Oleh itu, katanya, peletakan jawatan Najib hanya akan membuka jalan kepada lebih ramai pemimpin sepertinya untuk menggantikan beliau.
"Akan ada banyak lagi seperti dia - mungkin seorang graduan Oxford yang lebih bergaya - kerana sistem membenarkan seseorang sepertinya muncul," katanya semasa ditemu-bual oleh saluran radio perniagaan BFM 89.9.
"Bagi saya, saya minta maaf, saya tidak boleh membuta tuli menerima peletakan jawatan tetapi tidak tahu apa yang akan jadi selepas itu," katanya
Nrul Izzah berkata demikian ketika diminta mengulas sama ada perletakan jawatan dengan imuniti adalah lebih baik daripada membiarkan Najib untuk terus berkuasa.
Ahli Parlimen Lembah Pantai itu, bagaimanapun, mempersoalkan apa yang akan tercapai dengan perletakan jawatan Najib.
"Katakan dia letakkan jawatan dan digantikan oleh timbalannya, apakah perubahan yang bakal berlaku?
"(Bekas ketua pembangkang) Anwar Ibrahim masih di penjara. Sebahagian besar daripada kita masih menghadapi tuduhan, mungkin (akan) disabitkan dan kehilangan kerusi kami.
"Kita perlu jelas; apa yang dimaksudkan dengan perubahan? Itulah sebabnya saya selalu berkata ia mesti ditambah dengan melaksanakan pembaharuan institusi, " katanya. - mk
Najib's product of system, more like him to come

UMNO Tidak Berani Pecat Ahmad Said...
Setahun selepas pengunduran Ahmad Said sebagai MB Terengganu, pada 13 Mei 2015, Ahmad Said menggemparkan rakyat Terengganu apabila dalam ucapan perbahasan menjunjung kasih titah tuanku mendakwa 1MDB mahu mencagarkan minyak dan gas negeri Terengganu. Dakwaan ini dinafikan oleh kerajaan pusat dan ini punca kerajaan Terengganu menarik diri dari 1MDB.
Semalam dalam ucapan perbahasan di Dewan Undangan Negeri, sekali lagi ADUN Kijal itu mengejutkan orang ramai apabila mencadangkan usul undi tidak percaya kepada MB. Usul itu dibawa dalam ucapan penangguhan Ahmad Said dan DUN terpaksa ditangguhkan ke sebelah petang untuk memberi peluang kepada Speaker DUN untuk mentafsirkan usul tersebut.
Speaker, Zubir Embong menolak usul itu kerana ia diberi tanpa notis tetapi dibantah oleh Ahmad Said kerana usul yang menjatuhkan kerajaan PAS di Terengganu pada tahun 1961 dibawa ke sidang DUN tanpa sebarang notis. Sidang DUN semalam ditangguhkan pada jam 3.20 petang apabila penolakan usul tersebut oleh Speaker adalah muktamad.
Belum pernah dalam sejarah politik negara, ADUN BN sendiri yang membawa usul undi tidak percaya kepada MB BN. Ahmad Said mencatat sejarah ini. Menteri di JPM, Azalina Othman mengulas isu ini berkata Ahmad Said gila talak.

Bagi saya, Ahmad Said mabuk ubi gadung kerana sanggup bawa usul tersebut. Sepatutnya beliau suruh PAS bawa usul itu dan beliau sokong apabila dibuat pengundian. Jadi tindakan ini mengundang lembaga disiplin Umno untuk mengambil tindakan kepada Ahmad Said sama ada menggantung atau memecat keahlian beliau.
Sebelum ini Ahmad Said yang kecewa kehilangan jawatan MB dua tahun lepas telah keluar dari Umno tetapi U-turn semula apabila dipujuk oleh pucuk pimpinan. Sejak itu Ahmad Said tuntut macam macam dengan MB termasuk melantiknya sebagai Pengerusi Ladang Rakyat dan Pengerusi Pembangunan Tasik Kenyir. Apa lagi Ahmad Said mahu?
Adakah kerana kerusi BN 17, PAS 15 maka Ahmad Said terus mengugut MB? Beliau sudah tahu Speaker akan menolak usulnya tetapi sekurang kurangnya usul itu sudah mencemarkan nama Ahmad Razif di kalangan rakyat Terengganu.
Adakah kerana Ahmad Said menunggu dipecat dari Umno untuk bersama dengan perjuangan Dr Mahathir Mohamad yang keluar dari Umno dua minggu lepas? Ketika Dr Mahathir pergi ke PWTC untuk menyertai forum Nothing To Hide mengenai isu 1MDB, Ahmad Said turut mengiringi Dr Mahathir ke PWTC.
Malah selepas pemecatan Muhyiddin Yasin sebagai TPM, Umno Bahagian Kemaman yang diketuai Ahmad Said berani menjemput Muhyiddin merasmikan persidangan perwakilan bahagian tersebut.
Dengan tindakan Ahmad Said semalam, ramai ketua cawangan di Kemaman kecewa dengan Ketua Bahagian mereka. Malah mereka berkata jika Ahmad Said merasmikan mesyuarat agung berkelompok cawangan-cawangan Umno dalam masa terdekat, mereka akan boikot majlis tersebut sebagai protes kepada Ahmad Said. Tetapi Ahmad Shabery Cheek sebagai ahli majlis tertinggi Umno membisu tidak berani mengulas tindakan Ahmad Said. Beliau berani mengulas isu Dr Mahathir dan Muhyiddin tetapi senyap bila isu ini melibatkan ketua bahagiannya sendiri.
Ada yang berkata bahawa Umno Pusat tidak berani memecat Ahmad Said kerana bimbang kerajaan BN tumbang. Jika Speaker membenarkan undi tidak percaya semalam, usul Ahmad Said tetap ditolak kerana BN ada 16 orang dan PAS ada 14 orang kerana ADUN Ru Rendang, Haji Hadi Awang tidak hadir. Dengan satu undi Ahmad Said maka pembangkang dapat 15 undi maka BN menang 1 undi.
Akan tetapi Speaker menolak usul itu kerana bimbang Ahmad Said sudah membeli beberapa ADUN BN yang menyebabkan Speaker buat keputusan lebih baik menolak usul tersebut daripada dibahaskan. Maka MB selamat tetapi jika ADUN BN setia, usul Ahmad Said ditolak maka ia lebih memalukan Ahmad Said.
Beranikah Umno mengambil tindakan kepada Ahmad Said? Sama samalah kita tunggu. - catatanzabidi
Saya simpan rahsia besar Najib – Ahmad Said

