08 November 2014

Anwar - terima kasih semua...

Anwar Ibrahim mengucapkan terima kasih atas sokongan yang diberikan pengikut dan pimpinan PR sepanjang lapan hari berlangsungnya prosiding rayuan akhir kes liwat II di Istana Kehakiman Putrajaya, hari ini.

Berucap selepas mahkamah menangguhkan kes tersebut, Anwar turut melahirkan rasa syukur ekoran masih diberi semangat dan kekuatan berdepan segala dugaan.

"Hari ini saya beritahu pada Azizah (Isterinya, Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail) sebelum solat Jumaat, keputusan pada hari ini, sama ada bebas atau masuk penjara.

"Saya syukur Alhamdulillah masih diberi semangat dan kekuatan. Azizah ada, begitu juga teman-teman yang setia.

"Semalam saya dah beritahu perasaan saya dari mana kekuatan saya datang daripada doa kawan-kawan," katanya kepada semua penyokong-penyokong yang menanti sejak jam 2 petang tadi.

Dalam ucapan sama, Anwar turut menyentuh soal sokongan tanpa henti dari pimpinan DAP dan Pas.

"Rakan-rakan DAP, semua ada. Setiap hari, tak pernah putus. Pas, hampir semua (datang) tapi kadang-kadang yang nampak yang tak datang, yang ramai datang itu tak nampak.

"Jadi, saya ucap terima kasih kepada semua," katanya.

Anwar kelihatan tiba di mahkamah pada jam 2.15 petang lengkap bersongkok dengan kemeja biru selepas berarak dengan penyokong-penyokongnya dari Masjid Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin usai menunaikan solat Jumaat.

Diiringi laungan 'reformasi', Anwar sempat melambai dan bersalaman dengan penyokong-penyokongnya sebelum melangkah masuk ke dalam mahkamah.

Gopal: Saiful is a worthless witness...

After eight days of hearings, the submissions for Anwar Ibrahim’s last stand before the Federal Court has ended and the decision will be delivered on a date yet to be announced by the court.

Lead defence counsel Gopal Sri Ram wrapped up his submissions today by rebutting the remainder of deputy public prosecutor Shafee Abdullah’s submissions, including a knock on Saiful Bukhari, the young man in the middle of this legal drama, telling the court, “Corroboration is only required if witness was credible. Saiful is a worthless witness, a man devoid of any credibility.

“Saiful is an accomplice that demands corroboration. He has a motive and he has embellished evidence.”

Gopal also took Shafee to task for saying that Dr Osman Abdul Hamid need not be impeached, saying the deputy public prosecutor must have lacked the confidence to do so. Calling the doctor an “honest and credible witness,” Gopal described the Court of Appeal’s decision to discredit his qualifications and evidence as a “grave injustice.”

He told the judges to forgive Anwar for alleging conspiracy, saying the accused had been jailed, acquitted, and accused again of a similiar offence.

“Anwar is being hounded again by a complainant who is without merit and who should not be believed,” he said. “So he should be allowed to say conspiracy.”

Chief Justice of Malaysia Arifin Zakaria announced that as the submissions were long and the judges needed to deliberate, the verdict would be delivered at a later date. Anwar’s bail was extended. - fmt


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