'Dengan nama Allah mereka mengganas'...
Anggota Jawatankuasa Pusat Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (BERSATU) Datuk A Kadir Jasin percaya tindakan provokasi kumpulan penghasut semasa forum Nothing To Hide 2.0 di Shah Alam semalam membayangkan keterdesakan penaja mereka.
Menulis di laman Facebook, katanya, semakin jelas operasi ganas yang sanggup mereka lakukan demi mempertahankan kuasa yang semakin terlepas.
“Di satu pihak mereka berdoa dengan nama Allah di pihak yang lain mereka mengganas.

“Saya ada di satu dari awal hinggalah para pengacau mula bertindak menjerit kemudian membaling capal, botol air dan kerusi serta menembak flare,” katanya.
Menurut bekas ketua pengarang Kumpulan New Straits Times Press itu, kejadian berlaku di penghujung sessi soal jawab di mana beberapa soalan yang jelas ditanam oleh penaja kumpulan penghasut berjaya ditangkis oleh Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
Ini termasuklah soalan mengenai DAP menjadi parti utama Pakatan Harapan, Dr Mahathir meminta maaf kepada Datuk Seri Anwar dan peristiwa Memali.

Sesetengah penghasut, katanya tidak puas hati apabila jawapan Dr Mahathir kepada soalan mereka disambut dengan tepukan dah teriakan "hidup Tun".
“Saya nampak ada penghasut yang ditahan oleh ahli ARMADA dan orang ramai manakala yang lain lari bertempiaran sambil menanggalkan kemeja-T BERSATU/ARAMADA yang mereka pakai untuk menyamar.
“Jelas tindakan provokasi kumpulan penghasut itu membayangkan keterdesakan penaja mereka yang mengakui bahawa majlis-majlis anjuran BERSATU dan Pakatan Harapan mendapat sambutan sukarela rakyat jelata,” katanya.

Kadir bagaimanapun tidak menamakan kumpulan penghasut itu walaupun ketika majlis berlangsung terdapat penyokong kerajaan yang berada di dalam dewan berkenaan.
Acara itu menjemput Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak untuk menjelaskan skandal 1MDB yang dikaitkan dengan pengubahan wang haram di luar negara. Bagaimanapun Najib gagal menghadirkan diri ke pada progam itu.
Acara yang bermula pada jam 3 petang itu kemudian bertukar menjadi ganas pada kira-kira jam 5.30 petang ketika Mahathir berucap kepada orang ramai.

Ketika Mahathir menjawab soalan mengenai tragedi Memali di Baling pada tahun 1985, selipar dan kasut dilemparkan ke arahnya. Ini diikuti oleh beberapa objek lain termasuk kerusi, botol air dan suar di dalam dewan.
Bagaimanapun, tiada objek mengenai Mahathir apabila anggota keselamatan bergegas untuk melindunginya. Pertempuran kemudian berlaku apabila penyokong BERSATU cuba menghadapi provokasi berkenaan yang akhirnya melarat keluar dewan.

Pada 11 Ogos agensi berita ekonomi Bloomberg melaporkan yang pihak berkuasa Amerika sedang menaikkan taraf siasatan skandal 1MDB daripada sivil kepada jenayah.
Bagi kita mungkin kebetulan tetapi ialah adalah kehendak dan perancangan Allah. Doa rakyat jelata yang teraniaya lambat laun akan dimakbulkan.
Jabatan Kehakiman Amerika (DoJ) dilaporkan meminta mahkamah di Los Angeles menangguhkan kes sivil terhadap 1MDB, khususnya ke atas Jho Low dan konco-konconya - termasuklah anak tiri Najib, Riza Shahriz Abdul Aziz - agar tidak mengganggu siasatan jenayah.
Maksudnya, pihak berkuasa Amerika telah menaikkan taraf tindakan ke atas pencurian duit 1MDB dan penggunaan duit haram itu di bumi Amerika daripada kes sivil kepada jenayah.
Ini adalah proses biasa di Amerika. Mereka mulakan dengan penyiasatan dan tuduhan sivil (civil indictment) kemudian apabila tindakan sivil itu berjaya atau menghasilkan bukti yang kukuh, mereka naikkan tarafnya kepada tuduhan jenayah (criminal indictment).
Itulah antara kaedah yang digunakan oleh Rudolph Giuliani ketika beliau menjadi Peguam Negara Amerika bagi Daerah New York Selatan pada tahun 1980-an bagi memusnahkan rangkaian jenayah Mafia di bandar raya itu. Giuliani kemudiannya menjadi Datuk Bandar New York.
Ironinya, tidak banyak beza di antara jenayah ganas Mafia seperti yang didramatisasikan dalam siri filem “The Godfather” dengan jenayah korporat yang diabadikan oleh Riza dalam filem terbitan bersamanya “The Wolf of New York”.
Penyiasatan jenayah 1MDB di Amerika itu melibatkan wang yang dicuri daripada 1MDB yang didakwa digunakan untuk membeli hartanah, lukisan, emas pertama, jet eksekutif, kapal layar dan menerbitkan filem.
Nilai harta curi itu dianggarkan kira-kira AS$1.7 bilion atau lebih kurang RM7.3 bilion dan melibatkan kegiatan jenayah yang dilakukan di bumi Amerika sahaja.

