"Bagaimana boleh anda jadi penasihat kepada musuh?" soal Naib Presiden AMANAH Datuk Mujahid Yusof Rawa.
Katanya, ahli parti sentiasa diberitahu bahawa PAS sebagai sebuah parti politik perlu memenangi kerusi bagi merebut Putrajaya.
"Ini adalah sesuatu yang sangat asas.
"Ahli-ahli PAS sentiasa diberitahu bahawa parti perlu melaksanakan pembaharuan yang lebih efektif di negara ini dan bukannya menjadi penasihat kepada BN atau Umno," kata Mujahid kepada Malaysiakini.
Ahli Parlimen Parit Buntar itu berkata demikian bagi mengulas kenyataan Menteri Besar Terengganu Datuk Ahmad Razif Abdul Rahman pada 6 November lalu yang berkata beliau sedang mempertimbangkan untuk melantik Hadi sebagai penasihat kerajaan negeri BN.
Hadi berkata PAS bersedia untuk bekerjasama dengan Umno dalam isu-isu pentadbiran dan sedia menasihatkan Umno serta tidak menumbangkan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak.
Ahmad Razif berkata, PAS telah menunjukkan kesediaan untuk membuka pintunya untuk mula bekerjasama dengan BN dan Umno.
Mujahid berkata pendirian terbaru ini membuktikan bahawa PAS sangat keliru dengan perjuangannya, tetapi ini diburukkan lagi dengan pihak yang cuba mengelirukan akar umbi pula.
Soalnya, mengapa PAS mahu menjadi sebuah parti politik tetapi kini mahu memainkan peranan sebagai penasihat kepada BN dan Umno.
"Anda (PAS) juga boleh menjadi sebuah NGO (badan bukan kerajaan) yang hanya memberikan nasihat; jadi tiada keperluan bercakap mengenai kerusi atau memenangi pilihan raya," kata Mujahid.
"Jangan perbodohkan ahli dengan berkata PAS adalah sebuah parti politik tetapi pada keesokan harinya, berkata yang penting bukan kerusi tetapi PAS boleh berperanan sebagai penasihat," katanya lagi - mk
How can PAS advise an enemy...
“How can you advise an enemy?” asked Amanah’s vice-president Mujahid Yusof Rawa.
Mujahid said members were always told that PAS is a political party, which needs to win seats in order to seize Putrajaya.
“This is something very fundamental.
“PAS members were always told that the party needs to call for more effective reforms in the country, not to be an adviser to BN or Umno,” Mujahid told Malaysiakini.
The Parit Buntar MP was responding to Terengganu Menteri Besar Ahmad Razif Abdul Rahman, who had reportedly said on Nov 6 that he would consider appointing Hadi as the BN state government's adviser.
Hadi had said PAS was willing to cooperate with Umno on admininstrative issues, that the party wants to advise Umno and not topple Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak.
Ahmad Razif said PAS had shown willingness to open its doors to start collaborating with BN-Umno.
Mujahid said this latest stance showed that PAS was very confused about its struggle, but this was made worse with the party confusing its own grassroots.
'Be clear'
He asked why would PAS want to become a political party in the first place when it now wants to play an advisory role to BN-Umno.
“You (PAS) may just as well be an NGO which just gives advice; there would then be no need to talk about seats or winning elections,” Mujahid said.
“Don’t pull members by saying PAS is a political party but then the next day, say what is important is not seats, and that PAS can play an advisory role,” he added.
“Be clear about what you want - whether you want to win seats, or join Pakatan Harapan or merely want to be an adviser to the Terengganu government,” Mujahid said.
He also confirmed the explosive remark by former PAS vice-president Husam Musa who has alleged that Hadi had tried to form a unity government with Umno in Selangor.
The Salor assemblyperson, who is still a PAS member, claimed that Hadi admitted to this move (having PAS and Umno form a government in Selangor).
Mujahid said this was ‘an open secret’ but was not exposed earlier by former PAS members who left to form Amanah as it was an ‘ethical issue’.
