Selepas salah urus dan rompakkan yang berlaku kepada 1MDB,MARA dan Felda, skandal terkini yang sepatutnya mengejutkan orang-orang Melayu, adalah skandal Tabung Haji(TH). Seperti skandal 1MDB, mungkin skandal TH agak terlalu rumit dan kusut bagi orang Melayu untuk memahaminya, akibatnya mereka tidak mahu ambil tahu apa yang sedang berlaku di TH.
Apa yang mengejutkan,TH dikatakan terlibat dalam skim cepat kaya ala Pak Man Telo. Mungkin skandal TH ini hampir sama dengan skandal2 yang melibatkan KWSP, PNB, LTAT, KWAP dan sebagainya. TH kini mengalami masalah kewangan selepas kerajaan baru PH mendedahkan bahawa TH memberikan pulangan hibah(dividen) setinggi 8.25% kepada pendeposit2nya.
Rupa-rupanya, pemberian "hibah" (dividen) TH dari tahun 2013 hingga 2017 berkisar antara 6.25% hingga 8.25% - tempoh ketika Najib Razak adalah Perdana Menteri. Secara perbandingan, kadar deposit tetap adalah kira-kira 3%. Dividen yang terlalu baik dan tinggi itu telah menarik pertumbuhan deposit tahunan pada kadar 10.6% antara 2011 dan 2017.
Pulangan dividen yang tinggi dan luar biasa dari TH, yang ditubuhkan untuk membantu umat Islam menunaikan ibadat haji, begitu menarik sekali sehingga ada seorang pendeposit tunggal telah melaburkan lebih daripada RM190 juta dalam dana itu. Pendeposit tunggal itu akan kaut RM15.675 juta dari pelaburannya sekiranya dividen yang diumumkan itu mencecah 8.35%. Dia secara mudah dapat untung besar tanpa melakukan apa-apa pada tahun itu. Ini lebih merupakan Skim Ponzi aka Skim Pak Men Telo yang tidak dapat dikekalkan.
Pelan Kerja Pemulihan dan Penyusunan Semula TH telah menunjukkan berlaku pemusatan pendeposit yang tinggi ke segmen kecil di mana 1.3%, atau hanya 117,000 daripada pendeposit, menyumbang 50% daripada dana deposit dalam TH. Apa yang dimaksudkan ialah sekiranya sejumlah kecil penyimpan yang kaya(117,000 orang) ini menarik keluar deposit mereka dari TH, skim TH ini pasti akan runtuh.

Laporan kajian semula kedudukan kewangan Lembaga TH mendapati wujudnya keuntungan yang diabaikan, nilai aset yang tidak dinyatakan, profil pendeposit yang tidak seimbang dan urus niaga yang dipersoalkan. Laporan yang disediakan oleh firma perakaunan yang dilantik oleh kerajaan PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) untuk mengkaji semula kedudukan kewangan untuk 2017 telah menemui pelbagai kepincangan dalam akaun TH tersebut.
TH sebenarnya telah mencapai kerugian sehingga RM10.2 bilion ekuiti domestik dan antarabangsa pada Oktober tahun ini dan liabilitinya melebehi aset sebanyak RM9 bilion. Satu laporan mengatakan - "Jurang antara aset dan liabiliti adalah RM9 bilion. Sekiranya jurang RM9 bilion tidak dikambusi, maka tiadalah pembahagian hibah (dividen) bukan saja untuk tahun 2018 tetapi juga untuk tahun-tahun berikutnya. "
Malah, TH telah membayar "hibah" secara haram kepada pendeposit sejak 2014 dan ini melanggar Akta Tabung Haji 1995 di mana TH tidak dibenarkan mengisytiharkan dividen jika liabilitinya melebihi aset. Menjelang pilihan raya umum ke-14 pada 9 Mei tahun ini, TH telah membayar dividen 6.25%, berjumlah RM2.7 bilion.
Sebagai satu penghinaan terhadap nama baik Islam, kerajaan terdahulu yang dipimpin oleh UMNO dan disokong oleh parti Islam PAS telah 'menghiasi' buku-buku perakaunan TH supaya nampak ada keuntungan besar. Mereka melakukan ini dengan cara menlupuskan saham2nya di Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad bagi menunjukkan keuntungan dan kemudiannya membeli balik saham2 yang sama itu. Amalan ini adalah sesuatu yang melanggar penyenaraian bursa saham dan penipuan pada peringkat tertinggi.

