Bekas Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad hari ini mengisytiharkan bahawa beliau masih belum berputus asa dalam misi untuk menumbangkan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak.
"Saya tidak putus asa kerana saya berpendapat bahawa ini adalah satu perkara yang penting dalam negara kita.
"Pentadbiran Najib telah menyebabkan negara merosot. Ekonomi, politik, sains, teknologi, pengetahuan. Semuanya berkurangan. Kita sedang mundur kebelakang," keluh Dr Mahathir pada sidang akhbar di Yayasan Kepimpinan Perdana di Putrajaya.
Kemunduran di bawah pentadbiran Najib, dakwa Mahathir adalah semata-mata kerana presiden Umno itu mahu mengekalkan populariti untuk kekal sebagai perdana menteri.
"Untuk populariti, maka wang digunakan.
"Beliau (Najib) sendiri mengaku bahawa duit yang sebanyak RM2.6 billion itu nak digunakan untuk kemenangan. Kemenangan bagi diri dia,” kata Dr Mahathir yang mengulangi dakwaannya bahawa Najib sendiri mengakui sumbangan dari Timur Tengah itu digunakan untuk membiayai kempen BN pada pilihan raya umum ke-13.
Sementara itu Dr Mahathir Mohamad hari ini memberi amaran bahawa kedaulatan negara menjadi pertaruhan jika kerajaan menandatangani Perjanjian Perkongsian Trans Pasifik (TPPA).
Katanya, pengasas Malaysia berjuang bermati-matian untuk mendapatkan kemerdekaan.
"Kita sepatutnya menjadi tuan berhubung hal ehwal dan masa depan sendiri tetapi sekarang kita akan melepaskan hak dan kebebasan kerana keperluan untuk mematuhi telunjuk TPPA.
"Saya tidak ragu-ragu parlimen sebagi cop mohor akan meluluskan TPPA.
“Itu sendiri adalah bukti bahawa kita sedang membuat persiapan untuk menyerahkan kemerdekaan negara kepada kuasa-kuasa asing dan melepaskan kedaulatan yang diperjuangkan bermati-matian oleh pemimpin-pemimpin kita yang dahulu.
"Sesungguhnya wang (tunai) adalah raja," katanya memberi amaran dalam satu catatan blog yang dimuat naik di Chedet.com hari ini.
Mahathir berkata Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri, Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamad menyatakan bahawa ia mengambil masa dua tahun untuk meminda 26 undang-undang bagi memenuhi keperluan TPPA.
"Ini adalah satu pengakuan yang jelas bahawa TPP menghadkan kebebasan Malaysia untuk menggubal undang-undang yang dianggap perlu untuk negara.
"Undang-undang ini telah diluluskan oleh Parlimen Malaysia kerana ia dianggap penting dan baik untuk negara ini.
"Tetapi kini ia perlu dipinda kerana TPPA nampaknya lebih berkuasa daripada ahli parlimen yang dipilih oleh rakyat dalam menentukan apa undang-undang yang diperlukan negara," katanya meluahkan kekecewaannya.
TPPA akan dibentangkan di Parlimen minggu depan manakala protes mengenainya pula dijadualkan Sabtu ini.
Wang adalah raja tegas Dr.Mahathir.- mk
Dr M: I'm not giving up on removing Najib...
"I have not given up because I feel this (objective) is an important thing in our country.
"Najib's administration has caused the country's decline in economy, politics, science, technology and knowledge. All areas are declining," he told a press conference at the Perdana Leadership Foundation in Putrajaya today.
The decline, Mahathir claimed, was due to Najib's determination to maintain his popularity in order to remain as prime minister.
"For popularity's sake, money was used.
"He (Najib) admitted that the RM2.6 billion (donation) was used for (BN's) victory," the former prime minister said.
Mahathir was directly asked whether he had given up on his quest to seek Najib's removal from office, following a perceived slow down of his harsh criticisms that started since early last year.- mk
Meanwhile, writing in his blog posting today, Dr.Mahathir Mohamad has no doubts that the “rubber-stamp” Parliament will approve the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA). “That in itself is evidence that we are preparing to submit to foreign forces and give up the Merdeka that our former leaders had fought so hard for.”
“Truly cash is king.”
Malaysia is not exactly like the other members of the TPPA area, warned the former Prime Minister. “We have many sensitivities because of our racial mix, our economic disparities, our poverty rates and our low levels of incomes.”
To correct all the economic, political and social problems, certain policies and laws must be put in place, claimed Mahathir. “These are meant for overcoming our domestic problems.”
“But these are no longer enough. If they don’t conform to TPPA conditions they may not be passed by Parliament.”
A part of our independent rights will be eroded, argued Mahathir. “The need to amend 26 of our existing laws carries this implication.”
He was commenting on the Minister of International Trade and Industry (MiTi) Mustapha Mohamad disclosing that it would take two years to amend 26 laws to meet TPPA requirements.
