Dalam suasana ketegangan kaum dan agama, masih ada rakyat yang lebih memahami erti belas kasihan dan kasih sayang tanpa mengenal warna kulit, untuk direnung pemimpin politik negara yang sering bertelagah.
Dalam video berdurasi 2.53 minit, seorang lelaki Melayu dilihat menyuap makanan kepada warga emas berbangsa India dengan tangan, satu perbuatan murni yang hanya dilakukan ibu kepada anaknya atau bagi yang menjadi orang sakit.
“Hormat abang Melayu !!! Inilah namanya manusia prihatin tanpa kira agama dan bangsa…”
Dalam video itu, seorang lelaki Melayu dilihat memegang pinggan berisi makanan dan menyuapnya ke mulut seorang lelaki India kurus yang duduk di sisinya. - tamilenfo

Kim Chol,Duta besar Korea Utara
Korea Utara Dakwa Malaysia
Bersekongkol Dengan Musuh...
Korea Utara mendakwa kerajaan Malaysia bersekongkol dengan musuh Pyongyang berhubung pembunuhan Kim Jong-nam, abang tiri pemimpin negara itu Kim Jong-un.
Duta Korea Utara ke Malaysia, Kang Chol memberitahu pemberita bahawa Korea Utara menolak sebarang hasil bedah siasat ke atas mayat Jong-nam tanpa kebenaran.
"Ini adalah satu pelanggaran hak asasi manusia... rakyat kami," katanya di luar perkarangan bilik mayat Hospital Kuala Lumpur Jumaat malam.
Jong-nam mati dibunuh di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur 2 (klia2) pada Isnin.
Dalam satu kenyataan yang diedarkan kepada media, Kang turut mendakwa Malaysia enggan menyerahkan mayat Jong-nam walaupun sebelum ini bersetuju untuk melepaskan mayat itu selepas kertas kerja yang sewajarnya dikemukakan.
"Kami telah mengemukakannya tetapi Malaysia tidak memberikan jawapan.
"Ini jelas menunjukkan pihak Malaysia cuba menyembunyikan sesuatu dan menipu kita serta mereka berpakat dengan kuasa musuh yang terdesak untuk memudaratkan kami," dakwanya.
Kang Chol turut menggesa kerajaan Malaysia supaya tidak terjerat dalam plot politik dan melepaskan mayat serta mengumumkan hasil bedah siasat dengan segera.
Jika gagal berbuat demikian, beliau berkata Pyongyang akan membawa perkara itu ke Mahkamah Keadilan Antarabangsa.
Kenyataan penuh Kang Chol dalam versi Bahasa Inggeris:
Malaysian side initially informed our embassy that a DPRK citizen was dead due to a heart attack while he was on the evacuation to the Putrajaya Hospital and requested us to confirm that he is a DPRK citizen. We confirmed it.
Then they claimed a postmortem on him that we rejected because he is a diplomatic passport holder and our citizen who is under the consular protection of the DPRK.
But, the Malaysian side forced the postmortem without our permission and witnessing, we will categorically reject the result of the postmortem conducted unilaterally excluding our attendance.
This is the culmination of the violation of the human rights of and infringing upon our citizen disregarding the elementary international laws and the consular laws.
After concluding the postmortem the Malaysian police side said that they would release the body which they didn't need any more if we submit a document through Wisma Putra (MFA) and Wisma Putra too requested us to do it and we did it.
But Malaysian side did not answer after one day passed since then.
Today I met with the high officer of the Malaysian Police and strongly demanded him to release the body without further delay but he rejected our demand raising the issue which has nothing to do with clarification of the cause of death.
This strongly suggests that the Malaysian side is trying to conceal something which needs more time and deceive us and that they are colluding with the hostile forces towards us who are desperate to harm us of malice.
We doubt whether the Malaysian side was asked to do like this by someone else.
The South Korean puppet authorities are desperate to escape from their miserable state of the largest ever political scandal.
They are distorting the public opinion resorting to the tricky plots to defame the image of the DPRK with this incident.
The public opinion of the South Korean people, too, are suspicious that the conservative forces might mop up this incident to save the Park Geun Hye regime and to find out an excuse to force the "THAAD" deployment which has been strongly opposed within and without.
That's why we strongly urge and demand the Malaysian side not to be entangled in a political plot of the hostile forces and to release the body and the result of the postmortem to us without further delay.
We don't see this incident simple, further we will not tolerate at all the attitude of the Malaysian side in collusion with the hostile forces towards our Republic.
We will respond strongly to the moves of the hostile forces towards us with their intent to besmirch the image of our Republic by politicising this incident and sue file this to the International Court. - mstar