Penipuan itu akan berterusan jika rejim lama memenangi PRU-14 pada 9 Mei 2018 lalu. Menurut skim Ponzi aka Pak Man Telo bukan semua pendeposit akan menarik balik wang mereka di TH. Namun penipuan ala skim cepat kaya ini lambat laun akan diketahui juga dan gelembungnya akan meletus bila dananya tidak mencukupi dan di dalam skandal TH ini - bila liabiliti melebihi aset sebanyak RM9 bilion.
Nasib baik bagi pendeposit2 TH, tetapi malang bagi pembayar2 cukai, dana TH itu dijamin oleh kerajaan. Terima kasih kepada pencuri2 dan penyamun2 UMNO, wang pembayar cukai terpaksa digunakan untuk menyelamatkan dana jemaah haji itu. Kenderaan Tujuan Khas (SPV) telah ditubuhkan untuk mengambilalih aset bernilai hampir RM20 bilion dari TH untuk memulihkan semula nilai itu.

Apa yang anehnya parti PAS yang dikatakan sebagai "pembela Islam" seharusnya kutuk perbuatan perogolan institusi TH ini oleh regim UMNO/BN,tetapi, sebaliknya PAS memilih untuk terus menyesatkan dan menipu orang Melayu dengan menuduh bahawa kerajaan baru PH hanya "bermain dengan angka",sedangkan pengoditan akaun TH dilakukan oleh sebuah syarikat odit terkemuka dunia PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC). Persoalan yang hangat adalah - siapakah pengerusi dan ahli2 lembaga di TH? Adakah terdapat seorang dua etnik Cina atau India?
Dr. Mahathir sekali lagi telah membuktikan teorinya - bahawa orang Melayu bukan sahaja malas tetapi tidak boleh dipercayai. Bukan sahaja mereka terlalu malas untuk menganalisis dan berfikir secara objektif, tapi mereka adalah penyamun dan penyangak yang sebenar sanggup mencuri,menyamun dan menjatuhkan institusi2 kewangan orang Melayu,. Mereka juga suka mendendam terhadap orang Melayu lain dan suka melaga2kan orang Islam dan bukan Islam.
(Rencana ini adalah terjemahan dan adaptasi dari artikal berjodul "How Najib Regime Transformed Tabung Haji Into A Ponzi “Get-Rich-Quick” Scheme" oleh Finance Twitter) -TS

Jemaah lebai puas hati...

