Semua indikasi yang ada menunjukkan bahawakapal terbang German Wings yang membawa 150 penumpang dan anak kapal terhempas berikutan aksi bunuh diri salah seorang juruterbangnya.
Laporan dari kotak hitam menunjukkan rakaman suara salah seorang juruterbang terkunci dari luar kokpit sebelum pesawat terhempas di Banjaran Alps, Selasa.
Akhbar The New York Times memetik seorang penyiasat berkata, rakaman audio menunjukkan sebaik pesawat memulakan penerbangan, seorang daripada juruterbang meninggalkan kokpit dan tidak dapat memasukinya semula.
Penyiasat itu memberitahu akhbar itu bahawa juruterbang berkenaan pada mulanya mengetuk perlahan pintu kokpit sebelum mengulanginya beberapa kali dengan ketukan lebih kuat.
"Ia berlarutan dan anda boleh mendengar dia (juruterbang) cuba untuk memecahkan pintu kokpit namun pintu masih tidak dibuka," katanya.
Penyiasat itu bagaimanapun tidak membuat spekulasi tentang mengapa juruterbang di dalam kokpit tidak membuka pintu atau menghubungi pusat kawalan udara sebelum pesawat terhampas.
Ketua Biro Siasatan dan Analisis (BEA), Remi Jouty berkata, komunikasi terakhir dari pesawat terbabit adalah rutin meminta kebenaran untuk meneruskan penerbangan.
Beberapa minit kemudian iaitu pada pada kira-kira jam 10.30 pagi waktu tempatan, pesawat Airbus A320 itu mula kehilangan altitud dalam tempoh 10 minit apabila ia menurun kepada paras 32,000 kaki berbanding ketinggian penerbangan 38,000 dan kemudiannya terhempas di kawasan pergunungan ketika berada pada 6,000 kaki.
Sehubungan itu, tiada panggilan kecemasan atau sebarang petunjuk sesuatu yang luar biasa menyebabkan penyiasat Perancis masih berhempas pulas bagi menyelesaikan misteri nahas berkenaan.
Ketika situasi cemas terbabit, pesawat itu dikatakan masih di bawah pengendalian juruterbang.
"Keadaan pesawat itu adalah bersesuaian dengan kapal terbang yang dikendalikan oleh juruterbang. Ia juga bersesuaian dengan pesawat yang dikawal oleh juruterbang automatik," kata Jouty.
"Setakat ini, masih tiada penjelasan. Sukar untuk membayangkan sekiranya juruterbang itu secara sedar merempuh kawasan pergunungan."
Sementara itu, beberapa juruterbang syarikat tambang murah Germanwings enggan membuat sebarang penerbangan semalam susulan nahas sebuah pesawat milik syarikat.
Keputusan itu dibuat selepas pendedahan pesawat jenis Airbus A320 itu telah ditahan daripada berlepas 24 jam sebelum nahas berlaku kelmarin disebabkan oleh masalah teknikal.
Kapal terbang itu tiba-tiba menjunam dari altitud penerbangannya lalu terhempas di pergunungan tersebut.
Nahas tersebut turut mendorong pemeriksaan keselamatan dilakukan ke atas semua pesawat Airbus A320 lain yang banyak digunakan oleh Germanwings.
Perkembangan itu menyebabkan ramai penumpang terkandas di Lapangan Terbang Heathrow, Stansted dan Manchester di Britain kerana kru-kru Germanwings enggan bekerja berikutan kebimbangan berhubung aspek keselamatan.
Seorang jurucakap syarikat induk Germanwings, Lufthansa berkata, penerbangan dari Dusseldorf, Jerman ke Barcelona telah dibatalkan kerana beberapa juruterbang berasa mereka berada ‘dalam keadaan tidak baik untuk mengemudi pesawat.’
Jurucakap itu bagaimanapun enggan mendedahkan jumlah juruterbang yang enggan bertugas; semalam.
“Namun, semua penerbangan lain milik Lufthansa masih diteruskan seperti biasa,” katanya.
Seorang jurucakap sebuah kesatuan juruterbang Jerman, Joerg Handwerg berkata, keengganan melakukan penerbangan itu bukan disebabkan oleh faktor keselamatan.
“Sebaliknya, juruterbang-juruterbang terbabit mempunyai kenalan dan rakan sekerja yang baru sahaja menemui ajal. Ia satu bebanan emosi yang besar kepada mereka,” ujarnya.
Germanwings kelmarin mengumumkan gangguan pada beberapa laluan penerbangan disebabkan sebilangan juruterbangnya terlalu terkejut selepas beberapa jam mendapat berita nahas tersebut.- agendadaily
Germanwings - Co-pilot likely crashed jet deliberately...
