Persidangan Dewan Undangan Negeri Terengganu hari ini dihentikan secara mengejut selepas Yang Dipertua Dewan Undangan Negeri, Datuk Mohd Zubir Embong telah dihujani dengan pelbagai soalan mengenai keputusannya untuk menolak usul undi tidak percaya terhadap Menteri Besar, Datuk Seri Ahmad Razif Abdul Rahman.
"Sebab keputusan saya sudah buat, saya mahu tangguhkan dewan hingga esok," kata Mohd Zubir sebelum meninggalkan dewan.
Seorang ADUN pembangkang kemudiannya menyindir tindakan itu.
“Lari begitu sahaja, Yang Dipertua?” sindirnya sambil disambut dengan wakil rakyat pembangkang yang lain.
Mohd Zubir menolak usul itu atas alasan bahawa tiada notis diberikan.
Bekas Menteri Besar Terengganu Ahmad Said yang membentangkan usul itu dan ADUN pembangkang bagaimanapun berhujah bahawa perlembagaan negeri dengan jelas menyatakan bahawa tiada notis diperlukan untuk usul undi tidak percaya. - mk
Speaker rejects no-confidence motion against T'ganu MB...
The Terengganu state assembly speaker has rejected a no-confidence motion tabled by former menteri besar Ahmad Said against his successor Razif Abdul Rahman.
The speaker, Mohd Zubir Embong, announced this soon after the house reconvened following a recess.
Ahmad had tabled the motion under Article 14(6) of the state constitution which allows for a motion of no-confidence against the menteri besar.
He had also cited Clause 33(11) of the state assembly's standing orders which state that matters under the state constitution do not require a notice.
"If not (this vote of no-confidence) will never happen till kingdom come," Ahmad Said remarked.
Mohd Zubir, however, said that the speaker's consent was required if the 14-day notice was to be waived.
“I find that this motion has no urgency or that it must be debated without delay, and that a vote of no-confidence is not on the state administration or the responsibilities of the menteri besar but regarding the formation of the state government.
"I therefore find that this motion of no confidence is not covered by Clause 33 (notice waiver) and as such I reject this motion," Mohd Zubir said.
This sparked a protest among the opposition assemblyperson, including PKR Bandar assemblyperson Azan Ismail, who wanted the vote to be held.
Ahmad said the speaker's decision was not fair as there was a precedent for a sudden vote of no-confidence citing an incident in 1961 when three assemblypersons defected to BN and called for a vote against the then PAS government.
This motion succeeded and marked the beginning of Umno's control of Terengganu from 1961 until 1999.
Ahmad also rubbished concerns that a vote of no-confidence would result in BN losing Terengganu.
"BN can still rule (Terengganu), we have 17 seats. The question of the opposition or myself seizing power does not arise," he said.
Mad rush
Ahmad was removed as Terengganu menteri besar and replaced with Razif in 2014.
This prompted Ahmad to quit Umno together with Ajil state assemblyperson Ghazali Taib and Bukit Besi state assemblyperson Roslee Daud, triggering a crisis in the state.
The move prompted a mad rush to salvage the BN government in Terengganu with all the state's BN assemblypersons summoned to Putrajaya for a meeting with the prime minister.
Following the meeting, Razif declared the crisis averted and Ahmad's declaration of a truce followed hours later.
Ahmad himself rejoined Umno after Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak apologised for removing him so close to his daughter's wedding.
If Roslee and Ghazali still side with Ahmad, they together with the PAS and PKR assemblypersons have enough numbers to oust Razif. - mk
Speaker DUN Terengganu, Datuk Mohd Zubir Embong sebentar tadi menolak usul undi tidak percaya bekas menteri besar Terengganu Datuk Ahmad Said ke atas penggantinya, Datuk Ahmad Razif Abdul Rahman.
Usul itu dikemukakan tengah hari tadi sebelum sidang Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) berhenti berehat sementara.
Razif memulakan tugas pada Mei 2014 sebagai menteri besar menggantikan Ahmad yang dipaksa meletakkan jawatan setelah kemelut pertukaran kepimpinan tertinggi negeri itu.
Razif memulakan tugas pada Mei 2014 sebagai menteri besar menggantikan Ahmad yang berundur setelah kemelut pertukaran kepimpinan tertinggi negeri itu.
Ahmad (gambar) ketika itu dilapor membantah pertukaran itu, antaranya kerana ia timbul menjelang majlis perkahwinan anaknya.
Beliau malah mengambil keputusan drastik dengan keluar Umno, tetapi menyertai kembali parti itu tidak berapa lama selepas itu.
Beliau kemudian dilihat bersama dalam beberapa acara dengan bekas perdana menteri Tun Dr Mahatir Mohamad yang lantang mengkritik pentadbiran Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak, terutamanya dalam isu 1MDB.
1MDB pada mulanya ditubuhkan dengan nama Terengganu Investment Authority (TIA) ketika era kepimpinan Ahmad. - mk
Ex-T'ganu MB tables no confidence motion against successor...
The speaker, Mohd Zubir Embong, announced this soon after the house reconvened following a recess.
Earlier, PKR Bandar assemblyperson Azan Ismail confirmed the motion under Article 14(3) of the state constitution was tabled at about 12.30pm.
Following this, he said the House was adjourned and a vote on the motion has been slated for 2.30pm.
"The opposition will push for this, the motion can't be rejected by the state speaker as it is under the state constitution, not a standing order.
"The state constitution is higher than the assembly rules," he told Malaysiakini.
Ahmad was removed as Terengganu menteri besar and replaced with Razif in 2014.
This prompted Ahmad to quit Umno together with Ajil state assemblyperson Ghazali Taib and Bukit Besi state assemblyperson Roslee Daud, triggering a crisis in the state.
The move prompted a mad rush to salvage the BN government in Terengganu with all the state's BN assemblypersons summoned to Putrajaya for a meeting with the prime minister.
Following the meeting, Razif declared the crisis averted and Ahmad's declaration of a truce followed hours later.
Ahmad himself rejoined Umno after Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak apologised for removing him so close to his daughter's wedding.
If Roslee and Ghazali still side with Ahmad, they together with the PAS and PKR assemblypersons have enough numbers to oust Razif.
Meanwhile, the Terengganu state legislative assembly sitting today ended abruptly after speaker Mohd Zubir Embong was bombarded by questions on his decision to reject a motion of no confidence against Menteri Besar Ahmad Razif Abdul Rahman.
"I have made my ruling, I want to postpone the House sitting till tomorrow," Mohd Zubir said before getting up and leaving the hall.
One opposition assemblyperson then heckled the speaker for "running away".
Mohd Zubir rejected the motion on grounds that no notice was given.
Former Terengganu menteri besar Ahmad Said, who tabled the motion, and PKR Bandar assemblyperson Azan Ismail, however, argued that the state constitution clearly states that no notice is required for a motion of no confidence.

