Kalau emak saya celik huruf dan pandai mengarang, tentu dia tulis cerita derma Raja Arab kepada Perdana Menteri, (Datuk Seri Mappadulung Daeng Mattimung Karaeng Sanrobone) Mohd Najib bin Abdul Razak, lebih kurang macam ini:
“La, awat tak bagi tau awai-awai kata duit (AS$680 juta) tu Raja Arab bagi?
“Kalu tau kata Raja Arab bagi pasai nak lawan orang jahat (kununnya Ikwanulmuslimin) tentu kita sokong.
“Ni dak, dok dalih sana dalih sini. Lepas tu siasat sana siasat sini. Buang oghang tu buang oghang ini. Buat menyusah dan perabih duit saja.
“Kalu awai-awai mengaku kata Raja Arab bagi pasai nak tulung Najib menang pilihan ghaya (2013) bukan ka baguih? Ni dak, semunyi sana semunyi sini macam kawaq.
“Kalau Raja Arab dah bagi sedekah kat dia, pasai apa nak bagi balik? Buruk siku.
“Kalu Raja Arab bagi pasai nak tulung dia menang pilihan raya, pasai apa tak pakai duit tu? Dok tak dok kata dah bagi balik (AS$620 juta).
“Raja Arab yang bagi sedekah tu dah mati. Macam mana nak tau betoi ka dia bagi? Kalau dia dah mati, macam mana nak bagi balik duit tu? Bagi balik kat sapa? Kat anak cucu dia ka?
“Ni kegheja (kerja) tak masuk akai. Kesian Raja Arab tu. Dia mati tu satu hai la. Tapi yang Najib dok pi bagi balik tu pasai apa? Macam mana nak kira pahala dia?
“Pasai Najib tak guna semua duit sedekah Raja Arab tu la kot dia tak menang besaq dalam pilihan ghaya (2013)? Habih dia pakai duit sapa? Duit 1MDB kah?
“Ni yang mak heran. Pasai apa dia tak guna duit Raja Arab tu? Pasai bila orang keghobek (cungkil) baghu dia nak mengaku duit tu duit derma Raja Arab?
“Raja Arab bagi AS$680 juta. Dia bagi balik AS$620 juta. Jadi dia guna AS$60 juta saja la masa pilihan ghaya. Pasai pa dia tak pakai semua atau pakai banyak sikit?
“Yang tok guru mak dulu kata, duit sedekah yang orang amanah kat kita, kita kena istihar dan kena guna untuk oghang ghamai. Bukan masuk poket seniri.
“Yang kata dia pon teghima sedekah RM42 juta daghi SRC International tu macam mana pulak? SRC tu raja negeri Arab jugak ka?
“Tak tau la cik oi. Mak penin kepala. Dulu masa ayah hang jadi ketua Umno kampung kita, dia tak ada duit pun sampai kena gadai barang mas mak.
“La ni depa dok cakap milion milion bilion bilion. Mak sikit pun tak faham parti jaga rakyat atau jaga temolok depa.”
“Malu juga la Perdana Menteri kita dok pi mintak sedekah daghi Raja Arab. Macam kita ni susah sangat. Baik lagi kalu dia mintak Raja Arab tambah kota (kuota) jemaah haji kita.”
Nota kaki: Ikut kisah seribu satu malam, yang bagi duit tu kepada Mohd Najib adalah Almarhum Raja Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud. Baginda mangkat pada 23 Januari 2015. Kementerian Luar dan Kementerian Dalam Negeri Saudi kata mereka tidak tahu menahu mengenai derma itu dan sama ada ia dikembalikan. Mohd Najib terima gelaran King Abdul Aziz Order of Merit daripada Raja Abdullah pada tahun 2010. - a.kadir jasin
Najib, Apandi ibarat ‘badut dan pak pandir’

