Pandan MP Rafizi Ramli today challenged National Feedlot Corporation (NFC) to reveal whether or not the controversial firm had given a retrospective approval for the purchase of two luxury condominiums in 2009.
This follows NFC executive chairperson Mohamad Salleh Ismail saying yesterday that an AGM was held to allow the NFC board to transfer funds to the National Meat and Livestock Corporation (NMLC) for the property purchase.
Salleh said the transfer was approved on Dec 23, 2009. However, Rafizi claims the funds to purchase the condo was paid on Dec 2 directly to the property developer.
"When the four money transfers to pay for the condominium were made, that is on Dec 2, 2009, NMLC was still a company that had no relation to NFC.
"As such I dare NFC to reveal all the minutes from the board of directors meeting and the AGM [...] let the public see for themselves how the decision to make NMLC a subsidiary was made later, after the funds were transferred without prior approval," Rafizi said at a press conference at the Parliament lobby today.
Salleh, who is Wanita Umno chief Shahrizat Abdul Jalil's husband, was acquitted yesterday after the attorney-general's chambers withdrew four charges against him involving company funds.
He was accused of misappropriating RM9,758,140 through four NFC cheques to fund part of the purchase of two condominiums at One Menerung complex in Kuala Lumpur.
He was also accused of transferring RM40 million through an NFC cheque into the account of National Meat & Livestock Corporation Sdn Bhd, a company which he and one of his children owned, between May 6 and Nov 16, 2009.- mk
Gomen setuju dana NFC digunakan untuk beli kondo...
Maka sahlah mengambil dana rakyat yang diperuntukkan kepada petani miskin untuk membela lembu dan digunakan membeli kondo mewah itu tidak salah. Ada muslihatnya saya ingat. Nak tahu bagaimana?
Saya tidak sedikit pun terkejut dengan keputusan mahkamah yang mendapati Dato’ Seri Salleh Ismail, Pengerusi Eksekutif National Feedlot Corporation (NFC) tidak bersalah dalam satu pertuduhan pecah amanah menggunakan dana NFC sebanyak RM9,758,140 untuk membeli 2 unit kondominium mewah di One Menerong, Bangsar.
Saya akan menunggu perincian perbicaraan sebelum boleh membuat komen lanjut tetapi saya boleh mengagak tertuduh mengemukakan bukti bahawa pembelian tersebut telah diluluskan mengikut prosedur dan peraturan syarikat. Atas sebab itu, oleh kerana pembelian kondo tersebut telah diluluskan maka tidak berlaku sebarang pecah amanah.
Jika ini yang berlaku di dalam perbicaraan, ia memberi makna berikut:
1. Kelulusan itu diberikan sama ada di dalam mesyuarat Lembaga Pengarah atau Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan (Annual General Meeting) yang dihadiri oleh wakil-wakil kerajaan sebagai mewakili Kerajaan Malaysia yang mempunyai saham istimewa di dalam NFC;
2. Wakil-wakil kerajaan di dalam Lembaga Pengarah hanya boleh memberi kelulusan pembelian kondominium tersebut dengan persetujuan dan arahan dari pegawai atasan kerajaan iaitu Menteri atau Ketua Setiausaha Kementerian;
3. Pentadbiran Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak telah meluluskan supaya NFC boleh menggunakan dana yang diberikan untuk penternakan lembu bagi tujuan membeli kondominium.
Dengan keputusan mahkamah ini, secara langsung pentadbiran Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak memberi mesej bahawa ia tidak sedikit pun peduli dengan kemarahan rakyat mengenai skandal NFC ini yang menyebabkan Ketua Wanita Umno, Dato’ Seri Shahrizat Jalil terpaksa meletakkan jawatan.
Jika sebelum ini skandal NFC hanya terpalit kepada keluarga Dato’ Seri Shahrizat Jalil, keputusan hari ini mengesahkan bahawa skandal NFC ini bukan sahaja melibatkan keluarga bekas menteri itu tetapi keseluruhan Umno kerana pimpinan Umno di dalam kerajaan memberi izin dana NFC digunakan untuk membeli kondominium.
Saya mengingatkan pimpinan Umno supaya jangan terlalu ghairah berselindung di sebalik alasan pembelian atau perbelanjaan yang tidak munasabah mematuhi prosedur untuk lari dari tindakan undang-undang (seperti mana juga alasan yang digunakan di dalam skandal YaPEIM) kerana rakyat menilai kewajaran perbelanjaan itu berlaku; bukan semata-mata sama ada ia telah diluluskan oleh Lembaga Pengarah atau tidak.
Keputusan pada hari ini dan sangkaan saya bahawa wakil kerajaan telah membenarkan pembelian ini (jika benar) mengesahkan bahawa pentadbiran Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak tidak ada iltizam untuk memerangi penyelewengan atau rasuah.
Putrajaya’s backdated condo approval might have saved NFCorp boss...
Putrajaya had given a retrospective approval for the purchase of two condominiums by the National Feedlot Corporation (NFCorp) for RM9.75 million, PKR secretary-general Rafizi Ramli said today.
In a press conference at the Parliament lobby, he said this might have led to the acquittal of NFCorp chairman Datuk Seri Mohammad Salleh Ismail on two counts of criminal breach of trust by the High Court earlier today.
"I was informed by sources back in June that the government had given a retrospective approval," Rafizi said.
NFCorp only have two shareholders – one is a company controlled by Salleh and his family, and the other being a golden share for the Malaysian government.
"So an annual general meeting (AGM) to approve the purchase could have done between Salleh, his family, and just a couple of government representatives."
Rafizi said with the new developments, the buck of the scandal, which got a RM250 million soft loan from the government, could no longer be with the family of Salleh and his wife, Wanita Umno chief Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil.
"Umno is involved because the Umno leadership gave permission for NFCorp to use its funds to buy condominiums."
Rafizi also said being acquitted on a procedural ground did not make the NFCorp controversy clean.
"Just because it is right by procedure, it does not mean it is morally right.
"I want to remind those in Umno not to be so anxious in hiding behind the excuse that it is an above board transaction because the people are evaluating the rationale behind such purchases."
Rafizi also said that this was proof that the administration of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak did not have the intent to fight wastage or corruption. – tmi

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