the Speaker
Meanwhile, the Terengganu state legislative assembly sitting today ended abruptly after speaker Mohd Zubir Embong was bombarded by questions on his decision to reject a motion of no confidence against Menteri Besar Ahmad Razif Abdul Rahman.
"I have made my ruling, I want to postpone the House sitting till tomorrow," Mohd Zubir said before getting up and leaving the hall.
One opposition assemblyperson then heckled the speaker for "running away".
Mohd Zubir rejected the motion on grounds that no notice was given.
Former Terengganu menteri besar Ahmad Said, who tabled the motion, and PKR Bandar assemblyperson Azan Ismail, however, argued that the state constitution clearly states that no notice is required for a motion of no confidence. - mk

Makin panas! Makin cemas! Siasatan terhadap 1MDB di Amerika Syarikat kini semakin hampir ke lubuknya. Bekas bos Goldman Sachs, Tim Leissner yang berurusan dengan 1MDB telah dipanggil untuk memberi keterangan. Harapnya tidak lama lagi Jho Low pula yang akan dipanggil! Sebarkan laporan Bloomberg di bawah ini seluasnya.
Dinegara maju.. jika ada sebarang pembongkaran, kerajaan sendiri akan melakukan siasatan dan mendedahkan kepada rakyat.. itu berlaku diJepun.kerana mereka tahu Kerajaan harus menjaga kepentingan Negara dan rakyatnya... tapi diMalaysia.. terbalik, kerajaan berusaha untuk melindungi penyelewengan dan cuba sembunyikan dari rakyat...

