Sejak Najib melantik kawan baiknya Tan Sri Isa Samad pada 2011 untuk mengetuai FELDA yang diasaskan ayahandanya Almarhum Tun Razak, agensi pemacu ekonomi bumiputera itu terus dirundung malang.
Sebagaimana skandal kewangan terbesar 1MDB, tahun 2017 menyaksikan satu demi satu kebobrokan pengurusan FELDA terdedah dan menjadi bualan masyarakat dari atas hinggalah ke peringkat akar rumput.
Sebelum skandal tanah FELDA melibatkan nilai RM270 juta ini muncul, beberapa bulan lalu, Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) telah membuka fail siasatan mereka terhadap pembelian Park City Grand Plaza London (2013) dengan harga RM330 juta di London.
Pada 2015 Laporan Ketua Audit Negara pula mengesahkan sebanyak RM47.6 Juta hilang dalam satu projek FELDA melibatkan penternakan ikan sturgeon.
Bijaksananya si Tan Sri Isa Samad yang dilantik Najib mula terserlah apabila pada 2012, Felda Global Ventures North America Sdn Bhd (FGVNA) mencatatkan kerugian RM27.6 juta dalam pelaburannya sebanyak RM1 bilion di Amerika dan Kanada.

Sehingga setakat ini, FELDA melalui Felda Investment Corporation (FIC) telah menimbulkan curiga terhadap urusniaga ‘terlebih bayar’ pembelian hotel.
Ia melibatkan pembelian Hotel Grand Borneo di Sabah (RM86.4 juta), Park City Grand Plaza di Kensington, London (RM330 juta, harga sepatutnya RM110 juta) dan Merdeka Palace Hotel & Suites di Kuching (dibeli RM50 juta lebih mahal).
Skandal-skandal yang wujud ini nampaknya belum cukup memberi isyarat kepada Najib apabila Isa diberi jawatan Pemangku Pengerusi Suruhanjaya Pengangkutan Awam Darat (SPAD) pada Ogos lalu.
Kita hairan mengapa Najib terus memberi muka kepada Isa menerajui agensi-agensi kerajaan meskipun individu itu mempunyai rekod buruk.
Sepatutnya Isa ‘dibersarakan’ lebih awal sejak dia dibuktikan bersalah mengamalkan politik wang dalam pemilihan UMNO 2005 yang menyebabkan dia digantung jawatan dan keahlian parti itu selama enam tahun.

Kebusukan ini tidak memberi apa-apa justifikasi untuk kerajaan UMNO terus memberi kepercayaan kepada individu korup menguruskan amanah rakyat.
Sudah tentu, krisis kelemahan urus tadbir dan penyelewengan yang pernah sebelum ini melanda ‘institusi Bumiputera’ seperti MARA dan Tabung Haji juga telah memberi malu dan tamparan kuat kepada kerajaan UMNO – Barisan Nasional (BN).
Satu-satunya jalan keluar daripada krisis penyelewengan dan salah urus tadbir parah ini ialah melalui reformasi pentadbiran yang boleh dicapai melalui kesungguhan politik.
Persoalannya, adakah rakyat bersedia melakar perubahan itu dalam Pilihan Raya Umum ke-14 (PRU14) kelak? –

How desperate is the Election Commission...
This is what the Elections Commission is doing in Selangor. Rushing through the hearing for objections to their racial redelineation proposal.
They used POS LAJU to deliver this on the 2nd day after they challenged Selangor government's stay proceedings in the Court of Appeal last week.
They then fixed a hearing TODAY on the 27th when most people are away for Christmas and year end break.I wrote a letter to EC last week to request for another date because of short notice and that I would be away.
As of NOW, I have yet to receive any written reply to my letter. My assistants followed up with multiple calls - EC's responded on the phone saying no written reply will be given, whether I turn up or not they are proceeding with the hearing.
Is this how an institution funded by taxpayers should be behaving - like a thief?

While people are away on festive break, they rush through such an important process that affects thousands of voters in Selangor.
Haven't we seen this in Parliament too, while you were asleep way past midnight, important laws were made?
Why the rush by EC in Selangor? For who? Who is their master? To win back Selangor in the next few months by creating racial seats to benefit only racial parties.
Barisan Nasional's hidden hand is at work.
I hold Najib Razak responsible for such bias and partisan move by the EC to win Selangor back at all costs.
We are seeking legal advice on this. Justice hurried is justice buried.- Hannah Yeoh,f/bk
UMNO declared 'officially' dead
by civil servants...
There is a video here that is going viral. It shows a Civil Servant guy somewhere in Perak yelling at a bunch of UMNO guys, calling them rasuah and such.
The Civil Service is revolting. They are getting tired of these UMNO toilet bowl scum.
There is something else I heard just this morning. An Opposition party has put up banners and posters that say ‘Do Not Vote For The BN’ or words to that effect. No big deal.
The difference is its been close to two months since the posters went up and they still remain in place. No council workers or other people have torn the posters or tried to deface them, which was usually the case before.
More interestingly, the Opposition party was “informed” by the local “powers that be” that their posters will not be torn down. By “powers that be”, I am talking about the gomen authorities. They have given their blessings.
I am telling you folks, the entire country, especially the Civil Service is just waiting for the General Elections to throw the UMNO toilet bowl scum and their BN butt kissers into the toilet and flush them away for good.
That internal UMNO survey that showed that UMNO may win just 9-12 seats in Parliament may be true.
This next general elections is going to be the biggest kick in the butt rout for UMNO and the BN. And the MCA is actually working from the inside. Terima kasih.
I want to warn those Civil Servants who think they can continue to assist or turn a blind eye to cover up all of UMNO’s stealing, thievery and corruption.
They do not care anything about you. You are disposable, like toilet tissue. After they use you to wipe their ass, they will flush you down the toilet. The public will remember your misdeeds, forever.
The talk is that the PSC has already recommended that the Adulterous Commissioner be removed. However their recommendations are being stalled by corrupt interests.
That ex IGP has now been implicated in the Wang Kelian mass murder of those Rohingya refugees. That story is just beginning. It will drag on for years and drag your name through the mud as well.
When the Opposition takes over the government, we are coming after you. As sure as the sun will rise in the west tomorrow, better be sure that you will be held accountable as well. - ostb

GE14 -The Anwars set to relocate...

The smartest ever business rationalisation plan ever.

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