Apakah isu-isu tersebut?
1. Lim Kit Siang tidak mencadang atau menyokong pengenalan GST yang membebankan rakyat jelata.
2. Lim Kit Siang tidak mencadang atau menyokong keputusan menghapuskan subsidi sehingga naik harga barang dan toll.
3. Lim Kit Siang tidak mencadang atau menyokong kenaikan harga minyak petrol dan diesel.
4. Lim Kit Siang tidak pernah bersetuju untuk menggunakan wang KWAP untuk melabur dalam perniagaan atau perusahaan yang tidak menguntungkan.
5. Lim Kit Siang tidak pernah dirundingi untuk menukar surat hak-milik tanah peneroka Felda yang sangat bernilai dan tidak turun harganya dengan sijil saham yang tidak menentu harganya dan kini harga sahamnya merudum turun kerana dilanda kerugian.
6. Lim Kit Siang tidak pernah menjadi perajurit dalam angkatan tentera dan tidak tahu menahu mengenai Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Tentera; beliau tidak terlibat dalam keputusan menggunakan wang tabung LTAT untuk membiayai projek yang tidak menguntungkan.
7. Lim Kit Siang tidak pernah pinjam duit Mara untuk berniaga atau sebagai biasiswa waktu beliau belajar; beliau juga tidak pernah merestui penyelewengan yang kini dikatakan berlaku dalam MARA.
8. Lim Kit Siang belum memeluk ugama Islam dan beliau tidak pun tahu mengenai salahguna wang Lembaga Urusan dan Tabung Haji untuk pelaburan yang merugikan.
9. Lim Kit Siang, kerana belum memeluk ugama Islam, tidak pernah membayar zakat itulah sebabnya dia tidak tahu bahawa pejabat ugama mengadakan lawatan ke Paris sebagai salah satu acara dalam 'Kursus Pernikahan'.
10. Lim Kit Siang bukan seorang Melayu/Bumiputera dan dia tidak merasa penderitaan, dan bukan sebab kepada penderitaan, maka biasiswa anak-anak Melayu dikurangkan jumlahnya oleh kerajaan.
11. Bukan Lim Kit Siang yang menamatkan khidmat Peguam Negara.
12. Bukan Lim Kit Siang yang menukar pegawai MACC kerana menyelidiki kes yang melibatkannya.
13. Bukan Lim Kit Siang yang mencadangkan dikenakan label OSA atas semua hasil penyelidikan atas sebarang salahlaku dalam apa jua syarikat, badan dan agensi kerajaan.
14. Bukan Lim Kit Siang yang menghalang Bank Negara Malaysia dari mengambil tindakan atas penyelewengan dalam institusi kewangan dalam dan luar negara.
15. Bukan Lim Kit Siang yang mencadang untuk membeli kapal selam Scorpine; dan bukan dia yang suruh Sirul dan rakannya untuk membunuh Altantuya. Baca seterusnya...
Kit Siang boleh jadi PM kalau...
Yang Mana Satu....
Tahniah, dapat mobilisasi ramai orang- berduyun2 lah katakan. Dengan sokongan penuh pimpinan UMNO, Polis, Pekida. Dengar ramai juga bekas2 artis (kategori dah tobat yang pakai topi, jubah dan kopiah). Bagus2.
Tetapi apakah ini bermakna permainan politik dah selesai? Tidak! Apakah dalam sidang Parlimen yang terdekat ini, BN bersetuju untuk sokong dan sanggup luluskan RUU355?
MP-MP dari Sabah & Sarawak setuju ke? Saya tak sabar nak saksikan sejauh mana tarik isu RUU355 ni.
Sampai lupa sapa musuh negara.. setakat nak kata musuh negara ialah DAP- itu ayat basi.

Presiden PAS kena hadir lah. Jangan hilangkan diri pulak. Najib pun jangan sibuk ke Shanghai, pergi jumpa Jho Low pulak ya.
Geleng-geleng, angguk-angguk.