Siasatan jenayah di Amerika itu menyusuli tindakan jenayah yang sudah pun diambil oleh Pihak Berkuasa Mata Wang Singapura (MAS) yang menyebabkan beberapa orang eksekutif yang terlibat mengubah wang haram 1MDB didenda dan dipenjarakan, dan dua buah bank ditutup.
Inilah ironinya. Negara-negara yang orang kita hina sebagai negara kafir telah atau sedang bertindak terhadap “jenayah abad” (crime of the century) ini tetapi negara kita yang kononnya Islam menyapunya ke bawah permaidani.
Tetapi kita semua tahu bahawa bangkai gajah mustahil boleh disembunyikan selama-lamanya apatah lagi apabila baunya semakin hari semakin meloyakan.
Dalam usaha menimbus bangkai itu, imej Malaysia menjadi amat buruk, ringgit terus lemah, hutang negara melambung dan kebolehpercayaan kerajaan jatuh merudum.
Semakin hari kita semakin terjajah kerana mengemis hutang, khususnya daripada regim komunis di Beijing, untuk membayar hutang 1MDB yang telah mencapai RM50 bilion pada awal tahun 2016. - A.Kadir Jasin

Dalam Gangster Pun DNA Depa.
Cant They Get Anything Right?...
That flare that was thrown at the Nothing To Hide 2.0 gathering in Shah Alam yesterday was not something you can buy from the fireworks sellers in Chow Kit or Masjid India. How did these punks get that flare? Who supplied it to them? Here is the answer : We will never know.
Here is a screen grab from Star TV. That chubby guy (with no head) is wearing a black t shirt that says 'Security'. Yet he is pushing a chair directly into the fire.
These trouble causers were obviously paid to make trouble.
Folks, this is the end of it all.
They are losing control of themselves.
They are getting desperate.
They do not know what to do.
Until a few months back, things were sort of going sideways. Even I was getting worrried. Then suddenly they fired that Felda CEO and everything blew up again.
Then it has been one thing after another. The US DOJ filed the 'THIRD' case? Then now they have initiated criminal investigations.
Then that pendatang haram Jawa really embarrassed them about that fake IC name. (The theory is that the pendatang haram Jawa could be working against MO1, he has his own agenda.)
Now this ruckus in Shah Alam.
The longer they postpone the elections, the worse it is getting for them.
They just do not know what to do.- ostb

