Memang mudah menggunakan hadith Nabi untuk menyelamatkan diri daripada dipersalahkan kerana gagal menguruskan ekonomi.
Itulah yang telah dibuat oleh Menteri Perdagangan Dalam Negeri, Koperasi dan Kepenggunaan, Datuk Seri Hamzah Zainuddin dalam ucapannya di Perhimpunan Agung UMNO Sabtu lalu.
Hamzah dilaporkan berkata bahawa isu harga barang naik telah berlaku sejak zaman Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. lagi, sambil memetik sepotong hadith yang menyebut bahawa Allah yang menetapkan harga barang.
Hamzah yang juga ahli Majlis Tertinggi Umno memetik hadis Riwayat Abu Dawud berhubung rayuan oleh pengikut baginda ketika itu agar Nabi menetapkan harga barangan di Madinah.
“Jawab Baginda, ‘Allah, Dialah yang menetapkan harga itu. Dialah Allah yang melapangkan, Dialah Allah yang menyempitkan, Dialah Allah yang memberi rezeki.
Menteri perdagangan dalam negeri, koperasi dan hal ehwal pengguna itu menjelaskan, Perdana Menteri Najib Razak juga menggunakan konsep keadilan Islam dengan memberikan subsidi terhadap barangan keperluan asas.
Katanya, langkah itu dijalankan agar kenaikan harga barang itu tidak membebankan rakyat walaupun kerajaan memperuntukkan RM2 bilion setahun untuk merealisasikan rancangan itu.
Tafsiran Hamzah terhadap hadith tersebut ternyata mengundang reaksi negatif daripada rakyat Malaysia.
“Seorang menteri seharusnya memberi hujah yang lebih baik, conohnya dengan menggunakan rasional dan statistik untuk menyokong dakwaannya.
“Pelaksaan cukai GST, selain pengurangan subsidi minyak, ekonomi dunia yang lembab serta kejatuhan nilai ringgit yang meningkatkan lagi kos sara hidup,” ujar Penolong Setiausaha Publisiti Wanita DAP, Syerleena Rashid.
Dalam kenyataannya, Syerleena memberitahu bahawa rakyat Malaysia juga tidak dibayar gaji setimpal dan mencukupi, justeru melemahkan kuasa membeli rakyat negara ini.
“Fenomena ini memberi kesan buruk kepada keluarga dengan punca pendapat tunggal. Menteri sepatutnya menyediakan dasar-dasar yang lebih baik untuk mengurangkan beban yang ditanggung keluarga-keluarga ini,” tegas beliau.
“Ini membuktikan kegagalan Barisan Nasional mengetuai kerajaan persekutuan.”
Katanya lagi, Menteri seperti Hamzah cukup suka menggunakan gambaran agama untuk memecahbelahkan rakyat.
“Kita memerlukan pemimpin politik yang tidak mengheret Tuhan dan agama secara membuta tuli ke dalam wacana politik,” tegasnya lagi.
“Malaysia akan terus berhadapan kebekuan sosio-ekonomi sekiranya kita terus membiarkan mereka yang bongkak, berfikiran cetek dan tidak berpengetahuan kekal berkuasa,” tambah beliau yang juga Ahli Majlis Bandaraya Pulau Pinang. – Roketkini.com
Dr.M - Never too old to date...
Never too old to date, Dr Mahathir Mohamad showed a lighter side when he told social media followers he wanted to date wife Dr Siti Hasmah Mohd Ali.
Hours after news broke the former prime minister and his wife had returned their Selangor awards to the palace, the 92-year-old said he wanted to take his wife on a date.
“Planing to have a date with Hasmah. She’s with me in good times and bad. What movie should we watch together ,” said Dr Mahathir on Twitter (@chedetoffcial) at 2pm.
The tweet attracted almost 200 replies ranging from movie suggestions to questions about the secrets behind their marriage.
“What is the secret of your relationship until you have never had a bad fight with Dr Siti Hasmah?” asked Twitter user @nurulmysara.
User @yana_ahs said the couple had attended her wedding in 2008 and Dr Siti Hasmah advised her to always forgive her spouse.
“Always forgive your spouse and don’t go to bed angry with one another. Thank you Tun M and Tun Hasmah,” she added.
User @shuhadope suggested Dr Mahathir watch the remake of the Agatha Christie classic “Murder on the Orient Express” which is playing in the cinemas.
While users @cahirrr and @Shydaatul suggested titles such as “Fifty Shades of Grey” and “Pinjamkan Hatiku”.