This is a clear admission that the TPPA limits Malaysia’s freedom to make laws deemed necessary for the country, claimed Mahathir. “These laws have been passed by the Malaysian Parliament apparently because they were considered essential and good for the country.”
“But now they have to be amended because the TPPA was apparently more powerful than our elected Parliament in determining what laws Malaysia should have.”
By the same token, future laws to be debated in Parliament are subject to the requirements or conditions in the TPPA, pointed out Mahathir. “Being right and suitable for Malaysia’s needs was not enough anymore. The needs of TPPA will outweigh Malaysia’s needs.”
When those opposed to the TPPA claimed that the so-called free-trade agreement would undermine our sovereignty, and our freedom to act in our interest, they were dismissed as being emotional, noted Mahathir. “But now it is clear that the TPPA will stand in the way of our legislative rights, a fundamental freedom of a sovereign country.”
The founding fathers fought hard to gain independence, to be masters of our own affairs and destiny, recalled Mahathir. “But now we are going to sign away our rights and our freedom because of the need to obey the dictates of TPPA.” - fmt
Nothing personal in calling Anwar a coward...
He said the term was meant to describe Anwar's behaviour in court to a lay audience, in particular Anwar's move to make a statement from the dock rather than to testify under oath.
“It's not personal. It's legalistic,” he told the Kuala Lumpur High Court today when cross-examined by defence counsel Ambiga Sreenevasan.
Shafee admitted that following the Federal Court verdict against Anwar in the sodomy trial trial last year, he had given press interviews in which he described Anwar as a 'coward'.
Shafee was appointed deputy public prosecutor specifically for the trial.
He said statements from the dock are usually used by those or are mad or of infirm mind and therefore unable to defend themselves when cross-examined.
However, he pointed out that Anwar was not of infirm mind and instead was a skilled orator capable of talking himself out of any situation.
Ambiga pointed out that it was within Anwar's right to make a statement from the dock and there was nothing in law to limit its use to those who were mentally infirm.
Shafee countered that he did caveat his statements to the media that it was indeed within Anwar's rights.
Ambiga also pointed out that the court had never described Anwar's conduct as cowardly and had instead merely ruled Anwar's allegation of a political conspiracy against him was an unsubstantiated allegation.
“Who cares what the court described?” Shafee retorted to which Ambiga replied, “That is the problem. ‘Who cares what the court described?”
Shafee maintained that his statements following Anwar's second sodomy trial were never inconsistent with the Federal Court decision only 'travelling slightly' from it.
He testified that his intention was not to condemn Anwar who is unable to defend himself because of his five-year prison sentence, but to explain and defend the court's judgement.
He said his statement that Anwar's behaviour was 'cowardly' was consistent with the court's judgement unless the court had said that Anwar's conduct was 'not cowardly'.
Shafee was testifying during a suit he had filed on March 12, last year, a day before the Malaysian Bar AGM, to stop senior lawyer Tommy Thomas and former Court of Appeal judge VC George from tabling a motion against him following the series of road shows the Umno-linked lawyer participated in against Anwar.
Thomas and George filed the motion against Shafee wanting him to be brought to the Bar's disciplinary board over the road-shows and interviews he gave to the media after securing Anwar's conviction at the Federal Court.
They cited Shafee's actions of holding press conferences in criticising Anwar had violated Rules 5(a), 31, 32, 33 and 49 of the Legal Profession (Practice and Etiquette) Rules 1978, and that Anwar who is serving time in prison cannot reply to the claims.
Shafee obtained an injunction to stop the motion from being tabled and today is the first day hearing of his suit against Thomas, George and former Bar president Christopher Leong. - mk
Shafee pertahan label Anwar sebagai ‘pengecut’

UMNO Kedah nak tumbangkan Mukhriz...

Perang Besaq nampak gaya,biaq depa gadoh ...

Najib belanja sakan...

Semasa pembentangan Bajet 2016 dalam November lalu, saya bangun tegur menteri bahawa unjuran harga minyak mentah USD48 setong yang dipakai itu tidak tepat. Saya sebut unjuran bagi 2016 mungkin sekitar USD20 setong. Ini jawab menteri. Sekarang mana menteri nak letak muka bila apa yang saya sebut dalam November lalu dah berlaku. Sekarang Najib Razak sibuk semak balik bajet. Kalau dengar cakap kami dulu kan senang. - rafizi ramli

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