Rakyat bagi amanah mereka pantau pengurusan wang amal jariah Yayasan Pembangunan Ekonomi Islam Malaysia (YaPEIM).Tapi mereka dan ahli keluarga ambil elaun lebih RM 154,000 sebulan,RM1.85 juta setahun...
NGO Pusat Pemantauan dan Pendedahan Maklumat Kebangsaan (NOW) hari ini mendakwa empat individu dalam di sebuah yayasan naungan kerajaan memperoleh pendapatan mencecah RM2 juta setahun.
Pengarahnya, Akmal Nasir berkata secara purata mereka didakwa memperolehi pendapatan bulanan sekitar RM81,700 sebulan.
Akmal mendakwa berkata dua daripada mereka adalah pengerusi dan timbalannya, manakala dua lagi adalah suami dan anak kepada orang besar di yayasan berkenaan.
"Pendapatan bulanan yang diperolehi oleh pengerusi adalah RM73,000 sebulan.
"Pendapatan bulanan yang diperolehi oleh timbalan pengerusi dan keluarganya yang telah dikenal pasti pula adalah sebanyak RM81,700.00 sebulan,” ujarnya dalam sidang media di NOW Center di Kuala Lumpur hari ini.

Jelas Akmal lagi, pihaknya hairan bagaimana anggota tertinggi yayasan berkenaan yang diberi tanggungjawab untuk menguruskan derma, pinjaman serta menjana pendapatan melalui perniagaan berteraskan Islam memperoleh pendapatan begitu tinggi.
Selain, yayasan itu juga dipantau oleh perdana menteri dan Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom.
“Mampukah perdana menteri dan menteri tersebut bayangkan perasaan 588,930 orang penyumbang derma secara bulanan kepada yayasan itu apabila mengetahui mereka yang diamanahkan untuk memantau sumbangan, gagal menjalankan tanggungjawab mereka,” ujarnya lagi. - mk

Four in gov't foundation pocketing RM2m yearly...
Four individuals in a government-linked foundation are raking in almost RM2 million annually, claimed National Oversight & Whistleblowers (NOW) centre.
The foundation is under the purview of Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak and Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Jamil Khir Baharom.
NOW director Akmal Nasir said two of them were the foundation's chairperson and deputy chairperson, while the other two were the deputy chairperson's husband and son.
"The monthly income earned by (the chairperson) that has been identified through the (foundation) is RM73,000 per month.
"The monthly income earned by (the deputy chairperson) and her family that has been identified through the foundation is RM81,700 per month," Akmal said today.
Speaking at the NOW headquarters in Kuala Lumpur, Akmal said the four combined earned RM154,700 per month or more than RM1.85 million per year.
This, he said, was based on letters confirming their salaries as of last year that was obtained from sources.
The chairperson of the foundation is also the president, while the deputy chairperson is also the deputy president.
They hold 11 and seven positions respectively in the foundation and its subsidiaries.
"They're members of the board of trustees but they're also the executives. They may have abused the position to appoint themselves or to let themselves be appointed," Akmal said.
Organisation chart
He added that the deputy chairperson's son held six positions in the foundation and its subsidiaries, while her husband was given a fellowship by the foundation to assist her.
A check with the Companies Commission verified that the chairperson held at least six of the 11 positions; the deputy chairperson held five out of seven; and her son held four out of six positions.
The foundation's organisation chart is not on its website.
The foundation receives funding from public contributions, as well as government grants and loans.
On Monday, it was reported that the deputy chairperson, who is a Kelantan Wanita Umno member, had allegedly received RM223,000 from the foundation for community activities that coincided with the Rompin by-election.
However, there is reportedly no record of any activities taking place.
The Rompin by-election on May 5 ended in BN's favour, with the new MP Hasan Arifin now serving as the Public Accounts Committee chairperson.
It was previously reported that a Kelantan Umno member and the foundation were being probed by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission for misappropriating flood relief funds.
Malaysiakini is withholding the identities of the Kelantan Umno member and the foundation pending their responses. - mk

Persempadanan ini memberi kelebihan kepada BN...
Daripada 11 kerusi DUN itu, tiga adalah kawasan majoriti kaum Melayu/Melanau (Gedong, Kabong dan Telian), tiga majoriti kaum Iban (Stakan, Selirik dan Samalaju), dua majoriti Orang Ulu (Murum dan Long Lama) dua majoriti kaum Bidayuh (Serembu dan Triboh), dan satu majoriti kaum Cina (Batu Kitang).
Ketua Menteri Tan Sri Adenan Satem awal-awal lagi mengumumkan lima daripada kawasan baharu itu akan ditandingi parti yang diterajuinya, Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB), dan pastinya ini termasuk tiga kawasan majoriti Melayu/Melanau, kaum yang memberikan sokongan mutlak kepada PBB dan Barisan Nasional (BN) dalam semua pilihan raya negeri sebelum ini.
