Gelaran ‘tengku’ yang digunakan oleh Setiausaha Agung UMNO, Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor dipersoal.
Bekas Naib Ketua UMNO Bahagian Batu Kawan, Datuk Khairuddin Abu Hassan mendakwa, gelaran itu palsu dan bukannya gelaran yang berasal daripada keturunan.
Beliau berkata demikian membidas kenyataan Adnan semalam kononnya dirinya tidak boleh membuat laporan terhadap UMNO kepada Pendaftar Pertubuhan (ROS) kerana keahliannya dalam parti Melayu itu dicurigai.
“Adnan Mansor tolong jangan curiga sama ada saya ahli UMNO yang sah ataupun tidak, tetapi curigailah dari mana dapat gelaran ‘tengku palsu’ tu?
“Tolonglah jawab dan terangkan dulu kepada 30 juta rakyat Malaysia dari mana awak dapat gelaran ‘tengku’ palsu ini dulu??.
Hakikatnya juga Adnan Mansor ni bukan cerdik sangat pun. Dia adalah kaki bodek minda lemah otak udang.
“Kenapa Adnan Mansor bangang sangat? Kalau saya bukan ahli UMNO macam mana pada pemilihan UMNO tahun 2014 saya boleh bertanding jawatan naib ketua UMNO bahagian?,” soalnya menerusi kenyataan Facebooknya.
Semalam Adnan menyindir tindakan Khairuddin yang mahu membuat laporan terhadap parti itu kepada ROS susulan kemelut yang melanda parti Melayu itu sebagai “tidak boleh pakai”.
“Saya pun banyak benda nak berceloteh pasal Adnan Mansor ni. Dia sebenarnya penyangak yang tak boleh dipercayai serta dapat diibaratkan seperti ‘gergaji dua mata’.
“Parasit macam inilah yang paling bahaya apabila berada di dalam parti politik. Tolong cakap kat ‘tengku palsu’ ni jangan cakap banyak,” tambah Khairuddin. - fmt
Khairuddin lashes out at Ku Nan, says ‘Tengku’ title is fake
Siapa "Tengku" Adnan Sebenarnya. Darah Raja atau bukan?

Dr.M - Again that "the enemy of your enemy is my friend" thing...
Mahathir's decision to leave Umno for the second time only echoed what has happened with Onn Jaafar, Tunku, Hussein Onn and to a lesser extent to Ku Li, Musa and Anwar Ibrahim.
That it was so long in coming was pointed out to me two nights ago when I received a call from KL from one of my long time sahabat who now considers himself a "conditional" Zahid loyalist. Conditional because he was certain that Zahid ascent to the number one position is not certain.
He asked me when I thought Mahathir would leave Umno? I ventured an opinion that if Mahathir did leave Umno now, would he not be crying "WOLF" once too often?
In reply, he said, "We wait and see."
He told me that Zahid did not have consensus within Umno to be DPM.
It was a "Captain's Call" by Najib to make Zahid DPM.
But Najib understood that if Zahid is able to muster the troops in support of him, Zahid could also muster the troops against him. That Najib is no fool!
So my sahabat in KL told me that was why he is a "conditional" loyalist of Zahid because the feeling within Zahid's camp is that their boss will be number one soon but it is not a done deal yet.
"Who else's" I asked "is campaigning?"
He would not be drawn into putting his two cents worth on this issue because "anything can happen".
Yes Sir!...anything can happen!
Najib is a lame duck President of Umno. His position within Umno is by the grace of those who are financially indebted to him.

Have you ever had anyone been indebted to you because you loaned them much more money that they can ever repay you with. Sure he is indebted to you ...but does he want you dead or alive?
The same with those in Umno who are financially indebted to Najib. All of them will heave a sign of "good riddance" once Najib is gone...and the recriminations will start as soon as the new prime minister is put in place. For now, they all wait.
As for Mahathir joining that core group whose objective is to oust Najib...that "the enemy of your enemy is my friend" thing...did we not have the same thing with Pakatan Rakyat? Now where is Pakatan Rakyat today?
What is more interesting to me is that Mahathir will now join me and many others in our effort to free Anwar Ibrahim. Najib and Saiful be afraid, be very afraid! We all want our pound of flesh from these two and damm if they bleed! - streadyaku 47

Federal Court upholds death sentence of Indonesian for murder of bank officer...
A former security guard lost his final appeal at the Federal Court today to set aside his conviction and death sentence for the murder of Ambank Subang Jaya branch officer Norazita Abu Talib more than two years ago.
A five-man bench, led by Appeal Court President Tan Sri Md Raus Sharif, unanimously dismissed La Ode Ardi Rasila's appeal against his conviction and death sentence for the murder charge.
It also dismissed the 39-year-old Indonesian's appeal against his conviction and death sentence on another charge under the Firearms (Increased Penalities) Act 1971 for committing robbery and intentionally firing a shot using a pump gun.
La Ode appeared calm when the court delivered the decision.
Justice Raus said the High Court and Appeal Court considered La Ode's defence and the Federal Court did not have any reason to decide otherwise.
On Aug 14, 2014, the Shah Alam High Court sentenced La Ode to death after finding him guilty of the two charges.
He committed both offences inside the building of Ambank Subang Jaya branch in Jalan USJ Sentral 2, Subang Jaya, between 6pm and 6.30pm on Oct 23, 2013.
He lost his appeal at the Appeal Court last July 30.
La Ode has one more option, that is to appeal to the Pardons Board against his death sentence. – Bernama

HOOORAY!!! Mulai bulan depan, Mac 2016 'toyol-toyol' akan aktif kembali
seperti yg telah dijanjikan oleh Menteri Pengangkutan, Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai...

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