Polis hari ini memberkas tiga pengarang kanan The Malaysian Insider iaitu pengarang urusan Lionel Morais, pengarang berita bahasa Amin Shah Iskandar dan pengarang analisis dan rencana Zulkifli Sulong berhubung satu laporan mengenai hudud yang menyentuh Majlis Raja-raja.
Pihak polis bersama anggota Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia (SKMM) datang ke pejabat The Malaysian Insider di Mutiara Damansara petang ini dan membuat tangkapan.
Tindakan itu merupakan sebahagian daripada siasatan selepas laporan polis dibuat seorang pegawai dari Majlis Raja-raja minggu lepas.
Kira-kira 12 anggota polis dan SKMM tiba di pejabat itu lebih kurang jam 5.52 petang ini.
Mereka menghabiskan kira-kira setengah jam memeriksa komputer salah seorang pengarang sebelum meneruskan dengan menyoalsiasat Morais, Amin dan Zulkifli.
Peguam Syahredzan Johan, yang bersama mereka berkata, siasatan dijalankan mengikut Seksyen 4 Akta Hasutan dan Seksyen 233 Akta Komunikasi dan Multimedia 1998.
Sementara itu, Ho Kay Tat, ketua pegawai eksekutif kumpulan / penerbit The Edge Media Group, yang memiliki The Malaysian Insider, berkata tangkapan itu tidak perlu.
"Kami tak fikir timbul keperluan menangkap mereka kerana mereka boleh bertemu polis pada bila-bila masa bagi direkodkan kenyataan," katanya.
"Kami menyeru polis membebaskan mereka serta merta."
Bagaimanapun, katanya, pegawai polis dan penyiasat dari SKMM menunjukkan sifat mesra ketika menjalankan tugas mereka di pejabat The Malaysian Insider.
"Kami bekerjasama sepenuhnya dengan mereka, tetapi tidak berjaya meyakinkan mereka yang tidak perlu ketiga-tiga pengarang itu ditahan di lokap polis malam ini," kata Ho.
The Malaysian Insider melantik Syahredzan mewakili ketiga-tiga mereka semasa pendengaran permohonan reman mereka esok.
Menurut laporan yang diterbitkan pada 25 Mac itu, memetik sumber, mesyuarat Majlis Raja-raja Melayu menolak cadangan meminda Akta Mahkamah Syariah (Bidang Kuasa Jenayah) 1965 atau Akta 355, undang-undang persekutuan yang perlu dipinda kerajaan PAS Kelantan bagi membolehkan pelaksanaan hudud.
Majlis Raja-raja membuat laporan polis pada 26 Mac menafikan ia mengeluarkan sebarang kenyataan berhubung hudud Kelantan.
Semalam, Pemuda Umno Kedah memfailkan laporan polis terhadap The Malaysian Insider dan menggesa tindakan tegas diambil ke atas portal itu berhubung laporan tersebut.
Ahli Parlimen Barisan Nasional juga memperkatakan mengenai perkara itu di Parlimen.
Hari ini dan semalam, akhbar milik Umno, Utusan Malaysia menerbitkan beberapa laporan mendesak tindakan diambil ke atas portal itu. – tmi
"Kami tak fikir timbul keperluan menangkap mereka kerana mereka boleh bertemu polis pada bila-bila masa bagi direkodkan kenyataan," katanya.
"Kami menyeru polis membebaskan mereka serta merta."
Bagaimanapun, katanya, pegawai polis dan penyiasat dari SKMM menunjukkan sifat mesra ketika menjalankan tugas mereka di pejabat The Malaysian Insider.
"Kami bekerjasama sepenuhnya dengan mereka, tetapi tidak berjaya meyakinkan mereka yang tidak perlu ketiga-tiga pengarang itu ditahan di lokap polis malam ini," kata Ho.
The Malaysian Insider melantik Syahredzan mewakili ketiga-tiga mereka semasa pendengaran permohonan reman mereka esok.
Menurut laporan yang diterbitkan pada 25 Mac itu, memetik sumber, mesyuarat Majlis Raja-raja Melayu menolak cadangan meminda Akta Mahkamah Syariah (Bidang Kuasa Jenayah) 1965 atau Akta 355, undang-undang persekutuan yang perlu dipinda kerajaan PAS Kelantan bagi membolehkan pelaksanaan hudud.
Majlis Raja-raja membuat laporan polis pada 26 Mac menafikan ia mengeluarkan sebarang kenyataan berhubung hudud Kelantan.
Semalam, Pemuda Umno Kedah memfailkan laporan polis terhadap The Malaysian Insider dan menggesa tindakan tegas diambil ke atas portal itu berhubung laporan tersebut.
Ahli Parlimen Barisan Nasional juga memperkatakan mengenai perkara itu di Parlimen.
Hari ini dan semalam, akhbar milik Umno, Utusan Malaysia menerbitkan beberapa laporan mendesak tindakan diambil ke atas portal itu. – tmi
TMI: Editors arrested over 'erroneous' royal report
The Malaysian Insider managing editor Lionel Morais has been arrested over a news report regarding the Conference of Rulers rejecting the hudud bill.