“But since the devil is already out, people may as well know the truth,” Mujahid said.
“The revelation comes from a senior PAS member. He did not join Amanah,” he added.
He said it was true that Hadi himself had admitted to the move of PAS forming the unity government with Umno in Selangor.
He added that this was the reason why the 18, known as ‘progressive’ PAS leaders, left the party after losing in the internal polls in June.
“We did not keep quiet when we were in the party, we discussed the matter in the central committee but we left when we could not change things inside,” Mujahid said.
Solid backing
The question of PAS forming a unity government with Umno in Selangor arose during the Selangor menteri besar debacle last year, which finally saw PKR deputy president Azmin Ali being installed as the new menteri besar.
PAS had 15 seats in Selangor then but after the Selangor MB crisis, this was reduced to 13, when two of its assemblymen left to join Amanah this year.
The duo - Hasnul Baharuddin of Morib and Saari Sungib of Hulu Kelang - had disagreed with Hadi’s opposition to PKR president Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail being MB.
The DAP, which had cut ties with Hadi over his move to table amendments to the federal constitution to allow hudud to be implemented in Kelantan, had also solidly backed Wan Azizah.
However, it is unlikely that PAS and Umno could form a unity government in Selangor as both parties only have 27 seats (PAS 15, Umno 12), unless it is able to pull three additional assemblypersons from PKR or PAS.
Both PAS and Umno would have then obtained 30 seats to form a simple majority in the 56-seat state legislative assembly.- mk
Hadi sudah tidak lagi punyai matlamat...
Husam dan Mohamad Sabu berpaling arah terhadap kepimpinan parti kerana merasa terdapat konspirasi antara ahli UMNO dengan kerjasama ahli Pas.
Presiden Pas, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang digambarkan sebagai seorang pemimpin yang tidak lagi mempunyai matlamat.
Perkara itu dinyatakan oleh bekas Naib Presiden Pas, Datuk Husam Musa apabila merasakan beliau tidak lagi tertahan dengan cara kerja yang dilakukan oleh Ab dul Hadi.
Memetik laporan dari sebuah laman portal, Husam menerusi ceramahnya di Pasar Kedai Mulong, Kelantan baru-baru ini meluahkan rasanya itu kepada orang ramai yang datang dalam ceramah berkenaan.
“Kaki sebelah duduk dalam Pakatan Rakyat, yang kaki lagi satu duduk dalam UMNO. Itulah tuan guru kita, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang.
“Kalau nak bekerjasama pun, beritahulah, biar jelas. Panggil muktamar dan kawasan dan maklumkan kepada semua ahli bahawa Pas kini sudah bekerjsama dengan UMNO,” katanya.
Husam menjelaskan, beliau dan Mohamed Sabu atau lebih dikenali dengan panggilan Mat Sabu yang kini merupakan Presiden Parti Amanah Negara (PAN) menjadi seperti sekarang adalah disebabkan merasa terdapat konspirasi antara ahli UMNO dengan kerjasama ahli Pas.
“Ini adalah perkara benar sebab Presiden Pas pun dah mengaku pernah tawarkan Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) dari Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) supaya masuk Pas.
“ADUN-ADUN Ini ditawarkan sebab nak buat kerajaan dengan UMNO di Selangor dan bila ADUN-ADUN ini laporkan kepada Presiden PKR yang kemudiannya mengesahkan pengakuan Abdul Hadi,”ujarnya.
Dalam pada itu, Husam menyatakan bahawa niatnya bukanlah untuk menghentam Abdul Hadi sebaliknya, hanya sekadar mahu Presiden Pas itu mengeluarkan kenyataan menafikan laporan yang dibuat oleh ADUN-ADUN PKR yang mendakwa telah dipujuk. - fmt
PAS ticks off Husam for airing dirty laundry in public

Pelik Kan. Kenapa Vape Lebih Giat Dibanteras Berbanding Rokok?
Menterinya, Datuk Seri Dr S. Subramaniam berkata, KKM mempunyai kuasa untuk merampas sebarang produk yang mengandungi nikotin mengikut Akta Racun 1952 (semakan 1989) dan Akta Makanan 1983.