When a 92-year-old man is attacked, there is only one conclusion:...
Najib is very afraid...
The former PM has been given a new lease of political life. With the Opposition, Mahathir’s new line-up looks like a rag-tag team of former foes, ganging-up against an adversary, who is making his last hurrah. Is this a fair assessment, or is this a group of patriots who are giving-up everything, to save the nation?
Third. Over thirty years ago, Kedah Umno (before it became Umno-Baru) complained, to Mahathir about the threat posed by a charismatic and influential ustaz, called Ibrahim “Libya” Mahmood, from PAS. The 1986 general election was approaching and Umno feared they would lose badly to PAS.
Ibrahim “Libya” refused to be held under the ISA and this resulted in the siege of Memali, when 14 PAS supporters died. The irony is that PAS appears to have forgotten the extreme violence used by the police against Memali, because today, Hadi Awang, of PAS, has aligned himself with Najib. It is as Mahathir once said, “Melayu mudah lupa”.
Can you see the bigger picture?
Are the Malaysians who will not vote in GE-14 justified in staying at home, or are they being irresponsible?
Are they content to do nothing? Are they happy to live with high prices, corruption, incompetent civil servants and rising racial and religious intolerance?
Do they realise that if they vote for change in GE-14, they can vote PH out in GE-15, if the party fails to perform?
If they do not wish Mahathir to be PM, but are happy for PH to lead the govenrment, do they realise that they can make their feelings known to the Opposition, now?
There are many capable Malaysians, who could lead, and as Zahid Hamidi, the DPM has acknowledged, we have had non-Malay PMs, before.
Thomas Fann, a human rights activist and political observer disagrees with people refraining from voting in GE-14, just because they are displeased with Mahathir. He said, “Idealism is a luxury we cannot afford, when the house is on fire.”
Whilst the news of Mahathir’s new Opposition team, may upset a lot of Umno-Baru supporters and definitely, the PM, Najib Abdul Razak, there are many Malaysians who are displeased for other reasons.
These Malaysians say that Mahathir’s policies sowed the seeds of disunity, and they disagree with Pakatan Harapan’s (PH) need in teaming up with him.
They claim that PH could win on their own, without Mahathir. They also dismiss the projection of Malay loyalty to Mahathir, and claim that this may well be an overstatement.
They are also angry with the infighting in the Opposition. Instead of presenting a strong united force, to bring down a weak Umno-Baru, they are busy trading blows with one another.
The Mahathir-PH alliance is full of irony
First. Abdul Razak Hussein, Najib’s father, saved Mahathir from the political wilderness, after he was chucked out of Umno by Tunku Abdul Rahman.
Who would have thought that Abdul Razak’s son, would one day, be Mahathir’s pupil, and fine-tune his divisive tactics of race and religion?
Second. When Mahathir resigned as PM, many said that Najib was only a seat warmer for Mahathir’s son, Mukhriz. This is now a moot point as Najib had other designs and the nation is now a battleground in which former political foes fight for the prized crown of PM.- Mariam Mokhtar
Pas practices mature, constructive politics says Najib.
The prime minister, who is on a one-day visit to Kelantan, said because of Pas’ maturity in politics, the party had become a constructive opposition party.
“We oppose (one another), but in certain matters that bring good and benefit for the people, we can cooperate,” he said.
Most significantly, Najib said all that at an Umno function in Pas-governed Kelantan and in the presence of Kelantan Umno chief DS Mustapa Mohamed. I think it's sort of a signal to Tok Pa and Kelantan Umno people that it's okay for them to let Pas keep the state as it has now become a good opposition party, and friendly to BN.
In return, perhaps they may probably have a Pas-Umno coalition Kelantan government after the next general election. The same set-up seems possible in other states too, particularly in the outright Malay majority states of Kedah, Terengganu, Pahang and Perlis.
They may have an arrangement where Pas lead in Kelantan and Kedah while Umno lead in Terengganu, Pahang and Perlis. If Umno and its BN allies prevail in the other states, Pas elected representatives may also be included in the state administration there even though the party may not be joining the ruling coalition.
BN may also expect support from Pas MPs in the parliament even if they are sitting in the opposition side of the hall. In return, Pas may get the support of Umno MPs every time it proposes some "Islamic laws".
There may even be ministers appointed from among the Pas MPs at that point. It's actually a good arrangement for both Umno and Pas. It secures at least the five outright Malay majority states for Umno in the bigger picture, while Pas may get to lead Kedah in addition to its Kelantan now.
Yes, Kedah may then also have syariah public whippings too like in Kelantan soon.
Kedahans that I know told me that they will only vote either BN or Pas. They seemed allergic to other than those two parties. It's brand loyalty, I guess. With that, Umno can therefore concentrates its energy and resources in the other states where Pas knows that it would not be able to do much due to its lack of non-Malay support.
There are Penang, Perak, Selangor, Federal Territories, Negeri Sembilan, Malacca, Johor, Sarawak and Sabah. BN will probably not put up too much of a fight in Penang, Selangor and Federal Territories. The anti-BN sentiment on the ground there is probably very bad, that they would not want to waste too much effort and resources.
Meanwhile, Sarawak is already in the bag. Sabah too.
Probably Shafie Apdal's Warisan may manage a decent showing but I doubt it will be able to do more than just winning a few electoral seats. So the only real fight will be in Perak, Negeri Sembilan, Malacca and Johor. They are going to be the key states of GE14. BN is likely to put more efforts there than elsewhere. I believe Pakatan planners knew this and will do likewise.
Their chances are the best in Perak and Johor where the racial composition and level of political awareness are similar to that of Selangor. Pakatan chances in Perak should be for now at about 50/50. and in Johor about 40/60. Even if they can't wrest those states, Pakatan may likely be able to get extra parliament seats there.
I think Negeri Sembilan and Malacca are at slightly lesser risks for BN compared to in Perak and Johor. Still, BN does have the over all advantage at this stage.

Worst case scenario for BN is that it loses in Penang, Perak, Selangor, Federal Territories, Negeri Sembilan, Malacca and Johor but still wins (with the help of Pas) in Perlis, Kedah, Pahang, Terengganu, Kelantan, Sarawak and Sabah. That's 7-7. But a more realistic scenario is that, BN is just likely only going to lose in Penang, Selangor, Federal Territories and maybe Perak.
Despite some of my friends in Johor saying my home state will likely fall to Pakatan, I still think BN will prevail there. It may lose some more parliament and state seats but I just can't believe that it can become another Selangor. To a lesser extent, I feel the same about Negeri Sembilan and Malacca.
Combined with Pas MPs, I also think BN will still control parliament even though without the two third majority after GE14. It should basically be about the same as now. Again, bear in mind that my calculations include the likelihood of Umno-Pas coalition state governments in Kelantan, Terengganu, Pahang, Kedah and Perlis.
Okay, at the moment, that's how I think it will be for GE14 and its outcome. - Annie@lifeofannie

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