Menurut sumber, perkara itu dinyatakan Najib dalam pertemuan dengan Ketua-ketua Bahagian, Ketua-ketua sayap, Ahli-ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) dan ahli Parlimen Umno negeri itu di PWTC pada Jumaat.
“PM faham dan terima desakan yang dibuat oleh Umno Kedah tetapi presiden minta masa untuk buat keputusan.
“Kata PM, beliau kena teliti dulu prosedur-prosedur yang ada dan menyemak undang-undang,” kata sumber sambil tambah Najib berjanji akan buat keputusan dalam masa terdekat.
Politik Kedah bergolak apabila Timbalan Pengerusi Perhubungan Umno Kedah, Datuk Seri Ahmad Bashah Md. Hanipah baru-baru ini mengadakan sidang media menolak kepimpinan Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir sebagai Menteri Besar. Baca seterusnya...
And the message said,
"At PWTC..Najib meeting the penyamuns from Kedah about Mukhriz's post. Turned out he couldn't decide, needs time to think. And thats it. Mukhriz's supporters gathered in PWTC. Back in Kedah and all over fb and wasap, ppl expressing support for Mukhriz. I guess Najib didnt expect such reaction.. Thats why he needs time to think. They invited 260 people including ADUNs..only 54 turned up. Many dare not turn up after seeing the support for Mukhriz. Dato Maznah claimed to have been tricked in the first place, nobody believes her. Looks like his diversion strategy only created another problem." - ehsan dari syedsoutsidethebox
The Kedah Saga...
We received this comment from one of the readers regarding the recent plot by some Umno members to topple the Menteri Besar of Kedah. Perhaps, these members have found out that the Menteri Besar had received billions of ‘donation’ from ‘the middle east’, or his company had used its loan money for other purposes and had caused loss of Malaysian assets to the hands of foreigners in the bid to reduce those loans.
The comment is as below:
By any measure, merely looking at the countenance of the Kedah Umno leaders and that of Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir, the latter looks more trustworthy and dependable compared to some of those seeking to remove him as the Kedah Mentri Besar.
That however is very superficial and indeed subscribing to the shallow notion of judging books by their covers.
But “open the books” and the very first chapter will reveal that some of the “mutineers” have got no moral standing to judge Mukhriz let alone call for his resignation.
For one, the likes of the chief mutineer Datuk Ahmad Bashah Md Hanifah, is part of the Umno/Barisan Nasional team that lost Kedah to PAS in the 2008 general election.
Worse is Education Minister Datuk Seri Mahadzir Khalid, though not present during the press conference calling for Mukhriz’s ouster, had explicitly stated his support for Bashah’s move, ignoring that he was the Kedah Mentri Besar when Umno/BN fell in 2008.
Apart from the duo, also present was Minister in the Prime Minister’s department Datuk Seri Mohd Jamil Khir Baharom and he had yet to convincingly clear himself up over the Yapeim foundation scandals regarding the use of public contributions in his overseas trips and purchase of a golf stimulator.
In the line up was also Datuk Seri Azeez Rahim who chairs the national Pilgrimage Fund board or Tabung Haji. He too had not been able to convince the public over last year’s move to allegedly attempt to bailout the scandalous 1MDB sovereign fund by using the savings of pilgrims to buy a piece of land at an inflated price.
To compound the issue further is that it is widely believed that the mutineers were “encouraged” by none other than embattled Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak whose position had been made untenable by Mukhriz’s father Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

Awatlah UMNO Kedah macam tu,pilih nagoi2 belaka...
Such is the nausea felt by members of the public over the move that quite a number had turned to the social media and one of the popular tagline is that “Rakyat Mahu PM Baharu Bukan MB Baharu” (The rakyat wants a new Prime Minister, Not a new Mentri Besar).
The tagline underscores the mood of the electorate, not only in Kedah but the rest of the nation.
In the first place, after Umno/BN lost Kedah in the 2008 general election, in a desperate move to win back Kedah, Najib had promised the voters in the State that if Umno/BN won, Mukhriz would be made the MB.
It is widely accepted that many voters in Kedah crossed party lines and gave their vote to Umno/BN merely because of that promise.
After all, which Kedahan is not proud that Mukhriz, the son of their favourite son, Dr Mahathir, is coming home to roost.
While Mukhriz may not be popular with some of the Kedah Umno warlords, as he is not cut from the same cloth as them, he is popular with the larger part of the populace.
The whole move smacks of hypocrisy and the general populace have not missed it.
While the mutiny is not totally unexpected given the awkward relationship between Mukhriz and Najib, the timing of it contributes much to the intrigue.
If Najib and Umno are truly bent on making changes to any state leadership due to weakness of the MB, surely Pahang, Najib’s home state, should be top of the list after the bauxite debacle.
Surely too, Najib and Umno should work towards clearing up the scandals surrounding Jamil Khir, Azeez and to a high degree Mahadzir for the degeneration of the Malaysian education system under his watch. He should be sacked.
And finally, if Najib is truly honest in wanting Umno to regain its former glory, he should sack himself. - jebatmustdie
Najib,PM paling bertuah dapat lagi RM42m...
Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak membuatkan orang ramai tertanya-tanya bagaimana wang RM42 juta disalurkan lagi ke dalam akaun bank peribadinya selepas beliau mengakui menerima wang itu tetapi tidak mendedahkan sumbernya.
Naib Presiden PKR, Rafizi Ramli kurang yakin dengan penjelasan Najib yang berkata beliau menyedari mengenai wang itu tetapi tidak tahu dari mana sumbernya.
"Kita mempunyai seorang Perdana Menteri yang paling bertuah di dunia ataupun seorang badut yang berfikir orang ramai akan mempercayai alasannya bahawa beliau tidak tahu sumber yang menyalurkan RM42 juta itu," kata Rafizi ketika dihubungi.
Beliau mempersoalkan sama ada Najib kini akan mendakwa bahawa dana RM42 juta itu juga adalah sumbangan derma.
"Maksud saya - apa yang pelik, ada orang dalam tempoh yang singkat menerima derma RM2.6 bilion dan kemudiannya menerima lagi derma yang tidak tahu dari mana sumbernya ke akaunnya?" kata Rafizi.
Najib pada Ogos tahun lalu mengaku menerima RM2.6 bilion yang disalurkan ke dalam akaun bank peribadinya yang didakwanya sebagai sumbangan politik dari Timur Tengah.
Ini selepas akhbar The Wall Street Journal sebulan sebelum itu mendedahkan mengenai deposit berkenaan.
Dalam laporan itu, WSJ mendakwa bahawa dua deposit sebanyak AS$620 juta dan AS$61 juta dimasukkan ke dalam akaun bank peribadi Najib pada Mac 2013 daripada sebuah syarikat pesisir luar, Tanore Finance Corp yang selepas itu telah ditutup.
Jumlah yang dianggarkan sekitar RM2.6 bilion itu adalah berdasarkan kepada kadar pertukaran apabila laporan berkenaan pertama kali diterbitkan pada Julai tahun lalu.
Bagaimanapun, laporan itu juga mendedahkan terdapat deposit berasingan berjumlah RM42 juta yang berasal dari syarikat milik negara, SRC International, yang melalui firma perantara, Gandingan Mentari Sdn Bhd dan Ihsan Perdana Sdn Bhd pada bulan Disember 2014. - mk
Najib luckiest PM with another RM42m deposit
Zeti harap kes 1MDB selesai sebelum dia pencen...

The definition for MONEY are: hundred is corruption, thousand is collection,
million is commission, billion is donation. -Alvin Chung

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