Dr Mahathir Mohamad berhak menyaman Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak berhubung derma RM2.6 bilion.
Veteran UMNO, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah berkata Dr Mahthir sebagai rakyat yang membayar cukai berhak melakukan saman tersebut.
“Rakyat asalkan membayar cukai berhak; ada locus standi (hak untuk mengambil tindakan di mahkamah).
“Sesiapa pun boleh saman menteri, pengawai kerajaan kalau mereka tak menjalankan tanggungjawab dengan sempurna, macam (contohnya) salahguna kuasa,” katanya kepada pemberita di ruang legar Parlimen hari ini.

Terdahulu, Dr Mahathir bersama dua yang lain memfailkan saman terhadap Datuk Seri Najib Razak kerana didakwa telah menyalahgunakan kuasanya sebagai Perdana Menteri, Pengerusi BN dan Presiden UMNO untuk mengganggu siasatan keatas 1MDB dan syarikat-syarikat berkaitan, RM42 juta daripada SRC International dan derma politik RM2.6 bilion.
Saman itu difailkan di pejabat pendaftar Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur hari ini.
Selain Mahathir, plaintif lain adalah bekas ahli Wanita Umno Langkawi Anina Saadudin dan bekas Naib Ketua Umno bahagian Batu Kawan Datuk Seri Khairuddin Abu Hassan.

Maksud Azalina tu begini..."Saya beruk tapi bukan kera"
Beliau, mengulangi saranan Presiden Badan Peguam Malaysia, Steven Thiru dan peguam, S Ambiga kepada pemimpin besar DAP itu supaya bercuti sementara Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia menjalankan siasatan.
“Biasanya bila ada kes salahguna kuasa atau rasuah, sepatutnya dia (Guan Eng) bercutilah (dan) beri laluan kepada pihak berkuasa untuk menyiasat dengan baik apa yang telah berlaku,” katanya. - fmt
The bungalow that’s got everybody talking...
No one is perfect and we cannot expect perfect politicians to look after us. That is why we need systems and checks and balances to ensure compliance and minimum malfeasance and deviation. Sometimes it is about the lesser of two evils.
I believe Lim Guan Eng is a good politician and a good chief minister of Penang, despite whatever shortcomings he may have. His position has always been precarious. He faces more odds than others when trying to do what he wants for Penang and Malaysia. There are people, from within his own party, NGOs, as well as his political enemies who just cannot wait for the right moment to criticise and destabilise him.
Politicians are criticised when they do wrong, that is for sure. However, sometimes politicians are targeted when they are too impartial, straight and firm.
Lim should be very careful because he is not an ordinary politician. His colleagues may have an axe to grind. Businesspeople may be unhappy with his decisions. His political enemies may be too envious of his tenacity and performance thus far.
Accusations against him are expected. What more when a bungalow of more than 10,000 square feet was sold to him at a very attractive price. Most would capitalise on the opportunity to criticise and vilify him.
Personally I do not think Lim would have been that foolish to be involved in something so blatant. Say whatever you like, it is never easy for Opposition politicians to be corrupt in this country.
If he is innocent, he should let the process runs its course. There is no need for him to make statements which will only create more doubt and provide more ammunition to his enemies.
It is useless to say that the price of the property was agreed upon earlier unless there was an agreement attesting to it. It is also useless to say that he was not aware of the market value of the bungalow. I am quite sure whatever price transacted between the parties without duress is not a crime. Someone could have donated the bungalow to him out of respect, love and affection, for all we care.
To me, the best defence to all these allegations is for the previous owner of this bungalow to make a statement or a statutory declaration that there was no quid pro quo in this transaction that involved Lim’s performance as the chief minister of Penang. It is for the relevant authorities to investigate and validate the declaration fairly and transparently.- TK Chua,FMT.
Guan Eng - Saya tak perlu bercuti...

Putaq belit TV3 suku...

RM 168,568.46

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