Zahid Hamidi... Lu memang lawak aaar... Ade ker patut, lu umum di media massa lu nak buat operasi tangkap pendatang asing awal September nih... Lu dah umum, maknanya lu dah kasi peluang pendatang asing balik kampung atau melarikan diri... Ini bukan dinamakan operasi.. Tapi lu dah kasi diorang offer untuk lari...-f/bk
Kalu nak buat operasi tangkap...janganlah dok hebah seantero dunia,buatlah senyap2...baru ada akai sikit...
Ketawa Mat - kahkahkah...brader...Luu sudah silappp...tujuan Zahid bagi tarikh adalah untuk suruh agen sediakan duit secukup2nya... Ini bukan operasi hantar pulang besar2an... Ini operasi mengepau besar2an... Tak caya??... tunggu cuti raya tahun baru cina tahun depan... makin kurang ke atau makin ramai ke... kahkahkah...
...dan mereka yang dicekup akan diganti dengan...

Seramai 1.4 juta pekerja Bangladesh yang dijangka dibawa masuk secara berperingkat ke negara ini menjelang awal tahun depan, bakal mempunyai kad pengenalan khas.
Menteri Dalam Negeri, Datuk Seri Dr. Ahmad Zahid Hamidi berkata, kad pengenalan khas itu akan dilengkapi teknologi Identifikasi Frekuensi Radio (RFID), biometrik, fungsi kad debit dan kad simpan nilai (seperti Touch & Go).
"Warnanya pula akan ditentukan mengikut sektor pekerjaan bagi mengelakkan mereka bertukar-tukar kerja," katanya kepada pemberita selepas menerima kunjungan Menteri Kebajikan Ekspatriat dan Pekerja Luar Negara Bangladesh Khandker Mosharraf Hossain di sini hari ini.
Beliau berkata, jika didapati pekerja tersebut menukar sektor, mereka boleh didenda sehingga RM12,000, pekerja yang dibawa masuk itu juga telah menjalani proses tapisan bagi memastikan mereka tidak pernah terlibat dengan jenayah.
Dalam pertemuan itu, Ahmad Zahid berkata, perbincangan mengenai perumahan sementara kepada pekerja berkenaan turut dibincangkan. - BERNAMA
Prominent names behind Genting bus company...
Two days after one of the country's deadliest bus accidents, the company that owns the Genting yellow bus that plunged down a ravine in Genting Highlands and killed 37 people has maintained a stoic silence.
Meanwhile, a visit to the Genting Highlands Transport Sdn Bhd office in Jalan Segambut this morning drew a blank.
A company representative closed the door on our reporter saying "we have not made any statements and will not be making any comments to the media".
Looking at who's behind the firm, may shed some light on her anxiety due to a possible public relations disaster if the information trickling out is not managed prudently.
While the company that was registered in 1970 has various stakeholders, one name raises eyebrows – the Noah Foundation.
At 86,433 shares, Noah Foundation – established in the name of Tan Sri Mohamed Noah Omar – the grandfather of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak – is the second biggest stakeholder in the company.
Another prominent name that cropped up in SSM-listed documents was Datuk Mohamad Ashfar Ali – the president of the Pan Malaysia Bus Operators Association (PMBOA) – who is listed as one of the company’s four directors.
The other three named were Lee Hoi Chong, 72, from Kajang, Selangor; Yee Kee, 64, and Chen Mei Kuan, 47, both from Bukit Damansara, Kuala Lumpur (at different addresses).
Mohamad Ashfar, 61, of Taman Tasik Titiwangsa, Kuala Lumpur, has been very vocal in calling for an end to government-designed monopolies which are muscling out traditional stage and express bus operators.
The other shareholders of Genting Highlands Transport are Syarikat Central Pahang Omnibus Bhd which owns the lion’s share of 189,000 shares; Omnifi Holdings Sdn Bhd which holds 262 shares and Lee Kam Yong, Lee Kee Chong and company director Chen with 100 shares each.
A Yap San Chik holds 2,000 shares, while Chong Soo Chye, Lee Ah Kong, Gui Shew Chan, Lee Hoi Chong and Phang Kit own one share each as listed in the company profile.
Mohamad Ashfar and Yee Kee are also directors of Syarikat Central Pahang Omnibus, along with three others. Yee Kee is one of three directors of Omnifi.
The Noah Foundation was established on March 1, 1973 when Mohamed Noah, the father of Najib’s mother Toh Puan Rahah was 76-years-old.
It gives out scholarships as well as disaster relief. Its chairperson is Datin Faridah Abdullah – Mohamed Noah’s eldest granddaughter and Najib’s first cousin.
The Foundation’s diversified investments include shares in Resorts World Bhd. The sole mosque in Genting Highlands, the Yayasan Mohammad Noah Mosque was built by the foundation in 1981.
Mohamad Ashfar, when contacted by, did not wish to comment.
Instead, he asked: "Am I? (the director of the company),” before stressing that he had nothing to say at this point in time.
The Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) meanwhile, has yet to respond to calls.- Terence Fernandez and Kristina Mariswamy,The Edge

Yang tua kita hormati, Yang muda kita sayangi. Salam Syawal @ Rumah Terbuka Parlimen Lembah Pantai, Bangsar South (Kerinchi)
Mongolia Endless Possibilities by CNN

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