Semoga rakyat Malaysia yang Muslim tidak jadi mangsa agamawan palsu.- Latheefa Koya

Depa terlupa pula nak bakaq bendera MCA,Gerakan,MIC...
Sejauh Mana Anda Memahami Hudud
I have argued time and again that the greatest threat to the Muslim world is not the West, but rather, corruption and incompetence in administration in the Muslim countries themselves.
To this argument there were a number of crucial pieces of evidence. First of all, there is a clear inverse correlation between corruption and economic development not just in the Middle East, but globally.
Secondly, Muslim countries are among the most corrupt countries in the world, and this maps well to the problems we know well from the region.
In this sense, the abundance of natural resources has served to mask much of the problem, as per capita wealth in the region comes out as much higher than it would have been for a given level of corruption, and that distorts the perception of societal problems in these countries.
For another, that abundance of wealth can be used to buy off the acquiescence of the population to an otherwise questionable regime, as is the case with the benefits that these states lavish upon their population, or alternatively, can be used to fund extensive repressive police and intelligence apparatuses to keep the population in check, as was the case in Saddam-era Iraq. Continue Reading...
Ostb : Malaysia and all the other Islamic countries have been betrayed by its people, either the majority voters (as in Turkey and Malaysia) or a sufficient minority that wields influence and power (like the oligarchs and their sycophantic religious clergy aka butt kissers).
Both these groups have supported and continue to support the corrupt and the tyrants as their leaders. Why is that so?
The short answer is they are extremely short sighted. The shorter answer is that they are less intelligent. They are less intelligent because they are not properly educated.
Whether at home under the care of their mothers (when they were young), under the care of their families and societies, under the guidance of the religious teachers or under the tutelage of their education systems, they have not imbibed real values that are relevant to human life.
Instead they are brought up, moulded, guided and taught to become human failures. There is not an Islamic country in the world that can be declared equal to or as successful as even a mid-level Western country.
The problem becomes worse for the Muslim countries because minus some forceful hand to overlook their affairs (colonialism, a cruel dictator, a benevolent dictator, an authoritarian system etc) their natural state is to regress, to become dysfunctional, quarrelsome and finally to kill each other. In other words, when left alone to their own ends, they all become quite insane.
This contrasts sharply with non Islamic countries around the world who have a much better record of being able to organise themselves and improve their quality of life.
Many have gone through wars, corrupt regimes, kleptocrats, cruel dictators etc. But once their wars are over or their tyrants have been overthrown, they can get along with organising their affairs and move forward. Hence we see the stars shining brightly or beginning to shine brightly over Korea, Taiwan, Japan, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, even the Philippines, of course China and many rising nations in South America and Africa.
If left to themselves, minus the corrupt and the dictators, the natural state of these countries is to advance very quickly.
The single largest positive factor that I perceive is that in all these advanced and advancing countries, religion is kept out of politics and out of government. Or in the case of the Philippines religion is beginning to be kept out of government and politics. They are not paranoid about their religion.
The second point is that in these countries, their society does not pry into the private affairs of its citizens to expose and embarrass each other over what they term 'criminal sins'. In Islamic countries, the society itself (mothers, fathers, siblings, relatives, neighbors, the village, the town) constantly watch and pass judgement on each other over alleged breach of religious rules and cultural taboos.
Making things worse is religion that is very short of evidence to prove its beliefs. Hence religion becomes not uniform - meaning there is no one version. At best it is a sectarian imagination.
And because the mothers, fathers, siblings, aunts, uncles, relatives, neighbours and their society at large are the conduits of this rather backward behaviour, it is a natural extension that their politics, their governments, their police, their enforcement authorities ALL reflect the wishes and the beliefs of the society.
Hence they are doomed.
There are many Rule No 1s to making themselves stupid. One of the Rule No 1s is 'do not question your religious teachers, do not ridicule (aka question) the religious teachers, do not question your religion, do not ridicule (aka question) your religion'. Hence the 'anti-blasphemy' laws, the crime of of 'insulting Islam', the 'apostasy laws' etc. It is a mark of an uneducated society, despite its universities and universal 'education'.