Mohd Ridhuan Giman, 34, dan isterinya Siti Sarah Maulad Abdullah, 26, serta ibu Ridhuan menamakan pegawai penguat kuasa Mohd Shiham Ramli, Mohamad Izehar Md Amin, ketua pegawai penguat kuasa agama JAWI, ketua pengarah JAWI, JAWI, Jabatan Perdana Menteri dan kerajaan Malaysia sebagai defendan.
Saman sivil tersebut telah difailkan oleh tetuan Yusfarizal Aziz & Zaid di Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur.
Tujuh pegawai penguat kuasa lelaki dan seorang penguat kuasa wanita menyerbu hotel tersebut pada jam 1:30 pagi pada 8 Januari lepas.
Dalam permohonan saman mereka, pasangan itu mendakwa penguat kuasa JAWI mengetuk pintu bilik hotel mereka dan apabila Ridhuan membuka pintu, pegawai JAWI menunjukkan kad kuasa mereka.
Tetapi sebelum Ridhuan dapat memastikan kad kuasa itu, mereka merempuh masuk. Mereka masuk sambil Ridhuan memaklumkan kepada mereka bahawa Siti Sarah tidak memakai pakaian sesuai yang menutup aurat.
Ridhuan memaparkan gambar sijil nikah mereka serta gambar perkahwinan yang berada di telefom bimbit beliau kepada pegawai-pegawai JAWI.
Tetapi pegawai lelaki JAWI didakwa menyerbu masuk walaupun Siti Sarah minta diberi peluang memakai pakaian, tetapi mereka terus mengambil gambar dan video.
Lanjutan daripada tindakan itu, berlaku pergelutan antara Ridhuan dan Shiham. Shiham didakwa mencekik Ridhuan sehingga menyebabkan kecederaan di leher.
Walaupun dipamerkan gambar sijil, Shiham dan pegawai lain didakwa enggan keluar dan seterusnya menahan pasangan tersebut.
Mereka mendakwa ketika Ridhuan dibawa ke lobi hotel, Siti Sarah masih berada dalam bilik bersama pegawai penguat kuasa lelaki JAWI. Siti Sarah meminta pegawai JAWI keluar dan ingin menutup pintu bilik hotel tersebut tetapi Shiham menolak pintu tersebut dan mengakibatkan tangan kiri wanita itu lebam.
Siti Sarah yang ketika itu bersinglet dan berseluar pendek didakwa diminta memakai baju dengan kehadiran pegawai lelaki tersebut. Mereka kemudian dibawa ke pejabat JAWI dan dikurung berasingan.
Ibu Ridhuan kemudian datang membawa sijil pernikahan asal pada malam yang sama untuk mendapatkan pelepasan mereka tetapi mereka didakwa enggan terima sijil bertarikh 17 Oktober 2014 itu.
Akibat daripada pihak JAWI enggan terima salinan asal sijil nikah itu, ibu Ridhuan terpaksa menandatangani bon persendirian untuk memastikan kehadiran suami isteri tersebut.
Ridhuan dan Siti Sarah menghantar surat notis tuntutan bertarikh Januari 11 dan 10 Januari, untuk mengarahkan Jawi memberhentikan siasatan ke atas mereka dan tidak mendakwa mereka di mahkamah atas kesalahan khalwat.
Bagaimanapun menurut peguam Yusfarizal Yusoff, bagi pasangan tersebut sampai ke hari ini notis surat itu tidak dibalas. Ini menyebabkan mereka memfailkan tindakan mahkamah ini.
Mereka mendakwa penahanan mereka tidak sah dan berlaku pelanggaran hak asasi mereka.
Ridhuan dan Siti Sarah menuntut ganti rugi am dan teladan serta kos bagi tindakan ini. - mk
Couple sues Jawi over khalwat raid arrest

