Seorang pemimpin akar umbi Pemuda Umno menggesa Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) menyiasat sumber dana yang digunakan Menteri Belia dan Sukan Khairy Jamaluddin untuk menaja 191 ketua Pemuda Umno Bahagian untuk melaksanakan umrah di Mekah.
Penolong Setiausaha Pemuda Umno Cawangan Pusat Bandar Taman Chempaka Syed Rosli Jamalullail memberitahu Malaysiakini bahawa dia boleh membuat laporan mengenai perkara itu di ibu pejabat SPRM di Putrajaya esok.
"Saya hanya membaca tentang perjalanan itu di Suara.tv semalam.
"Saya tidak boleh hanya menuduh tetapi apabila saya membaca bahawa exco Pemuda Umno telah mengesahkan perjalanan ditaja oleh YB KJ, saya berasa lebih yakin untuk mengeluarkan kenyataan," kata Syed Rosli.
Portal yang dikaitkan dengan Umno itu Jumaat lalu memetik Exco Pemuda Umno Nazir Hussin Akhtar Hussin sebagai mengesahkan bahawa Khairy telah menaja perjalanan bagi semua ketua bahagian dan exconya.
Dalam artikel yang berasingan, Suara.tv juga sebelum ini memetik sumber Pemuda Umno yang mendakwa perjalanan itu dirancang bertepatan dengan lawatan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak ke Timur Tengah.
Dalam kenyataannya sebelum ini, Syed Rosli menegaskan bahawa ia boleh menyebabkan kos mencecah RM1.4 juta untuk tajaan keseluruhan rombongan.
"Dari manakah Khairy Jamaluddin mendapatkan wang sebanyak itu?
"Berapa gaji seorang ahli parlimen dan menteri. Ini boleh menimbulkan banyak keraguan di kalangan rakyat, ahli-ahli Umno dan pembangkang, " katanya yang mendakwa bahawa ia akan mewujudkan persepsi rasuah.
"Saya tidak menuduh (Khairy) tetapi SPRM perlu menyiasat di manakah dia mendapat sejumlah wang yang besar (untuk menaja rombongan itu)," kata Syed Rosli yang sebelum ini mencetuskan kontroversi kerana menyokong legalisasi ganja.
Malaysiakini sedang berusaha menghubungi Khairy, yang juga ahli parlimen Rembau untuk mendapatkan respon. - mk

Where did KJ get RM1.4m for Umno Youth leaders' umrah...
Umno Youth Pusat Bandar Taman Chempaka branch deputy secretary Syed Rosli Jamalullail told Malaysiakini that he may lodge a report on the matter at MACC’s headquarters in Putrajaya tomorrow.
“I just read about the trip on Suara.tv yesterday.
“I can’t simply accuse but when I read that an Umno Youth exco member had confirmed the trip was sponsored by Khairy, I feel more confident to issue a statement,” said Syed Rosli.
The Umno-linked portal had on Friday quoted Umno Youth exco member Nazir Hussin Akhtar Hussin as confirming that Khairy had sponsored the trip for all division heads and exco-members.
In a separate article, Suara.tv had also previously quoted Umno Youth sources who claimed that the trip was planned to coincide with Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s visit to the Middle East.
In his earlier statement, Syed Rosli had pointed out that it could cost Khairy close to RM1.4 million to sponsor the entire delegation.
“Where did Khairy get that money?
“How much is the salary of an MP and a minister? This can raise a lot of doubts among the people, Umno members and the Opposition,” he said.
“I am not accusing (Khairy) but the MACC should investigate where did he get such a large sum of money (to sponsor the trip),” said Syed Rosli, who has previously courted controversy for supporting the call to decriminalise ganja.
Malaysiakini is attempting to contact Khairy, who is Rembau MP, for his response. - mk

Bekas pegawai tinggi polis buat laporan terhadap AG...
Bekas ketua Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Kuala Lumpur, Datuk Mat Zain Ibrahim telah membuat laporan polis terhadap Peguam Negara Tan Sri Mohamed Apandi Ali berhubung dengan derma RM2.6 bilion.
Dalam laporan yang dibuat pada hari Rabu, Mat Zain mendakwa AG disyaki telah "menyalahgunakan kuasanya, menyembunyikan maklumat, dan atau menggunakan keterangan palsu" apabila membersihkan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak daripada sebarang salah laku dalam kes derma tersebut.
Dalam laporannya, Mat Zain telah menganalisis dakwaan Apandi bahawa derma itu datangnya dari seorang putera Raja Saudi untuk membuktikan dakwaannya bahawa AG didakwa telah memberi maklumat palsu.
Memetik senarai Forbes 2013 mengenai individu Arab paling kaya di dunia, Mat Zain berkata, hanya empat orang putera sahaja berada dalam senarai tersebut.

