Seorang lelaki yang berumur sekitar 40 terpaksa di larikan kehospital setelah dipercayai di pukul oleh isterinya dengan menggunakan sejenis cangkul dikepala.
Difahamkan Maria Saves isteri mangsa telah berlari ke gudang penyimpanan peralatan kebun mereka setelah mendapati suaminya bersetubuh di katil rumah mereka dengan seorang wanita janda yang juga jiran tetangga mereka.
Mangsa di hantar ke hospital dengan segera selepas Maria Saves mengayunkan cangkul tersebut dikepala suaminya. Pakar bedah menghabiskan masa selama enam jam untuk membuang cangkul yang melekat di kepala mangsa.
Lebih menghairankan,mangsa boleh bertahan dan dapat menjalani kehidupan normal selepas sembuh.-

Terkini dari Parlimen: laporan siasatan Ketua Audit Negara ke atas 1MDB telah diOSAkan. Maka rakyat akan terus terpinga-pinga dan tidak akan dapat membaca laporan siasatan seperti laporan audit ke atas Kerajaan Persekutuan dan Negeri. Lepas ini nampaknya laporan-laporan penting negara hanya dibincangkan di bilik tidur sahaja kerana semuanya telah menjadi rahsia.- rafizi ramli
Tak perlu sorok, nanti kena dedah juga…
Ini kerana kata Timbalan Menteri Luar, Datuk Seri Reezal Merican Naina Merican, laporan itu akan dibentangkan di Parlimen juga akhirnya.
Beliau yang juga bekas ahli PAC mengaku tidak tahu sebab mengapa laporan akhir PAC mengenai 1MDB diklasifikasikan mengikut OSA.
“Saya tidak tahu apa alasannya. Tapi pada saya mereka tidak boleh nak sorok semuanya.
“Lambat laun, ia akan dibawa ke Parlimen,” katanya kepada pemberita di Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia (UIAM), hari ini.

Reezal berkata demikian mengulas lanjut tindakan Ketua Audit Negara yang mengklasifikasikan laporan audit PAC itu mengikut OSA.
Hari ini, kebanyakan media tidak dibenarkan masuk ke Bangunan Parlimen, iaitu lokasi laporan berkenaan dibentangkan kecuali RTM dan Bernama selaku media rasmi.
Sementara itu, Penasihat Sosio-Budaya Kerajaan Malaysia, Tan Sri Dr Rais Yatim berkata tindakan meletakkan laporan akhir PAC itu di bawah OSA agak aneh.
“Saya berasa itu agak aneh juga tapi mesti diletak jawapan kerajaan kenapa diletak di bawah OSA, mesti dihurai.
“Jika tidak saya fikir banyak persoalan yang nanti akan melemahkan situasi wujud di sekitar kita,” katanya. - fmt
Sorry Najib, Saudi King Salman Can’t Help – These People Are Watching...
Just like a salesman desperately wanted to meet his quarterly sales quota, or else risk being axed, the same can be said about Prime Minister Najib Razak. While the salesman needs P.O. (purchase order) from customers to justify his existence, Najib needs document from Saudi royal family to justify that the controversial RM2.6 billion was indeed a donation.
Salesmen can cook up great stories (and they do that every time during sales meeting) about their sales funnel. However, at the end of the day, their sales managers still need P.O. to filter genuine sales from fake sales. Similarly, the time for sing-song, talk-c*ck, karaoke and entertainment at prostitution and massage centre are over for salesman Najib.
It’s been a quarter since PM Najib claimed the RM2.6 billion discovered in his private bank account was a donation. But he hasn’t provided a single piece of document to prove or back up his story. Instead, his hand-picked new Attorney General Apandi Ali cleared him of any corruption, money laundering and misappropriation charges. Thereafter, both Najib and Apandi declared the scandal was over.
Like a Boeing B-52 Stratofortress bomber, the Wall Street Journal continues dropping bombshell, one after another. The WSJ’s finance editor Ken Brown told the world they had “evidence” that the money found in Prime Minister Najib Razak’s personal accounts were from companies and bank accounts “related” to 1MDB.
Mr. Brown confidently declared: “Our reporting has shown for months now that the money did not come from the Saudis, but it came via a bunch of companies and bank accounts related to 1MDB. Our story hasn’t been called into question yet and we have lots of evidence to back that up.” In short, the WSJ was telling Najib to either go play marbles or sue the newspaper.
Therefore, Najib has no other choice but to produce documents to support his self-proclaimed donation. Not only he urgently needs an official document from the Saudi, it has to be designed in such a way that the date of the document does not create another scandal of forgery (*grin*). The problem is King Abdullah has died and there’s little reason why King Salman should help Najib.
Producing such document may sound like chicken feed to the Government of Malaysia. But in Saudi, it’s not easy to forge a piece of paper even though the kingdom is controlled by the House of Saud. There’re thousands of princess and princesses fighting for a piece of the kingdom’s fortune and treasure. The late King Abdullah himself married about 30 times, and had more than 35 children. Continue reading...
2 years wasted searching for MH370 in wrong area, says Aussie pilot

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