Najib, maharaja perompak kelas cakrawala merangkap maharaja pembohong, kini terperangkap dengan pembohongannya. Dia menjaja pembohongan kononnya dia tak kenal Jho Low, lepas itu tambah pembohongan lagi kononnya dia ditipu oleh Jho Low pulak. Oleh kerana dia perompak yang tidak bijak, dikuasai bininya yg super rakus, super gila kuasa yang melantik dirinya sendiri sebagai 'First Lady of Malaysia' maka kini dia menjilat sendiri segala pembohongannya.
Manusia boleh merancang tapi Allah menentukan segala. Siapa sangka istri badut Najib yg sanggup mati bersama perompak itu, sanggup mendedahkan pengkhianatan Najib dan para pegawai tinggi yg bersekongkong dengan bekas PM yang super korup itu. Ketua Audit Negara, Dr Madinah, yang dilantik sebagai Ketua Audit Negara oleh Najib telah mendedahkan laporan audit 1MDB yang dikemukakan kepada PAC dan diOSAkan itu diarah Najib untuk memadamkan butir-butir yg tidak disenanginya.
Antaranya laporan menyatakan Jho Low ada bersama dalam meeting 1MDB dan terlibat dalam skandal 1MDB. Sudah jelas penyamun hendak menyelamatkan rakan penyamun yang sama taraf dengannya. Najib herharap laporan audit 1MDB yg diserahkan kepada PAC, setelah dipadamkan penglibatan Jho Low dan Najib juga, akan menyelamatkan Najib dari penjara.
Laporan polis dan SPRM telah dibuat oleh pihak Ketua Audit Negara. Nama-nama yang disebut terbabit dalam penipuan pindaan laporan 1MDB kepada PAC termasuklah Dr Ali Hamza ( bekas KSN), Amrin Buang (bekas Ketua Audit Negara), Dzulkifli Ahmad (bekas KP SPRM), Tan Sri Shukry Salleh (bekas Ketua Setiausaha Sulit PM), dan turut terlibat juga Apandi Ali (bekas Peguam Negara) dan Arul Kanda.
Ini jenayah kelas berat. Ia merupakan pengkhianatan terhadap negara kerana bersubahat dengan Najib Razak, maharaja penyamun kelas cakrawala, dalam penipuan skandal 1MDB. Bukti sudah jelas.
Pihak SPRM dan PDRM juga Peguam Negara sekarang tidak boleh melengah-lengahkan mengambil tindakan terhadap mereka yg terlibat dalam jenayah pengkhianatan ini. Jangan meninabobokan rakyat dengan berbagau alasan untuk tidak bertindak tegas dan cepat.
Apa yang dinyatakan Tun Mahathir bahawa banyak pegawai tinggi kerajaan terlibat dalam rasuah, salahguna kuasa kerana terlibat dalam budaya 'cash is king'. Rakyat mahu kes pengkhianatan negara oleh mereka yang memalsukan laporan audit 1MDB ini dibicarakan segera.
Rakyat berharap dan berdoa mereka yang terlibat dalam rasuah dan salahguna kuasa sebagai pengkhianat negara, dan ditendang terus ke Sg Buloh berlabuh lebih 20 tahun, biar mampus dalam penjara. Kalau kes ini dibawa ke mahkamah segera besar kemungkinan Najib terkancing gigi, tercirit, duduk dalam kandang orang salah, dan Sg Buloh tempat bersemayam maharaja perompak kelas cakrawala ini. - Yahaya Ismail.

Bila ada api dan darah yang tumpah...
Insiden kekecohan dan merusuh di tapak kuil Mariamma di Subang Jaya yang boleh ditafsirkan dengan berbagai kelemahan pihak keselamatan, kurang cekap daripada para pihak berkuasa termasuk bertaraf menteri menanganinya sedikit sebanyak memberi gambaran kerajaan PH hari ini.
Kejadian di Subang itu pertama kali berlaku di era kerajaan PH. Walaupun ia cuba digambarkan ia kejadian terpencil yang berlaku di kalangan masyarakat India, tetapi terjemahan secara umum memberi makna lain.
Rusuhan membakar kenderaan dan sehingga mencederakan seorang anggota Bomba bukan kes kecil sebenarnya. Ada api dan ada darah yang menyala dan tumpah di tapak kuil itu. Ertinya insiden itu serius.
Gambaran terhadap kerajaan PH yang diterjemah dari insiden itu sesuatu yang sangat negatif. Timbul beberapa pertanyaan kenapa rusuhan itu sampai dua kali berlaku? Tapak kuil itu katanya sudah dimuktamadkan oleh mahkamah tetapi kenapa harus menjadi pertikaian sehingga meletus rusuhan? Ini menimbulkan persoalan.

