MP Lembah Pantai, Nurul Izzah Anwar berkata beliau ditahan ketika hadir untuk memberi keterangan di ibu pejabat polis daerah Dang Wangi hari ini.
Nurul Izzah pada asalnya hadir ke balai berkenaan untuk siasatan berhubung perhimpunan Kita Lawan.
Anak sulung kepada ketua pembangkang Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim itu mengesahkan perkara itu dalam tulisan di Twitter.
Peguamnya, R Sivarasa ketika keluar dari balai memberitahu pemberita bahawa Nurul Izzah ditahan mengikut Akta Hasutan atas ucapannya di Parlimen hari Selasa lalu.
"Mereka (polis) masih lagi dalam proses mendokumentasi. Mereka enggan beritahu jika (Nurul Izzah) akan ditahan atau tidak.
Dengan sinis, beliau juga berkata kerajaan sepatutnya terus memansuhkan parlimen sekiranya MP tiada kekebalan.
Tambahnya, polis turut merakam kenyataan Nurul Izzah berhubung perhimpunan Kita Lawan.
Sementara itu, seorang lagi MP PKR, N Surendran berkata, polis tidak sepatutnya menyiasat Nurul Izzah.
“Perkara 63(2) Perlembagaan Persekutuan memberi kekebalan daripada apa-apa persidangan mahkamah atas apa sahaja yang dituturkan oleh seseorang MP di Dewan Rakyat,” katanya dalam satu kenyataan pagi ini.
Nurul Izzah tidak sepatutnya disiasat, melainkan jika beliau menyentuh isu sensitif, katanya.
"Tindakan hanya boleh diambil ke atas MP atas kata-kata yang meliputi Seksyen 3(1)(f) Akta Hasutan 1948, termasuk soal kerakyatan, kedudukan Raja-Raja, bahasa kebangsaan atau kedudukan istimewa orang Melayu,” kata peguam itu dalam kenyataannya.
Siasatan ke atas Nurul Izzah itu dijalankan susulan laporan polis oleh bekas MP Kulim-Bandar Baharu, Zulkifli Noordin yang mendakwa kritikan ke atas badan kehakiman merupakan kenyataan yang menghina dan menghasut.
Ia berhubung tindakan Nurul Izzah yang membacakan sebahagian daripada ucapan bapanya, ketua pembangkang Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim dalam persidangan Dewan Rakyat.
Kandungan ucapan itu antara lainnya mengkritik para hakim yang menyabitkan Anwar dengan kesalahan Liwat II.
Sementara itu, Pengarah Komunikasi PKR, Fahmi Fadzil memberitahu bahawa Nurul Izzah telah dibawa ke Balai Polis Jinjang petang ini.
Katanya, permohonan tahanan reman ke atas Nurul Izzah akan dibuat esok.- mk
Nurul Izzah arrested for her father’s speech in Parliament...
Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah Anwar, the eldest daughter of jailed Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim, was arrested under the Sedition Act when she turned up at the Dang Wangi police station on Monday, as requested, to give a statement on the KitaLawan rally of March 7.
“I have been detained under the orders of the Bukit Aman senior assistant director of D5 (Classified Special Unit),” she tweeted. “ASP Muniandy informed me that I was being held under the instructions of Dt Azam.”
Nurul, who is also a PKR Vice President, was arrested for a speech she gave in Parliament on behalf of Anwar.
Padang Serai MP N. Surendran, speaking up on behalf of Nurul as her lawyer, warned police that any investigation of her for reading out her father’s speech in Parliament was unconstitutional.
He demanded that the investigation be dropped immediately and the Home Minister provide an explanation to the Dewan Rakyat as to how and why such an investigation was sanctioned and commenced.
He urged the Speaker of the Dewan Rakyat, in his capacity as chairman of the committee of privileges, to initiate an immediate inquiry into “this blatant breach of parliamentary privilege”.
The speech, allegedly an attack on the Judiciary, has since become controversial over its contents.
“The police investigation is also in contempt of the Dewan Rakyat,” fumed Surendran. “She read out Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim’s speech as he’s in jail as a political prisoner and prisoner of conscience.”
“The police investigation is illegal, unconstitutional and a serious interference with the rights and privileges of Parliament.”
Article 63(2) of the Federal Constitution confers immunity from any proceedings in court for anything said by an MP in the Dewan Rakyat.
Subsequent to the May 13 1969 riots, the Constitution was amended to include a new Article 63(4). Article 63(4) provides an exception to the immunity under 63(2) for words uttered by MPs which fall under the Sedition Act 1948.
”But this exception under 63(4) is limited,” said Surendran. “Action can only be taken against MPs for words uttered which fall under section 3(1)(f) of the Sedition Act 1948 i.e. on citizenship, the position of Rulers, national language or special position of Malays and the Orang Asal.”
In other words, said Surendran, MPs cannot be charged for anything said in Parliament unless they question the foregoing “sensitive’” matters.
Clearly, he added, the speech made by Nurul Izzah on behalf of the Opposition Leader did not touch on any of the matters prohibited by section 3(1)(f) Sedition Act. “Thus, no action or criminal proceeding can be commenced or maintained against her for criticism of the Judiciary.”
”The IGP Khalid Bakar and the state police chief are thus in contempt of the Dewan Rakyat for initiating a criminal investigation under the Sedition Act against Nurul Izzah,” reiterated Surendran.
