Menteri Besar Kedah, Datuk Seri Mukhriz Tun Dr Mahathir tetap akan tersingkir walaupun beliau cuba mempertahankan kedudukannya.
Bekas Menteri Penerangan, Tan Sri Zainuddin Maidin berkata, ini kerana Perdana Menteri yang juga Presiden UMNO, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak akan memperkukuhkan dirinya dengan apa cara sekalipun bagi mendapatkan kekuatan.
Beliau mendakwa, langkah itu adalah untuk melakukan pembersihan politik demi kepentingan diri Najib dan juga isterinya yang setia.
“Mukhriz mahu disingkirkan dari MB Kedah. Usaha ini sedang berjalan dengan sokongan dari PM Najib kerana gerakan tidak percaya pada Mukhriz ini dilakukan oleh orang-orang yang setia pada Najib dari sejak sekian lama.

“Bagaimanapun, hakikat yang tidak boleh dilupakan oleh rakyat Kedah bahawa mereka memberikan sokongan kepada BN dan menjatuhkan kerajaan PAS adalah kerana Mukhriz telah diwar-warkan sebagai bakal MB Kedah dalam pilihan raya lalu,” tulisnya menerusi entri terbaru di blognya.
Menurut Zainuddin lagi, rakyat Kedah tahu tentang apa yang dilakukan Mukhriz yang tidak lain mahu menghapuskan rasuah dan penyelewengan di bawah pimpinan terdahulu.
Katanya, Kedah sekarang bersih dari bermacam sampah dan keperluan rakyat biasa khususnya kepentingan orang Melayu diutamakan daripada memberikan projek-projek besar yang hanya mengisi tembolok beberapa orang sahaja. - fmt
Antara Mukhriz dan 14 Ketua Bahagian UMNO Kedah sapa yang gagal?
PM flies by private jet while students lose scholarships...
While needy students are deprived of Public Service Department (JPA) scholarships, the Prime Minister’s Department continues to be flushed with a RM20.3 billion budget even as the country’s revenues nosedive.
This was the observation made by lawyer and social activist Azhar Harun in a message he posted on Facebook today, when commenting on the country’s students being left high and dry with no financial assistance to pursue degree and pre-university programmes this year.
Art, as he is popularly known, said the truth of the matter was that the country did not have much money but rather than “sit to prioritise its spending” the government refuses to acknowledge this reality.
“The Prime Minister Department for example, sucks (RM)20.3 billion from the national coffers for 2016. A massive 7.6% of our national budget!
“To do what? Print glossy print outs of I Love PM and distribute them to school children and Cabinet Ministers? To maintain private jets that are exclusively used by some very lucky people? To enable whoever to fly off here and there in private jets?
He compared how other leaders were willing to forgo luxuries during hard times although this was unheard of when it came to Prime Minister Najib Razak.
He cited President Jokowi of Indonesia flying economy to Singapore and UK Prime Minister David Cameron going on holiday on a commercial flight but added, “Last year, our PM even flew to Thailand – if I remember correctly – on the private jet. Would it kill him if he took a commercial flight for a 2 hour journey?”
He also criticised the budget allocated to the Islamic Development Department Malaysia and said, “JAKIM gets (RM)980 million. To do what? Fight the Shiite. Fight IS. LoL!
“Meanwhile, scholarships to the needy are….well….not important.”
As a parting shot, Art said, “At least they are not increasing the tolls again to enable them to offer scholarships. After all, the tolls were already increased so that we can have schools and hospitals.” - art harun,fmt
Putrajaya suspends JPA scholarships amid falling revenue
Nurul Izzah to fight JPA scholarship cuts in Dewan Rakyat
Najib’s Twin Scandals – It’s Not Over Yet, It’s Just The Beginning...
Najib Razak self-proclaimed that the RM42 billion scandal involving his pet project 1MDB was over before the unleashing of New Year 2016 fireworks. So did 1MDB President Arul “Anaconda” Kanda. Was it really over? Going by today’s exchange rate, 1MDB’s US$11 billion in debt have ballooned to a whopping RM48 billion.
Najib’s second scandal, the highly explosive US$700 million discovered in his private banking account, remains a mystery and equally controversial till today. Despite PM Najib and President Arul “Anaconda” declarations that the 1MDB was water under the bridge, the scandal is far from over, let alone the unexplainable US$$700 million scandal.
Guess what, the US$700 million scandal is now a RM3 billion scandal, not RM2.6 billion anymore thanks to Ringgit depreciation. A RM48 billion 1MDB “scam project” and a RM3 billion “donation money” are no chicken feed. They don’t simply disappear just because Najib Razak, Arul Kanda and their band of bloggers and cybertroopers say so.
Let’s digest what Mr. Genius Arul and Najib have done to supposedly solve 1MDB debt problem.
In a special deal, 1MDB has sold 100% of its power assets under Edra Global Energy Bhd to China General Nuclear Power Corporation (CGN) for RM9.83 billion, when it had bought it for RM12 billion. So, there was a net loss of RM2.17 billion in the bailout. Together with debt, the Edra sale would relieve 1MDB of RM17 billion in debt, reducing its debt to RM25 billion.
Earlier, there was the debt-for-asset swap with Abu Dhabi’s IPIC (International Petroleum Investment Co). Scheduled to be completed by June 2016, the swap would take another RM16 billion off from 1MDB’s debt account, shrinking its debt further to RM9 billion.
Hey, wait a minute! What the heck was Abu Dhabi getting for taking over the RM16 billion debts from 1MDB? Well, who cares because Abu Dhabi was not only rich but they were dumb. Perhaps Abu Dhabi has been sweet talked by the “Anaconda” into believing that the Middle East kingdom would get both Edra power assets and Bandar Malaysia land in exchange. Continue reading...

Masa harga minyak naik, Najib Razak cakap rakyat mesti bayar harga pasaran. Kini bila harga minyak jatuh, dia tukar skrip. Dia berkira-kira untuk memperkenalkan harga lantai pula untuk pastikan rakyat kekal bayar pada harga mahal dan dia boleh kutip cukai. Layak PM ini dilantaikan.Baca seterusnya...
Story kat sini...
During the time of Dr Mahathir not a single website was blocked, especially websites that criticised the government. Go back and check. Dr Mahathir said to be a developed nation our people must have access to instant communications and dissemination of information. That was what the MSC really meant. 13 years after he has retired and 2 PM later...Sarawak Report has been blocked. Malaysian Chronicle has been blocked. Now Asia Sentinel has been blocked...

Hangpa ikut celah mana pun, sure kena cukai punya...

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