Najib could have walloped the lot, but he is noble-hearted...
The debate over the RM2.6 billion donation has been raging for six months, and since Tuesday there has been a new twist, with the disclosure that RM2.03 billion was returned to the donor.
And now both detractors and supporters of Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak are locking horns over this issue.
On the pro-Najib portal MyKMU.net, the target is veteran newsman A Kadir Jasin, whom it described as a fan of former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
The portal argued that the prime minister could have 'rembat' (walloped) the entire sum, but did not do so because he is not a bandit.
"The donation came in before the 13th general election. When the election was over, and the money was not used up, it (the remainder) was returned to the Saudi royal family.
"Najib has a noble heart. Kadir should not equate him with others, who would have pocketed all the money if they had a similar chance.
A noble hearted person would have made sure that the money was properly lodged and that everything would have been above board. The only reason he is 'noble' (as claimed) is that he was found out. If all of these things happened so long ago, then surely he could have come out with all the required evidence and documents to prove that he was noble and that all was accounted for.
He could have turned up at the Nothing2Hide forum and produced all the evidence that would have shut all of us, me included, up. But he needed time, time to fabricate more lies and stories and documents so that he could be seen to have returned the money (from an apparently frozen account). BTW what's so noble about taking money from 1MDB (RM42 million)? His supporters do not seem to understand the definition of the word noble. To them it just means not to be totally corrupt. For them 95% is considered 'noble'. There is something fundamentally wrong with such reasoning. - GE14NOW!
MyKMU.net also urged Kadir, who has been critical of Najib, to refer to the BBC report on the donation.
In its report, BBC quoted a "well-placed" Saudi source, who wished to remain anonymous, as saying that the donation came from the late King Abdullah.
There are contradictory views on the authenticity of the donation allegedly made by the late Saudi ruler, King Abdullah, to Najib in March-April 2013. According to the BBC, an unnamed Saudi source has confirmed the deposition of US$681 million from the Saudi monarch into Najib's personal account.
A report in the Wall Street Journal however has cast doubts on the claim. It says that "A Saudi government official while declining to comment specifically on the prosecutor's statement said that the Saudi ministries of foreign affairs and finance had no information about such a gift and that a royal donation to the personal bank account of a foreign leader would be unprecedented". - thesundaily
The money was channelled to Najib in order to win the 2013 general election amid concerns in Riyadh about the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Attorney-general Mohamed Apandi Ali also revealed that the investigations conducted by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) showed there were no elements of corruption.
Apandi said the sum was wired to Najib with no strings attached. - mk
If it is true, as suggested by the BBC story that the donation was to help Najib and the Barisan Nasional to win the 13th General Election in May 2013, it raises a serious ethical question.
How can the leader of a foreign nation – which incidentally does not hold elections – seek to determine the outcome of an election in our country through the use of money?
Wouldn't that be a violation of election rules? Would that be a corrupt act implicating both the giver and the recipient?
How would we have reacted if it was known that the President of Indonesia or the Prime Minister of Singapore had through secret donations, attempted to determine election results in Malaysia?
Since the AG claims that US$620 million was returned to the sender in August 2013, one wonders why when it became public knowledge that there was a huge sum of money in the prime minister's personal bank account in July 2015, there was no attempt by Najib or anyone around him to inform the people that most of the money had been returned to the sender? It would have been in Najib's interest to do so which is why his silence for the last six months is puzzling.
If it is true that US$620 million was returned to the Saudi monarch in August 2013, was Bank Negara aware of it? When such a huge sum of money exits our banking system, wouldn't it have alerted our central bank? What was Bank Negara's response?
There is also the allegation that the money that was purportedly returned was actually kept frozen in a Singapore bank account. Was it unfrozen and sent back to the Saudi ruler? What is the role of the Singapore authorities in all this?
The truth about the donation should be established once and for all.- thesundaily
There is nobody in Malaysia who believes about the Saudis donations
Mukhriz masih MB, kata Najib
MTUC,Cuepacs bantah potongan 3% KWSP pekerja

Semasa Mexico nak laksanakan North American Free Trade Agreement(NAFTA ) dengan Amerika, petani2 Mexico diberi keyakinan bahawa "Potato kita akan masuk ke pasaran Amerika. Hidup kita akan berubah.Nasib petani kita juga akan berubah!" Lepas tu rupa2nya Amerika ekspot semua sayurnya,potatonya, soyanya,gandumnya ke Mexico. Sampai lumpuh pertanian Mexico. Berjuta petani hilang pekerjaan. Ramai berhijrah secara haram ke negara lain.Mereka merempat di negeri sendiri. Jagung pun tiada harga. Inilah fakta negara yang pernah join Free Trade dengan Amerika. Kalu ini berlaku kepada TPPA,mai kita ludah di atas muka setiap ekoq MP BN ini...

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