The co-pilot of the Germanwings airliner that
crashed in the French Alps killing all 150 people aboard, appears to
have brought the A320 Airbus down deliberately, the Marseille prosecutor
said today.
German Andreas Lubitz, 28, left in sole control of the Airbus A320 after the captain left the cockpit, refused to re-open the door and operated a control that sent the plane into its final, fatal descent, the prosecutor told a news conference.
The French prosecutor said Lubitz was not known as a terrorist and there were no grounds to consider the crash as a terrorist incident.
Recordings suggested passengers' screams began just before the final impact, he said.
a German state prosecutor had said that just one of the two pilots of
the Germanwings airliner was in the cockpit at the time it went down.
The statements came after the New York Times reported that "black box" recordings showed one of the pilots had left the cockpit and could not get back in before the plane crashed.
"One was in the cockpit and the other wasn't," Christoph Kumpa at the prosecutors' office in Duesseldorf told Reuters by telephone, adding that the information came from investigators in France.
Investigators were still studying voice recordings from one of the "black boxes" on Thursday while the search continued for a second in the ravine where the plane crashed, 100 km from Nice.
The recordings did not make clear why the pilot left the cockpit or why he could not regain entry as the plane steadily descended toward a mountain range in a remote area of the French Alps on Tuesday.
"The guy outside is knocking lightly on the door and there is no answer," an investigator described only as a senior French military official told the New York Times, citing the recordings.
"And then he hits the door stronger and no answer. There is never an answer. You can hear he is trying to smash the door down," the investigator added.
"Very smooth, very cool"
The cockpit audio had showed "very smooth, very cool" conversation between the pilots in the early part of the flight.
"We don't know yet the reason why one of the guys went out," the official said. "But what is sure is that at the very end of the flight, the other pilot is alone and does not open the door."
A spokesman for Germanwings' owner Lufthansa said: "We have no information from the authorities that confirms this report and we are seeking more information. We will not take part in speculation on the causes of the crash."
It confirmed that the main pilot had over 6,000 hours of flying time, while the more junior co-pilot had just 630 hours and had been with Germanwings since September 2013.
France, the interior and defence ministries said they had no
information on the newspaper report. Lufthansa announced it would hold a
briefing for later in the day.
France's BEA air investigation bureau was not available for comment. Yesterday it said it was too early to draw meaningful conclusions on why the plane went down.
"We have not yet been able to study and to establish an exact timing for all the sounds and words heard on this file," BEA director Remi Jouty told a news conference.
Jouty expected the first basic analysis in days but warned that the read-out could be subject to errors and that more work would be needed for a full interpretation.
Post 911 rules
The BEA said the plane started descending a minute after reaching cruising height and lost altitude for over nine minutes. The pilot's last words to the ground confirmed the next navigational waypoint, ending with a call-sign and "thank you".
Pilots may temporarily leave the cockpit at certain times and in certain circumstances, such whilst the aircraft is cruising, according to German aviation law.
Lufthansa said that its cockpit doors can be opened from the outside with a code, in line with regulations introduced after the Sept 11 attacks.
However, the code system can be blocked from inside the cockpit, according to an Airbus promotional video posted online and confirmed by the planemaker.
The BEA on Wednesday already ruled out a mid-air explosion and said the scenario did not look like a depressurisation.
German Andreas Lubitz, 28, left in sole control of the Airbus A320 after the captain left the cockpit, refused to re-open the door and operated a control that sent the plane into its final, fatal descent, the prosecutor told a news conference.
The French prosecutor said Lubitz was not known as a terrorist and there were no grounds to consider the crash as a terrorist incident.
Recordings suggested passengers' screams began just before the final impact, he said.
The statements came after the New York Times reported that "black box" recordings showed one of the pilots had left the cockpit and could not get back in before the plane crashed.
"One was in the cockpit and the other wasn't," Christoph Kumpa at the prosecutors' office in Duesseldorf told Reuters by telephone, adding that the information came from investigators in France.
Investigators were still studying voice recordings from one of the "black boxes" on Thursday while the search continued for a second in the ravine where the plane crashed, 100 km from Nice.
The recordings did not make clear why the pilot left the cockpit or why he could not regain entry as the plane steadily descended toward a mountain range in a remote area of the French Alps on Tuesday.
"The guy outside is knocking lightly on the door and there is no answer," an investigator described only as a senior French military official told the New York Times, citing the recordings.
"And then he hits the door stronger and no answer. There is never an answer. You can hear he is trying to smash the door down," the investigator added.