MH370 - 2 tahun dah berlalu,gomen masih membisu...
Walaupun tragedi kehilangan pesawat MH370 yang menggemparkan seluruh dunia sudah berlalu hampir dua tahun lalu, masih terdapat pelbagai persoalan yang masih tidak terjawab mengenai misteri kehilangan pesawat berkenaan.
Pengarah Pendidikan Politik DAP Pulau Pinang, Steven Sim Chee Keong, berkata meskipun kerajaan telah membelanjakan sebahagian besar wang pembayar cukai demi menyiasat kehilangan pesawat berkenaan, pentadbiran Datuk Seri Najib Razak masih tidak mendedah sepenuhnya keputusan hasil siasatan berkenaan kepada umum.
Beliau yang juga Ahli Parlimen Bukit Mertajam menjelaskan, tragedi berkenaan adalah isu keselamatan negara yang perlu diambil perhatian yang tinggi bagi mengelakkan perkara yang sama berulang.
“Dunia masih mencari jawapan. Rakyat Malaysia juga mencari jawapan dan kami tidak akan terus berputus asa kerana ia adalah persoalan mengenai keselamatan negara seperti mana ia adalah kebimbangan untuk setiap keluarga mangsa.
“Mengapa ia adalah isu keselamatan negara? Kerana jika kita tidak mengatasi masalah akar kepada tragedi ini, ia akan berulang untuk masa yang akan datang,” katanya dalam satu kenyataan.
A picture of the debris found in Mozambique.
Walaupun beliau dalam kapasiti sebagai pihak pembangkang sudah menyuarakan pelbagai persoalan mengenai isu berkenaan di luar mahupun di dalam Parlimen, persoalan terbabit tidak pernah diendahkan kerajaan.
“Malah, saya juga meminta supaya pihak bertanggungjawab terhadap siasatan berkenaan mendedahkan keputusannya, termasuk Jabatan Penerbangan awam, tenteram polis dan juga Kumpulan Penyiasat Bersekutu.
Selain Laporan Interim yang diterbitkan selepas setahun tragedi berkenaan, tidak ada laporan selepas itu didedah kepada umum,” katanya.
Malah, kata Steven, selepas setahun Laporan Interim dikeluarkan kerajaan masih tiada tindakan diambil bagi memperbetulkan masalah yang berlaku.
“Selepas setahun laporan berkenaan dikeluarkan, apa yang berlaku terhadap isu kecuaian dan ketidakpatuhan yang ditimbulkan itu? tidak siapa tahu, meskipun pelbagai persoalan sudah diajukan,” katanya.
Sehubungan itu, beliau menuntut supaya kerajaan tidak berdiam diri mengenai tragedi berkenaan dan memberikan jawapan yang tepat kepada keluarga mangsa, malah bagi membersihkan nama juruterbang pesawat berkenaan, Kapten Zahrie Shah yang dituduh sebagai dalang kepada kehilangan pesawat itu.
Pesawat berkenaan yang membawa 239 orang termasuk 13 anak kapal itu hilang daripada radar kurang sejam selepas berlepas dari Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur (KLIA) ke Beijing pada 8 Mac 2014.
Semalam, Ketua Parlimen DAP, Lim Kit Siang, yang bersolidariti bersama keluarga dan sahabat 239 mangsa MH370 dalam satu majlis peringatan di Publika di sini menjelaskan bahawa keluarga mangsa mahu pihak berkuasa tidak mengalah sehingga terjawab segala misteri yang menyelubungi tragedi itu.
“Satu persoalan yang mengganggu fikiran saya ialah kenapa misi mencari MH370 tidak diketuai oleh Malaysia, malah satu daripadanya diterajui oleh Australia, sedangkan yang terlibat adalah pesawat Malaysia.
“Ini adalah satu lagi contoh di mana Malaysia telah hilang kedudukannya di pentas global, hilang maruah dan kejayaan, di mana sepatutnya secara automatik Malaysia yang menerajui misi antarabangsa mencari pesawat MH370,” katanya dalam satu majlis ceramah dekat sini.
Menurutnya, kejayaan yang Malaysia dalam pelbagai bidang sejak beberapa dekad sebelum ini semakin merosot dan memalukan. – Roketkini.com
Lagi serpihan ditemui di pulau La Reunion dipercayai milik MH370