Dr Mahathir met his wife Dr Siti Hasmah when they were studying medicine at University Malaya in Singapore.
After a long courtship, the two married in 1956. The couple have seven children. Some of the details of their relationship are written in Dr Siti Hasmah’s autobiography “My name is Hasmah”.
The Malaysian Insight today reported the couple returned their Selangor royal awards last Thursday.
A spokesperson from the Selangor Palace said the Palace will issue a statement on the matter tomorrow. - themalaysianinsight.
Can BN regain two-thirds majority?
The closing of Umno's 71st annual general assembly on Saturday has not only geared up party members for the 14th general election (GE14), but also keeps the nation on tenterhooks as everyone awaits Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak's big announcement.
With GE14 being the crux of many debates and speeches, the five-day assembly was seen as the final opening for Najib, who is also the Umno president, to fire up the spirits of party members nationwide to secure a thumping victory in the "mother of all elections".
However, under the shouts and fist-pumping of party members over the week, there was also a sense of uncertainty whether Umno – and Barisan Nasional as a whole – will be able to secure the much sought two-thirds majority in the legislature post GE14.
Najib provided a clear-cut message to the Malay Muslims at the assembly, that they will be displaced and degraded if the ruling coalition were to lose. While such remarks may terrify the rural and suburban Malays, it does not hold much water in wooing the support of voters from other races, mainly the Chinese.
It was largely the sway of the Chinese votes that contributed to BN's worst performance in its general election history, despite Umno itself managing to increase its number of seats in GE13. In his winding-up speech, Najib expressed his confidence of winning big in GE14, stating that "the wind is behind us".
However, when asked by media in a post-assembly press conference whether he was confident of winning the two-thirds majority, Najib replied that the momentum was on BN's side, while taking a jibe at the inconsistency of the Opposition.
Even with the opposition coalition Pakatan Harapan in disarray, as described by Najib, the ruling alliance should question whether the non-Malay votes will return to the BN component parties, MCA and MIC in particular, in the next polls. For the record, the opposition parties in GE12 managed to deny BN a two-thirds majority for the first time without having to work under a formal coalition.
Another deciding factor that could risk BN's supermajority target is the multi-cornered fights in the Malay-majority seats, prompted by the departure of PAS from the opposition coalition. Umno vice-president Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi in his speech at the assembly said multi-cornered fights will not benefit the party in some constituencies.
A recent remark by Umno information chief Tan Sri Annuar Musa has quashed talk that the two parties might be holding hands in facing GE14. It is worthwhile to note that for BN, the inability to win a supermajority in the next general election is just as good as a loss, given all the clenching of fists and chest thumping at the Umno assembly.
All of the works the ruling coalition has been doing post-GE13 has been centred on returning the supermajority in the Dewan Rakyat to the government.
Thus, the main question that should be asked leading up to GE14 is not whether BN can retain Putrajaya, but whether the coalition can actually regain the two-thirds majority which it has been denied twice. - theSundaily

Najib kan bertaawun dengan Trump..
Gambar belakang jam tangan dari Najib
Mana2 ahli UMNO yang tak dapat jam tu
kira bukan insan terpilih
Najib Razak elbamed Tissot watches were presented as door gift to each 5,793 delegates from 191 divisions attending the assembly at Putra World Trade Centre,in preparation for the 14th General Election. All paid by GST revenue.

Pembodek yang paling kaw di PAU tahun ini...

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