.
Imagine during jams and rush hours, how many people are being fleeced of their money? And the Toll Booth guys are stealing from the public.
What is becoming of this country? From the Prime Minister, to the ex Chairman of the Board of Governors of Penang Free School right down to Toll Booth Operators are all stealing. - ostb
Sabah Assembly To Be Dissolved In April?
Kleptocrat landed in Tamil Nadu a couple of days ago. The info I get is that after he comes back, he will be spending time in Sabah. Then the Sabah assembly will be dissolved soon after that and elections will be held in May 2017.
Maybe the kleptocrats will hold a rally at the Likas Stadium. There have been sightings of crocodiles in the monsoon drains near the stadium. My son who served at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital recalls treating a patient who survived a crocodile attack.
On the walls of the pyramids in Egypt there are hieroglyphics of hippopotamus biting crocodiles. The tour guides said that the people who drew those pictures must have had a sense of humour - 3000 years or so ago.
Actually hippos do bite crocodiles in half. So I hope the crocodiles in Likas do bite with care. Dont bite off more than you can chew.
Here is some dated but relevant elections news about Sabah :
- (EC) posted 13 new state constituencies in Sabah on Sept 15, 2016
- political parties on both sides discuss which areas to contest.
- BN components have mentioned new seats they are eyeing
- (Upko) and (PBS) among first to signal interest
- Upko wants 4 of 13 new seats, besides retaining six state seats.
- Upko wants Dambai, Mengaris, Telupid and Bengkoka seats.
- other new seats are Tanjung Dumpil, Pantai Dalit, Pintasan, Sungai Manila, Lamag, Kukusan, Darau, Tulid, Segama.
- these are Kadazandusun and Murut majority areas.
- PBS requested for 6 new seats on top of their 13 state seats
- PBS lost Matunggong, Tamparuli, Api-Api, Sri Tanjong, Inanam, Kadamaian
- PBS wants extra Telupid, Mengaris and Dambai — same 3 seats Upko wants
- Liberal Democratic Party, Chinese-based party, signals interest in new seats
Of course Shafie Apdal has been busy in Sabah. He has not wasted a single day since he was fired from UMNO.
Sabah will be a strong indicator about where the nation's politics will evolve. - ostb

Is Hadi and gang taken for a ride or they conspired with Najib and Co
to perform the grand sandiwara of RUU355...

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