If you spent seven years studying at a school for bomohs (shamanism), it does not make you educated at all. That is what some of these religious outfits are.
Would you like some evidence?
Does a Hysteria Kit represent an educated society?
Does a "We provide prayer answering services" sound like it comes from an educated society?
Does 'Kismis Tawaf' indicate that they have any brains at all?
I am afraid not.
Along come the smart beggars like Super Moron, Bawang and Tin Sadin who can see that the people are indeed not 'educated'.
They can read that the people prefer 'black magic' instead of science.
Or in other words, that the people prefer the irrational instead of the rational.
They can read that the people are swayed by promises of the non-existent instead of a higher quality of life and standard of living here today.
So they take the people for a ride.
Then they go one step further. They must keep the people stupid.
So give them more overdoses of the supernatural, of blackmagic, of the illogical (kita tidak boleh gunakan akal dalam semua perkara) and of incoherent religion.
And then to keep them in line make laws to frighten them and to keep them from asking too many questions.
Jail them for 30 years, fine them RM100,000 and/or whip them 100 lashes.
The betrayal is by their brains. Their brains are just stupid.- ostb

My name is Mujahidin, I am a Muslim
and I reject Hadi’s bill...
I am a Muslim. I am far from a perfect Muslim but I believe in Allah.
Maybe many will question why I reject Abdul Hadi Awang’s proposed amendments to Act 355. If I am a Muslim, aren’t I compelled to accept shariah law?
My first response is that this is not Allah’s law. It is a man-made law. It does not state in the Quran and hadiths that punishments is paid in ringgit or any currency for that matter.
There is no summons or punishment prescribed in shariah, What is prescribed is compensation in place of Qisas (law of retaliation). So my question is where does the punishment of paying a fine come from?
From Allah? Or has Hadi become God?
In the Quran, Allah says: Allah will not burden his people with that which they have no ability to bear (Surah Albaqarah).
Who can afford to pay the RM100,000 fine which Hadi is seeking? Only the rich and if the proposed amendments are passed, where is the social justice should the fine be too heavy for the poor? And if a judge has the discretion to heavily fine a rich person and give a poor man a lighter punishment, then isn’t this prejudice which goes against Allah’s commandment?
“O ye who believe! stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to Allah, even as against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin, and whether it be (against) rich or poor: for Allah can best protect both. Follow not the lusts (of your hearts), lest ye swerve, and if ye distort (justice) or decline to do justice, verily Allah is well-acquainted with all that ye do.” (An Nisa 135).
Only Allah is fit to judge a person. A prejudiced judge is a judge who isn’t accepted by Islam. Punishments which aren’t based on the Quran or hadiths should be abolished not misused.
Secondly, the punishment of 100 lashes of the cane is a hudud punishment. It is indeed found in the Quran but for zina (unlawful sexual relations). In carrying out this punishment, you need four Muslim male witnesses. The witnesses have to be of good character, clever, fair and someone who is not fasiq or unreliable (by virtue of intentionally and constantly transgresses boundaries prescribed by Allah, and considered unreliable).
Let us look at khalwat (close proximity) raids.
Most of the raids are carried out by officers who don’t appear to be of good character (a lack of manners means not of good character, right?), and they don’t appear to be clever or else they would be doctors, engineers or lawyers, right? Ok, maybe they are clever because the requirement for being clever is not being insane, but are they really not insane? Hmmm… at a glance, some of them look crazy enough.

And are they fair? If their KPI is to arrest people, then there is a problem because a lack of arrests can be seen as them not doing their job. And if they are seen as not doing their job they can be sacked. So how can we be sure they will be 100% fair?
And are they really not fasiq? Do they not commit the smallest sins? Who doesn’t commit the smallest sins? Most of them smoke and that is enough to constitute a small sin (and since smoking is haram according to a previous fatwa). This makes them unreliable.
