Anwar dalam satu kenyataan lewat malam ini berkata, persefahaman bersama ini akan menumpukan untuk menuntut perletakan jawatan Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Razak yang telah nyata gagal mentadbir negara.
"Beliau bertanggungjawab meneruskan tindakan-tindakan politik rakus, merosakkan institusi pemerintahan dan membebankan rakyat dengan kegawatan ekonomi yang berterusan.
"Pada masa yang sama, tuntutan perubahan ini semestinya akan melibatkan reformasi institusi utama dalam negara yang sudahpun retak dan parah di bawah pentadbiran beliau.
"Selama ini kita mewakili suara nurani hati rakyat telah berikrar untuk memperjuangkan pengembalian hak rakyat di sebuah negara merdeka dan berdaulat," katanya.
Tuntas dengan kesedaran ini ujarnya lagi, hak rakyat harus dikembalikan melalui sistem pilihanraya yang bersih serta badan kehakiman dan media yang bebas.
Dasar ekonomi harus diubah untuk mengutamakan semula usaha ke arah pertumbuhan yang segar dan pengagihan kekayaan yang saksama.
Anwar menyatakan, skandal 1MDB yang melibatkan Perdana Menteri adalah skandal terparah dalam sejarah dan turut menjejaskan imej negara.
Ini ujarnya hanya mungkin berlaku apabila terdapat pemusatan kuasa kepada seorang Perdana Menteri serta kegagalan institusi kewangan, keadilan dan penguatkuasaan menjalankan tugas dengan bebas.
"Kita juga telah belajar dari pengalaman sejarah bahawa peralihan kuasa yang bermakna bukanlah peralihan tokoh semata tetapi perubahan sistem.
"Justeru itu saya tegas menggesa rakan-rakan dan rakyat bersama dalam usaha ini tanpa membataskan ia sebagai agenda peribadi mahupun permusuhan peribadi. Kita harus merangka halatuju baru bagi menyelamatkan negara," ujarnya. - malaysiadateline
Jailed Malaysian opposition leader
Anwar Ibrahim leads Twitter poll...
The poll showing Mr Anwar having 49 per cent support compared to Mr Najib's 5 per cent comes as the US issued a rare stern rebuke to Malaysia's government for attempting to muzzle press and internet freedom in the country.
Mr Najib, who is refusing to clarify why hundreds of millions of dollars turned up in his personal bank accounts, has long being seen as one of the US and Australia's closest allies in Asia.
US State Department spokesman John Kirby said Washington was "very concerned" by Malaysia's recent restrictions of access to reporting on its domestic current affairs, including last week's blocking of access to the Malaysian Insider, a news portal.
While Mr Kirby said the US hoped to "expand our co-operation with Malaysia on shared challenges, in that context we urge the government of Malaysia to ensure that all its laws, existing and future, fully respect freedom of expression, including the free flow of ideas on the internet".
He said the US was troubled that the Malaysian government has failed to provide due process to targeted media groups before blocking access and had begun criminal investigations of reporters, editors and publishers.
"Of equal concern, many Malaysian social media users face charges for postings critical of the government and national leaders", he added, saying Malaysian officials have spoken about legal amendments "that would further restrict online space".
Malaysia's ruling United Malays National Organisation (UMNO) owns or controls the country's mainstream newspapers, television and radio.
But Mr Najib's administration has been fiercely criticised in social media outlets and several independent on-line news portals, including Malaysiakini, which published results of the BebasAnwar (Free Anwar) Twitter poll on who should be prime minister.
Of about 5000 poll respondents, 46 per cent said they favoured former leader Mahathir Mohamad who quit UMNO this week, saying he could no longer be associated with a group that is seen as supporting corruption under Mr Najib's leadership.
Poll respondents were only provided with the choice of Mr Najib, Mr Anwar or Dr Mahathir.
Dr Mahathir, 90, has signalled he wants to work with the country's opposition to oust Mr Najib, who has urged the country to unite and move on from the scandal that has dogged his leadership for months.
Mr Anwar was sentenced to five years jail in February last year on a sodomy conviction that was widely seen as a trumped-up charge to destroy his political career.
Mr Anwar's opposition alliance won the popular vote at bitterly contested elections in 2013 but a pro-rural gerrymander saved Mr Najib's party from defeat.
Mr Anwar's family say he is suffering severe medical conditions in jail.
Malaysia's attorney-general recently cleared Mr Najib over the secret transfer of almost $1 billion into his personal bank accounts in 2013, saying the money was a donation from Saudi Arabia.
But the Wall Street Journal has reported the money flowed through a series of international transactions from Malaysia's heavily indebted sovereign wealth fund 1Malaysian Development Berhad, which Mr Najib set up in 2009 and oversees through an advisory board.
The Wall Street Journal also claimed this week that more than $1.4 billion has been sent into Mr Najib's accounts since 2011 – millions more than was previously identified.
Mr Najib's government lashed out at the Wall Street Journal over the report, accusing the newspaper of becoming "a willing vehicle for certain political actors who are seeking to damage the Prime Minister and Malaysia for personal gain".
Mr Najib, the British-educated son of a former prime minister, has denied any wrongdoing.
*A poll by Malaysia's Merdeka Centre in October last year found overall support for Mr Najib's government was at an all-time low of 23 per cent, with Malay support, which has traditionally provided UMNO's core support, at just 31 per cent. -

Pasai apa Pak Arab nak marah? Pak Arab tak bagi apa2 pun kat dia.Ini cerita hikayat bayan budiman rekaan Najib & diyeskan oleh si Apandi.Bukankah Pak Menteri Arab dah kata dulu yang depa tak kasi apa2.Najib syiok sendiri dan lawatan ke Saudi tu konon2nya nak tunjuk seantero dunia dia pemimpin yang baik lagi amanah sedangkan satu dunia tau dia penyamun besaq. Jilatlah Rahman Dahlan selagi boleh jilat...

Cuba tengok Rahman Dahlan,cam mana Pak Arab layan bos awak...

RM 125,440.00

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