Seorang pekerja yang menjalankan kerja-kerja pembersihan menjumpai kepala yang putus dipercayai milik tebusan Malaysia Bernard Then, yang dilaporkan dibunuh oleh penculiknya, kumpulan pengganas Abu Sayyaf.
Penemuan ngeri itu berhampiran bangunan majlis perbandaran di pulau Jolo, Filipina, malam semalam.
Ketua Polis Jolo Major Junpikar Sitin memberitahu portal The Star bahawa guni itu tertera tulisan "Bernard Then Ted Fen".
"Kita telah serahkan kepala itu kepada pasukan petugas tentera untuk ujian DNA," katanya.
Then, seorang jurutera berusia 39 tahun dari Sarawak, diculik dari sebuah restoran makanan laut di Sandakan, Sabah, pada Mei lalu.
Beliau dijadikan tebusan bersama pemilik restoran itu Thien Nyuk Fun, 50. Bagaimanapun, Thien dibebaskan pada 8 November.
Sweeper finds severed head in sack marked 'Bernard Then'...
A street sweeper found a severed head believed to be that of Malaysian hostage Bernard Then, who was reportedly murdered by his Abu Sayyaf captors.
The sweeper made the gruesome discovery near a municipal council building in Jolo island, Philippines, last night.
Jolo police chief Major Junpikar Sitin told The Star that the sack had the words "Bernard Then Ted Fen" on it.
"We have turned over the head to the military task force for preservation and DNA tests," he said.
Then, a 39-year-old engineer from Sarawak, was abducted from a seafood restaurant in Sandakan, Sabah, in May.
Also taken as hostage was the restaurant’s owner Thien Nyuk Fun, 50. However, she was released on Nov 8.
Yesterday, Joint Task Group Sulu commander brigadier-general Alan Arrojado disclosed that Then was beheaded as the Filipino military launched an artillery attack on the hostage-takers in Jolo.
However, his body had yet to be found but is believed to have been buried in the vicinity.
Malaysian inspector-general of police Khalid Abu Bakar said Then's fate cannot be ascertained as yet, pending confirmation from the Philippines' authorities.
The beheading came shortly after Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak arrived in Manila for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (Apec) summit.
Najib in a Facebook posting today said all Malaysians were "shocked and sickened" by the murder of a fellow countryman.
He also called on the authorities to act against those who had perpetrated the "savage and barbaric" act. - mk
Abu Sayyaf pancung tebusan M'sia tika Najib tiba di Manila...
Bernard Then Ted Fen dipancung hanya beberapa jam selepas Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak tiba di Manila untuk persidangan dua hari Forum Kerjasama Ekonomi Asia Pasifik (APEC).
Komander Kumpulan Petugas Bersama Sulu Brigadier Genera Alan Arrojada mengesahkan jurutera 39 tahun itu dipancung sekitar jam 4 petang di kubu kuat Abu Sayyaf di Jolo, Filipina.
Kejadian itu berlaku seminggu selepas mereka sebelum ini membebaskan seorang tahanan Thien Nyuk Fun, pengurus restoran Ocean King Seafood yang diculik bersama Then.
Kejadian dilaporkan oleh akhbar Singapura Straits Times.
Sementara itu, APEC ke-23 akan bermula esok, yang kebetulan akan turut membincangkan isu serangan pengganas di Paris pada Jumaat lalu.
Dalam perkembangan yang sama, portal Utusan Malaysia Online yang memetik sumber keselamatan berkata, kumpulan pengganas melakukan tindakan kejam itu selepas cuba melarikan diri dalam pertempuran dengan tentera Filipina di Perkampungan Bud Taran, Indanan, Kepuluan Jolo.
Then yang berasal dari Sarawak dilaporkan dibunuh pada pukul 4.20 petang waktu tempatan.
Menurut portal itu, difahamkan pertempuran itu tercetus ketika tentera Filipina cuma masuk ke kubu kuat kumpulan militan untuk menyelamatkan mangsa culik termasuk Then yang dilaporkan ditembak mati sebelum dipenggal.
Sementara itu, Ketua Polis Negara, Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar. Khalid, dalam Twitter berkata pihaknya belum dapat mengesahkan nasib Then.
Katanya, pihak berkuasa Filipina dilaporkan bertempur dengan kumpulan penculik di Pulau Jolo, petang tadi.
"Pihak berkuasa Filipina dilaporkan bertempur dengan penculik di Pulau Jolo, petang tadi. @PDRMsia belum dapat sahkan nasib Bernard, rakyat Malaysia,” katanya. - mk
Soalan cepumas :Apakah Malaysia akan menghantar tentera darat,laut dan udara untuk memburu pengganas2 tersebut...
Abu Sayyaf kills M'sian hostage as PM arrives in Manila...
Bernard Then was beheaded just hours after Prime Minister Najib Razak landed in Manila for the two-day summit of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum.
The paper's portal quoted Philippines Joint Task Group Sulu Commander Brigadier-General Alan Arrojada as confirming that Then, 39, an engineer, was beheaded at around 4pm in the Abu Sayyaf stronghold of Jolo, Philippines.
The beheading came just after a week after Abu Sayyaf released another Malaysian hostage, Thien Nyuk Fun, the Ocean King Seafood Restaurant (photo) manager who was kidnapped along with Then.
The report said Then had suffered leg injuries while in captivity and had been slowing down his captors.
It added police had identified the leaders of the group behind the kidnapping to be Alhabsy Misaya, Alden Bagade and Angah Adji.
Thien was freed on Nov 8 after spending almost six months in captivity.
Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi denied that any ransom was paid but The Straits Times claimed Thien was freed in exchange for a 30 million pesos (RM7.85 million) ransom.
'Released soon'
Zahid had on Monday said the government was working to secure Then's freedom.
“We believe if the captors are generous to not impose strict conditions, then the other victim will be released soon,” he said.
On May 15, militants from the southern Philippines launched a daring incursion into Sabah.
Four men armed with automatic rifles grabbed Thien and Then from the restaurant at around 7.40pm before fleeing back into Philippine waters on two boats.
In an immediate response, Sandakan MP Stephen Wong condemned the beheading and described it as an ‘act of war by the IS of Southeast Asia’.
"I'm deeply saddened to hear about this tragedy. I extend my deepest condolences to the friends and families of the victim," he said.
Wong noted that the Asean summit will commence in Kuala Lumpur tomorrow and urged for Sabah's security to be discussed as it is a regional issue.
"Our prime minister should immediately demand for the Philippines take stern action against the terrorists who are actively involved in kidnapping and terrorism activities in the southern Philippines.
"Abu Sayyaf is like the IS of Southeast Asia," he said.- mk
T/Sekole - To the family, parents and siblings of the late Bernard Then, my deep condolences and may the pain you feel at your loss be eased by the Almighty...

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