"Hakim memutuskan bahawa plaintif (ibu dan kakak Aminulrasyid) berjaya membuktikan bahawa defendan bertanggungjawab terhadap kematian Aminulrasyid.
"Dalam erti kata lain, plaintif berjaya memenangi kes terhadap kerajaan berhubung tembakan polis yang membunuh Aminulrasyid enam tahun lalu," kata peguam N Surendran kepada pemberita selepas keputusan itu diumumkan oleh Hakim Datuk Ahmad Zaidi Ibrahim.

Mahkamah juga memerintahkan defendan membayar kos RM50,000.
Saman berkenaan difailkan pada 17 April 2013 oleh kakak remaja itu, Nor Azura, 46, atas kapasiti sebagai pentadbir harta Aminulrasyid, bersama ibunya, Norsiah Mohamad, 67, masing-masing sebagai plaintif pertama dan kedua untuk menuntut ganti rugi atas alasan kecuaian Koperal Jenain Subi, 54, dan tiga yang lain. - mk
When will RM2.6b donor come forward like my house seller?...
The DAP secretary-general said he had nothing to hide nor did the person who sold him the house for RM2.8 million.
He then turned the tables on Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak with regard to the RM2.6 billion political donation from a yet to be identified Saudi royalty.
"The person who sold the house to me has come forward. The person who donated the RM2.6 billion has not come forward.
"I have practised all levels of accountability, that are not practised by BN leaders," he told a press conference in the parliament lobby.
The former owner of Lim's house, businesswoman Phang Li Koon, had signed a statutory declaration (SD) that the sale of her house to the chief minister was above board, and denied any links to a company which had dealings with the state government.
Her SD was read out by state executive councillor Phee Boon Poh, who is related to the businesswoman.
Lim said Phang had not read the SD herself as she did not want to meet the press.
Character assassination conspiracy
Meanwhile, Lim also accused the New Straits Times and Utusan Malaysia of character assassination.
"There is a conspiracy to character-assassinate me.
"These papers want to make corruption happen even though there is not."
He also rubbished an NST report today that said Kuala Lumpur International Dental Centre Sdn Bhd (KLIDC) had applied to change its land development terms, so that 70 percent of the land will be used for hotel and service suites, while the remaining 30 percent for hospitals.
"The land title states that 66 percent is for hospitals and the remaining for service suites.
"If you want to lie at least be a bit more clever. Don't make lies easily detected when you look at the title which anybody can get," he added.
Yesterday, Lim also threw a tantrum over NST, after the English daily published a report titled "Guan Eng flees Parliament, avoids questions on RM2.8 mil bungalow." - mk

Guan Eng beli rumah bawah harga pasaran.Menteri UMNO beli atas harga pasaran.
Boleh pulak...

Saya menarik perhatian kepada berita TV3 pada 23 Mac 2016 dan memaklumkan semoga kecelaruan ini tidak berlarutan sebagaimana yang disampaikan oleh DYAM Brigadier Jeneral Tunku Ismail Ibni Sultan Ibrahim, Tunku Mahkota Johor semalam yang telah diputarbelitkan. Apa yang sebenarnya yang dimaksudkan oleh baginda yang utama sekali adalah berkenaan tidak mahu sejarah hitam 1992 berulang kembali. DYAM Tunku Mahkota Johor juga tidak pernah meletakkan pendiriannya untuk memihak kepada mana mana pihak atau menghentam mana mana pihak. Kenyataan tersebut adalah untuk mengingatkan pemimpin yang memegang jawatan supaya sentiasa berkhidmat dengan jujur dan telus untuk rakyat. Tumpuan seharusnya untuk negara ini terus maju ke hadapan. Baginda mahukan agar Bangsa Johor sentiasa bersatu demi mengekalkan perpaduan antara semua kaum. Terdapat isu tanahair yang lebih besar perlu ditangani segera dan bukannya menjadikan kenyataan dari DYAM Tunku Mahkota Johor sebagai pengalih perhatian daripada isu tersebut.
Dato Haji Abd. Rahim bin Ramli
Yang DiPertua Jumaah Diraja Johor
Saya juga ingat mata lebam ayah saya...

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