Melayu tak bodoh jadi boneka...
Baru-baru ini pemimpin lama DAP, Lim Kit Siang mendedahkan statistik yang Melayu tetap berkuasa jika UMNO Barisan Nasional kalah dalam pilihan raya.
Kit Siang cakap, penguasaan Melayu itu kekal atas alasan bilangan kerusi Parlimen di Semenanjung yang majoritinya didominasi orang Melayu itu sendiri.
Hanya 22 kerusi yang didominasi kaum Cina dan 29 kerusi lagi pengundinya bercampur. Faktor lain penguasaan Melayu ialah lebih 50% kaum itu duduk di Malaysia sedangkan Cina tak sampai pun 30%.
Tiba-tiba Ahli Majlis Tertinggi UMNO, Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin balas kenyataan Kit Siang dengan menuduh ia taktik DAP memancing undi Melayu.
Baiklah, kita faham mengapa Bung Mokhtar bercakap macam itu. Yalah, taktik politik lawan yang perlu didedahkan supaya UMNO Barisan Nasional kekal relevan sepanjang zaman.
Tapi yang buat kita panas hati ialah apabila Ahli Parlimen Kinabatangan itu kata, Melayu jadi boneka apabila DAP berkuasa.
Ai, bodoh sangatkah Melayu ini sampai senang macam itu boleh jadi boneka kepada DAP? Bayangkan daripada Kepala Utama Persekutuan sampailah ke pemanjat pokok petai yang semuanya Melayu itu jadi boneka hanya kerana DAP menang pilihan raya.
Kemudian, beliau beri contoh Menteri Besar Perak dahulu, Nizar Jamaluddin boneka DAP. Menteri Besar Selangor pun Bung Mokhtar cakap boneka DAP walaupun beliau tidak sebut yang mana satu.
Kita rasa contoh itu terlalu dangkal untuk dijadikan serangan politik melondehkan taktik DAP yang mahu pancing undi Melayu negara ini.
Yang tersentapnya kita ialah eh, hinanya jadi Melayu ini sebab kalau DAP menang pilihan raya nanti, kita jadi boneka.
Jawapan kita ialah, Melayu bebas undi sesiapa sahaja dan takkan sesekali kita yang Melayu ini jadi boneka sesiapa.
Melayu ada maruah dan tidak akan diinjak sesiapa. Melayu bijak berpolitik dan mahir undang-undang. Melayu ada Raja-Raja dan Perlembagaan Persekutuan sebagai benteng. Melayu ada pakar ekonomi, jurutera, dan ahli perniagaan hebat. Melayu ada PAS, AMANAH dan PKR selain UMNO Barisan Nasional. Itu tidak masuk PERKASA, PEKIDA, ISMA dan sebagainya. Jenayah pun boleh tahan hebat kalau ikut cerita polis.
Melayu Sriwijaya sehinggalah Melayu Malaysia pun biasa berurusan dengan tamadun besar dunia. Justeru, apa formula DAP ada sampai boleh buat Melayu jadi boneka? Minta jawab. - fmt
MH370 was crashed 'on purpose'...
MAS flight MH370 was crashed on purpose by its pilot, it has been claimed.
According to a top air safety expert, the plane was destroyed on purpose by Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah.
The claim was made by John Cox, a veteran pilot who runs an air safety consultancy in Washington, D.C.
He said that it was an "intentional act" by Captain Shah which led to the destruction of the plane and killed all 239 on board.
MH370 took off from Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia on 8 March, 2014, but never reached its destination of Beijing.
Instead it veered off course and vanished from radar coverage, leading to a mostly fruitless search which has lasted more than 18 months.
The only definitive sign of the jet came last July, when a chunk of wing washed up on Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean.
The wreckage was found thousand of miles from the most likely crash site, where Australian ships are still trawling for clues.
Captain Cox based his theory in part on the flight path of MH370 before it vanished, which he said smacked of a cover-up by Captain Shah.
He said the flight path the plane took - over Shah's home island on Penang, near the Malaysian coast, would have helped it "avoid attention".
Speaking to The Australian, he said: "The most likely theory, in my opinion, is the MH370 [case] was an intentional act by the captain."
Theories about the possible fate of the plane have swirled in the absence of a proper conclusion.
Desperate relatives of MH370 passengers have even claimed their loved ones are still alive and being held as captives.
A statement released by a group of families in China said they believe the official account is a lie.
It said: “We do not believe any of the series of official statements starting from March 24 2014, up to and including that of September 3, 2015.
“There is no real proof justifying any of these statements.”
A spokesman for Australia's Air Transport Safety Bureau, also dismissed the claims.
He said: "The limited evidence available for MH370 was compared with three accident classes: an in-flight upset, an unresponsive crew/hypoxia event, and a glide event (generally characterised by a pilot-controlled glide).
"The final stages of the 'unresponsive crew/hypoxia' event-type appeared to best fit the available evidence for the final period of MH370’s flight when it was heading in a generally southerly direction."
Twelve crew members on the flight were all Malaysian, led by pilots Captain Zaharie Ahmed Shah, 53, and 27-year-old co-pilot Fariq Abdul Hamid.
Police have searched their homes and a flight simulator has been taken from the captain's home and reassembled for examination.
Onboard the flight were 153 Chinese and 38 Malaysians, according to the manifest. Seven were children.
International investigators - led by the Australians - have scoured more than 30,000 square miles of seabed in hope of finding more fragments of the Boeing 777.
However, despite spending tens of millions of pounds on the investigation, the agencies working to find the plane said they are likely to give up if they do not succeed by June this year. -
MH370 tak jumpa lagi...

Budaya UMNO dah macam tu...

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