Jadi, ia tidak boleh dijadikan alasan oleh Menteri Wilayah Persekutuan, Tengku Adnan Mansor untuk ‘menjajah’ Pulau Pinang dengan meletakkannya di bawah Wilayah Persekutuan, kata Ahli Parlimen Segambut Lim Lip Eng.
“Ramai lagi yang susah, termasuk para OKU, warga emas, penganggur dan gelandangan di seluruh Malaysia, malah ramai berpusat di Kuala Lumpur yang ‘diperintah’ Ku Nan,” katanya.
Golongan tersebut, jelasnya, harus dibantu agar dapat membeli barangan keperluan tanpa dikenakan cukai GST, namun langkah itu tidak pula dilaksanakan oleh kerajaan UMNO Barisan Nasional.
“Sewaktu kerajaan BN membebani rakyat dengan GST, tidak pula Ku Nan terfikir untuk membantu orang Melayu yang ikut terbeban.
“Kalaulah benda sebegini mudah pun Ku Nan tidak boleh buat, apa sahaja cadangan yang datang daripada BN untuk ‘membantu’ Melayu susah adalah tidak lain sekadar gimik pilihan raya,” jelasnya lagi.
Ku Nan dalam wawancara dengan stesen radio BFM pada 1 Februari lalu berkata beliau berharap konsep wilayah persekutuan boleh dikembangkan kepada wilayah atau negeri lain.
Dengan pelaksanaan berkenaan, beliau dilapor menyatakan mahu ‘mengambil’ Langkawi, Pulau Pinang, dan bahagian tertentu Melaka.
Menurut Lip Eng yang juga Setiausaha DAP Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Ku Nan mungkin telah ‘tersalah negeri’ jika benar satu-satunya agenda beliau adalah untuk membantu orang Melayu kerana antara dua negeri paling miskin di Malaysia adalah Kelantan dan Terengganu.
“Paling tidak Ku Nan harus terkedepan dalam usaha mengembalikan royalti minyak kepada rakyat Kelantan, agar negeri itu boleh berhenti menjalankan aktiviti balak secara berleluasa.
Sepatutnya menteri ini boleh mendatangkan alasan (untuk memasukkan Pulau Pinang) yang lebih baik.
“Atau paling tidak beritahu rakyat Pulau Pinang bahawa UMNO akan sanggup melakukan apa saja untuk menghalang negeri itu dari terus ditadbir Pakatan Harapan, termasuk dengan menjadikannya salah satu Wilayah Persekutuan.” ujarnya. - roketkini
Najib's friendly tycoon Mydin
starts to feel the pain...
I went to our nearby supermarket this morning. It is closing down. I became suspicious when the supermarket did not have eggs for sale. (Can you imagine a supermart that does not sell eggs !!) Then I noticed their shelves were empty.
One girl said that they were closing down because the “complex owner” wanted to renovate the building. Why renovate if the business is good? The entire complex will shut down. I think easily another 300 workers will join the ranks of the “No Income Nation”.
Folks, more than 1MDB, more than the thievery and the stupidity it is the GST that is killing the economy. The GST must be abolished completely and instantly. No such thing as abolishing the GST in stages. Just abolish it. Now.
The GST has sent prices up sky high. The GST is not just 6%. It has a compounding effect. My belief is the actual effect on prices was at least 15%. The sad thing is salaries and wages have not increased by 15% since the GST was implemented two years ago. Salaries are stagnating. Or salaries become zero when you lose your job.
That supermart and the complex that is closing down “for renovations” will cause a loss of over 300 jobs. 300 workers will go from “earning some income” to become No Income Nation.
The Mydin chain of hypermarkets and supermarkets has made their first losses in 60 years.
Mydin Mohamed Holdings record huge loss for (FY16), first fall in 60 years.
MD Ameer Ali said retail group “lucky” to maintain same figures this year.The country’s largest hypermarket chain saw sales down by 5%
Unfortunately it was implementation of the Goods and Services Tax (GST).Then fluctuation of US dollar rate and the Price Control and Anti-Profiteering Act 2011 in 2015, first time in Mydin’s history, we reported a massive loss.
The quandary about foreign workers “stifled” business, depend on labour.It is a mess. (In) supermarkets, queues longer (because of lack of staff)difficult to get foreigners to work in Malaysia as policies are unclear Nepal, Philippines, Indon workers can find jobs elsewhere, better remuneration.
The govt increased levy by RM600 for construction, manufacturing, services.Employer Mandatory Commitment (EMC) introduced on Jan 1, 2017 whereby employers has to pay levy instead of deducting it from employees.
Ameer said wholesale sector, retailers reported substantial deficits last year 2016 retail disappointing growth rate of 1.9% compared to 2015.consumers yet to recover from negative impact of GST introduced April 1, 2015.
Ameer added govt’s decision to reduce cheap sales to four per year did not helpRetailers allowed eight cheap sales in year,five by the law, three by administration.
Now only allow four, three fixed dates, one decided by administration
I mean (the consumers’) budget is limited. They can only go to one place. If you go to Zara, what happens to Metro and Jaya Jusco?” Ameer queried.
Due to weak performance, Mydin to scale down expansion plans.Our current investment plan is postponed,until we see light at the end of tunnel,” Ameer stated. - source.
Ostb : Well Dato, there will be no light at the end of the tunnel as long as this Super Moron is in power. The Super Moron does not only not understand anything about anything but he does not care that he does not understand anything about anything.
A ruler with even a little bit of intelligence will ask people who know to explain to him the things that he does not understand. That is called wisdom. But these folks are akin to stunted wild buffaloes. Unbelievable levels of stupidity.
People who have no idea how to run any type of business, let alone supermarkets, hypermarkets, department stores or shopping malls SUDDENLY want to tell shopping complexes how many “cheap sales” they should have.
I can assure you the Minister of Domestic Trade and Consumerism will not even know that Mydin Hypermart made their first loss in 60 years or that supermarkets are closing down or even that I wrote this blog post.
Maybe the Minister of Domestic Trade and Consumerism will soon tell us how to wipe our backsides. Maybe he will insist on doing it for us too.

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