"Very smooth, very cool"
The cockpit audio had showed "very smooth, very cool" conversation between the pilots in the early part of the flight.
"We don't know yet the reason why one of the guys went out," the official said. "But what is sure is that at the very end of the flight, the other pilot is alone and does not open the door."
A spokesman for Germanwings' owner Lufthansa said: "We have no information from the authorities that confirms this report and we are seeking more information. We will not take part in speculation on the causes of the crash."
It confirmed that the main pilot had over 6,000 hours of flying time, while the more junior co-pilot had just 630 hours and had been with Germanwings since September 2013.
France's BEA air investigation bureau was not available for comment. Yesterday it said it was too early to draw meaningful conclusions on why the plane went down.
"We have not yet been able to study and to establish an exact timing for all the sounds and words heard on this file," BEA director Remi Jouty told a news conference.
Jouty expected the first basic analysis in days but warned that the read-out could be subject to errors and that more work would be needed for a full interpretation.
Post 911 rules
The BEA said the plane started descending a minute after reaching cruising height and lost altitude for over nine minutes. The pilot's last words to the ground confirmed the next navigational waypoint, ending with a call-sign and "thank you".
Pilots may temporarily leave the cockpit at certain times and in certain circumstances, such whilst the aircraft is cruising, according to German aviation law.
Lufthansa said that its cockpit doors can be opened from the outside with a code, in line with regulations introduced after the Sept 11 attacks.
However, the code system can be blocked from inside the cockpit, according to an Airbus promotional video posted online and confirmed by the planemaker.
The BEA on Wednesday already ruled out a mid-air explosion and said the scenario did not look like a depressurisation.
It also noted the airliner had flown in a straight line directly into
the mountain, but had no word on whether that seemed to be at the hand
of a pilot or auto-pilot.
Germanwings said 72 Germans were killed in the first major air passenger disaster on French soil since the 2000 Concorde accident just outside Paris.
Madrid revised down on Thursday the number of Spanish victims to 50 from 51 previously.
As well as Germans and Spaniards, victims included three Americans, a Moroccan and citizens of Britain, Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Colombia, Denmark, Israel, Japan, Mexico, Iran and the Netherlands, officials said. However, DNA checks to identify them could take weeks, the French government said.
The families of victims were being flown to Marseille on Thursday before being taken up to the zone close to the crash site.
Chapels had been prepared for them with a view of the mountain where their loved ones died.- Reuters
Germanwings said 72 Germans were killed in the first major air passenger disaster on French soil since the 2000 Concorde accident just outside Paris.
Madrid revised down on Thursday the number of Spanish victims to 50 from 51 previously.
As well as Germans and Spaniards, victims included three Americans, a Moroccan and citizens of Britain, Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Colombia, Denmark, Israel, Japan, Mexico, Iran and the Netherlands, officials said. However, DNA checks to identify them could take weeks, the French government said.
The families of victims were being flown to Marseille on Thursday before being taken up to the zone close to the crash site.
Chapels had been prepared for them with a view of the mountain where their loved ones died.- Reuters
Maaf Tun Musa, pendirian Umno hanyalah untuk terus berkuasa...
Bekas Timbalan Presiden Umno Tun Musa Hitam telah menyeru partinya agar menyatakan pendirian terhadap usaha PAS untuk melaksanakan hudud di Kelantan.
Namun adakah Umno dan pemimpinnya akan menuruti seruan itu? Jawapannya kita semua sudah tahu.
Umno tidak akan menyatakan pendiriannya, kerana satu-satu pendirian parti itu adalah untuk kekal berkuasa dengan apa sahaja cara – walaupun ia menjejaskan perpaduan negara. Ini dapat dilihat melalui sikap tolak ansurnya kepada pentaksub kaum dan agama.
Rakyat jelas mengetahui bahawa sokongan penuh Umno terhadap pindaan Enakmen Kanun Jenayah Syariah (II) 1993 di Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Kelantan pada 19 Mac lalu adalah sebahagian daripada agenda politiknya.
Kekuatan politik Umno kini pada tahap paling lemah dalam sejarah, dan ia menggunakan perpaduan Melayu dan agama untuk kekal relevan dan berkuasa.
Itulah satu-satunya sebab mengapa Umno kini berterusan mengambil hati PAS. Malangnya bagi rakyat Malaysia yang cintakan keamanan, PAS kini diketuai oleh Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang yang pro-Umno.
Dengan berbaik dan menyokong agenda PAS, Umno telah berjaya memecah-belahkan Pakatan Rakyat – gabungan yang telah melemahkan kerajaan Umno-BN dalam PRU ke-12 dan 13.
