Bekas ketua Wanita PKR, Zuraida Kamaruddin hari ini menyuarakan bantahannya untuk Dr Streram Sinnasamy dicalonkan semula bagi pilihan raya kecil (PRK) Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Rantau di Negeri Sembilan.
Sebaliknya, Zuraida mencadangkan PKR menurunkan calon wanita untuk bertanding di kerusi itu yang dimenangi Timbalan Presiden Umno, Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan secara kontroversi, selepas Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) menghalang Streram memfailkan kertas pencalonannya pada 28 April lalu.
“Saya akan mencadangkan calon wanita Negeri Sembilan,” kata ahli Parlimen Ampang itu kepada wartawan selepas menyampaikan ucapan penggulungan dalam Kongres Nasional Wanita PKR ke-13 di sini, hari ini.
Beliau berkata, PKR tidak menurunkan calon wanita di Negeri Sembilan pada pilihan raya umum 9 Mei lalu.
“Saya seorang wanita. Saya mahu mencadangkan calon wanita kerana tiada wanita bertanding di Negeri Sembilan.”
Terdahulu, Mahkamah Khas Pilihan Raya memutuskan kemenangan Mohamad di DUN Rantau tidak sah dan terbatal, selepas hakim membenarkan petisyen difailkan Streram.
Pada hari pencalonan 28 April lalu, Mohamad diisytiharkan menang tanpa bertanding di kerusi itu selepas satu-satu pencabarnya, Streram gagal menghantar kertas pencalonan kerana dilarang masuk ke pusat penamaan calon disebabkan tiada pas SPR.
Pakar bius itu kemudiannya memfailkan petisyen di mahkamah pada 23 Mei lalu, bagi memohon PRK diadakan di kerusi terbabit kerana mendakwa penyandangnya tidak dipilih secara sah. - fmt
Ooii mak lampir . Sekolah mana kamu belajar. Bodoh punya statement kau keluar. Lembu punya susu sapi dapat namakah. Dr.Steram sedaya upaya pakai duit sendiri lawan makamah kamu yea2 nak letak calon lain. Ingat PKR ini bapa kau punya parti ka. - Dato Karun
Haii lah Hantu Kak Limah ooi.. kau kena faham presiden adalah dsai bukan kak wan lagi . Diharapkan dsai jgn bagi lagi muka pada Azmin dan Zuraida ni. Semoga dsai buat keputusan yg tegas. - Badrul Hisyam
Hantu Kak Limah Ampang ni bercakap macam dia ni presiden PH lebih dari presiden PKR dan macam PH dan PKR itu dia punya sorang. silap2 gaya inilah hantu yg boleh meranapkan PKR dan PH. - Ayub Mohamad Saman
Kelmarin diadakan tunjuk perasaan dibeberapa perkarangan masjid kerana menentang ICERD. ICERD telah dijadikan isu politik. Dalam tunjuk perasaan itu ada juga yang membakar patung tertulis ICERD.
Ada baiknya juga tunjuk perasaan itu “bergelegak” hari ini menjadikan saya jadi terpanggil untuk mendengar syarahan Dr Mohd Asri Zainal Abidin (Maza) mengenai ICERD. Di sini saya share video jawaban beliau mengenai ICERD dalam satu ceramah malam tadi atau kelmarin.
Secara ringkas yang dapat saya simpulkan penjelasan dari Dr Maza mengenai ICRED ini terbaik, sangat jelas dan adil. Dr Maza berdiri ditengah-tengah di antara sempadan politik berbagai ideologi. Beliau benar-benar meletakkan diri sebagai seorang Mufti. Syabas.

Inilah salah satu sebab kenapa Islam tak menggalakkan perbuatan demonstrasi. Bila dah ramai yang berhimpun meluahkan rasa marah, lalu diapi²kan lagi dengan ucapan yang provokatif, maka kewarasan akal akan digantikan dengan emosi dan nafsu.Gambar ni sebagai contoh. Mustahil mereka tidak sedar mereka sedang berdiri di atas kalimah BISMILLAH...
Apa dideklarasikan ICERD menurut Dr Maza selaras dengan tuntutan Islam, seperti soal diskriminasi kaum, ketidak adilan dan hak asasi manusia. Islam juga melarang umat manusia melakukan diskriminasi sesama manusia.
Sebelum mengecam ICERD katanya, harus memahami apa dia deklarasi ICRED itu dahulu jangan hanya pakai hentam kromo mengatakan ia anti Islam, idea Yahudi dan sebagainya.

