Adakah wang pembangunan 1MDB disalurkan ke arah keseronokan dan hawa nafsu, dan juga sebab yang lain di Barat, berbanding membantu warga miskin di negara yang mana wang itu datang?
Menurut pendedahan oleh pemberi maklumat, laman Sarawak Report pada 28 Feb, mengiakan apa yang dipersoalkan. Dan pelakunya adalan taikun bilionair Jho Low.
Apa yang membuatkan pendedahan Sarawak Report lebih menarik adalah Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak juga kelihatan memainkan peranan secara tidak langsung di dalam menggoyahkan billion Ringgit dari dana 1MDB yang didana kerajaan.
Di dalam laporan ‘World Exclusive’, Sarawak Report bekerjasama dengan akhbar Sunday Times dari London, melengkapkan penyiasatan menyeluruh di dalam menjejak kehilangan billion Ringgit di dalam skandal kewangan 1MDB.
Sarawak Report berkata bahawa mereka telah dapat mengakses ribuan dokumen dan emel berkaitan transaksi dibuat 1MDB, termasuklah usaha sama awal dengan PetroSaudi International yang kurang dikenali, sejak 2009.
“Apa yang didapati dari dokumen adalah, meskipun banyak penafian telah dibuat, keseluruhan projek usaha sama itu adalah diterima, diuruskan dan dipacu melalui sekutu dan rakan keluarga Perdana Menteri, taikun billionair yang gemar berparti, Jho Low.
“Dokumen itu juga membuktikan bahawa “pinjaman” sebanyak USD700j sepatutnya dibayar kepada PetroSaudi sebagai sebahagian dari perjanjijan usaha sama, pada hakikatnya dimasukkan ke akaun Bank Swiss sebuah syarikat bernama Good Star, yang dikawal oleh Jho Low,” ia berkata di dalam laporannya.
Laporan itu menjelaskan yang wang itu dahulunya digunakan untuk membeli pegangan UBG Bank Taib Mahmud di Sarawak.
Ini dilakukan “dengan harga yang sangat menguntungkan ketua menteri itu dan keluarganya, yang telah gagal untuk mendapatkan sebarang perjanjian di pasaran terbuka,” dakwa Sarawak Report.
Penyiasatan Sarawak Report menemukan pelbagai emel melibatkan Jho Low, dan rakan sekerja beliau Li Lin Seet dan juga usahawan UK Patrick Mahony yang bertindak sebagai wakil PetroSaudi.
Antara emel yang diterima oleh Sarawak Report adalan dokumen dari mesyuarat awal yang bertempat di New York pada 8 Sep, 2009, di antara Jho Low dan Patrick.
Di dalam sebuah emel yang ditulis Mahony, beliau sebagai wakil PetroSaudi menjelaskan bahawa syarikat itu bersedia untuk terlibat dengan siri perjanjian yang dicadangkan oleh Jho Low, yang dijangkakan melibatkan 1MDB dan Petronas.
Mahony turut memahami yang Jho Low mahu “menggunakan PetroSaudi International sebagai barisan hadapan” untuk beberapa perjanjian dan beliau berkata “kami begitu gembira untuk berbuat begitu”, kata laporan itu.
Sarawak Report turut menyiarkan beberapa perbalasan emel penting antara pihak yang terlibat untuk menunjukkan hubungan kerja di dalam mendapatkan 1MDB untuk memasuki usaha sama bernilai USD2.5b dengan PetroSaudi.
Tiada satu pun emel di dalam ‘Garis Masa yang dicadangkan untuk Usaha Sama’ dilampirkan kepada sesiapa dari 1MDB. Malahan emel susulan menunjukkan bahawa ianya tidaklah sehingga 15 Sep yang CEO 1MDB, Shahrol Halmi, dan rakan sekerjanya dari Malaysia terlibat di dalam prosiding dan sekali lagi ianya adalah isiatif dari Jho Low, yang mengatur panggilan persidangan antara pihak yang terlibat.
Penyiasatan eksklusif Sarawak Report menunjukkan bahawa:
1. Jho Low terlibat sejak dari awal di dalam mengatur perjanjian melibatkan 1MDB dan PetroSaudi.
2. 1MDB hanya diperkenalkan secara rasmi kepada rakan usaha sama 10 hari sebelum perjanjian itu ditandatangani di London. Pengenalan itu telah dibuat Jho Low melalui emel.