Dr Mahathir To Support RUU355 :
To Trigger Vote Of No Confidence Against MOI...
Adenan Satem’s successor, Sarawak Chief Minister Abang Johari Openg, has reaffirmed the state government’s stand against hudud.
Abang Johari said he would repeat Adenan’s directive to the BN MPs in the state to reject the bill to amend the Syariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act 1965, also known as Act 355.
Adenan was staunchly opposed to the bill and had instructed Sarawak’s 25 BN MPs to do the same just before he died of heart failure.
“That is the stand of Tok Nan before and we will follow that stand.
“There will be no hudud law in Sarawak,” said Abang Johari after chairing a state cabinet meeting today. Continue Reading...
Ostb : There is a theory that Tun Dr Mahathir will support the RUU355. (This is only a theory, minta maaf Tun) The idea is to make sure that Super Stupid does table the bill.
Most certainly the Sarawak MPs and the Sabah MPs will vote against the Bill.
There are a total of 31 Parliamentary seats in Sarawak and 25 in Sabah.
BN has 21 seats in Sabah and 25 in Sarawak.
The BN has 132 seats in Parliament. Muhyiddin, Shafie and a couple of other MPs are no more BN.
PAS has only 14 seats in Parliament, after Amanah broke away.
Let us hope that the 4 MIC anna will vote against the RUU355.
Also the 7 MCA and 1 Gerakan fellow will vote against.
So 132 BN -12 (MIC/MCA) - 25 (S'wak) + 14 (PAS) = 109, so the Bill will not pass, even with the all Malay UMNO vote and the all Malay PAS vote.
I have not included any of the 21 BN seats in Sabah. 8 of them are non UMNO (Kadazan/Dusun). If we include these eight, the vote count can be 101 for the RUU355. If the Sabah UMNO guys also vote against, it will be a bigger defeat.
There cannot be a no confidence motion (even if the Bill is defeated) because this is NOT a "no confidence motion" and neither is it the Federal Budget. It is RUU355.
But the country will be split. The BN also will be split. And the BN will lose the PRU14. For sure.
It will be the first time that BN component parties will vote against a BN bill !!
This will seal Moron's slot in the history of the Malays as the stupidest prime minister ever to have led them. Stupidest ever. Dumb a$$, dumb sh_t.
It may trigger Anifah Aman to resign after all. Plus maybe a few other UMNO and BN Ministers may quit.
If Anifah Aman resigns, plus say two or three more Cabinet Ministers, the Cabinet revolt will at last break into the open. From what I hear folks, there is serious undercurrent in the Cabinet. Tak begitu sdr Nur Jazlan? You spoke to some people over Christmas. Just waiting for that trigger.
So should Tun Dr Mahathir support the RUU355? (He is not an MP ok). And even if the RUU355 is watered down (another theory), it is still RUU355.
There is little downside risk for Dr Mahathir. He is not an MP ok. If the idea is to be rid of Stupid, the upside looks pretty interesting.
But Hadi is more stupid than Super Stupid. They need the PAS support, no matter what. So why not float the RUU355?
If it is defeated, they can tell PAS, "We tried our best. Lets stick together anyway".
The real target in this whole charade maybe just to liwat PAS.
As the stomach churns.- ostb
Riza Aziz fights U.S. seizure of his luxury properties,wealth paid thru 1MDB funds...
In court papers quietly filed this past week, various entities connected to Red Granite Pictures co-founder Riza Aziz are attacking the U.S. government’s attempt to seize real estate properties in the huge $1 billion action targeting alleged corruption of Malaysian public funds.
The Justice Department has touted the 1MDB case as its biggest kleptocracy case to date, but Aziz’s lawyer, Matthew Schwartz, a former assistant U.S. attorney who once prosecuted Bernie Madoff, slams the U.S. government for failing to include “essential detail” about the supposed crimes. He’s demanding a dismissal.
Aziz is the stepson of Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak, and along with Joey McFarland, founded Red Granite, which financed The Wolf of Wall Street, Dumb and Dumber To and Friends With Kids.
Back in July, the Justice Department made its big move by seeking the civil forfeiture of rights to Wolf of Wall Street, Martin Scorsese’s Oscar-nominated film, as well as other assets allegedly traced to foreign corruption.