Dalam dua pilihanraya umum itu, Pakatan berjaya menubuhkan kerajaan di lima negeri pada tahun 2008, dan menafikan majoriti dua pertiga BN di Parlimen buat pertama kali dalam sejarah.
Maka, satu-satunya agenda dan pendirian Umno buat masa ini adalah menghancurkan kesatuan Pakatan, dan ia menjalankan rancangan tersebut dengan cekap melalui “rakannya” Hadi Awang.
Namun Pakatan bernasib baik apabila PKR menyeimbangkan agenda perkauman dan agama Umno dengan tidak menyokong usaha hudud PAS di Parlimen atas dasar parti itu memiliki pandangan berbeza berkaitan hudud.
Dalam satu kenyataan dari Cordoba, Sepanyol dan dilaporkan the Malaysian Insider, Musah Hitam berkata, Umno perlu segera menyatakan pendirian ke atas hudud PAS dan tidak berpura-pura terkejut dengan usaha parti itu untuk melaksanakannya di Kelantan.
Musa berkata: “Hudud tidak sesuai bagi sebuah negara seperti Malaysia…Saya amat kecewa dengan Umno sendiri, seolah-olah terpinga (dengan usaha PAS) dan hingga sekarang masih belum menentukan pendirian tegasnya. Saya boleh dikatakan begitu lama khuatir atas polisi dan agenda Umno di sini.
“Umno mesti mengambil pendirian tegas. Ini ialah isu nasional yang berimplikasi panjang dalam negara di peringkat domestik mahu pun antarabangsa.
“Umno tidak mampu dianggap seolah-olah cuba melebihi PAS dalam hal ini. Umno janganlah mahu menjadi lebih PAS daripada PAS sendiri!”
Dengan keputusan DAP dan PKR untuk tidak menyokong hudud PAS apabila ia dibentang di Parlimen nanti, giliran Umno dan BN pula untuk menjelaskan sama ada mereka menyokongnya.
Bagaimana dengan pendirian parti komponen BN, terutama MCA, MIC dan Gerakan.
Musa berkata, orang ramai tidak harus merasa hairan dengan tindakan PAS kerana parti itu “begitu lama dan konsisten mereka mengutarakan manifestonya melaksanakan hukum ini.”
“(Dan) Semua parti pembangkang yang ada di dalam Pakatan Rakyat pula janganlah berpura-pura tidak mengetahuinya,” tambahnua lagi.
Pada masa sama, Musa menegaskan kembali pendiriannya bahawa hudud tidak sesuai untuk negara kita.
Sebagai seorang bekas penganjur Umno, saya penuh percaya hati sanubari Umno, sejak ditubuh hingga sekarang, berpendirian hudud tidak sesuai bagi Malaysia yang berupa negara majmuk berbagai keturunan dan agama ini.
“Kalau saya tersalah faham dalam hal ini, Umno harus menentukan pendiriannya secepat mungkin. Isu ini sangat penting dan tidak boleh dibiarkan begitu sahaja.
“Bukan sahaja negara yang akan menanggung akibatnya tetapi Umno juga akan menghadapi akibat buruk sebagai parti politik yang begitu banyak berkhidmat kepada bangsa dan negara begitu lama.
“Janganlah hendaknya Umno memusnahkan diri sendiri. Moga kenyataan saya ini direstui Allah swt,” katanya lagi.- Ng Kee Seng,theantdaily
Guan Eng wins suit against 3 papers, Perkasa leader...
Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng has won a
defamation suit against Perkasa senior leader Ruslan Kassim and three
newspapers - the New Straits Times (M) Bhd, Berita Harian Sdn Bhd and
Utusan Melayu (M) Bhd.
The Kuala Lumpur High Court today ordered them to pay Lim a total of RM550,000 in damages.
The quantum is for aggravated and exemplary damages for publishing a comment piece by the Perkasa leader accusing Lim of being a spy for Singapore.
Justice Nor Bee Ariffin ordered Perkasa to pay RM150,000 while NSTP (M) Bhd and Utusan were to pay RM200,000 each in damages.
She also ordered the three entities to pay costs amounting RM20,000 each.
Ruslan (left),
who is also the Negeri Sembilan Perkasa chief, had issued a press
release four years' ago alleging Lim had leaked Malaysia's secrets in
his trip to Singapore with InvestPenang in 2011.
Lim had dinner with Temasik Corporation senior people, while the Perkasa leader alleged the Penang CM had met with PAP leaders.
The dinner was organised by businessman Kalimullah Hassan and Mohd Azman Yahya.
