Bila Tunku Abdul Rahman berunding dengan Whitehall mendapatkan kemerdekaan negara ada syaratnya. Cina dan India mesti juga dibawa sama. UMNO akur. UMNO juga akur memberi kerakyatan 'jus suli' iaitu bukan Melayu yg ada di bumi ini sebelum 31 Ogos 1957 secara otomatis jadi warganegara. UMNO angguk seperti kaldai kenyang. Kira-kira satu juta bukan Melayu secara otomatis jadi warganegara walaupun tak boleh berbahasa Melayu. Tidak ada negara di dunia ini begitu mudah memberi kerakyatan kepada orang asing seperti mana yang dilakukan oleh para pemimpin UMNO. Ini sejarah beb.
Bukan Melayu menerima 'social contract' fasal 153 yang memberi hak istimewa kepada pribumi. Institusi Raja Melayu dipertahankan. Islam agama rasmi. Bahasa Melayu bahasa rasmi. Jawatan dan biasiswa diberi keutamaan kepada Melayu/Bumiputra. Namuin demikian kebebasan beragama dan lain-lain diberi kepada bukan Melayu. Selepas 61 tahun Melayu berkuasa, melalui UMNO, hanya berlaku satu rusuhan kaum iaitu 13 Mei 1965. Hari ini terdapat banyak Cina bilioner, seorang India dan hanya seorang Melayu berstatus bilioner walaupun Melayu berkuasa. Kuil-kuil Hindu, tokong Cina dan gereja berselerak. Pimpinan Melayu tidak peduli apakah kamu dari kasta paria, sudra atau brahmin. Semua India sama taraf, sama-sama dapat berbagai kemudahan dari kerajaan.
HINDRAF cuba menjadi juara Hindu ekstremis. Ingat dimana loangit dijunjung di situ bumi dipijak. Malaysia bukan tanah jajahan India. Malaysia bukan Fiji dimana keturunan India yg dibawa penjajah British cuba menyingkirkan kuasa politik rakyat pribumi Fiji. Ini bumi Malaysia. Majoriti pribumi Melayu yg beragama Islam. Apa yang mereka nikmati di bumi bertuah ini belum tentu mereka dapat kebahagiaan di tanah leluhur mereka.
Tindakan PM tidak menandatangai ICERD bijak. Sebenarnya ICERD ini diperkenankan oleh UMNO pada tahun 2011 oleh kerajaan super korup UMNO/BN. Bomoh Ponorogo yang mengheret PAS untuk demonstrasi menentang ICERD membuktikan PAS dikaldaikan bomoh ini kerana perjuangan PAS sudah hilang pedoman Islamnya Bawah Hj Hadi, perjuangan PAS sanggup menyelam dan tenggelam bersama UMNO akibat kemabukan politik keropok lekor.
Wajar sekali Kementerian Dalam Negeri (KDN) jangan memberi izin kepada UMNO, PAS, mengadakan perhimpunan Disember ini. Orang bijak dapat membaca kilat dalam kilau mainan politik tempe dengan keropok lekor. Tidak ada kebebasan mutlak untuk manusia. Yang maha kuasa mutlak ialah Allah, bukan demokrasi. Malah Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu juga tidak mengamalkan demokrasi dimana lima negara iaitu US, China, Britain, Russia dan Perancis diberi kuasa veto. Sekiranya ada menteri dalam kabinet PH cuba mencetuskan konflik perkauman melalui perjuangan mereka maka wajar Tun M bertindak menyingkirkan menteri itu. Sekiranya UMNO dan PAS meneruskan juga perhimpunan mereka maka wajar pihak KDN bertindak terhadap para pemimpin yg menganjurkan perhimpunan itu. Jangan bagi muka kepada mereka yang gila kuasa tetapi melanggar undang-undang negara. - Yahaya Ismail

The political freefall of UMNO/PAS...
Do those opposing the ratification of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD) actually know what it is?
I don't think they know, or they are just unwilling to find out. They don't even know what racism is!
In the parliamentary sitting, opposition reps started to make noise when minster in the prime minister's department Waytha Moorthy Ponnusamy was answering a question on ICERD, calling him "racist". The Speaker even overheard someone asking the minister to "go back to India".
It is obvious here who the real racists are!
Umno and PAS politicians have been playing up the ICERD issue and fanning public emotions while PH component parties look on passively.
ICERD is a form of international justice. Unfortunately it has become an abominable monster here!
The hysterical voices of opposition have completely distorted the real meaning and significance of ICERD.
They claim that ICERD is in direct violation of Article 153 of the Federal Constitution, and will deny the Malays of their privileges. Nevertheless, if you were to ask them how ICERD has violated the Constitution and how it would jeopardize the status of the Malays, they would become instantly speechless.
Moreover, any international convention will not override a sovereign state's laws, let alone its constitution.
Ratifying ICERD is a pledge for human rights and equality, and a signatory can opt to have reservation about certain articles it does not agree on. This explains why many countries have ratified ICERD.
Rejecting ICERD only shows that we still have a long way to go before we can join the modern world.
Ahmad Zahid even claims that the Malays will riot if ICERD is signed.
As a matter of fact, the Malays will have nothing to lose even if ICERD is ratified by the government. As such, there are no valid reasons for a riot.
Unfortunately some of the Muslim-Malays may fall into the trap of Umno and PAS.
Zahid's hypothesis of riot and Hadi Awang's argument that rejecting ICERD is a universal obligation of Muslims have sadly lowered the stature of their parties to a level unseen before.
This also means that they can no longer compete on the platform of competency and rationality, and have to resort to fanning racist and religious sentiments in order to win back their wilting support.
Any party that allows itself to stoop this low is no longer eligible to talk about running this country, as it will eventually be abandoned by majority of Malaysians who uphold the principles of moderation and good reasoning.
Sure enough there are tons of reasons to explain the electoral setback of Umno and PAS in GE14. The thing is: neither racism nor religious extremism has reversed their doomed fates.
They have failed to revert to moderation after the general elections. In its stead, they have picked up steam in their quest for extremism.
Opposition parties devoted to fanning public emotions and creating religious conflicts will never contribute positively towards democratic politics in this country, but will be a destructive force for the same. - sinchewdaily

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