Dalam pada itu ada pula kecaman kepada pihak keselamatan (PDRM) yang dibuat sendiri oleh menteri. Kebetulan menteri yang membuat kenyataan itu seorang India. Di sini kurang bijaksana apa dilakukan menteri itu dan sekumpulan anggota kabinet yang menyertai kecaman itu.
Yang saya dapat suluh dari kejadian ini ia adalah kelemahan, kurang tegas kerajaan dan kurang bijak menteri yang membuat kenyataan mengecam aparatnya sendiri. Ia memberi implikasi buruk.
Kejadian di kuil itu pertama kali dan ia cukup mencermaskan. Tidak mustahil kalau kerajaan tidak cekap, tidak pantas tidak berani bertegas, terlalu toleransi dan tidak bijak pula melayani kejadian sebegitu ia berpotensi meruntuhkan kerajaan yang ada kini dengan isu yang menakutkan itu. Yang kita tidak mahu ia berlaku atas kesempatan dari kerajaan liberal dan toleransi.
Insiden itu sama ada ia terkait langsung atau tidak dengan usaga damagekan kerajaan ia adalah sebagai testimoni kepada kredibiliti kerajaan PH?- MSO
Seafield Temple Riot Was Not A Racial Riot – But It’s A Wake Up Call For The New Government...
Mr. Ramaji, an eyewitness to a pre-dawn attack of the 147-year-old Sri Maha Marianmman temple in USJ25, Putra Heights, has revealed an interesting story. According to the “Save Seafield Sri Maha Marianmman Temple” task force chairman, there were about 250 thugs who assaulted several devotees and temple priests who were conducting prayers.
The 2am attack on Monday (Nov 26) saw him with at least six others being held hostage at knifepoint. He told Malay Mail news media – “Wielding knives, axes, rakes, parangs and wooden sticks, they barged into the temple compound before ordering all within to vacate the premises immediately. They shouted that they were here to take over the land on behalf of One City.”
He was, of course, referring to One City Development Sdn Bhd, the developer who purchased the land from Sime UEP Properties Sdn Bhd. The developer has denied the mobsters were sent by them. The Hindu temple riot saw 18 cars and two motorcycles burnt, forcing some 700 police personnel, including those from the FRU, deployed to the scene of the incident.
Initially, the Subang Jaya police declared the fight was between two rival ethnic Indian groups over the relocation of the temple. However, Mr. Ramaji disputed the police statement, exposing that the attackers as being of Malay ethnicity. He revealed the mob left behind their personal documents like identification cards (IC) and driver’s licenses, hence proof that the thugs were Malays.
With all the proof, deputy Inspector-General of Police (IGP) Noor Rashid Ibrahim finally acknowledged that the attackers were indeed Malays, saying – “Perhaps the side wanting to take over (the land) engaged a group of Malay men to facilitate the acquisition. It is possible that they are gangsters and, of course, the Indian group attempted to check the intrusion.”
However, the deputy police chief played down the number of mobsters involved, claiming there were only 50 thugs and not 250 as revealed by Mr. S Ramaji. Obviously, the police have some serious explaining to do as to why their initial report says that the riot was nothing but an Indian-vs-Indian clash. Why did they hide the fact that the clash involved ethnic Malays in the first place?
At best, the Subang Jaya district police chief ACP Muhammad Azlin Sadari was completely incompetent in handling such situation – mobsters terrorizing the Sri Maha Marianmman temple. At worst, the police chief was probably bribed by gangsters to turn a blind eye, even a racist himself – trying to cover-up the ethnicity of the attackers. Either way, he should be fired.
It’s certainly easier to blame the riot on the ethnic Indian alone. After all, the perception was such that the Indian community is normally involved in petty thefts, drugs, armed robberies, gangsterism and whatnot. That’s because a majority of them received very little education, not to mention they have been systematically discriminated by the previous Barisan Nasional regime.
Thanks to social media, people were quickly informed that the temple riot was not a racial riot. Still, can you see how the incident could easily be twisted and escalated into a racial riot? When you have ethnic Malay “running amok” inside the Sri Maha Marianmman temple, you don’t need Donald Trump to tweet that the Malays was trying to demolish an Indian temple and slaughter the Indians.
The lies from the Subang Jaya police chief have only added fuel to the tensions. It was alleged that only one patrol car from the Subang Jaya police station arrived at the scene at about 4.15am – 2 hours after the attacks. It also didn’t help that the racists and extremists from UMNO Malay Nationalist party and the PAS Islamist party have promised bloodshed in their coming Anti-ICERD rally on Dec 8.
In fact, there were naughty rumours that the attack by Malays on the Indian temple was a dry run – an experiment – by UMNO gangsters to start a racial riot on Dec 8. That’s because membership cards bearing logo and certificates of a Malay Silat group (Pertubuhan Silat Seni Gayong Malaysia) were found during the attack, presumably dropped by some of the Malay thugs.
And it certainly doesn’t look good on Mahathir government and the Royal Malaysia Police that UMNO and PAS troublemakers are allowed to freely incite violence and riot. Can you imagine what would happen if the situation is reversed – a group of ethnic Indians enters a mosque and start terrorizing everyone? All hell will break loose.
Like it or not, Mahathir government has to put a stop to all these nonsense – regardless whether it was a Chinese developer paying Malay gangsters to smash an Indian temple, or Indian rioters burning cars belonging to innocent owners, or defeated Malay politicians stirring up racial and religion sentiments by threatening May 13-style racial riots.
PM Mahathir and his ministers can only blame crooked Najib Razak and his evil wife Rosmah Mansor for only so much. The previous regime had collapsed. The new government calls the shot now. Exactly why the old man keeps bitching about some civil servants still being loyal to the previous regime, but has refused to sack those traitors and incompetent little Napoleons, is beyond comprehension.
Now, do you understand why we have to give a jolt of reminder to Mahathir government so that they would stop pussyfooting on racism and extremism being pushed by UMNO and PAS? If you think the temple riot is bad, wait until you see the terrorism and rioting to be unleashed by the radicalized followers of both political parties – thanks to instigators Zahid Hamidi and Hadi Awang. - FT

Lets get together ye! ye!...

Muhammad Adib Mohd Kassim, Anggota bomba mangsa serangan perusuh di tapak kuil Sri Mariamman.Ya Allah!! berilah kesembuhan kepadanya sesugguhnya engkau maha mengetahui..Aamiin....

Jualan rugi,taukey lari bini mati...

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