In her judgment today, Justice Nor Bee ruled the New Straits Times, Berita Harian and Utusan practised irresponsible journalism for not verifying their report with Lim over an event that took place over two months before the publication of the article.
She noted that the newspapers cited Lim's boycott of their media as reason for them in not connecting, but they should have shown attempts to contact the Bagan MP, which they did not.
“Instead they (the newspapers) hurried in publishing the article despite the dinner took place two months before Ruslan's press release,” the judge said.
Failed defence
Justice Nor Bee also ruled the publications had failed in their defence of fair comment, justification and qualified privilege.
“While the newspapers issued an apology to Kalimullah and Azman they did not do the same to Lim. Hence, their defence of justification, qualified privilege and fair comment does not hold.”
Despite this, the court ruled out Lim's assertion of mala fide (bad intention) in the publication of those articles but said the court could infer there was such intention.
named Ruslan, Perkasa president Ibrahim Ali, Perkasa, former NSTSB
group editor Syed Nadzri Syed Harun, NSTP, Utusan group editor Abdul
Aziz Ishak (left) and Utusan as defendants.
The Penang CM filed the RM15 million suit in June 2012, claiming he had been defamed by the publication which accused him of releasing government secrets.
Lim in his statement of claim said that New Straits Times and Utusan Malaysia had reported on the allegations “without first verifying the facts and truth of the statements issued” by Ruslan.
“I’m not a federal minister, how would I know national secrets? It’s a serious claim and it carries an extremely heavy penalty,” Lim told reporters then adding that the article in question was part of an “obvious agenda” to help BN recapture power in Penang, which it had lost in the 2008 general election.
Justice Nor Bee however, in reducing the quantum of damages noted that the publication had not resulted in Lim or the Pakatan government to fall and hence the amount awarded should not be that much.
Ruslan who was present in hearing the judgment, said he will consider appealing.
“The decision today shows that our courts are free, despite what Pakatan has alleged,” he said.
Lim was represented by Americk Sidhu while lawyer Lim Qi Si represented NSTP and Utusan, while Saleh Ahmad appeared for Perkasa. -mk
The Kuala Lumpur High Court today ordered them to pay Lim a total of RM550,000 in damages.
The quantum is for aggravated and exemplary damages for publishing a comment piece by the Perkasa leader accusing Lim of being a spy for Singapore.
Justice Nor Bee Ariffin ordered Perkasa to pay RM150,000 while NSTP (M) Bhd and Utusan were to pay RM200,000 each in damages.
She also ordered the three entities to pay costs amounting RM20,000 each.
Lim had dinner with Temasik Corporation senior people, while the Perkasa leader alleged the Penang CM had met with PAP leaders.
The dinner was organised by businessman Kalimullah Hassan and Mohd Azman Yahya.
In her judgment today, Justice Nor Bee ruled the New Straits Times, Berita Harian and Utusan practised irresponsible journalism for not verifying their report with Lim over an event that took place over two months before the publication of the article.
She noted that the newspapers cited Lim's boycott of their media as reason for them in not connecting, but they should have shown attempts to contact the Bagan MP, which they did not.
“Instead they (the newspapers) hurried in publishing the article despite the dinner took place two months before Ruslan's press release,” the judge said.
Failed defence
Justice Nor Bee also ruled the publications had failed in their defence of fair comment, justification and qualified privilege.
“While the newspapers issued an apology to Kalimullah and Azman they did not do the same to Lim. Hence, their defence of justification, qualified privilege and fair comment does not hold.”
Despite this, the court ruled out Lim's assertion of mala fide (bad intention) in the publication of those articles but said the court could infer there was such intention.
The Penang CM filed the RM15 million suit in June 2012, claiming he had been defamed by the publication which accused him of releasing government secrets.
Lim in his statement of claim said that New Straits Times and Utusan Malaysia had reported on the allegations “without first verifying the facts and truth of the statements issued” by Ruslan.
“I’m not a federal minister, how would I know national secrets? It’s a serious claim and it carries an extremely heavy penalty,” Lim told reporters then adding that the article in question was part of an “obvious agenda” to help BN recapture power in Penang, which it had lost in the 2008 general election.
Justice Nor Bee however, in reducing the quantum of damages noted that the publication had not resulted in Lim or the Pakatan government to fall and hence the amount awarded should not be that much.
Ruslan who was present in hearing the judgment, said he will consider appealing.
“The decision today shows that our courts are free, despite what Pakatan has alleged,” he said.
Lim was represented by Americk Sidhu while lawyer Lim Qi Si represented NSTP and Utusan, while Saleh Ahmad appeared for Perkasa. -mk
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