Batu Kitang pula menyajikan rumusan menarik untuk melihat sejauh mana 'faktor ketokohan Adenan' dapat menarik sokongan kaum Cina.
Yang menjadi masalah bagi BN ialah komponennya Parti Rakyat Bersatu Sarawak (SUPP), yang didominasi kaum Cina yang disandar harapan merebut kawasan ini, kini berpecah sehingga melahirkan parti serpihan, Parti Rakyat Bersatu (UPP).
Memandangkan Batu Kitang adalah kawasan pecahan daripada DUN Kota Sentosa dan DUN Batu Kawah yang kedua-duanya diwakili DAP, ia dijangka menjadi gelanggang pertandingan buat DAP.
Mungkin tidak.
Ini kerana satu lagi sekutu pembangkang, PKR awal-awal lagi sudah membuat gerak kerja di lapangan Batu Kitang, malah sudah mengemukakan beberapa nama yang kemungkinan menjadi calon mereka di kawasan itu nanti.
Pengerusi PKR Sarawak Baru Bian ketika dihubungi berkata gabungan parti pembangkang, Gerakan Harapan Baru akan berbincang untuk mencapai kata sepakat dalam pembahagian kerusi apabila tiba masa nanti.
Katanya ketika ini terlalu awal untuk dibuat rumusan kerusi mana yang akan ditandingi PKR, namun pastinya ia mahukan kawasan yang memang secara tradisinya pernah ditandinginya, selepas kerja-kerja lapangan jenuh diusahakan selama ini untuk mengukuhkan sokongan.
Dalam pilihan raya negeri lepas, PKR bertanding merebut 49 kerusi DUN tetapi hanya memenangi tiga daripadanya, iaitu Ba’Kelalan, Batu Lintang dan Krian.
Sebelum itu ia hanya memiliki satu kerusi DUN.
Di Dewan Undangan Negeri ketika ini PBB memiliki 35 kerusi; SUPP enam; Parti Demokratik Progresif Sarawak (SPDP) enam; dan Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS) lapan.
Pembangkang pula, DAP mempunyai 12 kerusi dan PKR, tiga. Terdapat satu Bebas.
Di khalayak pemimpin BN negeri, Presiden PRS, Tan Sri James Jemut Masing, sudah menyuarakan harapan untuk mendapatkan kerusi Bukit Goram (Selirik) dan Murum daripada 11 kerusi baharu itu.
Naib Presiden Kanan SPDP Datuk Paul Igai pula ketika dihubungi berkata parti itu sedang mengintai dua kawasan majoriti kaum Iban, namun pantas berkata ia masih terserah kepada pucuk pimpinan tertinggi BN Negeri.
Jika kata sepakat dicapai di sini, ia bermakna PRS sudah hampir pasti boleh mendapatkan Bukit Goram (Selirik), manakala dua lagi kawasan majoriti Iban, Stakan dan Samalaju, boleh 'ditempah' oleh SPDP.
Kini tinggal kawasan majoriti Orang Ulu, Long Lama (Mulu) dan majoriti kaum Bidayuh di Serembu dan Triboh.
Selepas PBB diramal menempah tiga kawasan DUN majoriti Melayu/Melanau di Gedong, Kabong dan Telian, ia kini mengintai dua lagi kerusi DUN, dengan Triboh dan Serembu boleh dikatakan pertaruhan terbaiknya.
Triboh pasti ditempah PBB kerana ia dibentuk dari sebahagian dua kawasan sedia ada, Tebedu dan Kedup, yang masing-masing diwakili ahli PBB.
Serembu pula diwujudkan dari sebahagian DUN Bengoh, yang diwakili anggota SUPP dan DUN Tarat, yang diwakili ahli PBB.
Kerusi DUN baharu ke-11, Long Lama (Mulu), direka dari DUN Marudi, yang diwakili ahli SPDP (yang kini bersama parti baru Teras) dan DUN Telang Usan, yang diwakili ahli PBB.
Dengan PBB diramal menuntut lima daripada 11 kerusi baharu itu, Long Lama (Mulu) kini boleh saja dituntut SPDP atau PRS.
Dari segi perkiraan angka, pembangkang kelihatan agak kecil untuk memberi cabaran besar kepada kepimpinan kerajaan negeri.
Namun umum tahu sokongan parti di sesebuah kawasan itu boleh beralih disebabkan beberapa faktor seperti undi protes, pemilihan calon tidak 'mesra pengundi', ataupun faktor perbalahan, perebutan, mahupun pertikaian dalaman.
Persempadanan ini boleh dianggap memberi kelebihan kepada BN kerana hampir semua kerusi baharu membabitkan kawasan luar bandar yang BN terbukti mendapat banyak sokongan.
Sebelum diwujudkan kerusi baharu ini, tempat-tempat berkenaan membabitkan kawasan DUN luar bandar yang sangat luas, membawa kepada hasrat Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) untuk melakukan persempadanan semula.