"Kami akan mulakan operasi secepat mungkin," katanya.
Tidak sampai 48 jam amaran dikeluarkan, Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) mula melancarkan serbuan terhadap beberapa kedai yang didapati menjual perisa rokok elektronik atau vape yang mengandungi nikotin.
Nikotin merupakan bahan kimia kawalan tetapi hanya dikecualikan dalam pembuatan produk tembakau, manakala aktiviti penjualan cuma boleh dibuat melalui ahli farmasi berlesen serta pengamal perubatan berdaftar.
Peniaga yang didapati ingkar sebenarnya boleh dikenakan hukuman denda tidak melebihi RM3,000 atau penjara sehingga setahun atau kedua-dua sekali menurut akta sedia ada.- sar.com
Here’s How Najib Regime Creatively “Chicken Out” From 1MDB Debate...
Mr. Tony has challenged Arul for a debate on 1MDB scandal. At first Arul accepted the challenge but with one condition – Pua must resign from the Public Accounts Committee (PAC). One has to remember that PAC is a powerful parliamentary committee that gets its powers from Sect 77(1) of the Malaysian Parliamentary Standing Order.
Under this provision, the PAC has the power to call witnesses and documents relevant to its investigations into money allocated by the parliament to various government agencies. Theoretically, PAC can even call Prime Minister Najib Razak to testify and if he refuses, he can be hauled up to Parliament by the police. That basically tells how powerful PAC is.
Practically, the new chairman of PAC – MP Hasan Ariffin – would not dare to summon his own boss PM Najib to be “interrogated”, of course. So, who in their right minds would give up the powerful PAC membership just to debate with a boss from a heavily tainted company? As a member of PAC, it would be very stupid for Tony to resign just for the sake of a debate.
Mr. Arul then backed down and dropped his earlier condition and agreed to a live televised debate with Tony Pua, a DAP lawmaker. But why would Arul Kanda, a debating champion, impose the silly condition in the first place if he genuinely wanted to go into the ring and slaughter and humiliate Tony? Isn’t the objective was to clear Najib’s good name?
Can you imagine President Barack Obama demanding President Vladimir Putin’s resignation as Russian president before start bombing ISIS/ISIL in Syria? How about telling presidential candidate Donald Trump to quit all his businesses before running for the White House? Anyways, do you get the gist? Frankly, the debate would not produce any positive results.
That’s because a serial liar Mr. Arul Kanda would do his normal Bollywood stunt – twisting, hiding and lying at every corner during the debate. After all, didn’t he tell the whole world that he saw with his own eyes the redeemed US$939,874,085 from Cayman Islands was in hard “CASH”; only to make a U-turn and admitted later that there wasn’t any “cash” at all but merely “UNITS”, whatever that means?
Perhaps sensing this “loophole” in a debate, Tony Pua suggested a question-and-answer session instead. He had even revealed tips – 10 questions – that he would ask Arul during the debate. The opposition hidden agenda was quite simple. They wanted to leverage on government-controlled TV media to broadcast 1MDB scandal nationwide that Najib regime doesn’t want the rural folks to know.
Initially, Communications and Multimedia Minister Salleh Said Keruak, one of PM Najib Razak’s strongest bootlickers, happily offered a live coverage of the 1MDB debate scheduled to be held today (Nov 6th, 2015 – Friday). Even Deputy Prime Minister Zahid Hamidi has prepared lots of popcorn and Coke to watch the debate. Now, the live coverage is off. It wasn’t a sincere offer.
Najib regime must have thought the debate would do them a favour with Mr. Champion Arul thrashing, jabbing and insulting financial wizard Tony Pua so bad that the opposition badass wishes he never exists. Everyone in UMNO was super excited that they orgasm just thinking about the debate. Suddenly, they realised that the debate could be a trap after all.