3. Ketika pengenalan awal melalui emel itu, Jho Low menyelitkan yang beliau mewakili pihak berkuasa tertinggi, YAB PM secara terus, di dalam perkara ini.
4. Beliau juga fokus memutar belit hubungan diraja pemilik PetroSaudi, Putera Turki, dengan menarik perhatian Ketua Eksekutif 1MDB yang semua itu adalah dakwaan palsu, bahawa perundingan itu adalah hubungan rasmi untuk “mengukuhkan hubungan dua hala Saudi-Malaysia”.
Sarawak Report mendakwa bahawa perbualan itu menunjukkan Jho Low menganggap status separa kerajaan dan status diplomatik di dalam perjanjiannya antara Malaysia dan Timur Tengah.
Adakah Menteri Luar tahu mengenainya dan jika tidak, siapa yang Jho Low wakili, tanya Sarawak Report.
Laporan itu menambah bahawa bila pasukan 1MDB, termasuklah CEOnya Shahroll, tiba di London untuk berunding terma perjanjian pada 23 Sep, 2009, perbalasan emel menunjukkan yang ianya dianjur dan diatur oleh Jho Low, dengan pembantunya Li Lin Seet menghubungi Petro Saudi terlebih dahulu untuk merangka strategi mesyuarat itu. Jho Low telah bertindak sebagai perantara, seperti mana di dalam emel, kata Sarawak Report.
Perjanjian itu telah ditanda tangani pada 29 Sep, 2009 walaupun emel mendedahkan bahawa Jho Low telah “bercakap dengan Bos Besar” dan terdapat “sasaran untuk memuktamadkan semua perjanjian ditandatangani dan wang boleh dibayar kepada PetroSaudi sebelum September berakhir.”
Sarawak Report berkata bahawa pasukan 1MDB lebih bertindak sebagai pemerhati di dalam perangkaan ‘usaha sama’ ini, yang mana mereka mungkin akan melaburkan wang, bagi pihak rakyat Malaysia.
“Berdasarkan kontrak yang bakal diletakkan dihadapan mereka, USD1b bakal dibayar pada hari pertama, dengan hak lanjutan sehingga mencecah USD5b,” tambah laporan itu.
Sarawak Report turut melampirkan beberapa emel untuk menunjukkan obligasi sejumlah “pembayaran balik hutang” sebanyak USD700j telah diletakkan kepada 1MDB,sebagai ‘bayaran balik pinjaman’ kepada syarikat induk PetroSaudi ketika menandatangani perjanjian. Namun sejumlah amaun itu dibayar kepada sebuah akaun milik syarikat yang dikaitkan dengan Jho Low, dan ini diketahui oleh CEO 1MDB.
Pendedahan yang ditemui oleh Sarawak Report ini menunjukkan dengan jelas peranan yang dimainkan Jho Low untuk mendapatkan 1MDB masuk ke dalam usaha sama itu dengan PetroSaudi. Perbalasan emel itu juga menunjukkan bahawa beliau berkomunikasi dengan perdana menteri dan ‘mdm’ (kemungkinan besar isteri perdana menteri) ketika perjanjian ingin dimetrai.
Kecelaruan kewangan yang dihadapi 1MDB hari ini mungkin dapat dijejak kembali kepada satu perjanjian ini. Sekarang adalah masanya buat perdana menteri dan juga CEO baru 1MDB Arul Kanda Kandasamy untuk ke hadapan dengan jujur dan akui 1MDB telah kacau bilau.
Selain dari berparti dengan selebriti Hollywood berkelas tinggi, sejak beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini Jho Low telah menumpukan perhatiannya di dalam membina nama sebagai seorang dermawan di negara Barat. Beliau turut dikenali kerana telah menderma jutaan dollar sebagai demi kebajikan. Kita berharap yang duit itu bukan datang dari poket kita.- theantdaily
RM2.5bil 1MDB funds sent to Jho Low's firm...