The Problem With Najib’s Party - Untuk Mohd Najib Only...
There is no longer UMNO party.
There is only Najib’s Party.
And the problem with Najib’s party is the people who are sucking up to Najib thinks everything in this country and its government belongs to them.
Take for instance, UMNO Sabah.
They asked Tun Dr Mahathir to resign from his position in PROTON because they think UMNO owns the government and therefore, PROTON is owned by UMNO.
Nevermind the fact that PROTON was established by Tun Dr. Mahathir himself.
In their own words:
“Dr Mahathir no longer believes in the prime minister’s leadership. Therefore he must be a ‘gentleman’, let go of his positions in companies (GLCs) which are owned by the government.”

In other words, Tun Dr Mahathir cannot criticise Najib because Najib owns the government, so he ultimately owns the GLCs; this is why anyone must not criticise Najib.
A thief has similar thought process. Thieves would think everything belongs to them. This is how they would take ownership on whatever they want.
The members in the previous party called UMNO did not have this sort of behaviour. They served the people first and foremost. The leaders back then knew that their position is just a loan given by the people that voted for them.
They never condone any blatant corruption and will not allow anyone who has given Malaysia and UMNO a bad name. Malaysians through the decades had been happy that UMNO had produced very capable leaders in modernising and improving the country’s image but this time around, because of Najib, UMNO is dead.
There was an exercise to gain sympathy via telling the whole world that ISIS had planned to kidnap Najib and Zahid, yet it was met with ridicule and further distrust by Malaysians.
Truly, Najib has lost the respect from Malaysians.
UMNO does not exist anymore. It is now just a name. What made it good and noble were the actions of its members and leaders.
But recently the action of its leaders and their minions have soiled the good name of UMNO.
Everything is for Najib, about Najib, and in the name of Najib.

Najib had unilaterally received billions of money into his private accounts, used it when UMNO had no knowledge of it, and defended himself by saying it was for UMNO. He had used UMNO’s name to avoid being called out for what he really is.
Even UMNO Treasurer was clueless when the RM2.6 billion news broke last year.
Najib also received millions of money which had originally came from SRC International and yet he was silent on why he had used that money for his credit card purchases.
And members of Parti Najib did not even make a squeak about this misappropriation of funds.
No one in Parti Najib criticised him. Najib sacked the former Attorney General when he sensed he was going to be charged, and replaced him with a more agreeable AG.
And when this new AG said Najib is innocent (although evidence had shown he is guilty to just about everything under the MACC Act), the members in Parti Najib and his ministers jumped up and down with joy.
Perhaps all UMNO members and their idiotic leaders need to read the Citizens’ Declaration again and learn what it is all about.

Again, UMNO does not exist anymore.
There is only Parti Najib. But shamelessly, in order to fool the people, Parti Najib still uses the name UMNO.
It is now filled with loyal but dumb members. There is no more critical thinking involved. Not a soul in this Parti Najib had asked him to show the receipts for every single sen used from that RM2.6 billion ‘donation’.
Najib just told them that is was 100% for 2013 general election (or to fight ISIS, or Jews or whatever lies they had concocted), and everyone in Parti Najib believed him!
No demands for accountability or integrity from party members towards Najib. Just the good old ‘yes sir, yes sir, three bags full’.
Najib and his party is now the source of laughter for everyone yet the minions in it are oblivious. This is why, Parti Najib will only last as long as Najib is in power. But nothing lasts forever. And all dictators around the world fell from power in disgrace, and their minions suffered far worse fate. - jebatmustdie
Malaysians should be worried about rotten politics and a divisive Prime Minister...
Solar eclipse as seen by motorists from the Sprint Highway
during the morning rush hour jam
RM 131,508.40

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