Johny Begue found a new object, close to the "beach"
where he've found the flaperon in july. #MH370?
‘Third piece’ of MH370 shows up on La Reunion island...
Claims a third fragment of MH370 has been found days before the two-year anniversary of flight’s disappearance.
Another fragment of missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 may have been found on the shore of La Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean, according to reports.
The latest discovery comes days after a piece of aircraft was retrieved from a sandbank in Mozambique and just days before the two-year anniversary of the jet’s disappearance.
The only confirmed piece of MH370 to be found since the plane went missing also washed up on La Reunion in July 2015.
Local La Reunion news service Clicanoo reported that the latest discovery was made by Johnny Bègue, the man in charge of the foreshore cleaning team that located the confirmed MH370 “flaperon” wing fragment on La Reunion last year.
• ‘High possibility’ debris from MH370
• How a rogue pilot may have hi MH370
• MH370 victim’s family sues airline
A spokesperson for the Australian Transport Safety Bureau told The New Daily that it could not confirm reports the latest discovery was another piece of the missing aircraft. The relevant Malaysian and Australian search teams and authorities were yet to authenticate the find.
“We can’t really provide any comment at this point,” the spokesperson said. There was no sign of marine growth or encrustation on the latest piece.
Images of the third piece held found by Mr Begue:

The ATSB spokesperson said the second possible piece of MH370 debris found in Mozambique last week, which had the words “NO STEP” on it, was expected to be sent to Australia for testing.
The ATSB said the Mozambique object was of interest because it had been found in an area where plotting had indicated debris from MH370 could have drifted.
Tuesday would marks two years since the Malaysia Airlines jetliner disappeared en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, killing 239 people, including six Australians.
It’s believed it crashed somewhere in the southern Indian Ocean, off Western Australia.
Malaysian Transport Minister Liow Tiong Lai last week urged families of the passengers to file claims for damages against Malaysia Airlines by Tuesday.
The edges of this piece look similar to the third suspected MH370 piece
found on La Reunion. Photo: Twitter/CNN
MH370 ‘deliberately flown’
Adding further intrigue to the mystery surrounding the missing jet, a New Zealand oceanographer who has experience in finding lost aircraft has claimed the doomed flight was being “deliberately flown” when it ended somewhere over the southern-Indian Ocean.
“I think there has been human intervention and it’s been deliberately flown and would have disappeared [completely] without the [forensic satellite analysis],” Rob McCallum told stuff.co.nz.
Mr McCallum also claimed the search teams may be doubling back over previously scoured areas.
“The important point is that this area has been searched before,” he said. “When you say that area’s searched again it means they are really searching, searching again for something they missed.
“In our industry people always ask us can you find this target? What we will do is give you a 100 per cent guarantee that where we’ve searched it’s not there.”
A map with the area of Mozambique a suspected MH370 piece was found marked and also La Reunion Island marked. MH370 is believed to have ended around the southern Indian Ocean.
He then criticised the Australian-led search efforts.
“The primary role is to be rigorous in your approach so you can write it off,” Mr McCallum said.
“That’s not happened in this case. They have used a little tiny pen light because they are interested in resolution. We would use a very broad search tool, find the target and then go in with a higher resolution tool.”
The search team used data taken from Inmarsat satellites to determine where the aircraft may have flown and come to rest.
Mr McCallum asked for this data to be made public so independent search teams – of which he said many where willing to help – could make their own efforts to find MH370.
“There’s an incredible amount of goodwill in all quarters to see this thing finished,” he said. “It’s the world’s biggest aviation mystery.”
Mr McCallum works for deep sea and search specialists Williamson & Associates who helped locate Air France flight 447 in 2011.
Williamson & Associates missed out on a contract to help ATSB locate MH370, and citing shortfalls in the ATSB’s efforts, Mr McCallum want’s the “$100 million of data” to be released. - thenewdaily.com.au
MH370: Chinese relatives file suit in Beijing.

1MDB tak curi duit rakyat lah, korang jangan risau, tak dak apa yang nak disembunyikan pon.Itu kata penyamun2 1MDB tahun lepas. Sampai masa bertangguh, tukar pengerusi PAC,bubuh yang baru pilihan Najib, ubah pula, mohon OSA Akta Rahsia Rasmi...

RM 129,406.00

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