The RM2.5 billion (US$700 million) which was
listed as a loan repayment from 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) to
Petrosaudi International (PSI) during 1MDB's joint venture with
Petrosaudi in 2009, was actually a "front" to channel the money to a
company controlled by tycoon Jho Low, online news portal Sarawak Report alleged yesterday.
It claimed it had obtained confidential email exchanges and the whole joint venture agreement worth RM3.6 billion between 1MDB and Petrosaudi made in September 2009.
Last week, Sarawak Report revealed contents of the joint venture agreement which stated that 1MDB had to undertake to repay a RM2.5 billion loan that Petrosaudi had taken from its parent company, Petrosaudi International.
However, in its report yesterday, it exposed alleged email communications that revealed that Petrosaudi had agreed to act as a "front" for the money to be channeled to a foreign company allegedly controlled by Jho Low and his business associates.
The controversial Penang-born tycoon had been constantly linked to Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak (left)
in the past, and was alleged in the report to have acted as though he
represented the PM in communications with both PSI and 1MDB chiefs.
In fact, according to the report, Jho Low and his business associates were constantly copied in all email communications regarding negotiations pertaining to the joint venture.
Sarawak Report said that in spite of official denials, the documents showed that the entire joint venture deal was "conceived, managed and driven" by Jho Low.
The report also states that 1MDB bosses were kept out of the loop, and were only given an overview of PSI's portfolio merely days before the massive joint venture agreement was penned in London.
Malaysiakini has contacted 1MDB and PetroSaudi for a response.
PetroSaudi in a statement to The Rakyat Post said it has paid 1MDB in full and media reports on the issue are "malicious" but did not specify which report.
The report was in collaboration with the UK Sunday Times.
The Sunday Times reported that a source close to Low dismissed claims that he was a secret broker as “without merit”, because he had said this year that he gave his views to 1MDB on various matters.
He had not profited personally from the fund nor has he been employed or retained by 1MDB, the source said.
Similarly, the Malaysian government told the UK newspaper that Prime Minister Najib is not involved in 1MDB's day-to-day operation.
"Views expressed by certain quarters concerning 1MDB should be examined in light of political motivation.
"However, if any wrongdoing is proven, the law will be enforced without exception."
Low strikes back
Meanwhile in another development, Low has threatened to sue The Edge and its related news site The Malaysian Insider over articles on his involvement with 1MDB, the latter reported today.
According to the report, Low in a letter of demand dated February 26 pressed for the retraction of “false and defamatory assertions” in an article titled 'Razak family concerned about inheritance talk, say siblings' published in the news portal on February 24.
Low’s lawyers also demanded the publications from writing articles of that sort in the future.
However, The Edge chief executive officer Ho Kay Tat in a note which accompanied the letter of demand published, said the group was standing by the stories written and will not cease publishing such articles.
“We would like to state here that The Edge Media Group stands by all the articles we have published about Mr Low and about 1MDB, and we will continue to publish news stories about Mr Low and about 1MDB as and when it is merited,” Ho was quoted saying. - mk
It claimed it had obtained confidential email exchanges and the whole joint venture agreement worth RM3.6 billion between 1MDB and Petrosaudi made in September 2009.
Last week, Sarawak Report revealed contents of the joint venture agreement which stated that 1MDB had to undertake to repay a RM2.5 billion loan that Petrosaudi had taken from its parent company, Petrosaudi International.
However, in its report yesterday, it exposed alleged email communications that revealed that Petrosaudi had agreed to act as a "front" for the money to be channeled to a foreign company allegedly controlled by Jho Low and his business associates.
In fact, according to the report, Jho Low and his business associates were constantly copied in all email communications regarding negotiations pertaining to the joint venture.
Sarawak Report said that in spite of official denials, the documents showed that the entire joint venture deal was "conceived, managed and driven" by Jho Low.
The report also states that 1MDB bosses were kept out of the loop, and were only given an overview of PSI's portfolio merely days before the massive joint venture agreement was penned in London.
Malaysiakini has contacted 1MDB and PetroSaudi for a response.
PetroSaudi in a statement to The Rakyat Post said it has paid 1MDB in full and media reports on the issue are "malicious" but did not specify which report.
The report was in collaboration with the UK Sunday Times.