”We hold the Home Minister fully responsible for this interference with the Dewan Rakyat as the Minister responsible for the police.” - fmt
Dituduh Menghasut, Putri Sulung Anwar Ibrahim Ditahan
Nurul Izzah arrested
Putrajaya beli jet baru untuk Najib...
Setiausaha agung PKR itu mendakwa, jet berkenaan adalah tambahan kepada 5 jet sedia ada yang dimiliki Putrajaya setakat ini, termasuk Boeing Business Jet.
"Pembelian sebuah lagi jet peribadi baharu yang kini di bawah pendaftaran 9H-AWK siap dicat dengan logo 1Malaysia membuktikan pentadbiran Najib terus bergelumang dengan keborosan dan pembaziran pada kala negara masih dikejutkan dengan skandal kewangan 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB),” katanya.
Rafizi pada sidang media di lobi Parlimen hari ini turut melampirkan salinan surat perjanjian yang mengesahkan pembelian jet berkenaan bertarikh 1 Disember, 2014.
"Perolehan jet peribadi baharu untuk perdana menteri ini dianugerahkan secara rundingan terus kepada Jet Premier One (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd yang turut mengendalikan jet peribadi sedia ada, iaitu ACJ319," kata Rafizi.
Beliau yang juga naib presiden PKR itu turut membuat perbandingan kos antara jet peribadi berkenaan dan ACJ319.
"Penggunaan jet peribadi sedia ada iaitu ACJ319 melibatkan kos sebanyak RM28.8 juta setahun dalam bentuk sewaan dan RM5.5 juta setahun dalam bentuk kos penyelenggaraan.
"Bukannya besar sangat, tapi perbelanjaannya tidak kena tempat," kata Rafizi, merujuk kepada pembelian jet baharu berkenaan.
"Padanlah Najib mohon maaf kerana beli jet baharu ini membelakangkan kepentingan rakyat,” katanya.
Sementara itu, Ahli Parlimen Seputeh Teressa Kok berkata, beliau terkejut dengan tindakan Putrajaya membeli pesawat berkenaan.
"Saya agak terkejut apabila jet baharu dibeli. Saya rasa hairan kerajaan tetap beli jet baharu ini sedangkan Najib dan kerajaan melakukan semakan terhadap Bajet 2015," katanya.
Rafizi berkata, tindakan pembelian jet baharu itu sudah pasti akan membangkitkan kemarahan rakyat.
"Dalam masa 2 minggu, rakyat bakal berdepan dengan Cukai Barangan dan Perkhidmatan (GST).
"Rakyat terpaksa menanggung cukai baharu yang sebahagiannya akan digunakan untuk membayar jet peribadi baharu perdana menteri ini," katanya.
Sehubungan itu, beliau mendesak agar pentadbiran Najib membatalkan serta merta perjanjian itu kerana ia membelakangkan kepentingan rakyat. – tmi
Najib has just ordered another private jet...
Rafizi showed reporters a document that appears to confirm the hire-purchase deal by the Malaysian government to commission the new jet - am Airbus ACJ320 - from Jet Premier One (M) Sdn Bhd.
He also produced pictures of the alleged new jet, painted in '1Malaysia' livery and carrying the registration number 9H-AWK. Th eregistration number of the first jet was 9M-NAA.
Rafizi pointed out to the fact that the previous jet cost RM28.8 million in hire-purchase payments annually and also RM 5.5 million a year for maintenance fees.
The ACJ320 is a newer, more expensive model compared to the ACJ319.
“The amount for the new jet is quite exorbitant and the whole process was quite manipulative. This will be revealed in the next one or two weeks,” Rafizi said, saying that he was now seeking for a response from the government.
Rafizi also promised that he would reveal more on the deal for the new jet in the coming days, claiming that all the agreements and documents pertaining to the new purchase has been obtained by him.
“I know all the details. I have all the details with me, but let’s wait for the government’s response first,” he said.
This will be the sixth government executive jet in its fleet.
Rafizi said that the purchase was proof that the government was still perpetuating wastage at a time when its coming under increasing pressure on the rising debts of 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB).
“This will definitely spark the anger of the people at a time when they have to deal with the implementation of the goods and services tax (GST) in two weeks time. A part of this new tax will be used to bear the cost of the PM’s new jet,” he said.
Rafizi demanded that the purchase be cancelled immediately.
In an immediate reaction, Umno Youth chief and Youth and Sports Minister Khairy Jamaluddin has urged the government to react quickly to Rafizi's allegation. - mk
Mushiro - The ringgit is at its lowest. The oil revenue is badly down. The country's debts is at the highest ever. 1MDB has lost Rm 42 billions down the drain. Come 1st April, GST will burden the rakyat tremendously. In the midst of all these, our GREAT leader, the son of Tun Razak, who claims that the rakyat is his priority, has chosen to pamper his wife with a new jet using the rakyat's money.
Louis - Tun Razak did not want to use even a single sen of the government to build a swimming pool for his luxury, but Najib has no qualm using millions to buy a luxury jet for his comfort. My God, what a big difference.
Jaycee - Well, at least the PM is consistent with his mantra.... SCREW (the) "PEOPLE FIRST, PERFORMANCE NOW!"
Pembelian sebuah lagi jet peribadi baru yang kini di bawah pendaftaran 9H-AWK dan telah siap dicat dengan logo 1 Malaysia.Untuk rekod, penggunaan jet peribadi sedia ada iaitu ACJ319 melibatkan kos sebanyak RM28.8 juta setahun dalam bentuk sewaan dan RM5.5 juta setahun dalam bentuk kos penyenggaraan.
Packing Milo Tiruan...
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