Menurut Dr Maza, ICRED diterima oleh hampir semua negara Islam, kecuali hanya dua buah negara sahaja yang belum menanda tangani, Malaysia dan Brunei. Jadi tidak berbangkit kalau ICERD ditolak oleh negara Islam.
Dalam perhatian Dr Maza ada tiga kumpulan atau golongan (kabilah) yang memberi pendapat mengenai ICERD ini. Pertama yang memahami semangat ICERD, kedua yang menerimanya secara membuta tuli dan ketiga yang jahil hanya mahu melaung takbir demi kepentingan politik mereka.
Konklusi Dr Maza, ICERD memegang kepada prinsip selaras dengan kehendak Islam. - MSO

Najib enggan masuk kandang tertuduh
In the first place dia sepatutnya pakai baju oren baru lah rasa kena masuk kandang , ini pakai mcm nak pi jumpa Obama. - Wan Azhar
Ketua pendakwa raya Gopal Sri Ram sepatut nya bagi Pelempang sekali baru dia nak masuk Kandang orang salah...Dah di Dakwa dalam Mahkamah pun dan nak Degil lagi.. - Naser Manuty
Is Najib special? He is trying to test the determination of the law and the judge failed by not charging Najib for contempt of court. - New hope
The judge should have stopped the proceeding, cite Najib with contempt of the court, and throw him in jail for a couple of days. Everyone is equal in front of law, ex-PM or not. - Hope

PKR and Malaysia's future
political landscape...
The dust has almost settled on PKR's heated elections. Azmin Ali is confirmed to be re-elected as party deputy president, while his challenger Rafizi Ramli has failed to unseat him. The party's election committee will make the official announcement during the party's general congress this weekend.
Based on the results released by the election committee so far, coupled with the fact that there will be no fresh election for the highly controversial Julau division, it is almost certain that Azmin is the ultimate winner in the tightly contested race.
There have been a fair share of irregularities taking place during the course of the party's elections, seriously tarnishing the image of the country's largest ruling party and hurting the credibility of the new Pakatan Harapan government.
Incoming president Anwar Ibrahim, who is prepared to take over the premiership from Tun Mahathir, has not demonstrated a respectable level of leadership in the midst of confidential crisis arising from the elections.

The elections have been marred by suspected vote-buying and technical issues but the election committee's approach in resolving the problems has been crude and inconsistent. The legitimacy of election results in some divisions has been questionable, and this has dealt a severe blow on transparency and credibility of the elections.
Take the Julau division in Sarawak for instance, some argue that an invisible hand was behind the overnight surge in the number of eligible voters. Others complained about the tablets used in e-voting, although such technical issues have later been denied by the election committee.
In addition, the election committee has also failed to address the problem of missing ballots in some divisions.
As a consequence of the election committee's inefficiency and incompetency, PKR's party elections have been full of irregularities which are sadly ignored by the party's political bureau and top leadership.
The PKR leadership must not remain in a state of denial but must seriously look into the complaints of all party members and rectify the weaknesses in relation to party elections while offering full cooperation to the investigation authorities in a bid to restore the party's credibility.

If incoming president Anwar Ibrahim who is also the PM-in-waiting, and his wife outgoing president cum deputy PM Wan Azizah, have both failed to demonstrate a high level of leadership, their roles and abilities in the government will be questionable.
They must let the voters see the real strength of PKR as a component of the ruling coalition. Otherwise, they cannot convince Malaysians that Anwar is capable enough to take over as PM within two years.
Anwar must have the ability to put together a party that is on the brink of division because the party's future is closely associated with his hold to the PM post as well as the stability of the PH government.
Following the re-election of Azmin and major party posts won by his team mates, it is anticipated that his position in the party will get further boosted, threatening Anwar's position in party and government.
How is Anwar going to handle such an intricate relationship between him, Azmin and Rafizi? While this appears to be a wholly internal problem of PKR, it will nevertheless have implications for the position of the PH government as well as the country's future political landscape. - mysinchew

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