Tangkap pengusaha bauksit haram – Tengku Puan Pahang...
Tunku Azizah Maimunah Iskandariah berkata, pihak yang tidak mengikut prosedur perlombongan bauksit yang ditetapkan oleh kerajaan juga perlu ditangkap.
“Tangkap yang mengerjakannya secara haram… dan tidak mengikut prosedur dan juga semua yang terlibat,” tulisnya di Instagram.
Beliau juga memuat naik artikel Berita Harian yang bertajuk ‘Wanita antara tiga ditahan SPRM’.
Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) semalam, menahan tiga individu termasuk seorang wanita di sekitar Kuantan bagi membantu siasatan kes aduan rasuah kegiatan perlombongan bauksit.
Penahanan tiga individu itu dibuat 48 jam selepas SPRM menahan seorang pegawai kanan dan tiga kakitangan bahagian Pejabat Tanah dan Galian (PTG) dipercayai menerima rasuah daripada pengusaha lombong bauksit haram.- fmt
Harry U Chang - Tangkap ketua lanun tu,iaitu,MB,ular bersar, tangkap pegawai kecik2 buat apa?
Tony Pua ridicules Arul Kanda’s ‘no bailout’ for 1MDB statement...
The Petaling Jaya Utara MP picked on Arul Kanda's statement in The Edge Weekly recently, in which he had said 1MDB could not be likened to national carrier Malaysian Airline System Bhd (MAS), now rebranded as Malaysia Airlines Bhd (MAB) or national carmaker Proton Holdings Bhd, as having received a government bailout.
Arul was also quoted in the financial weekly as saying, “Now that we have legally binding agreements, for the Ipic swap, Edra sale and Bandar Malaysia, we don't need to take any money from the government. There is no question about a bailout.”
Tony however, pointed out that such statement was flawed.
“How can Arul Kanda say with a straight face that there hasn't been a bailout?
“Only the financially illiterate would believe Arul Kanda or any of the ministers that rescuing 1MDB did not involve taking money from the taxpayers,” Pua said in a statement.
Pua listed instances of 1MDB receiving government backing starting with RM950 million in emergency credit that was granted to 1MDB under the administration of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak in February last year followed by a government "letter of support" to borrow another US$150 million (RM650 million) from Bank Exim a month later.
He said in August last year, national power company Tenaga Nasional's (TNB) takeover of the 2,000 megawatt coal-fired power plant, known as Project 3B, from the troubled state investment firm, had resulted in higher electricity tariffs due to supply from the new plant.
Pua added that the projected RM18 billion debt-asset swap with International Petroleum Investment Company (Ipic) was not yet complete and it was not certain that 1MDB would be able to cough out the equivalent worth in assets to swap by June 2016.
“In fact, the debt asset swap agreement signed in June 2015 was only possible because the Ministry of Finance indemnified Ipic of any losses.
“In effect, the government has provided an indirect guarantee to Ipic to bail out 1MDB – if 1MDB fails to fulfil its part of the obligations, the Malaysian taxpayers will have to fork out cash to compensate Ipic. Will that not be a bail out?”
Pua also criticised the Edra Global sale which saw 1MDB losing RM2.2 billion in the investment.
“1MDB acquired the power companies for RM12.1 billion and sold them for RM9.83 billion. If that is good business, then I'm not sure what would Arul Kanda describe as bad business.
“On the other hand, the sale of Bandar Malaysia at a massive profit only happened because the federal government sold the land to 1MDB at heavily discounted bargain basement prices.
“1MDB bought the land parcels for RM1.6 billion in 2012, and recently sold 60% of the land for a purported RM7.41 billion despite not having laid a single brick on the land.
“The money received from the sale should have gone into the national treasury to help the man-on-the-street cope with rising cost.
“Instead, it went to 1MDB to help 1MDB pay down its debts.” - tmi

Ini baru melayu tulen UMNO !!!
TAHUKAH ANDA, Ketua Menteri Melaka HJ. IDRIS BIN HARON juga merupakan Exco Hal Ehwal Agama Melaka..
Ketua Menteri Melaka Haji Idris Haron berkata..
"Ini pendekatan bijak promosi pelancongan negeri menerusi pertandingan ratu cantik"..
"Usah melihat pertandingan ini semata-mata sebagai mencolok mata, sebaliknya perlu melihat dalam konteks semangat sebenar untuk memajukan negeri Melaka"..
Beliau bercakap pada sidang media selepas pada majlis gotong-royong membersihkan bandar Melaka bersama finalis Miss Tourism 2015/2016 World di Jonker Walk di sini, hari ini (10/1/2016).
Hidup Melayu !!! Hidup UMNO !!!

PAS larang ahli sertai program AMANAH, DAP...

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