22 February 2011

Saiful a passive homo...

Defence lawyer Karpal Singh stole the thunder in cross-examination a government chemist, asking Dr Seah Lay Hong if she thinks sodomy complainant Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan 'is a passive homosexual'.

The focus of the Sodomy II trial this morning in the Kuala Lumpur High Court was on whether the Chemistry Department had followed international standards in handling DNA samples provided by the police.

Karpal, who was the last of the defence team to cross-examine Seah, a DNA specialist, questioned her about multiple DNA profiles found in Saiful's rectum.

“Is it reasonable to conclude the victim is a passive homosexual?” he asked.

Seah said she could not answer the question, and Justice Mohamad Zabidin Mohd Diah initially indicated he would not allow the question.

However, when Karpal pointed the relevancy of the question, the judge backed down.

Karpal said: "(With) the profile of more than one contributor inside Saiful's anus, it is a logical conclusion, to show the complainant as a passive homosexual.”

Seah said she neither agrees or disagrees with this.

Karpal also asked, after the prosecution raised an objection, how someone's DNA could end up in Saiful's rectum, if the pro-forma medical form states that the issue relates to an 'attempted sodomy'.

Karpal: If it is attempted sodomy, you will not find other people's DNA inside the anus?

Seah: Not possible


Some of the inconsistencies so far....

1.Semen inexplicably found on the front of the underwear.

2.Strange omissions in the DNA analysis.

3.DNA found in mouth and anus after 2 days.

4. Medical documents stating attempted sodomy.

5. Dr Razali Ibrahim had testified that Saifool's rectum was empty, despite Saifool's testimony in court that he had not defecated for two days. Saifool says arse never wash, never shit for 2 days.

6.Expert DNA specialist Dr.Seah refusal to answer direct questions and her famous quote...'agree and disagree'.

7. Discrepancies of label dates on samples exhibits were detected.


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