In reality, opposition parties have nothing to lose with the debate. After the appointment of bias UMNO MP Hasan Ariffin as the new chairman of PAC, it is as good as declaring 1MDB the greatest investment company which is superior to Berkshire Hathaway. Heck, Mr. Hasan isn’t even sure if he should summon 1MDB mastermind Jho Low.
With Sarawak state election around the corner, Najib regime has everything to lose if the debate is permitted. A better understanding of 1MDB scandal means more people would vote for the opposition. Suddenly, pro-Najib bloggers make a huge U-turn, belittling the benefits of the debate when they were extremely supportive of the plan at the beginning.
Therefore, Mr. Speaker Pandikar Amin Mulia was tasked to stop Tony Pua from debating with Arul, unless the opposition quits PAC. Additionally, Pandikar said Arul Kanda cannot appear as a witness before the PAC in its probe into 1MDB if he wants to debate Pua. The Speaker also childishly threatened to resign if the debate is allowed.
Tony tried to digest Parliamentary Standing Orders but couldn’t find anything that restricts him from the debate. When confronted, Mr. Pandikar claims only he knows how to interpret the Standing Orders, as if he’s the only clever literate person in the Malaysian Parliament. So, out of 222 MPs, only the Speaker knows how to read and comprehend rules (*grin*).
If everyone in UMNO was freaking sure Tony would be fried and insulted in the debate, why creates so many road blocks and conditions to stop Tony from being humiliated? Wouldn’t it be nice to see “potty mouth” Tony cry on TV in front of millions of village folks, particularly the Sarawakians, after being embarrassed and shamed by hero Arul?
And now Najib supporters are writing tons of articles that Tony was such a coward for withdrawing from the debate. Did Tony withdraw from the debate because he was a coward, or did he withdraw because he was forced to choose between remaining in PAC and debating with a serial liar? Do you need to be a rocket scientist to see why Tony withdrew?
The fact that there were contradicting views within Najib’s UMNO political party itself about the needs for Tony to resign before the debate session is the clearest proof that the government isn’t sure if Arul could bring glory to the regime. To be safe, opposition has decided to replace Tony Pua with popular whistleblower Rafizi Ramli.
That essentially means the opposition parties didn’t chicken out from the debate but merely to play safe because of multiple threats from UMNO, Speaker and even the new PAC chairman themselves. However, a pro-UMNO portal, MyKMU.Net, saw it fit to play racial cards and said this proved that the “Chinese in DAP” are cowards.
It further claims that the Chinese DAP becomes so fearful that a Malay PKR replaces them in the debate. Going by the logic, can I argue that UMNO is bankrupt of intelligent Malay that they now depend on Indian, never mind he’s a serial liar, to defend Najib Razak? Hence, the Malay UMNO becomes so useless that an Indian corporate executive is defending them?
In the same breath, is UMNO admitting that all courageous and intelligent Malays have migrated to the oppositions? MyKMU.Net, a staunch defender of Najib Razak, also claims that Speaker Pandikar Amin Mulia stepped in to save the DAP lawmaker from further embarrassment. It makes you wonder what grass have these half-past-six bloggers been smoking.
Why would Pandikar who is willing to defend Najib with his own life wanted to save opposition Tony? Clearly, the whole drama was a genius trick to create a perception that Arul was an honest man, that 1MDB has nothing to hide, that PM Najib Razak was not corrupted, that government-controlled TV was willing to broadcast a debate with opposition and whatnot.
Behind the scene, they threw in tons of obstacles and gags to prevent the debate from happening. They never wanted a live debate on the 1MDB scandal from the beginning. The primary objective was to clear PM Najib Razak’s good name. So does it make any difference if Arul is to debate with Tony Pua, Rafizi Ramli, Lim Kit Siang or even Mahathir Mohamad for that matter? - financetwitter

Satu lagi bala besar akan melanda jika 1MDB berjaya membatalkan peraturan had pegangan asing dalam industri strategik penjanaan elektrik semata-mata untuk menutup lubang hutangnya...

Di Malaysia, sukar dilaksanakan macam ni... pasai kroni2 kapitalis UMNO akan rugi...

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