Dari mana Riza Aziz atau Red Granite dapat duit?
Later this month, Red Granite is due to file its response to the government’s attempt to seize rights to Wolf of Wall Street, and in advance of this, Aziz’s lawyers have foreshadowed the line of attack in motions to dismiss separate complaints filed over real estate property in Beverly Hills, New York and London.
Aziz, through his holdings, presents himself as an “innocent owner” of properties.
“The alleged beneficial owner of the Claimant (and therefore the defendant property), Riza Aziz, is neither alleged to have participated in any transactions involving 1MDB nor even to have knowledge of any transactions involving 1MDB — let alone knowledge of any supposed misappropriation,” states his court papers (see here).
The motion continues, “Thus, even taking the Complaint’s allegations at face value, Mr. Aziz plainly did not engage in a money laundering transaction or any other offense. But without identifying the person or persons the Government believes to be culpable, it is impossible to test the adequacy of the Government’s allegations…”
Schwartz is opening up several areas of attack besides asserting the government has failed to allege with specificity Aziz’s involvement in transactions.
The attorney asserts the government has failed to allege that anyone committed a crime, comparing the 1MDB case unflatteringly to the way the U.S. once seized Michael Jackson memorabilia from the son of the president of Equatorial Guinea.
“To be sure, [the government’s complaint] alleges an ‘international conspiracy to launder money misappropriated’ from 1MDB — but it fails to identify the alleged co-conspirators, or the allegedly criminal acts,” states the motion in the case over Beverly Hills property. “At best, it at various points asserts that ‘1MDB officials and others misappropriated and fraudulently diverted’ money. Given that the Complaint identifies multiple relevant 1MDB officials, however, this allegation (which is, of course, purely conclusory) provides no guidance.”
Schwartz acknowledges the funds were plainly not used for the benefit of a public official in Malaysia but asks which public official did the alleged misappropriation, who directed payments and how does it constitute wire fraud?
The government is also being attacked for not adequately alleging an offense against a foreign nation.
Separately, the judge is being asked to dismiss the government’s complaint under the “act of state” doctrine, which stands for U.S. courts not questioning the validity of other sovereigns. It’s noted that the Malaysian attorney general has closed an investigation and concluded no criminal conduct occurred. That public official may have not wanted to do anything embarrassing to Najib Razak. Nevertheless, Aziz is using it.
“[T]he Government’s entire theory of the case presupposes that the Malaysia Attorney General’s findings are factually and legally invalid,” states the court papers. “There is therefore no way for this litigation to proceed without a ruling from this Court on whether the Malaysian Attorney General’s sovereign functions were illegitimate.”
Finally, in an effort to protect assets allegedly intended to conceal embezzlement, Schwartz is faulting the U.S. government with failing to come forth with allegations of knowledge of wrongdoing.
“According to the Complaint, Mr. Aziz was not involved in any transaction with 1MDB and was not involved in any conversation or written exchange concerning 1MDB whatsoever,” writes Schwartz. “Indeed, the face of the Complaint offers no basis to infer that Mr. Aziz had even heard of 1MDB at the time of these transactions.” - hollywoodreporter.com
Tuan Ibrahim pening
dengan keputusan Hadi...
Wujud percanggahan pendirian antara Presiden Pas, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang dengan Jawatankuasa Perundingan yang diketuai Timbalannya, Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man berhubung keputusan kerjasama dengan PPBM.
Tuan Ibrahim dalam sidang media pada Jumaat mengatakan Pas akan meneruskan rundingan untuk bekerjsama dengan PPBM, tetapi Hadi pula dilaporkan berkata di Marang keputusan tidak akan bekerjasama dengan PPBM adalah muktamad.
Selepas mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Perundingan sebentar tadi, Tuan Ibrahim berkata, Pas akan meneruskan berunding dengan PPBM tetapi dengan beberapa syarat yang perlu dipersetujui antara kedua-dua pihak.
“Jawatankuasa akan terus berunding dengan PPBM, juga meneliti berapa perkara dan syarat.
“Cuma dalam kerjasama dengan PPBM kita semak beberapa perkara dibuat PPBM sebab Pas tegaskan tidak mahu ada hubungan dengan DAP dan PAN.
“Kita tidak mahu mereka bersama kita tapi kemudiaan sepentas dengan mereka menyerang PAS. Kita tidak mahu PPBM bersama DAP dan PAN menyerang parti, kita sentiasa semak semua ini,” kata Tuan Ibrahim dalam sidang media di Pusat Tarbiah Pas Taman Melewar, Gombak hari ini.
Susulan kenyataan tersebut, wartawan mengasak Tuan Ibrahim dengan mempersoalkan sama ada kenyataan dibuat oleh Hadi tersebut membelakangi keputusan Jawatankuasa Perunding yang ditubuhkan itu.
“Saya akan teliti semula kenyataan Hadi dalam laporan itu,” jawab Tuan Ibrahim apabila diasak wartawan mengenai kenyataan Hadi awal hari ini.
Tuan Ibrahim menjelaskan sebarang keputusan muktamad kerjasama dengan PPBM hanya dapat diputuskan dalam Majlis Syura parti tersebut.
“Jawatankuasa Perundingan tidak ada mandat buat keputusan, tapi ia hanya akan dibawa kepada Pas Pusat dan akhirnya diputuskan dalam Majlis Syura Ulama,” kata beliau.
Pengerusi PPBM Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad sebelum ini dilaporkan berkata parti itu akan mengadakan kerjasama dengan DAP susulan kenyataan Hadi yang Pas tidak akan bekerjasama dengan PPBM untuk menghadapi pilihan raya umum ke-14.
Hadi membuat kenyataan itu selepas Dr Mahathir berkata PPBM memberi tempoh sebulan untuk Pas membuat keputusan berhubung kerjasama kedua-dua parti tersebut.
Jawatankuasa Induk Bersama PPBM dan Pas sebelum ini pernah mengadakan pertemuan untuk membentuk kerjasama, persefahaman dan muafakat politik. – MalaysiaGazette

Selangor - PAS takkan putus hubungan dengan PKR

Aku tetap pegang Amanat arwah TGNA...

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