Also detained are senior editors Amin Shah Iskandar and Zulkifli Sulong.
The trio were apprehended under the Sedition Act 1948 and taken to the Dang Wangi police district headquarters.
"They are to be detained at Dang Wangi the whole night," their lawyer Syahredzan Johan told Malaysiakini.
The police also seized their mobile phones and computers.
The news portal's office in Petaling Jaya was raided at about 5.45pm this evening by about a dozen police and Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) personnel.
The trio are investigated under Section 4 of the Sedition Act for publishing seditious material and Section 233 of the Communication and Multimedia Act 1998 for improper use of network facilities or network service.
Rulers did not discuss hudud
If found guilty, they can be fined up to RM5,000 and jailed up to three years or both.
Under Section 233 of the Communications and Multimedia Act, they can be fined up to RM50,000, jailed up to a year or both.
Last week, the keeper of the royal seal had lodged a police report on the spread of a false press release on the Conference of Rulers' view on hudud law.
Syed Danial Syed Ahmad in his police report said the press release did not originate from his office as reported by some media organisations.
"The Conference of Rulers did not discuss the matter. We did not issue any press release on March 25," he said. - mk
The trio were apprehended under the Sedition Act 1948 and taken to the Dang Wangi police district headquarters.
"They are to be detained at Dang Wangi the whole night," their lawyer Syahredzan Johan told Malaysiakini.
The police also seized their mobile phones and computers.
The news portal's office in Petaling Jaya was raided at about 5.45pm this evening by about a dozen police and Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) personnel.
The trio are investigated under Section 4 of the Sedition Act for publishing seditious material and Section 233 of the Communication and Multimedia Act 1998 for improper use of network facilities or network service.
Rulers did not discuss hudud
If found guilty, they can be fined up to RM5,000 and jailed up to three years or both.
Under Section 233 of the Communications and Multimedia Act, they can be fined up to RM50,000, jailed up to a year or both.
Last week, the keeper of the royal seal had lodged a police report on the spread of a false press release on the Conference of Rulers' view on hudud law.
Syed Danial Syed Ahmad in his police report said the press release did not originate from his office as reported by some media organisations.
"The Conference of Rulers did not discuss the matter. We did not issue any press release on March 25," he said. - mk
Ong Kian Ming mempertikai kenyataan P Kamalanathan baru-baru ini bahawa Malaysia berada di tangga teratas dalam penguasaan bahasa itu di Asia.
Sabtu lalu, timbalan menteri itu merujuk Indeks Kepetahan Berbahasa Inggeris yang dijalankan oleh EF Education First, sebuah laman web kajian di Sweden yang meneliti penggunaan bahasa itu di kalangan ahli perniagaan.
"Kita berada pada nombor satu dan anda pasti gembira kerana Singapura berada di belakang kita. Dan bukannya saya dakwa," kata Kamalanathan.
menunjukkan beberapa keterangan gambar di laman web Pejabat Perdana
Menteri (PMO) yang mempunyai tatabahasa Inggeris yang lintang-pukang dan
Dalam kenyataannya, imej pertama(atas) menerangkan kehadiran perdana menteri di upacara penghormatan terakhir Lee Kuan Yee tetapi membawa maksud bekas perdana menteri Singapura itu meninggal dunia di Parlimen.
Ia berbunyi: "Prime Minister Najib Razak and his wife, Rosmah Mansor present to pay their last respects to the late first Prime Minister of Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew, who had died in Parliament today.
"(Keterangan foto) ini teks asal. Ia telah disunting selepas menerima banyak aduan daripada pengguna Internet. Tetapi masih ada beberapa kesilapan," kata ahli parlimen DAP Serdang.
Ia berbunyi: "Prime Minister Najib Razak and his wife, Rosmah Mansor present to pay their last respects to the late first Prime Minister of Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew, who had died in Parliament today.
"(Keterangan foto) ini teks asal. Ia telah disunting selepas menerima banyak aduan daripada pengguna Internet. Tetapi masih ada beberapa kesilapan," kata ahli parlimen DAP Serdang.
Imej kedua(atas) keterangan foto yang disertakan dalam kenyataan Ong pula
membawa maksud Lee, sebelum menghembuskan nafas terakhir, ditahan di
hospital besar Singapura.
Keterangan asal berbunyi begini: "Kuan Yew died at 3:18am yesterday at the Singapore General Hospital after being detained in hospital since February 5 for pneumonia severe. He was 91 years old."
Ong berkata beliau tidak yakin kelemahan-kelemahan ini satu kes yang terpencil tetapi membayangkan penguasaan buruk bahasa itu di negara ini. - mk
Keterangan asal berbunyi begini: "Kuan Yew died at 3:18am yesterday at the Singapore General Hospital after being detained in hospital since February 5 for pneumonia severe. He was 91 years old."
Ong berkata beliau tidak yakin kelemahan-kelemahan ini satu kes yang terpencil tetapi membayangkan penguasaan buruk bahasa itu di negara ini. - mk
Good English? Check out bloopers by PMO...