How Najib Regime Transformed Tabung Haji Into A Ponzi “Get-Rich-Quick” Scheme...
In reality, of course, there were 4-million UMNO Malays and 2-million PAS Malays who could not think straight and objectively what is right and what is wrong. By virtue that the ethnic Malays are also Muslims, it’s also logical to say 6-million Malay-Muslims have been conned, or willingly scammed, by their leaders – (former) UMNO President Najib Razak and PAS President Hadi Awang.
One Malay institution after another – slowly but surely – emerges of being robbed, plundered or scammed by the same Malay leaders supposedly to protect them. The Malays’ ignorance and stupidity were so glaringly visible that even PM Mahathir’s granddaughter, Melia Serena Mukhriz, had no choice but took to Instagram to express her disgust over Malay and Muslim protestors at the anti-ICERD rally.
After the mismanagement and plundering at MARA and Felda, the latest scandal that should have shocked the Malay Muslims, but didn’t for weird reasons, is none other than the Tabung Haji (pilgrims fund) scandal. Like the 1MDB scandal, perhaps the Tabung Haji scandal is too complicated to the Malays and Muslims, so much so they have no freaking idea what was going on.
In what appears to be the tip of the iceberg, the pilgrims fund was revealed to have been engaged in get-rich-quick scheme. Make no mistake about it. There could be more of similar jaw-dropping scandal involving EPF, PNB, LTAT, KWAP and whatnot. Tabung Haji is in financial trouble after the new government exposed it gave returns for deposits as high as 8.25%.
Apparently, Tabung Haji’s “hibah (dividends)” distribution from 2013 to 2017 ranged from 6.25% up to 8.25% – a period where Najib Razak was the prime minister of the country. Comparatively, fixed deposit rates are at about 3%. The too-good-to-be-true dividends attracted an annual deposit growth at the rate of 10.6% between 2011 and 2017.
The unbelievable dividend returns from Tabung Haji, supposedly set up to help Muslims fulfil their hajj, were so attractive that a single depositor had invested more than RM190 million in the fund. That depositor would have made a cool RM15.675 million for doing nothing in the year it yielded 8.35% of dividend. Of course, it was nothing but an unsustainable Ponzi Scheme.
That’s because the Tabung Haji’s Recovery and Restructuring Working Plan revealed the stunning high concentration of depositors to a small segment where 1.3%, or a mere 117,000 of them (depositors), contributed to 50% of its deposits. What this means is if the small number of powerful and rich depositors pull out, the scheme would definitely collapse.
Overstated profits, under-stated value of assets, an unbalanced profile of depositors and questionable transactions were all uncovered in the review of the financial position of Lembaga Tabung Haji (board of pilgrim’s fund). A report prepared by government-appointed accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) to review the financial position for 2017 has unveiled more juicy stories.
Tabung Haji was actually sitting on up to RM10.2 billion in losses of its domestic and international equities as of October this year and its liabilities outstripped assets by RM9 billion. A report says – “The gap between the assets and liabilities is RM9 billion. If the RM9 billion hole is not covered, no hibah (dividends) distribution is possible not just for 2018 but also in the coming years.”
In fact, the pilgrim’s fund had been illegally distributing “hibah“ to depositors since 2014, contravening the Tabung Haji Act 1995 where the fund is not allowed to declare dividends if its liabilities are more than assets. Ahead of the 14th general election on May 9th this year, the pilgrim’s fund cooked its books to justify paying a 6.25% dividend, amounting to RM2.7 billion.
Yes, in what appears to be an insult to the good name of Islam, the previous government led by UMNO Malay nationalist party and heavily supported by the PAS Islamist party had cooked the Tabung Haji accounting books by selling its shares in Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad to show a profit and then repurchasing the same shares – a breach of listing of stock exchange and cheating at the highest order.
An independent report entitled “Financial Position Review of TH” by PwC showed that the troubled pilgrims fund made a gain of RM553 million from the disposal of the Bank Islam shares in 2017 and subsequently bought back within four days after trade date at the same price sold through 4 brokers – UOB, Kenanga, TA Securities and Affin.
But since the so-called RM553 million gains were “fake”, former Tabung Haji chairman Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim, also a Member of Parliament of UMNO, had conspired with the board of directors to dip their hands into depositors’ savings to pay the dividends. This created an illusion that the fund was paying an incredible high return when in fact it came from depositors’ hard-earned money.
The scam would have continued had the old regime won the May 9th general election. The assumption of such Ponzi scheme is such that not every depositor would withdraw their money in Tabung Haji. The get-rich-quick scheme would be discovered and the bubble would burst eventually due to insufficient fund – liabilities outstripped assets by RM9 billion.

Fortunately to Tabung Haji depositors, but unfortunately for taxpayers, the fund is guaranteed by the government. Thanks to the crooks and thieves of UMNO, the taxpayers’ money will be used to bailout the pilgrim’s fund. A Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) has been set up to take over assets worth close to RM20 billion from Tabung Haji to nurse it back to its value.
But it also means Bank Negara will provide a temporary short-term borrowing of RM10 billion to improve the liquidity position of Tabung Haji. For the financial year 2017 alone, the pilgrims fund’s liabilities have outstripped the assets to the tune of RM4.1 billion. And UMNO has the cheek to demand the new government to stop making alarming statements on the wrongdoings in the fund – to avoid panic and “paralyse” the institution.
Amazingly, instead of condemning the rape at the institution, PAS Islamist party, a supposedly “Islam defender”, has instead chosen to continue mislead and scam gullible and ignorant Malays that the new government could be “playing with figures”. The burning question is – who were the directors and managers at Tabung Haji? Was there a single ethnic Chinese or Indian?
Mahathir Mohamad has once again proven his theory – that the Malays are not only lazy but untrustworthy. Yes, not only they are too lazy to analyse and think objectively the real scumbags and thieves who stole and scammed money from Malay institutions, they also willingly listen to the same untrustworthy Malay crooks that divert attention by putting Muslims and non-Muslims at loggerheads. - FT

Stop being a dumpsite,
neither a recycle center...

Yang tinggal dalam UMNO Sabah...

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