Mereka ialah Putera Alwaleed Talal yang ketika itu dilaporkan mempunyai AS$20 bilion; Putera Sultan Mohammed dengan AS$2.6 bilion; Putera Abdullah Musaad dengan AS$144.5 juta dan Putera Mutaib Abdulaziz dengan AS$110.1 juta.
Daripada empat orang tersebut, hanya Putera Mutaib adalah anak kepada seorang raja, tetapi AS$110.1 juta yang dimiliknya jauh lebih rendah daripada AS$681 juta yang didermakan kepada Najib.
Mat Zain menganjurkan bahawa jika Najib telah memulangkan AS$620 juta kepada pendermanya pada bulan Ogos 2013, maka kedudukan penderma tersebut akan lebih tinggi dalam senarai Forbes.
Bagaimanapun, Putera Mutaib tidak tersenarai dalam senarai Forbes 2014 mengenai orang Arab paling kaya, menjadikan hanya Putera Alwaleed, Putera Sultan, dan Putera Abdullah merupakan kerabat diraja Saudi yang disenaraikan, hujah bekas pegawai kanan polis itu. - mk

Ex-top cop dissects Saudi donor claim in police report against AG...
In the report lodged on Wednesday, Mat Zain claimed that the AG is suspected to have "abused his powers, hidden information, and or used false statements" when clearing Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak of wrongdoing in the donation case.
In his report, Mat Zain dissected Apandi's claims that the donation came from the son of a Saudi King, to prove his claim that the AG had allegedly given false information.
Citing the Forbes 2013 list of the world's richest Arabs, Mat Zain said only four princes were in the list.
They are Prince Alwaleed Talal who then had a reported fortune of US$20 billion; Prince Sultan Mohammed with US$2.6 billion; Prince Abdullah Musaad with US$144.5 million; and Prince Mutaib Abdulaziz with US$110.1 million.
Of the four, only Prince Mutaib is the son of a king, but his US$110.1 million nett worth is far less than the US$681 million donated to Najib.
Mat Zain surmised that if Najib did return US$620 million to the donor in August 2013, the donor would have climbed up the Forbes list.
However, Prince Mutaib did not make it to Forbes' 2014 list of wealthy Arabs, making Prince Alwaleed, Prince Sultan, and Prince Abdullah the only Saudi royals named in the annual shortlist, noted the former top cop.
Mat Zain said these deductions rendered Apandi's remarks on the RM2.6 billion donation "false, and suspected to have been made up".
Mat Zain was the officer investigating Anwar Ibrahim's infamous black eye incident, in which he found that the former deputy prime minister was assaulted by former inspector-general of police Rahim Noor.
Since his retirement, he has also been an ardent government critic calling to attention various cases which he believes involved breach of proper procedures by the government.
US$620 million never returned
The former crime-buster also believes that the US$620 million was not returned physically but that it was just a "paper move".
He has submitted a copy of the report to Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Nancy Shukri.
He hopes the cabinet would urge the Agong to form a royal commission of inquiry to probe Apandi's conduct.
The solicitor-general's office has also received a copy of the report.
Malaysiakini has contacted Apandi over the matter and is awaiting his response.
The AG had in January cleared Najib of any wrongdoing in the RM2.6 billion donation and RM42 million SRC International cases.
Apandi said he did not find any grounds for action after thoroughly examining the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission's investigation papers on the cases.
Najib has consistently denied misusing public funds for personal gain, claiming that the money in his account were from donors, while denouncing accusations against him as attempts to depose him. - mk
Suits linked to 2 deaths add to Najib’s headache...
Three high-profile deaths have resurfaced after legal action brought about by relatives of the two of the deceased, creating more challenges for the Najib administration, reports the Financial Times today.
Some of the relatives and government critics said the facts around at least three murder cases have not been fully established or properly investigated.
The late private investigator, Balasubramaniam Perumal’s wife Santamil Selvi and his three children, Kishen, Menaga and Reeshi, filed a suit two years ago, naming Datuk Seri Najib Razak, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor, Najib’s younger brothers, Datuk Ahmad Johari and Datuk Mohd Nazim; lawyer Tan Sri Cecil Abraham and his son, Sunil Abraham; commissioner for oaths Zainal Abidin Muhayat; carpet seller Deepak Jaikishan; and lawyer M. Arunapalam as defendants.
Santamil is suing Deepak over his role with seven others in sending her family into exile to India for five years from 2008.
The suit would expose the roles of several people in sending Santamil’s family into exile following controversies surrounding two statutory declarations by Balasubramaniam involving murdered Mongolian translator Altantuya Shaariibuu and Najib.
This included why Balasubramaniam was forced to retract his first sworn statement highlighting Najib’s alleged involvement with Altantuya, and why the family were forced to leave the country.
The case is due for a hearing at the Federal Court later this month. Balasubramaniam died of a heart attack in 2013 at the age of 53.

The other prominent case involves the founder of AmBank, Hussain Najadi, who was shot dead in Kuala Lumpur in July 2013.
“We can’t rely on the Malaysian justice system any longer,” Pascal Najadi told the Financial Times.
He is a Moscow-based consultant who wants to build international pressure on a probe into Hussain’s shooting.
Pascal is taking the case to the United Nations Human Rights Council. He said his father was shot dead because he had information about wrongdoing related to state investor, 1Malaysia Development Bhd, gleaned from his position as founder of AmBank.
Last July, The Wall Street Journal said Najib was the recipient of a RM2.6 billion donation, some of which was banked into his account at AmBank.
The money was linked to 1MDB and Finance Ministry's SRC International Sdn Bhd.
The prime minister had denied any wrongdoing while the bank declined to comment.
A hitman was convicted of shooting Hussain and sentenced to death in 2014.
Meanwhile, speculation continued to swirl around the demise of deputy public prosecutor Datuk Kevin Morais.
He was murdered last September and allegations linking him to a probe into 1MDB. Seven people have been charged with the murder, after the body was found encased in cement in an oil drum.
Authorities denied he was involved in any 1MDB probe. - yahoo.news
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