01 February 2011

America didn't want democracy coming to the Arab world...

A lot of Americans can't even find their own country on a map. So I'm not surprised Fox News has no idea where Egypt is!!!

The lessons of Iraq,Tunisia and Egypt are that you don't install democracy anywhere; no, democracy must arise from the people themselves, you damage the processes of establishing popular will by seeking to impose such a system. The western democratic revolutions also arose from within.

The lesson of Tunisia and Egypt for American foreign policy is that the United States is the most conservative force in the world, in this region. It didn't see democracy coming because it didn't want to see it coming to the Arab world. But when democracy did come, the U.S. creditably reversed field in Tunisia, but has stuck by its dictator in Egypt.

Why? Because Egyptian stability preserves the Israeli status quo, in which Israel gets to imprison West Bank protesters without a peep from the U.S. government and gets to destroy civilians in Gaza again without a peep from the alleged change-agent in the White House.

The people of Egypt have risen against the long-time rule of President Hosni Mubarak, triggered by the toppling of the Tunisian dictator Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali by popular revolt. To date, more than 100 people have died and thousands injured and many arrested in the government's crackdown against the growing outpour against Mubarak's rule.The Egyptian people are sick of with Mubarak,one for being in power too long and second for suppressing democracy. Mubarak deserves to kick out of Egypt.....

Baca 'Sejarah kezaliman Hosni Mubarak dan Anwar Sadat' di sini.


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