PAS tak sudi...
Sekali lagi PAS 'menembak' PKR.
Kurang dari 24 jam selepas Pakatan Harapan (HARAPAN) menegaskan gabungan itu tidak akan bekerjasama dengan PAS, parti terbabit hari ini membalas dengan lebih tegas.
Anggota Jawatankuasa Pusat PAS Datuk Dr Khairuddin Aman Razali menegaskan parti itu memang sudah lama membuat keputusan untuk tidak mengadakan sebarang kerjasama politik dengan HARAPAN atau BN.
"PAS hanya akan memperkasakan Gagasan Sejahtera untuk menghadapi BN dan HARAPAN pada pilihan raya umum ke-14," katanya kepada Malaysiakini hari ini.
Isu kerjasama PAS dan PKR, kata Khairuddin, timbul selepas PKR dilihat cuba menagih kerjasama dengan PAS.
Keadaan itu katanya merisaukan parti lain dalam HARAPAN.

Azmin gelak sakan...
"Ada pun PAS daripada awal tidak berminat kerana PAS ada agenda dan strategi tersendiri untuk memenangi PRU14," katanya.
Khairuddin juga menegaskan PAS tidak membuka pintu untuk rundingan kerjasama politik walaupun ia dibuat atas nama individu selagi ia membawa imej HARAPAN.
Kata Khairuddin, parti dalam HARAPAN bukanlah rakan politik yang setia.
"Mereka menikam di depan dan belakang ketika bersama dalam Pakatan Rakyat dulu.
"Agenda Islam yang telah dipersetujui sebagai agenda PAS, diserang.
"Mereka bekerja keras menjatuhkan kerajaan PAS Kelantan. Mana mungkin PAS bekerjasama dengan parti-parti sebegini," katanya merujuk kepada dua parti yang menjadi seteru utama mereka sekarang, DAP serta Parti Amanah Negara (AMANAH).-mk
Azmin degaq tu,PAS dah meluat dengan PKR,hang dok pi sua muka buat apa? PAS ada kekasih baru namanya UMNO.Kalu hang minat sangat tinggai saja PKR dan masuk PAS. Sekurang2nya,kalu gadingan PAS-UMNO menang Selangor,hang ada chan jadi MB sekali lagi...- t/s

You see, even if they win, PAS is not relevant to the human race.
(Ok before I continue, UMNO has completely killed off PAS. They gave money to Bawang and a few others to buy them over. The money did not go to the party. Then the party is dead, financially they are almost broke. Their working with UMNO has cost them their future. PAS is dead. Now Pakatan Harapan has kicked out PAS from any cooperation.)
The only lifeline for PAS now is if Wan Azizah still pushes for PAS' assistance in Kelantan and if Azmin still seeks PAS' help in Selangor.
Meaning PKR forms a back door alliance with PAS.
Meaning a PKR - PAS - UMNO backdoor nexus.
PAS is not relevant to the human race.
I was in Kelantan last Thursday to Saturday. After 27 years of PAS rule in Kelantan, the State is being nailed tight inside their coffin. They keep coming up with more "haram" restrictions.
For the past year or more ALL BUSINESSES IN KELANTAN must close for one hour during the Friday prayers. From 12:30 to 1:30 pm.
We were driving all over Kota Bharu and Kelantan and all the shops were closed. From Kota Bharu to Pengkalen Chepa, to Bachok all the way to Besut on the Terengganu border was a complete shutdown. And the shops were still closed until 2:30 pm. Lazy bums.
Chinese businesses were open. So China kayalah lagi. Melayu miskin dulu.
Then I saw a real shocking sight.
Under a bridge near Pengkalen Chepa the river was swampy and overgrown with weeds and plants. There was a man fishing in the water with a hand held trawl.
If this was Zimbabwe or Papua New Guinea then it would have been a "rustic" sight. Rustic means countryside or rural appearance.

But this was "suburban" Kota Bharu ! Not Africa or Myanmar or Papua. A man catching his food in Kota Bharu.
The real shocker was what he was wearing. You would expect a fisherman to be wearing some sort of Vietcong hat, a shirt and shorts or something more relevant to fishing under the sun in the muddy river.
Instead the guy was wearing a white turban (serban) and a long white jubah (white robe) and standing waist deep in muddy water. Obviously this has become the "Islamic dress" for fishermen in Kelantan.
Mampus lah hangpa punya bodoh. What if there is a sudden current? Or a wave from a passing boat or a movement in the water? How do you swim to safety in serban and jubah?
What if he accidentally drops some fishing gear into the water or the net gets entangled at the bottom - does it mean he can dive (selam) into the water while wearing his serban and jubah?
Mampus lah hangpa punya bodoh.
Do you all recall that huge flood that submerged Kelantan about FOUR YEARS ago ?? Well there are flood victims in Kelantan still living in tents after their dirt poor, ramshackle houses were destroyed by the floods. The PAS *&^(*&$#^&$%# have not helped the people a tiny bit. They just do not care.
This is what their religion does to them. They become satanic.
This is what 27 years of PAS has done for Kelantan.
A local friend said, 'Kelantan is 40 to 50 years behind Malaysia'.
Akhirul kalam wa akhirul dakwaanan : You become stupid and poor.- ostb

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