Sebaik sahaja Mahkamah Persekutuan meluluskan proses persempadanan semula pertengahan bulan lepas, Setiausaha DAP Sarawak Alan Ling mendakwa BN negeri memerlukan tambahan 11 kerusi untuk menangani masalah perpecahan dalam dua parti komponennya.
Semua kesimpulan ini bagaimanapun dibuat tanpa mengambil kira kawasan mana yang akan 'dipohon' untuk ditandingi dua parti serpihan yang mengisytihar diri 'mesra BN' yakni UPP dan Teras.
Kini keterujaan ramai terarah untuk melihat sejauh mana kebijaksanaan Adenan melayan permohonan mereka, ibarat menarik rambut dalam tepung, rambut jangan putus, tepung jangan berserak.- Bernama
11 new state seats for upcoming S'wak polls...
Out of the 11 seats, three are Malay/Melanau majority areas (Gedong, Kabong and Telian), three Iban majority (Stakan, Selirik and Samalaju), two Orang Ulu majority (Murum and Long Lama), two majority Bidayuh (Serembu and Triboh), and one Chinese majority (Batu Kitang).
Chief Minister Adenan Satem has earlier announced five out of the new seats would be contested by the state Barisan National (BN) component party led by Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu, including the three seats which are predominantly Melayu/Melanau who never failed to give their full support to PBB and BN at every past state election.
Batu Kitang will be a testing ground to see if the "Adenan charismatic factor' can draw the support of the Chinese given that the problem faced by BN is its component, Sarawak United People's Party (SUPP) - the predominantly Chinese party that faced an internal crisis which resulted in the formation of the splinter United People's Party (UPP).
As Batu Kitang is an area created out of Kota Sentosa and Batu Kawah, which are currently under DAP, the opposition party is expected to make it a battlefield.
Maybe unlikely.
This is because another of the opposition pact, PKR has already stake a claim in Batu Kitang and has even submitted several names who are likely to fielded as a candidate there.
Sarawak PKR chairman Baru Bian when contacted said Gerakan Harapan Baru would hold talks to reach a consensus on the distribution of seats when the time comes.
He said it was still too early to say which seats would be contested by PKR but it would be in areas that they had worked hard to consolidate support.
In the last state election in 2011, PKR contested in 49 seats but only won three, namely Ba’Kelalan, Batu Lintang and Krian. Previously PKR only has one seat.
In the state legislative assembly at present, PBB has 35 seats, SUPP six, Sarawak Progressive Democratic Party (SPDP) six and Sarawak Rakyat Sarawak (PRS) eight. The opposition - DAP has 12 seats and PKR three. There is one Independent.
A piece of the pie
Among the state BN leaders, PRS president James Jemut Masing has voiced his hope to get the Bukit Goram (Selirik) and Murum seats from the 11 new seats.
SPDP senior vice president Paul Igai, when contacted, said the party was eyeing the two Iban majority seats but hastened to add that it was still up to the state BN top leadership to decide.
If a consensus is reached, it means that PRS is almost certainly to get Bukit Goram (Selirik), while two other Iban majority seats, Stakan and Samalaju, can be 'booked' by SPDP.
That leaves the Orang Ulu majority seat of Long Lama (Mulu), and Bidayuh majority seats of Serembu and Triboh.
After PBB is expected to get the three Melayu/Melanau majority seats, it is also eyeing another two seats with Triboh and Serembu being their best bets.
PBB is also highly likely to get Triboh, which is carved from the two existing state seats of Tebedu and Kedup, which are represented by PBB.
Serembu, on the other hand, is created from a portion of Bengoh seat, which is represented by SUPP, as well as the Tarat seat, being represented by PBB.
The 11th new seat, Long Lama (Mulu) is created from the Marudi, which is represented by SPDP (now with the new Parti Tenaga Rakyat Sarawak (Teras)) and Telang Usan, which is under PBB.
With PBB claiming five out of the 11 new seats, SPDP or PRS can now eye Long Lama (Mulu).
In terms of estimated figures, the opposition is viewed as not likely to pose a big challenge to the state leadership.
Redelineation favourable to BN
However, it is well-known that the support for a party in a particular constituency can swing due to factors such as protest votes, selection of candidates who are not 'voter-friendly' or internal disputes.
This new redelineation can be considered as favourable to the BN as almost all the new seats involved rural areas in which the BN has proven to receive a lot of support.
Prior to this, these places involved rural state constituencies that are huge, prompting the Election Commission to conduct the electoral redelineation.
As soon as the Federal Court approved the redelineation process middle of last month, Sarawak DAP secretary Alan Ling claimed that the state BN required an additional 11 seats to address a split in two of the BN component parties.
All this assumption, however, was made without any consideration to the two splinter parties, namely UPP and Teras, which have declared themselves as 'BN-friendly'.
Now the onus is on Adenan to use his good sense and experience in dealing with their application to join the state BN fold.- Bernama

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