The Sunday Times reported that a source close to Low dismissed claims that he was a secret broker as “without merit”, because he had said this year that he gave his views to 1MDB on various matters.
He had not profited personally from the fund nor has he been employed or retained by 1MDB, the source said.
Similarly, the Malaysian government told the UK newspaper that Prime Minister Najib is not involved in 1MDB's day-to-day operation.
"Views expressed by certain quarters concerning 1MDB should be examined in light of political motivation.
"However, if any wrongdoing is proven, the law will be enforced without exception."
Low strikes back
Meanwhile in another development, Low has threatened to sue The Edge and its related news site The Malaysian Insider over articles on his involvement with 1MDB, the latter reported today.
According to the report, Low in a letter of demand dated February 26 pressed for the retraction of “false and defamatory assertions” in an article titled 'Razak family concerned about inheritance talk, say siblings' published in the news portal on February 24.
Low’s lawyers also demanded the publications from writing articles of that sort in the future.
However, The Edge chief executive officer Ho Kay Tat in a note which accompanied the letter of demand published, said the group was standing by the stories written and will not cease publishing such articles.
“We would like to state here that The Edge Media Group stands by all the articles we have published about Mr Low and about 1MDB, and we will continue to publish news stories about Mr Low and about 1MDB as and when it is merited,” Ho was quoted saying. - mk
Najib's stepson the key for Low, says report...
The whitsleblower website said Penangite Low got on Rosmah’s good books after meeting her son while at school in the UK in 2004.
"Insiders say that Jho Low’s key initial Malaysian contact was the PM’s stepson Riza Aziz, whom he met while at school over in the UK.
"Jho Low spent plenty of time ingratiating himself with Riza’s mother, Rosmah Mansor (below), whom he generally refers to as ‘Madame’ or ‘First Lady’," the report alleged.
The report also cited "insiders" from Red Granite Pictures, the production company ran by Riza, that Riza was being funded by Low.
This included footing a sizeable bill by Rosmah after a recent visit to Beverly Hills, it reported.
"The duo (Riza and Low) have become well known fixed members of a party circuit that has included jaunts at Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas, yacht parties in the Mediterranean and luxury trips to watch Formula One and the World Cup in Brazil," the report further stated.
Special thanks
Included in the report were pictures from Li Lin Seet’s social media accounts. Lin’s online CV states that he is vice president of Jynwel Capital Ltd, where Low is CEO.
The pictures include Li with Low, Riza, A-list actor Leonardo DiCaprio and heiress Paris Hilton at various sports matches.
Jho was thanked in the credits of 'Wolf of Wall Street', the Red Granite produced Hollywood movie starring DiCaprio.
Najib is also suing PAS organ Harakah Daily for linking the Riza to 1MDB.
Najib said he is taking legal action to protect his family and assured no one will abuse 1MDB for personal interest.
Jho was instrumental in the Terengganu Investment Authority (TIA), which was later rebranded as 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) by Najib in 2009.
In the 2013 general elections, he actively campaigned for BN in Penang, but drew widespread flak for organising lavish free dinners and concerts during the campaign period.
In another report, Sarawak Report alleged that Jho Low had used a joint venture agreement between 1MDB and Petrosaudi in 2009 to "siphon" some RM 2.5 billion to a company that he controlled.
The Prime Minister's Office said criticism on 1MDB should be viewed as "politically-motivated".
Malaysiakini has contacted 1MDB, the Prime Minister's Office and Low's public relations representatives for a response.
Low has sent a letter of demand against The Malaysian Insider and The Edge for its report citing the New York Times and a press release by Najib’s brothers.
Najib’s brothers were concerned that talk of inheritance will taint their father, second prime minister Abdul Razak Hussein’s name.
The statement came after the Prime Minister’s Office told the New York Times that Najib’s family lifestyle is attributed to “legacy family assets”.
The New York Times contacted the PMO over its article on Low, which included his links to Najib’s family. - mk
1MDB’s first US$1billion money trail
SRK Penimbawan Tuaran ,Sabah terbakar pada Mei 2014. Ogos 2014 gomen lulus bajet baikpulih RM5-10 juta. Feb 2015 keadaan sekolah masih seperti di atas...
Kaki penipu bila dah sakit baru nak buat baik...ptuiiiih!!!
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