I was shocked when I read the news two days ago where our Deputy
Minister of Education P Kamalanathan was reported to have said that the
standard of English in Malaysia is higher than Singapore by referring to
a report compiled by a Swedish based company, EF Education First.
I would like to draw the deputy minister's attention to a few recent stark reminders of the poor standard of English in Malaysia.
Blooper Nr 1 - Lee died in Parliament?
Exhibit 1 below is from the Prime Minister’s Office Photo Gallery describing Prime Minister Najib and his wife paying their respects to the late Lee Kuan Yew at the Singapore parliament. The following is the text:
"Prime Minister Najib Razak and his wife, Rosmah Mansor present to pay their last respects to the late first Prime Minister of Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew, who had died in Parliament today.
"Also seen the Prime Minister of Singapore Lee Hsien Loong (right). Funeral service will be held at 2pm, Sunday, at the University Cultural Center, National University of Singapore, followed by cremation a Mandal Crematorium closed."
I would like to draw the deputy minister's attention to a few recent stark reminders of the poor standard of English in Malaysia.
Blooper Nr 1 - Lee died in Parliament?
Exhibit 1 below is from the Prime Minister’s Office Photo Gallery describing Prime Minister Najib and his wife paying their respects to the late Lee Kuan Yew at the Singapore parliament. The following is the text:
"Prime Minister Najib Razak and his wife, Rosmah Mansor present to pay their last respects to the late first Prime Minister of Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew, who had died in Parliament today.
"Also seen the Prime Minister of Singapore Lee Hsien Loong (right). Funeral service will be held at 2pm, Sunday, at the University Cultural Center, National University of Singapore, followed by cremation a Mandal Crematorium closed."
This is the original text. It has since been edited after numerous complaints from netizens. But some errors still remain.
Lee detained in hospital?
Exhibit Two (below) is also from the PM Office's Photo Gallery describing the PM signing the condolence book for Lee Kuan Yew at the Singapore High Commission in Kuala Lumpur. The following is the text:
Exhibit Two (below) is also from the PM Office's Photo Gallery describing the PM signing the condolence book for Lee Kuan Yew at the Singapore High Commission in Kuala Lumpur. The following is the text:
“Prime Minister Najib Razak signed a book of condolences for the death of the Prime Minister of Singapore Lee Kuan Yew, at the Singapore Embassy, today. Also seen is the Singapore High Commissioner to Malaysia, Vanu Gopala Menon.
"Kuan Yew died at 3:18am yesterday at the Singapore General Hospital after being detained in hospital since February 5 for pneumonia severe. He was 91 years old”[3]
This post has not been edited. I leave it up to the deputy education minister to identify the grammatical errors.
MCA: We strongly defends
MCA: We strongly defends
Exhibit three (above) was taken at an MCA event with MCA president Liow Tiong Lai.
The banner in English reads:
"For our secular democratic constitution, we strongly defends".
Again, I leave it up to the deputy education Minister to identify the grammatical error.
Suffering from chicken chop
Four is a picture that has gone viral since early March. It is a
picture of a medical certificate (MC) where the child is diagnosed as
having "chicken chop".
The doctor in question probably diagnosed the child as having chicken pox but I cannot say for sure. The child may have accidentally swallowed an entire chicken chop and had to be sent home as a result.
Don't rest on laurels, Kamalanathan
I do not believe that the examples above are isolated incidents. The first two pictures featured exhibits from none other than the Prime Minister's Office, which is on display for the entire nation and the world.
The third picture featured a photo taken at an MCA event featuring its president. The fourth exhibit featured an MC signed by a doctor or general practitioner (GP).
If we cannot expect to have a decent standard of English displayed by these three groups of people, what more the larger population in Malaysia?
I would advise the Deputy Education Minister to focus on the task at hand, which is to improve the standard of English among our English teachers, to slowly increase the level of difficulty of our English exams and to stop making inaccurate comparisons in order to give a false impression of the problem at hand.- Ong Kian Meng,mk
Rafizi, Fariz and activist Hishamuddin freed...
PKR secretary-general Rafizi Ramli, Kita Lawan coordinator Fariz Musa
and activist Hishamuddin Rais have reportedly been released.According to the party, the trio were released on police bail today and are headed for Dang Wangi police station.
Over the weekend, Rafizi was arrested and remanded for three days over the rally calling for jailed opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim’s freedom.
Fariz and Hishamuddin were also detained over the weekend over Saturday’s rally held in conjunction with the wedding reception of Prime Minister Najib Razak’s daughter at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC).
Rafizi’s release comes after the police raided PKR’s headquarters in Petaling Jaya yesterday and seized computers and documents related to the rally.
Selangor Menteri Besar Azmin Ali today condemned the police raid as “gross abuse” and called on the authorities to stop the “intimidation” of opposition politicians.- mk
Polis bebas Rafizi, Hishamuddin, Fariz
1 comment:
Pilih aku jadi perdana menteri, aku jadikan bahasa inggeris bertaraf lukisan... tak kisah lulus atau gagal pada subjek tu.
Pelajar-pelajar boleh tumpukan subjek sains dan matematik... tapi tanpa prejudis subjek MORAL DAN KETATANEGARAAN wajib lulus.
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