Bekas perdana menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad mencabar Timbalan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi membuktikan dakwaannya mengenai nama sebenar Mahathir seperti yang didakwa.
Dr Mahathir yang juga pengerusi Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (BERSATU) berkata, beliau terkejut dengan kenyataan yang dibuat anggota parlimen Bagan Datoh itu.
"Tak pernah lagi sesiapa yang menyentuh perkara ini dengan memberi asal-usul saya yang berbeza daripada diketahui umum.
"Ini adalah satu kenyataan yang cukup baiklah untuk kita tunjuk betapa Zahid ini kaki pembohong," katanya dalam kenyataan video, hari ini.
Semalam, Zahid yang juga naib presiden Umno membangkitkan sejarah Dr Mahathir yang berketurunan India dan mendakwa bekas bosnya itu mempergunakan orang Melayu selama 22 tahun pentadbirannya.
Zahid yang juga menteri dalam negeri, menunjukkan salinan kad pengenalan (IC) Dr Mahathir, yang menurutnya memaparkan namanya sebagai "Mahathir a/l Iskandar Kutty".
Sambil memegang telefon bimbit dan menunjukkannya kepada hadirin, Zahid berkata, "Ini IC biru dia dulu. Nama dia Mahathir anak lelaki Iskandar Kutty. Nombor IC biru dia […] Ini yang dihantar oleh ketua pengarah Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara (JPN)."
"Betullah dia kata kita ni mudah lupa sebab dia anak laki-laki Iskandar Kutty. Baca seterusnya...

Dr M brands Zahid a liar,
dares him to show identity card...
Dr Mahathir Mohamad has branded Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi a "kaki pembohong (liar)" with regard to the latter's claim of having seen a copy of the former premier's identity card.
He also dared Zahid to produce the said identity card, which purportedly stated his name as "Mahathir a/l Iskandar Kutty".
"This (Zahid's statement) is good enough to show that Zahid is a 'kaki pembohong'. A 'kaki pembohong' because he cannot show the blue-coloured identity card.
"I can still remember the first identity card I received. I was still in university at the time.
"But if he can show it (the identity card), I want to see it," he added in a video posted on the Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) Facebook page.
The Bersatu chairperson also told Zahid not to emulate attorney-general Mohamed Apandi Ali.
"Don't hide. Don't be like Apandi...
"Apandi when you show... will say 'there is nothing in this', but he will put it under the Official Secrets Act. Zahid wants to keep this a 'secret' as well? Show it," he added.
While officiating the Kelana Jaya Umno division annual general meeting on Sunday, Zahid claimed that he had sighted Mahathir's old identity card which bore the name "Mahathir a/l Iskandar Kutty".
Zahid, who held up his phone to show his audience that he had a copy of the identity card, said this to discredit Mahathir's credentials as a Malay leader.
"This is the person who fought for the Malay agenda in order to use Malays," said Zahid, who claimed that National Registration Department had shown him the said identity card.
Following this, Zahid was accused of breaching privacy laws by MPs and lawyers.
Mahathir had written in his 2011 autobiography "A Doctor in the House: The Memoirs of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad", that he had "some" South Asian heritage.
"Some claim that my father was Malayalee and was fluent in both Tamil and Malayalam. Some have even written that he was a Hindu who converted to Islam to marry my mother. Others say they have seen documents clearly stating my ethnicity.
"I admit that some Indian, or more accurately South Asian blood flows in my veins, but from which part of the Indian subcontinent my ancestors came I do not know," he wrote at the beginning of the third chapter of the 62-chapter memoir.- mk
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Sekoq pun tak dak yang cerah macam Melayu ori
Bos pulak Bugis. Semua kapai mari...
Bos pulak Bugis. Semua kapai mari...

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