And if the 100 lashes is a hudud punishment, why are they lying by saying the proposed amendments aren’t hudud? If they can lie like this why do we want to accept liars as our leaders? They might feel this is tazir punishments (punishments at a discretion of a judge or ruler) but tazir punishments cannot be as heavy as hudud punishments.
This was agreed upon by the Islamic jurists Al Shafie, Al Hanbali and Hanafi. Only Maliki feels tazir punishments can be heavy but not excessive. But if we want to follow the Maliki school of thought, we also have to accept that dogs aren’t unclean? Hah? Why not, right?
Also, the 30-year jail sentence isn’t in the Quran. This punishment is excessive for our existing shariah offences. In fact, it goes against the views of the Islamic jurists, including Maliki.
Fourthly, shariah law will disrupt the lives of non-Muslims. A khalwat raid on a couple where one person is a non-Muslim will have an impact on that person. The need for witnesses who are Muslim will also have an impact on non-Muslims as they can’t be witnesses. If they can’t be witnesses, how can they get justice?
As an example, if a non-Muslim husband or wife has an adulterous relationship with a Muslim, they cannot accuse the Muslim of adultery. Thankfully, they aren’t punished by our shariah laws or else they would receive 80 lashes of the cane.
Once more, most importantly, if such punishments aren’t prescribed in the Quran and hadiths, why is it called Allah’s law? Astargfirullahalazim… we shouldn’t simply come up with worldly punishments and label them as Allah’s law. Don’t lie and more importantly, don’t slander Allah.
Allah commands that slander is worst than murder. More importantly, Allah commanded prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.)
“Verily, We have sent down to you (O Muhammad) the Book for mankind in truth. So whosoever accepts the guidance, it is only for his own self; and whosoever goes astray, he goes astray only for his own loss.” (Qur’an 39:41)
If the Prophet Muhammad was advised against controlling the actions of others, who is Hadi? - Mujahidin Zulkiffli,fmt
Is Johor MB living in a shoplot with 13 others?
The latest voter list appears to suggest that Johor Menteri Besar Khaled Nordin resides in a shoplot in Masai, Johor with 13 others. This was uncovered by Johor Pakatan Harapan after combing through the electoral roll for the fourth quarter 2016, that is currently on display.
According to Mengkibol state assemblyperson Tan Hong Pin, the address in question is the Pasir Gudang Umno division headquarters at 1, Jalan Tembusu Taman Rinting. The electoral roll for third quarter 2016 recorded Khaled and his son Akmal Saufi's change of voter address to the above location.
The electoral roll for the subsequent quarter recorded that 12 more people had been added to the same address.
"If the electoral roll is gazetted, then there will be 14 people, including the MB and his son, registered as voters at that address," said the DAP assemblyperson. This was among hundreds of suspicious voter details that Tan had submitted to the Johor Election Commission today.
According to Tan, the dubious voters had appeared in four parliamentary constituencies - Gelang Patah, Kluang, Segamat and Pasir Gudang.
Only in select constituencies
From the data that has been collected, Tan concluded that there appears to be an effort increase the number of voters at a specific address, either through registration of new voters or change in address.
Secondly, he concluded that these suspicious records would only appear in constituencies where BN faced stiff competition during the last general election.
"For example, (suspicious voter records appear) in the state constituency of Nusajaya (under Gelang Patah) and Mahkota (under Kluang), where BN won with a small majority.
"There are no such problems in the Skudai and Mengkibol constituency where BN lost badly," he said. Tan said that as the general election draws nearer, it would appear that there are attempts to subvert the electoral process.
"I just never would have imagined it would happen so blatantly and involve the menteri besar himself. I urge him to explain himself," said Tan. He said that the evidence that he and his comrades had gathered calls to question the Malaysian electoral roll's integrity.- mk
Kalau macam ni BN jadi kerajaan sampai kiamatlah SPR woii...
PAS tak putus dengan PKR di Selangor...

Menteri yang jaga agama ada kuasa utk bentang RUU355 di Parlimen
tapi mai demo macam dia pula pembangkang...

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